Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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On Monday, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is scheduled to meet with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. The UN announcement of the meeting doesn’t refer to Abbas as president; rather, it uses the term “His Excellency,” which is the UN protocol title for a country’s leader. Then on Tuesday, the “State of Palestine” will assume the Chairmanship of the Group of 77 — a coalition of 134 developing nations, designed to promote its members’ collective economic interests and create an enhanced joint negotiating capacity in the United Nations.

Abbas’ recognition by the UN as the legitimate ruler of the Palestinian people is nearly as bizarre as the UN’s near-acceptance of the idea that the Palestinian Authority (PA) contributes to global peace and prosperity. All this begs a question: Does the UN want to enable terror or disable terror?

PA law mandates that “salaries” be paid to Palestinian terrorists if they are caught or killed. The PA “pay-to-slay” programs — and the incentives they provide to perpetuate terrorism — are described in the Taylor Force Act, a US law enacted in March 2018, as well as in more recently enacted Israeli legislation. After much obfuscation and obstruction by the Palestinian Authority and the media, the existence of these payment programs is now exposed to all.

Sadly, too many UN member states have become terror deniers. Why doesn’t the UN join nations of conscience in their condemnation of the PA’s financial rewards and incentives for terror? Put another way — is the UN becoming a terror enabler?

For the PA, ending these payments crosses a “red line.” Palestinian officials, in Arabic, characterize terror trust fund recipients as “soldiers and sons of our nation.” But in English, they defend these payments as “social welfare” used to support “innocent individuals” suffering from the loss of a head of household “breadwinner.” This claim, which attempts to convert blood money into benevolence, is usually phrased like it was in this July 2017 statement by Husam Zomlot, the former PLO envoy to the US:

(full article online)

Does the UN Secretary General Really Want to Enable PA-Sponsored Terrorism?
It should be noted that Egypt can open the crossing any time it wants, but at this time it refuses to open it unless the Palestinian Authority is there. In the past Egypt did open the crossing sporadically to traffic when Hamas controlled the crossing, and during the time the Muslim Brotherhood controlled Egypt the crossing was open often. On Sunday, Egypt did allow crossing one way into Gaza, but not out, so PA presence is certainly not necessary for the border to be opened.

As usual, the news story is of little interest to international media, because Palestinian suffering from infighting is not nearly as interesting to the world as when Israel can be blamed.

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Hamas, PA continue to blame each other for closure of Rafah crossing ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
It didn't take any time at all to see where the election of Rashida Tlaib was leading. She wasted no time in defining her alliances with the angry, Jew hating islamic misfits.

Activist who said Israel is a ‘terrorist entity’
attends Tlaib swearing-in, private dinner
Activist who said Israel is a ‘terrorist entity’ attends Tlaib swearing-in, private dinner

“Unfortunately, we really aren’t surprised. Tlaib is turning out to be the exact person we were warning she is,” said Republican Jewish Coalition spokesperson Neil Strauss.
  • This is the kind of story that the "State of Palestine" does not intend to raise during its chairmanship of the largest bloc of developing countries at the UN. It seems that, from the point of view of the Palestinian Authority leadership, Jbara's ordeal does not fall within the category of human rights.

  • Jbara's story has barely attracted the attention of the international mainstream media. As far as many foreign journalists covering the Middle East are concerned, a Palestinian woman complaining about torture in a Palestinian prison is not newsworthy. Had she been detained by Israel, Jbara would have most likely made it to the front pages of the world's leading newspapers and magazines in a matter of minutes.

  • The PA regularly complains about human rights violations of Palestinians held in Israeli prison for security-related offenses. But when the PA's own security forces detain and torture a mother of three, Palestinian leaders are found elsewhere -- like at the helm of a UN bloc.
(full article online)

The UN, the "State of Palestine" and the Torture of Women
In the context of his historical era he was...much like Jesus. Problem with most prophets is their messages get lost by their followers. 4...3...2...insert 3 pages of cutnpaste out of context blood thirsty Muslim quotes.

WARNING: Hight Concentration Tyqqiya Stench

Q. In which context was the prophet of the Christians a warlord teaching his followers how to behead infidels?

Q. Or did You just compare the civilization of the Jewish 2nd Temple, to the Arabian Jahiliyyah (lit. era of stupidity) when they were burying their daughters alive in the desert??

And by the way, we don't need the millions of blood thirsty quotes of Muslims today, all it takes is the one Muslim who's behavior is idolized.

