Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Its the wrong question. The right question is: What should you do?

I am asking you, Shusha, if an IDF sniper shot your child in the head while this child sat at a UN sponsored school desk-- WHAT WOULD YOU--Shusha do-?

Again, its a false question, since no IDF snipers target schoolchildren sitting at their desks.****

I will tell you that there is no chance that Shusha would permit any of her children anywhere near a battle zone with the idea of "ripping the hearts out of Jews". And if any of my children disobeyed me and went anyways, I'd suggest it was their own damn fault if they got shot. Theirs and the other idiots who claim "peaceful protests" while bringing weapons and trying to break through a border while screaming threats.

I'd ask you the same question. What would you do if a terrorist drove by and shot you in the pregnant belly, killing your baby? Would you fight? Would you resist? Would you call for "peaceful protests"?

The deeper question you are really asking here is whether or not people should be permitted to use violence to achieve their goals. My answer? Yes. IF those goals are self-defense and within what is permitted by law. That is exactly what Israel is doing. And I support her defensive actions fully and without reservation.

****And I'd just like to point out that there are very real injustices happening, why do you feel the need to invent one?
Over the past week there have been a number of protests in West Bank Arab towns over a new social security law.

Late last week the Palestinian Authority Minister of Local Government, Hussein al-A'arj, shocked all Palestinians by referring to the leaders of the protests in Hebron as being "settlers from Kiryat Arba."

I have never seen such anger in Palestinian Arab media over an insult. Apparently you can call someone's mother a whore before you can call someone a "settler."

Fatah in Hebron demanded that al-A'arj be fired and said he would not be allowed into the city. Prime minister Rami Hamdallah ordered an investigation.

(full article online)

Palestinian minister in trouble for calling protesters the worst name possible: "Settlers" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
International law and Israeli settlements

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The international community considers the establishment of Israeli settlements in the Israeli-occupied territories illegal under international law

Numerous UN resolutions have stated that the building and existence of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights are a violation of international law. The reconvened Conference of the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions has declared the settlements illegal[15] as has the primary judicial organ of the UN, the International Court of Justice[16] and the International Committee of the Red Cross.

The majority of legal scholars hold the settlements to violate international law, while others have offered dissenting views supporting the Israeli position.[2]

International law and Israeli settlements - Wikipedia


Israel does not build on any land over which it does not have sovereignty. It is ridiculous to claim that a sovereign nation building on its own sovereign territory is a violation of international law. And its entirely shocking how easily people are fooled by this silliness.
Snipers ordered to shoot children, Israeli general confirms

22 April 2018
An Israeli general has confirmed that when snipers stationed along Israel’s boundary with Gaza shoot at children, they are doing so deliberately, under clear and specific orders.

In a radio interview, Brigadier-General (Reserve) Zvika Fogel describes how a sniper identifies the “small body” of a child and is given authorization to shoot.

Fogel’s statements could be used as evidence of intent if Israeli leaders are ever tried for war crimes at the International Criminal Court.

On Friday, an Israeli sniper shot dead 14-year-old Muhammad Ibrahim Ayyoub.

The boy, shot in the head east of Jabaliya, was the fourth child among the more than 30 Palestinians killed during the Great March of Return rallies that began in Gaza on 30 March.

More than 1,600 other Palestinians have been shot with live ammunition that has caused what doctors are calling “horrific injuries” likely to leave many of them with permanent disabilities.
Snipers ordered to shoot children, Israeli general confirms

Below is the sniper who murdered that child. (note: in the link you can see a photo of the child)

View attachment 241470

Defense for Children on Twitter

The last PCPSR survey of Palestinians showed that they support a return to an armed intifada that would target Jewish civilians.

This support for terror was across the board:

Support for an armed intifada is higher in the Gaza Strip (60%) than in the West Bank (51%), among the youth between the ages of 18 and 22 years (65%) compared to those whose age is 50 years or higher (55%), among holders of BA degree (55%) compared to the illiterates (44%), among men (57%) compared to women (52%), among students (63%) compared to laborers (47%), among the religious (62%) compared to the somewhat religious (49%), among those who oppose the peace process (81%) compared to those who support the peace process (41%), and among supporters of Hamas (76%) compared to supporters of Fatah (36%).

(full article online)

Most Palestinians support terror. Good luck finding that fact in the @NYTimes (Poster) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Are illegal settlers living on stolen land "innocent" civilians.
So Israel can steal, destroy, bomb, and shoot while the Palestinians have to sit on their hands?

Israel has created a law free zone. It is on them.
Its the wrong question. The right question is: What should you do?

