Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Because land on which most settlements are built is not agriculturally useful, Arabs did not claim ownership until recently.

Promoted by Arab propagandists and their supporters, politicians, academics, media and anti-Israel NGOs, this theory has also been adopted by Israelis, including prominent judicial figures who give it legitimacy. A poisoned narrative based on ignorance and/or misunderstanding, it is a lie.

Based on titles and deeds, land that is registered becomes private property. But what if there are no documents to prove ownership?

Land that Arabs claim as their private property was not purchased; it was state-owned land that was either given away by the sovereign power during the Ottoman, British and Jordanian occupations or was encroached and developed. Arab claims based on gifts and alleged agricultural use are not property deeds. How, then, did this confusion about ā€œprivate Palestinian landā€ come about?

Using ownerless, uninhabited land is a universally recognized method for claiming it, unless contested. Until the modern period, land registration, especially in sparsely populated areas like the Middle East, Africa and North Africa was not widely practiced.

With the rise of nation-states and the development of bureaucracies this changed.

According to international agreements such as the San Remo Accord (1920) and the League of Nations (1922), the Mandate for Palestine was intended as a ā€œJewish National Home.ā€ This anchors the rights of the Jewish people and Israeli sovereignty in law. It has never been superseded.

Administering the Mandate, Britain organized land surveys in Palestine, primarily to collect taxes and create an orderly system of land ownership and transfer. According to Dr. Dov Gavish, who wrote the only extensive study of this topic, Survey of Palestine, 1920-1948 (2005), maps were drawn based on where inhabitants were found and on verbal claims, usually by local mukhtars (chiefs) and sheikhs, not on documents or land registration.

Based on aerial photos and evidence of cultivation, villages were arbitrarily divided into 60-hectare (about 148-acre) blocks, which were then sub-divided among local peasants. Highly inaccurate, these fiscal maps nevertheless became the basis for taxation. They did not and do not reflect legal ownership.

As Gavish notes, the registration process lacked legal procedures for determining proper (actual) ownership, the investigators often had little professional training, surveyors who drew boundaries relied on inaccurate methods (such as vague geographical markers), and were hampered by constant Arab violence.

Maps held by Turkish and Jordanian governments are unavailable, and many maps held by the British Mandatory government were accidentally destroyed. The Israeli Civil (Military) Administration also has aerial maps which are used to determine land use, and surveys which are not necessarily reliable or accurate documentations of private ownership.

These questionable maps and documents, however, are used to sanction Arab claims and charge Jews with stealing ā€œprivate Palestinian land.ā€ Although these lands could have been registered, most were not. Moreover, land which was not used, or not passed on by inheritance reverts to the original owner, the state, by law.

Most of what is called ā€œprivate Palestinian landā€ is claimed ā€“ and some registered ā€“ based on policies that legitimized squatting after the fact and by counting land as ā€œownedā€ when in fact it had been leased, or simply used.

During the Mandate period, most of the land that was registered by individuals was called ā€œMiri.ā€ Leased, not privately owned, ā€œMiriā€ land remained property of the state.

Although land that was not used for 10 years should have reverted to the state, large areas of such unused land remained under local Arab control.

Another category of ownerless land, called ā€œwaste landā€ (ā€œMewatā€), is known throughout the Middle East and recognized in international law. Dr.Yaā€™akov Meronā€™s authoritative article, ā€œWaste Land (Mewat) in Judea and Samaria,ā€ (Boston College Intā€™l & Comparative Law Review, 1981) notes that this land was not included in state land and could be claimed by whoever used it, Jews or Arabs.

Because land on which most settlements are built is not agriculturally useful, Arabs did not claim ownership until recently, when anti-settlement NGOs asserted that these lands belonged to Arabs, individually and/or collectively based on hearsay, maps and documents that are grossly inaccurate and often false.

Assertions by NGOs and Arabs that land is privately owned, however, even when approved by politically motivated government and judicial officials, including the State Prosecutorā€™s Office and Civil Administration, are not necessarily true. Although these claims may be blindly accepted by the High Court, they are not valid until they have been examined and authenticated by lower courts. This has led to much confusion about what constitutes ā€œprivate Palestinian land.ā€

Accusing Israeli Jews of ā€œstealing private Palestinian land,ā€ condemning ā€œsettlementsā€ as ā€œillegal,ā€ ā€œviolations of international lawā€ and ā€œthe occupationā€ are powerful weapons in the war to demonize and delegitimize Israel.

Commonly accepted and taken for granted, these charges are used to justify Arab terrorism (ā€œresistanceā€) and subvert Israelā€™s moral right to exist. Such allegations are inaccurate and feed anti-Israel propaganda. Who needs them?

Blood libel: The myth of ā€˜private Palestinian landā€™
There seem to be plenty of cases where even the courts have found it to be private land.

I don't know how you can possibly discern that from what you can learn on google. Because the media and the Palestinians tend to label it all as "privately owned land". When its not. It is very, very rare to find news articles which outline the actual legal defenses and documentation of the parties involved.

And the settlers all label it as theirs.

"I don't have facts, but Israelis must be in the wrong" - is not an argument.

:lame2: According to you the Palestinians must be wrong and the media cant possibly have the facts (unless they are rightwing propoganda outlets)...

It's kinda blaming someone who points to fallacies in an argument because You think he's lactose intolerant. Childish response.

Israel is a small country, we know faster about things from our friends and relatives than media reports.
And that's exactly why I posted from left wing outlets when I saw that they were actually connected to reality.

