Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The Palestinians are indigenous to the land they live in.
The Jews ruled over Egypt until they were kicked out for murder.
Now they are a lost tribe with no home they can cal there own doing.

Such is life :)-
So, what are they? Palestinians, or Jordanians?

From wiki:

> The West Bank territories which were conquered by Jordan in 1948 during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War after the British mandate ended on that territory and Israel declared independent, were annexed to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on 24 April 1950, and all the Arab residents were given Jordanian citizenship. <
So, what are they? Palestinians, or Jordanians?

From wiki:

> The West Bank territories which were conquered by Jordan in 1948 during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War after the British mandate ended on that territory and Israel declared independent, were annexed to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on 24 April 1950, and all the Arab residents were given Jordanian citizenship. <
The West Bank territories which were conquered by Jordan in 1948 during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War
Who did they conquer it from? They were not at war with Palestine.
So, what are they? Palestinians, or Jordanians?

From wiki:

> The West Bank territories which were conquered by Jordan in 1948 during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War after the British mandate ended on that territory and Israel declared independent, were annexed to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on 24 April 1950, and all the Arab residents were given Jordanian citizenship. <
The West Bank territories which were conquered by Jordan in 1948 during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War
Who did they conquer it from? They were not at war with Palestine.

I don't know what you are talking about.
So, what are they? Palestinians, or Jordanians?

From wiki:

> The West Bank territories which were conquered by Jordan in 1948 during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War after the British mandate ended on that territory and Israel declared independent, were annexed to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on 24 April 1950, and all the Arab residents were given Jordanian citizenship. <
The West Bank territories which were conquered by Jordan in 1948 during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War
Who did they conquer it from? They were not at war with Palestine.
Palestine is a loosely defined geographic area. No one was at war with a geographic area, unless you're attempting to promote your usual "country of Pally'land" meme.
Say it out loud, kuffar: "Peace Partners"

How lovely. Wake up and smell the unchanged seventh century political landscape that defines Islamism.. It's smellin' pretty ripe.

PMW Bulletins

PA: Peacebuilding "is treason"! - PMW Bulletins

PA: Peacebuilding "is treason"!

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Jan. 18, 2019

PA: Peacebuilding "is treason"!


Text upper right: "Economic normalization is treason"
  • PA TV attacked the opening of an Israeli supermarket in Atarot in Northern Jerusalem. The supermarket chain is known as a place where Palestinians and Israelis work together. The TV story included this picture which showed skulls in a shopping cart and text stated that shopping there, which is "economic normalization," "is treason"
In its 2017 budget, the Palestinian Authority allocated 550 million shekels to pay salaries to terrorist prisoners and released terrorist prisoners. The salaries paid to these recipients, among them murderers, ranged from 1,400 shekels/month to 12,000 shekels/month. The beneficiaries of these payments are no more than a few tens of thousands of Palestinians.

In contrast, the PA spent only 605 million to provide financial assistance to needy Palestinian families. According to the PA budget, the 118,000 needy families received payments ranging between 750 to 1,800 shekels/quarter.

Of the 605 million shekel expenditure, 515 million shekels was funded by the international community (165 million shekels by the European Union, and 350 million shekels by the World Bank). As such, the PA contributed only 90 million shekels of the 604 million shekel expenditure.

In other words, while the PA spent 550 million shekels of its budget a year to incentivize and reward terrorists no more the a few tens of thousands of terrorists, it spends only 90 million shekels to support its needy population. In comparison, the amount it spent on the needy equals only 16% of the amount the PA prefers to spend on rewards for terror and murder!

(full article online)

PA spends 6 times more on terrorists than on its own needy - PMW Bulletins
How does one define irony?

Hamas is reported to be the number two wealthiest islamic terrorist franchise and allegedly, Arabs-Moslems posing as "Pal'istanians" barely have clean water.

Sounds a lot like whiny complaining / begging for more welfare dollars.

'I feel like I live in a septic tank': Gaza's environmental meltdown

'I feel like I live in a septic tank': Gaza's environmental meltdown

As each day passes, the humanitarian and environmental situation in Gaza becomes ever more desperate


I think what's desperate is the Islamo-begging while Gaza is flush with luxury shopping malls and high end car dealers.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine were some of the most sadistic terrorists at a time when sadism was all the rage in the killers who were attacking Israel. I just saw that the person who designed their logo was an UNWRA employee from Jerusalem called Vladimir Tamari

(full article online)

UNWRA employee created PFLP symbol – Harry's Place
Whoever thinks that Linda Sarsour just accidentally happened to grow into the role of co-chair of the Women’s March, is undoubtedly naive.

Why Linda? I get that we need diversity and hence a Muslim woman. Fine.

But why Linda?

Why is there one woman whose name appears when it comes Black Lives Matters, when it comes to BDS, when it comes Women’s March and when it comes to being an advisory board member of “Dream Defenders” that is affiliated with terrorist organizations, such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

(full article online)

When (Thanks to Linda Sarsour) We Confuse Being Progressive With Being an Antisemite
Try to keep the laughter to a minimum, kuffar.