I am asking you, Shusha, if an IDF sniper shot your child in the head while this child sat at a UN sponsored school desk-- WHAT WOULD YOU--Shusha do-?

Again, its a false question, since no IDF snipers target schoolchildren sitting at their desks.****

I will tell you that there is no chance that Shusha would permit any of her children anywhere near a battle zone with the idea of "ripping the hearts out of Jews". And if any of my children disobeyed me and went anyways, I'd suggest it was their own damn fault if they got shot. Theirs and the other idiots who claim "peaceful protests" while bringing weapons and trying to break through a border while screaming threats.

I'd ask you the same question. What would you do if a terrorist drove by and shot you in the pregnant belly, killing your baby? Would you fight? Would you resist? Would you call for "peaceful protests"?

The deeper question you are really asking here is whether or not people should be permitted to use violence to achieve their goals. My answer? Yes. IF those goals are self-defense and within what is permitted by law. That is exactly what Israel is doing. And I support her defensive actions fully and without reservation.

****And I'd just like to point out that there are very real injustices happening, why do you feel the need to invent one?
Israel doesn't target children.

Palestinian children killed from 2000 to 2014. - 1656

Remember These Children 2014 Memorial

Israel is just the oops capital of the world.
The last PCPSR survey of Palestinians showed that they support a return to an armed intifada that would target Jewish civilians.

This support for terror was across the board:

Support for an armed intifada is higher in the Gaza Strip (60%) than in the West Bank (51%), among the youth between the ages of 18 and 22 years (65%) compared to those whose age is 50 years or higher (55%), among holders of BA degree (55%) compared to the illiterates (44%), among men (57%) compared to women (52%), among students (63%) compared to laborers (47%), among the religious (62%) compared to the somewhat religious (49%), among those who oppose the peace process (81%) compared to those who support the peace process (41%), and among supporters of Hamas (76%) compared to supporters of Fatah (36%).

(full article online)

Most Palestinians support terror. Good luck finding that fact in the @NYTimes (Poster) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Are illegal settlers living on stolen land "innocent" civilians.
So Israel can steal, destroy, bomb, and shoot while the Palestinians have to sit on their hands?

Israel has created a law free zone. It is on them.

No one forced the Arabs to murder, rape, loot and expel the Palestinian Jews from all of their holy cities.

If they had a slightest trace of gray matter in their heads they support Israel and prosper,
but hey, not murdering Jews was too much to ask...

Their choice - their defeat.

So Israel can steal, destroy, bomb, and shoot while the Palestinians have to sit on their hands?

Not at all. They have to:

1. Accept the self-determination and sovereignty of the Jewish Palestinians.
2. Negotiate peace and good relations with her neighbors.
3. Develop the ability to join the global community of nations by following the steps to sovereign independence.
Its the wrong question. The right question is: What should you do?

I am asking you, Shusha, if an IDF sniper shot your child in the head while this child sat at a UN sponsored school desk-- WHAT WOULD YOU--Shusha do-?

Again, its a false question, since no IDF snipers target schoolchildren sitting at their desks.****

I will tell you that there is no chance that Shusha would permit any of her children anywhere near a battle zone with the idea of "ripping the hearts out of Jews". And if any of my children disobeyed me and went anyways, I'd suggest it was their own damn fault if they got shot. Theirs and the other idiots who claim "peaceful protests" while bringing weapons and trying to break through a border while screaming threats.

I'd ask you the same question. What would you do if a terrorist drove by and shot you in the pregnant belly, killing your baby? Would you fight? Would you resist? Would you call for "peaceful protests"?

The deeper question you are really asking here is whether or not people should be permitted to use violence to achieve their goals. My answer? Yes. IF those goals are self-defense and within what is permitted by law. That is exactly what Israel is doing. And I support her defensive actions fully and without reservation.

****And I'd just like to point out that there are very real injustices happening, why do you feel the need to invent one?
Israel doesn't target children.

Palestinian children killed from 2000 to 2014. - 1656

Remember These Children 2014 Memorial

Israel is just the oops capital of the world.

The cognitive dissonance is astonishing. You want on the one hand for all Israeli (read: Jews) citizens to be considered combatants and therefore permissible to murder while simultaneously declaring the murder of citizens to be abhorrent. Which is it man? Sure sounds like you are justifying the murder of Jews.
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The last PCPSR survey of Palestinians showed that they support a return to an armed intifada that would target Jewish civilians.

