Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida - Oct. 14, 2018





Headline: “The [Fatah] Shabiba [Movement] organizes a lecture in Jinsafut on the racist nation-state law”

“The [Fatah] Shabiba Student Movement’s Qalqilya branch organized a cultural lecture on the racist [Jewish] nation-state law (see note below –Ed.) at the Girls’ High School in Jinsafut… with the participation of lecturer Ahmed Taher Oudeh…

Oudeh… spoke about the nation-state law, which targets the Arab Palestinian identity, establishes the Jewish identity of what is called ‘the State of Israel,’ revokes the right to self-determination of the Palestinians of 1948 who live in the occupied Interior (i.e., Palestinian term for Israel), and revokes our historical first right to the land.”

(full article online)

Speaker at Fatah organized lecture refers to Arab Israelis as “the Palestinians of 1948 who live in the occupied Interior” - Denying Israel's right to exist | PMW
They have been called 48 Palestinians for as long as I remember.

As opposed to the ‘67 Pal’istanian; the Pal’istanians invented by an Egyptian.

[Official Facebook page of the PA Presidential Guards]

Palestinian children are still being taught that “Palestine” includes all of Israel. Decades after the Oslo Accords, the PA and Fatah still don’t recognize Israel's existence.

The photo above is a prime example of this. The Palestinian Authority Presidential Guards posted this image of a young boy making the “V” symbol for “victory” while holding a Palestinian flag. Behind him is the PA map clearly named “Palestine” that includes all of Israel and the PA areas.

The names of the following Israeli cities and regions are written in the colors of the Palestinian flag on and around the map: “Haifa,” “Jerusalem,” “Safed,” “Nazareth,” “Jaffa,” “Tal Al-Rabia (i.e., Tel Aviv, see note below),” “Tiberias,” “Be’er Sheva,” “Ramle,” “Ashkelon,” “the Negev,” “Lod,” “Acre,” and “Beit Shean.” “Gaza” is also marked. The text on the image, states that Palestinians will “return”:

Posted text: “#Good_morning #The_Palestinian_Presidential_Guards”
Text on image: “Palestine We will surely return”
[Official Facebook page of the PA Presidential Guards, Nov. 25, 2018]

Another Palestinian way of saying that all of the State of Israel is “Palestine” is to describe it as stretching “from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.” This is one of the PA's popular slogans. Recently it was repeated by a university lecturer who described the “great Palestinian dream”:


(full article online)

The great Palestinian dream: To liberate "Palestine" from the River to the Sea - PMW Bulletins
The Palestinians No One Talks About.
by Bassam Tawil
November 27, 2018 at 5:00 am

The Palestinians No One Talks About

  • The 3,903 Palestinians killed in Syria in the past seven years are of no interest to the Western correspondents and their editors.

  • The Western media's obsession with Israel has created the impression that the only Palestinians living on this planet are those who are residing in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. This impression does injustice to the Palestinians who are facing horrendous conditions, torture, and death in the Arab countries, especially Syria.

  • Who cares about the suffering of these Palestinians? No one. Every week, scores of foreign journalists travel to the Israel-Gaza border to report on clashes between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian rioters. Have any of these journalists thought of travelling to Syria or Lebanon to report about the atrocities that are being committed against the Palestinians there? Of course not. Why should they do so when the story lacks an anti-Israel angle?

  • The number of Palestinians killed in Syria will soon reach 4,000. Perhaps then, with that gruesome milestone reached, will Western correspondents in the Middle East wake up to the enormity of the crimes that are really being perpetrated against Palestinians?


The 3,903 Palestinians killed in Syria in the past seven years are of no interest to Western journalists or their editors. For them, the reports of the human rights organization monitoring the condition of Palestinians in Syria are rubbish fit for the wastebasket. Pictured: Palestinian men sit amid the rubble in Yarmouk refugee camp, Syria. (Image source: UNRWA)
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

The Arab Palestinians bite the hands that feed them.