Your taqqiya might work for the "queers for Hamas" idiots, not with the infidels here.
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Chris Smith, the New Jersey Republican who is trying to push through a bill that would enhance the role of the anti-Semitism monitor, put out a news release minutes after it passed the US House of Representatives and noted it was approved “overwhelmingly.”

Legislators love to describe support for their bills as “overwhelming,” but the word they love even more is “unanimous.” Only one vote kept Smith from tasting that victory, and it was by a fellow Republican: Justin Amash of Michigan.

Why was Amash, a traditionalist Christian libertarian and Palestinian American, opposed to the bill, which would set a 90-day deadline for US President Donald Trump to fill a position left empty since the start of his term? JTA asked his office, as well as Amash directly on Twitter, and he was not forthcoming.

(full article online)

Republican Palestinian-American is sole vote against anti-Semitism monitor
Another of the high EQ (Entertainment Quotient), knuckledraggers that are such a part of the Arab-Moslem alternate reality.

"Palestinian Cleric Saed Al-Tubasi Speaks Out Against Normalization with Israel: Muslims Must Hate the Jews"

Palestinian cleric Saed Al-Tubasi said in a video posted on January 7 on Alfoz Internet TV (Kuwait) that the desires of the Jews are not limited to Palestine, as evidenced by the blue stripes on the Israeli flag, which he claimed symbolize the Nile and Euphrates rivers. He claimed that the Jews also want parts of northern Arabia and of southern Turkey. Sheikh Al-Tubasi added that the Palestinians are against normalization of ties with Israel and that the infidels are trying to change the education curricula in Muslim countries and to put an end to the concepts of Jihad and of disavowal of infidels. Al-Tubasi also said that Muslims must disavow and hate the Jews.
  • This is the kind of story that the "State of Palestine" does not intend to raise during its chairmanship of the largest bloc of developing countries at the UN. It seems that, from the point of view of the Palestinian Authority leadership, Jbara's ordeal does not fall within the category of human rights.

  • Jbara's story has barely attracted the attention of the international mainstream media. As far as many foreign journalists covering the Middle East are concerned, a Palestinian woman complaining about torture in a Palestinian prison is not newsworthy. Had she been detained by Israel, Jbara would have most likely made it to the front pages of the world's leading newspapers and magazines in a matter of minutes.

  • The PA regularly complains about human rights violations of Palestinians held in Israeli prison for security-related offenses. But when the PA's own security forces detain and torture a mother of three, Palestinian leaders are found elsewhere -- like at the helm of a UN bloc.
(full article online)

The UN, the "State of Palestine" and the Torture of Women

Now all you have to do is convince 11 million Palestinians that they don't exist.

Good luck with that.


How do you remove a people's rights? First you deligitimize them as a pepole. Then rest is easy. History is full of examples. This isjust one more.
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But Abbas will soon return to Ramallah to realize that the latest “victory” he scored in the international arena has not changed the reality on the ground. As he was speaking at the UN, Palestinians in the West Bank staged a partial strike and demonstrated against a new controversial social security law passed by Abbas’s government.

The widespread protests, which have been taking place for several weeks, are seen by some Palestinians as a revolt against Abbas and his government. And as he was speaking at the UN, Hamas and other Palestinian factions were continuing their attacks on Abbas, pointing out that he was no longer a legitimate and rightful president since his term in office expired 10 years ago. Abbas may have won the support of many in the international community, but he still needs to make a big effort to regain the confidence of many Palestinians.

(full article online)

ANALYSIS: At UN, another PR ‘victory’ for Abbas
But Abbas will soon return to Ramallah to realize that the latest “victory” he scored in the international arena has not changed the reality on the ground. As he was speaking at the UN, Palestinians in the West Bank staged a partial strike and demonstrated against a new controversial social security law passed by Abbas’s government.

The widespread protests, which have been taking place for several weeks, are seen by some Palestinians as a revolt against Abbas and his government. And as he was speaking at the UN, Hamas and other Palestinian factions were continuing their attacks on Abbas, pointing out that he was no longer a legitimate and rightful president since his term in office expired 10 years ago. Abbas may have won the support of many in the international community, but he still needs to make a big effort to regain the confidence of many Palestinians.

(full article online)

ANALYSIS: At UN, another PR ‘victory’ for Abbas

It's comedy gold that the dictators representing Hamas would be taking digs at the dictator representing fatah.

In the alternate reality of islamic terrorist mini-caliphates, there's not a lot of room for honor among welfare thieves.
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