This support for terror was across the board:

Support for an armed intifada is higher in the Gaza Strip (60%) than in the West Bank (51%), among the youth between the ages of 18 and 22 years (65%) compared to those whose age is 50 years or higher (55%), among holders of BA degree (55%) compared to the illiterates (44%), among men (57%) compared to women (52%), among students (63%) compared to laborers (47%), among the religious (62%) compared to the somewhat religious (49%), among those who oppose the peace process (81%) compared to those who support the peace process (41%), and among supporters of Hamas (76%) compared to supporters of Fatah (36%).

(full article online)

Most Palestinians support terror. Good luck finding that fact in the @NYTimes (Poster) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Are illegal settlers living on stolen land "innocent" civilians.
So Israel can steal, destroy, bomb, and shoot while the Palestinians have to sit on their hands?

Israel has created a law free zone. It is on them.

No one forced the Arabs to murder, rape, loot and expel the Palestinian Jews from all of their holy cities.

If they had a slightest trace of gray matter in their heads they support Israel and prosper,
but hey, not murdering Jews was too much to ask...

Their choice - their defeat.

The last PCPSR survey of Palestinians showed that they support a return to an armed intifada that would target Jewish civilians.

This support for terror was across the board:

Support for an armed intifada is higher in the Gaza Strip (60%) than in the West Bank (51%), among the youth between the ages of 18 and 22 years (65%) compared to those whose age is 50 years or higher (55%), among holders of BA degree (55%) compared to the illiterates (44%), among men (57%) compared to women (52%), among students (63%) compared to laborers (47%), among the religious (62%) compared to the somewhat religious (49%), among those who oppose the peace process (81%) compared to those who support the peace process (41%), and among supporters of Hamas (76%) compared to supporters of Fatah (36%).

(full article online)

Most Palestinians support terror. Good luck finding that fact in the @NYTimes (Poster) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Are illegal settlers living on stolen land "innocent" civilians.
So Israel can steal, destroy, bomb, and shoot while the Palestinians have to sit on their hands?

Israel has created a law free zone. It is on them.
Blame the government, attack the military, but don’t murder civilians because of their government’s policies.
The last PCPSR survey of Palestinians showed that they support a return to an armed intifada that would target Jewish civilians.

This support for terror was across the board:

Support for an armed intifada is higher in the Gaza Strip (60%) than in the West Bank (51%), among the youth between the ages of 18 and 22 years (65%) compared to those whose age is 50 years or higher (55%), among holders of BA degree (55%) compared to the illiterates (44%), among men (57%) compared to women (52%), among students (63%) compared to laborers (47%), among the religious (62%) compared to the somewhat religious (49%), among those who oppose the peace process (81%) compared to those who support the peace process (41%), and among supporters of Hamas (76%) compared to supporters of Fatah (36%).

(full article online)

Most Palestinians support terror. Good luck finding that fact in the @NYTimes (Poster) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Are illegal settlers living on stolen land "innocent" civilians.
So Israel can steal, destroy, bomb, and shoot while the Palestinians have to sit on their hands?

Israel has created a law free zone. It is on them.

No one forced the Arabs to murder, rape, loot and expel the Palestinian Jews from all of their holy cities.

If they had a slightest trace of gray matter in their heads they support Israel and prosper,
but hey, not murdering Jews was too much to ask...

Their choice - their defeat.


You meant Your Hitler mustache?

Defeat is not dumb, however, Arabs raising swastika on the even of Holocaust Remembrance Day,
then whining about getting shot by Israelis - is the epitome of masochism and mental degeneracy.
First step: strip away their identity. Make them a non-people. Label them a fake people. Then it is much easier to deny them rights.
International law and Israeli settlements

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The international community considers the establishment of Israeli settlements in the Israeli-occupied territories illegal under international law

Numerous UN resolutions have stated that the building and existence of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights are a violation of international law. The reconvened Conference of the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions has declared the settlements illegal[15] as has the primary judicial organ of the UN, the International Court of Justice[16] and the International Committee of the Red Cross.

The majority of legal scholars hold the settlements to violate international law, while others have offered dissenting views supporting the Israeli position.[2]

International law and Israeli settlements - Wikipedia


Israel does not build on any land over which it does not have sovereignty. It is ridiculous to claim that a sovereign nation building on its own sovereign territory is a violation of international law. And its entirely shocking how easily people are fooled by this silliness.
It does and has however allowed settlers to build on privately owned land that is not theirs.

Israel says a West Bank outpost can be legalized if land was seized in good faith

Israel knowingly gave private Palestinian land to West Bank outpost
First step: strip away their identity. Make them a non-people. Label them a fake people. Then it is much easier to deny them rights.

Arabs and Jews have rights under international law, Palestinians don't.
Keeping the Palestinian politcs running prevents them from more rights than provides.
Look at the refugee camps in every Arab country where they got stuck for the mere purpose of perpetuating the false identity to generate billions of $$.