Israel permits Arab residents of Gaza—enemy territory—special permits so that they can receive medical care in Israeli hospitals or to carry out business transactions in Israel, and they use those privileges to assist terror cells.

(full article online)

Israel’s kindness is repaid with terror

This is just a view at the mirco level of the problem → Posted in # #6113.

Most Respectfully,
Hamas "political" leader Ismail Haniyeh sent a letter to the UN against an American initiative to condemn the group for shooting rockets at Israeli civilians.

In the letter, Haniyeh claims that Hamas' terror is not only not prohibited, but a "right" under international law.

The letter says:


Article 51 says "Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security." Shooting rockets at civilians is not "self defense" in any universe.

He also quotes several non-binding General Assembly resolutions that from the early 1970s that say that people under colonial subjugation have the right to resist "by all necessary means," which never includes terrorism, except to Palestinians and their fans. Of course, Israel is not a colonialist state to begin with, but the idea that international law allows Hamas-style terror attacks is absurd.

(full article online)

Hamas sends letter to UN pretending that terror is allowed under international law ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
lovely. Wake up and smell the unchanged seventh century political landscape that defines so much of Arab-Moslem'ism euphemistically called "Pal'istanians". It's smellin' pretty ripe.

"Gaza Imam Musa Abu Jleidan Calls the Jews Treacherous Cheaters, Claims Israeli National Anthem Says: "We Will Go Where Allah Wants When We See Our Enemies' Severed Heads""

During a sermon that was uploaded to his YouTube channel on November 23, 2018, Gaza imam Sheikh Musa Abu Jleidan, also known as "Abu 'Ubeida," said that the Jews are treacherous and conniving cheaters who are the pinnacle of terrorism. He criticized the Arab countries for normalizing relations with Israel and claimed that the Israeli national anthem, which is being played in Arab capitals, includes the following text: "May our enemies tremble with fear… May [their] skies be clouded with fear and terror when our arrows and spears pierce their chests. When we see their spilt blood and severed heads… [we] will go to where Allah wants [us] to go."
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Yes, this is a bit hilarious. I like the way Ambassador Danon thinks.

Hamas leader complains to UN about US and Israel attempts to condemn Hamas. Danon: It's like a serial killer asking police for assistance.
Hamas seeks assistance from the UN

❖ HAMAS is considered a terrorist organization by most of the European Union (EU): United Kingdom, Canada, United States, as well as: European Union:: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.
It is not like the world doesn't know the complexion of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS - Palestine). For instance, there are many states that do not recognize the HAMAS - Palestine because it does not pose a direct threat to them. This is how the Russians view HAMAS - Palestine. It does not pose a direct security threat to them. They are well aware that HAMAS - Palestine is an organization that pursues premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents; and terrifying events of intense coercion or acts and threats of violence to obtain some outcome.

HAMAS is conducting what terrifying events that it came in order to pressure the State of Israel to capitulate, in favor of the Arab Palestinian demands. What ever you want to call it, in the course of achieving this objective, the Arab Palestinians make absolutely NO ATTEMPT to follow the Customary and IHL; no attempt at all.

Most Respectfully,
#OnThisDay in 1947, the @UN proposed a two-state solution:
a Jewish state alongside a Palestinian state.
The Jews celebrated their forthcoming state.
The Arabs rejected the proposed Palestinian state, and declared a holy war.
Their reaction at the time

(vide video online)

Mark Regev on Twitter
Hamas "political" leader Ismail Haniyeh sent a letter to the UN against an American initiative to condemn the group for shooting rockets at Israeli civilians.

In the letter, Haniyeh claims that Hamas' terror is not only not prohibited, but a "right" under international law.

The letter says:


Article 51 says "Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security." Shooting rockets at civilians is not "self defense" in any universe.

He also quotes several non-binding General Assembly resolutions that from the early 1970s that say that people under colonial subjugation have the right to resist "by all necessary means," which never includes terrorism, except to Palestinians and their fans. Of course, Israel is not a colonialist state to begin with, but the idea that international law allows Hamas-style terror attacks is absurd.