Another collection of islamic terrorist welfare recipients (Yassir Arafat groupies) are parading around in the obligatory ski masks and making goofy pronouncements directed at the Israelis.

Arafat still has groupies. Who knew?

Dead Muhammuds walking... let's hope.

"Gaza-Based Fatah Splinter Group Performs Military Exercise, Including Simulated Kidnapping of Israeli Soldier"

For the 54th anniversary of Fatah's founding, an Alkofiya TV (Gaza) reporter visited the Nidal Al-'Amoudi Battalion of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades. The Nidal Al-‘Amoudi Battalion is a Gaza-based Fatah splinter group that claims to be the true followers of Yasser Arafat’s legacy. At the group's Yasser Arafat Base, the reporter interviewed the battalion's spokesman, Abu Muhammad, who said that the Al-Aqsa Brigades will persist on Yasser Arafat's path of liberating Palestine and eliminating Israel.
[ By Allah, they are all innocent victims of these horrible Zionists !!!! Notice the ones with the cameras :) Shoving, pushing......what country would not have arrested them all or worse? ]

Watch: Palestinian Arab women slap IDF officer

Watch: Palestinian Arab women slap IDF officer
Poor dumbfuck. Women have the right to protect their children. That is their job.

No if their children have been brainwashed by Islam and are committing crimes.

One DOES NOT protect criminals, even if in one's family.

But....in Islam.....against non Muslims......Everything goes.
[ By Allah, they are all innocent victims of these horrible Zionists !!!! Notice the ones with the cameras :) Shoving, pushing......what country would not have arrested them all or worse? ]

Watch: Palestinian Arab women slap IDF officer

Watch: Palestinian Arab women slap IDF officer
Poor dumbfuck. Women have the right to protect their children. That is their job.

No if their children have been brainwashed by Islam and are committing crimes.

One DOES NOT protect criminals, even if in one's family.

But....in Islam.....against non Muslims......Everything goes.[/QUOTE]
Big, brave men with guns picking on kids.

[ By Allah, they are all innocent victims of these horrible Zionists !!!! Notice the ones with the cameras :) Shoving, pushing......what country would not have arrested them all or worse? ]

Watch: Palestinian Arab women slap IDF officer

Watch: Palestinian Arab women slap IDF officer
Poor dumbfuck. Women have the right to protect their children. That is their job.

No if their children have been brainwashed by Islam and are committing crimes.

One DOES NOT protect criminals, even if in one's family.

But....in Islam.....against non Muslims......Everything goes.
Big, brave men with guns picking on kids.

Animals is what the PLO and the PA and Fatah have turned their Arab populations into.

You are having delusions again.

These kids have been incited to kill Jews every minute, hour and day of their lives.

Animals is what Islam is, and has turned too many Muslims into.
[ By Allah, they are all innocent victims of these horrible Zionists !!!! Notice the ones with the cameras :) Shoving, pushing......what country would not have arrested them all or worse? ]

Watch: Palestinian Arab women slap IDF officer

Watch: Palestinian Arab women slap IDF officer
Poor dumbfuck. Women have the right to protect their children. That is their job.

No if their children have been brainwashed by Islam and are committing crimes.

One DOES NOT protect criminals, even if in one's family.

But....in Islam.....against non Muslims......Everything goes.
Big, brave men with guns picking on kids.

Animals is what the PLO and the PA and Fatah have turned their Arab populations into.

You are having delusions again.

These kids have been incited to kill Jews every minute, hour and day of their lives.

Animals is what Islam is, and has turned too many Muslims into.[/QUOTE]
Pfffft, Israeli talking points. :bs1:
[ By Allah, they are all innocent victims of these horrible Zionists !!!! Notice the ones with the cameras :) Shoving, pushing......what country would not have arrested them all or worse? ]

Watch: Palestinian Arab women slap IDF officer

Watch: Palestinian Arab women slap IDF officer
Poor dumbfuck. Women have the right to protect their children. That is their job.

No if their children have been brainwashed by Islam and are committing crimes.

One DOES NOT protect criminals, even if in one's family.

But....in Islam.....against non Muslims......Everything goes.
Big, brave men with guns picking on kids.

Animals is what the PLO and the PA and Fatah have turned their Arab populations into.

You are having delusions again.

These kids have been incited to kill Jews every minute, hour and day of their lives.

Animals is what Islam is, and has turned too many Muslims into.
Pfffft, Israeli talking points. :bs1:[/QUOTE]

Tinmore's inability to discuss ANYTHING !!!!!
  • Abbas and the Palestinian leadership are clearly trying to drag Israel into a religious conflict with all Muslims, not only Palestinians. The Temple Mount has become their favorite platform for disseminating blood libels....

  • If anyone is defiling the sanctity of the holy site, it is Abbas and his representatives in the West Bank.

  • Were Israel to stop a Palestinian from entering a holy site because of his clothing, the foreign reporters based in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv would have rushed to the scene to interview the man and tell the world that Israel is violating freedom of worship. This is yet another example of how the media gives the Palestinians a pass and allows them to continue their vicious incitement against Israel.

(full article online)

Palestinians' Anti-Semitic Stereotyping of Jews
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