Palestinians - is not a nation, it's a political weapon to erase the only non-Muslim country in the middle east. No other purpose or strategy, it's devastating the Arab world and preventing from developing mutual respect in the region, Palestinian politics is mere role-playing, and it's stuck in the previous century with no alternatives but 2 extremes (Caliphate or Imperialist socialism), which prevents further any development. Abandon that ship for Your children, before Arab countries totally abandon You to Iran. You are stuck - the world moves on, the Arab world moves on.

You want more of the same war, corruption and backwardness - keep on the Palestinian farce,
just don't pretend to care about rights and stop complaining.
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First step: strip away their identity. Make them a non-people. Label them a fake people. Then it is much easier to deny them rights.

Arabs and Jews have rights under international law, Palestinians don't.
Keeping the Palestinian politcs running prevents them from more rights than provides.
Look at the refugee camps in every Arab country where they got stuck for the mere purpose of perpetuating the false identity to generate billions of $$.

You want more of the same corruption and backwardness - keep on the Palestinian farce,
just don't pretend to care about rights and stop complaining.

They are a people. You don’t get to decide whether or not they are. Recognizing that, giving them that minimal bit of respect and identity in no way affects the issues you bring up. To you they are “just Arabs”. To themselves they are Palestinians.
International law and Israeli settlements

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The international community considers the establishment of Israeli settlements in the Israeli-occupied territories illegal under international law

Numerous UN resolutions have stated that the building and existence of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights are a violation of international law. The reconvened Conference of the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions has declared the settlements illegal[15] as has the primary judicial organ of the UN, the International Court of Justice[16] and the International Committee of the Red Cross.

The majority of legal scholars hold the settlements to violate international law, while others have offered dissenting views supporting the Israeli position.[2]

International law and Israeli settlements - Wikipedia


Israel does not build on any land over which it does not have sovereignty. It is ridiculous to claim that a sovereign nation building on its own sovereign territory is a violation of international law. And its entirely shocking how easily people are fooled by this silliness.
It does and has however allowed settlers to build on privately owned land that is not theirs.

Israel says a West Bank outpost can be legalized if land was seized in good faith

Israel knowingly gave private Palestinian land to West Bank outpost

Haaretz wouldn't know private land if it hit them on the head.
And if they know there was no proof of ownership they still lie about it.
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The last PCPSR survey of Palestinians showed that they support a return to an armed intifada that would target Jewish civilians.

This support for terror was across the board:

Support for an armed intifada is higher in the Gaza Strip (60%) than in the West Bank (51%), among the youth between the ages of 18 and 22 years (65%) compared to those whose age is 50 years or higher (55%), among holders of BA degree (55%) compared to the illiterates (44%), among men (57%) compared to women (52%), among students (63%) compared to laborers (47%), among the religious (62%) compared to the somewhat religious (49%), among those who oppose the peace process (81%) compared to those who support the peace process (41%), and among supporters of Hamas (76%) compared to supporters of Fatah (36%).

(full article online)

Most Palestinians support terror. Good luck finding that fact in the @NYTimes (Poster) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Are illegal settlers living on stolen land "innocent" civilians.
So Israel can steal, destroy, bomb, and shoot while the Palestinians have to sit on their hands?

Israel has created a law free zone. It is on them.
Blame the government, attack the military, but don’t murder civilians because of their government’s policies.
Israel kills civilians all the time.

Why the double standard?
The last PCPSR survey of Palestinians showed that they support a return to an armed intifada that would target Jewish civilians.

This support for terror was across the board:

Support for an armed intifada is higher in the Gaza Strip (60%) than in the West Bank (51%), among the youth between the ages of 18 and 22 years (65%) compared to those whose age is 50 years or higher (55%), among holders of BA degree (55%) compared to the illiterates (44%), among men (57%) compared to women (52%), among students (63%) compared to laborers (47%), among the religious (62%) compared to the somewhat religious (49%), among those who oppose the peace process (81%) compared to those who support the peace process (41%), and among supporters of Hamas (76%) compared to supporters of Fatah (36%).

(full article online)

Most Palestinians support terror. Good luck finding that fact in the @NYTimes (Poster) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Are illegal settlers living on stolen land "innocent" civilians.
So Israel can steal, destroy, bomb, and shoot while the Palestinians have to sit on their hands?

Israel has created a law free zone. It is on them.
Blame the government, attack the military, but don’t murder civilians because of their government’s policies.
Israel kills civilians all the time.

Why the double standard?

What double standard? I oppose targeting and killing civilians regardless of who does it. Do you?
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