(full article online)

Hamas sends letter to UN pretending that terror is allowed under international law ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Great. Just great. So Hamas at the UN is using the same ridiculous arguments we see here every day.
I find it beyond creepy that vacant young arab/moslem minds are continuously indoctrinated with the anti-American, anti-Israeli and anti-Western propaganda that is a part of the Friday clerical diatribes convincing these throwbacks that every pratfall and every ill that befalls the Arab/Moslem world is the fault of someone else.

"Islamic Jihad Music Video Shows Veiled Women Shooting Guns and Training: We Are Martyrdom-Seekers Defending Al-Aqsa"

The Islamic Jihad militant group in Gaza released a music video titled "The Honorable Women of Jihad." The video shows veiled women marching, doing military drills, and shooting firearms while wearing various forms of military garb, and it occasionally overlays with pictures of "martyred" women. The song lyrics describe the women as mothers of leaders, modern-day Khansaas (Khansaa was a 7th-century Islamic heroine,) and martyrdom-seekers who are defending Al-Aqsa and redeeming Palestine from the plundering occupiers. The video was uploaded to the Women's Action Department of the Islamic Jihad Movement's Facebook page on November 13, 2018.
The title heading the Pal Media Watch article seems to be largely rhetorical.

The sort of unhinged hyperreligious ranting might otherwise be written off as a mental disorder, except these idiots are serious. This is the voice of countless Arabs-Moslems who feel robbed of the seventh century promise of supremacy over the infidel that was left as a legacy by their religion's inventor.

Is Fatah trying to spark a new round of terror? - PMW Bulletins

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

The Fatah Movement has reposted part of a violence promoting speech by Mahmoud Abbas that was used in 2014 to launch a terror wave.

Abbas gave the speech in October 2014 and then PA TV rebroadcast it 32 times. It coincided with a month of terror attacks in Jerusalem in which 11 Israelis were murdered in car rammings and stabbing attacks.

Abbas: "We must all carry out Ribat [religious conflict] in the Al-Aqsa Mosque... We have to prevent them, in any way whatsoever, from entering the Sanctuary... They have no right to enter it. They have no right to defile it. We must prevent them. Let us stand before them with chests bared to protect our holy places."
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Nov. 28, 2018, July 15, 2017,
rebroadcast of Abbas' speech on official PA TV, Oct. 17, 2014]

Fatah reposted the video now with the text
By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Yes, this is a bit hilarious. I like the way Ambassador Danon thinks.

Hamas leader complains to UN about US and Israel attempts to condemn Hamas. Danon: It's like a serial killer asking police for assistance.
Hamas seeks assistance from the UN

❖ HAMAS is considered a terrorist organization by most of the European Union (EU): United Kingdom, Canada, United States, as well as: European Union:: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.
It is not like the world doesn't know the complexion of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS - Palestine). For instance, there are many states that do not recognize the HAMAS - Palestine because it does not pose a direct threat to them. This is how the Russians view HAMAS - Palestine. It does not pose a direct security threat to them. They are well aware that HAMAS - Palestine is an organization that pursues premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents; and terrifying events of intense coercion or acts and threats of violence to obtain some outcome.

HAMAS is conducting what terrifying events that it came in order to pressure the State of Israel to capitulate, in favor of the Arab Palestinian demands. What ever you want to call it, in the course of achieving this objective, the Arab Palestinians make absolutely NO ATTEMPT to follow the Customary and IHL; no attempt at all.

Most Respectfully,
Palestine). For instance, there are many states that do not recognize the HAMAS - Palestine because it does not pose a direct threat to them.
So, what countries do Hamas directly threaten?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Yes, this is a bit hilarious. I like the way Ambassador Danon thinks.

Hamas leader complains to UN about US and Israel attempts to condemn Hamas. Danon: It's like a serial killer asking police for assistance.
Hamas seeks assistance from the UN

❖ HAMAS is considered a terrorist organization by most of the European Union (EU): United Kingdom, Canada, United States, as well as: European Union:: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.
It is not like the world doesn't know the complexion of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS - Palestine). For instance, there are many states that do not recognize the HAMAS - Palestine because it does not pose a direct threat to them. This is how the Russians view HAMAS - Palestine. It does not pose a direct security threat to them. They are well aware that HAMAS - Palestine is an organization that pursues premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents; and terrifying events of intense coercion or acts and threats of violence to obtain some outcome.

HAMAS is conducting what terrifying events that it came in order to pressure the State of Israel to capitulate, in favor of the Arab Palestinian demands. What ever you want to call it, in the course of achieving this objective, the Arab Palestinians make absolutely NO ATTEMPT to follow the Customary and IHL; no attempt at all.

Most Respectfully,
Palestine). For instance, there are many states that do not recognize the HAMAS - Palestine because it does not pose a direct threat to them.
So, what countries do Hamas directly threaten?

Indeed, several Gulf Arab states.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Senior PLO official: Killing Israelis is not “terror”; it’s not “criminal”- it’s “legitimate”

Last year, Qatar’s regional status suffered a blow when 12 Arab/Islamic states chose to distance themselves and terminate diplomatic relations with Qatar because of its support Iranian operations and terrorism within the Regional Area. This includes HAMAS operations receiving funding for its operations against Israel.
The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Watch (GMBDW) said:
Hamas-affiliated media has published an article by a senior Hamas official arguing that Hamas has the right to attack Israeli embassies and interests as well as senior Israeli officials anywhere in the world. According to a MERI translation, the article also argued that “the resistance” is also entitled to harm the interests of Israel’s allies including the US.

It has been less than a month ago, Qatar transferred ≈ $15 million to HAMAS for the continuation of hostile operations.

So, what countries do Hamas directly threaten?

The Arab League countries are holding a very watchful eye on these developments. If HAMAS succeeds in its recent Terrorism & Political Violence (TPV) activities with Israel, the closer HAMAS comes to increasing political volatility that could damage the Israel's contributions both regionally and internationally.

HAMAS is somewhat contained for the moment. But should the Hostile Arab Palestinians, that makeup the Palestinian Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and other Asymmetric Fighter organizations, the Arab League will have a substantial operator on both side of it; east and a new west, that the Iranians have some control and influence over.

Most Respectfully,

Brace yourselves. We’re treated to another long, pompous diatribe from the Fatah franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc.

We’re granted an audience to the acrid, indignant muttering of an Islamic fascist who is outraged that his Muhammud-given right to kill Jews is called into question.

These Dark Age loons will insist (falsely) that they have a UN endorsement to commit acts of war and acts of Islamic terrorism. They will also insist that their acts of war and acts of Islamic terrorism Are a function of doctrinal elements of their politico-religious ideology.

Fatah leader: "The rifle will never fall"
"The UN allows the Palestinian people

to use the armed struggle"

Fatah leader: "The rifle will never fall" - PMW Bulletins

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

"The rifle will never fall," declared Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki on PA TV, using the anniversary of former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's death to reiterate that Palestinians have a UN-protected "right to use the armed struggle."

For years, Palestinian Authority leaders and officials have defended and promoted Palestinian violence by quoting UN resolution 3236, which "recognizes the right of the Palestinian people to regain its rights by all means." The PA claims "all means" includes attacking and killing Israeli civilians, which is why PA leaders claim that Palestinian terrorists are legitimate "freedom fighters" and terrorist prisoners are "prisoners of war."

However, the PA has chosen to ignore the continuation of the UN resolution which states that the use of "all means" should be "in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations..." The UN Charter prohibits targeting civilians, even in war. Chapter 1, Article 1, opens by saying that "international disputes" should be resolved "by peaceful means."

But regard for Israeli civilian lives is never a concern for PA and Fatah leaders when justifying and rewarding use of violence and terror against Israel to the Palestinian population.
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