Don't blame me for pointing out the lies. at least I'm directly involved. Why You should be so jealously concerned as to pay for a clearly biased far left outlet, I cannot understand.

OPCAT application is Palestinian hypocrisy at its best

OPCAT application is Palestinian hypocrisy at its best


The Palestinian Authority last month announced its intention to join 22 international conventions, including the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT). Such a request should arouse a chuckle among anybody whose familiarity with the PA's own practices is even minimal.

Last July, an Israeli court issued a precedential ruling that found the PA guilty of acts of vicious torture against 52 men and women - Palestinians and Israeli Arabs - suspected of collaborating with Israel in its struggle against terror. These unfortunate souls have now found refuge in Israel.

Among the shocking testimonies given by the plaintiffs: Being forced to sit on broken bottles, having heated needles inserted into their genitals, the rape and murder of a victim's sister and many other acts of unspeakable cruelty. The torture was carried out with the full knowledge of the PA, the body now seeking acceptance to the OPCAT.
Because land on which most settlements are built is not agriculturally useful, Arabs did not claim ownership until recently.

Promoted by Arab propagandists and their supporters, politicians, academics, media and anti-Israel NGOs, this theory has also been adopted by Israelis, including prominent judicial figures who give it legitimacy. A poisoned narrative based on ignorance and/or misunderstanding, it is a lie.

Based on titles and deeds, land that is registered becomes private property. But what if there are no documents to prove ownership?

Land that Arabs claim as their private property was not purchased; it was state-owned land that was either given away by the sovereign power during the Ottoman, British and Jordanian occupations or was encroached and developed. Arab claims based on gifts and alleged agricultural use are not property deeds. How, then, did this confusion about ā€œprivate Palestinian landā€ come about?

Using ownerless, uninhabited land is a universally recognized method for claiming it, unless contested. Until the modern period, land registration, especially in sparsely populated areas like the Middle East, Africa and North Africa was not widely practiced.

With the rise of nation-states and the development of bureaucracies this changed.

According to international agreements such as the San Remo Accord (1920) and the League of Nations (1922), the Mandate for Palestine was intended as a ā€œJewish National Home.ā€ This anchors the rights of the Jewish people and Israeli sovereignty in law. It has never been superseded.

Administering the Mandate, Britain organized land surveys in Palestine, primarily to collect taxes and create an orderly system of land ownership and transfer. According to Dr. Dov Gavish, who wrote the only extensive study of this topic, Survey of Palestine, 1920-1948 (2005), maps were drawn based on where inhabitants were found and on verbal claims, usually by local mukhtars (chiefs) and sheikhs, not on documents or land registration.

Based on aerial photos and evidence of cultivation, villages were arbitrarily divided into 60-hectare (about 148-acre) blocks, which were then sub-divided among local peasants. Highly inaccurate, these fiscal maps nevertheless became the basis for taxation. They did not and do not reflect legal ownership.

As Gavish notes, the registration process lacked legal procedures for determining proper (actual) ownership, the investigators often had little professional training, surveyors who drew boundaries relied on inaccurate methods (such as vague geographical markers), and were hampered by constant Arab violence.

Maps held by Turkish and Jordanian governments are unavailable, and many maps held by the British Mandatory government were accidentally destroyed. The Israeli Civil (Military) Administration also has aerial maps which are used to determine land use, and surveys which are not necessarily reliable or accurate documentations of private ownership.

These questionable maps and documents, however, are used to sanction Arab claims and charge Jews with stealing ā€œprivate Palestinian land.ā€ Although these lands could have been registered, most were not. Moreover, land which was not used, or not passed on by inheritance reverts to the original owner, the state, by law.

Most of what is called ā€œprivate Palestinian landā€ is claimed ā€“ and some registered ā€“ based on policies that legitimized squatting after the fact and by counting land as ā€œownedā€ when in fact it had been leased, or simply used.

During the Mandate period, most of the land that was registered by individuals was called ā€œMiri.ā€ Leased, not privately owned, ā€œMiriā€ land remained property of the state.

Although land that was not used for 10 years should have reverted to the state, large areas of such unused land remained under local Arab control.

Another category of ownerless land, called ā€œwaste landā€ (ā€œMewatā€), is known throughout the Middle East and recognized in international law. Dr.Yaā€™akov Meronā€™s authoritative article, ā€œWaste Land (Mewat) in Judea and Samaria,ā€ (Boston College Intā€™l & Comparative Law Review, 1981) notes that this land was not included in state land and could be claimed by whoever used it, Jews or Arabs.

Because land on which most settlements are built is not agriculturally useful, Arabs did not claim ownership until recently, when anti-settlement NGOs asserted that these lands belonged to Arabs, individually and/or collectively based on hearsay, maps and documents that are grossly inaccurate and often false.

Assertions by NGOs and Arabs that land is privately owned, however, even when approved by politically motivated government and judicial officials, including the State Prosecutorā€™s Office and Civil Administration, are not necessarily true. Although these claims may be blindly accepted by the High Court, they are not valid until they have been examined and authenticated by lower courts. This has led to much confusion about what constitutes ā€œprivate Palestinian land.ā€

Accusing Israeli Jews of ā€œstealing private Palestinian land,ā€ condemning ā€œsettlementsā€ as ā€œillegal,ā€ ā€œviolations of international lawā€ and ā€œthe occupationā€ are powerful weapons in the war to demonize and delegitimize Israel.

Commonly accepted and taken for granted, these charges are used to justify Arab terrorism (ā€œresistanceā€) and subvert Israelā€™s moral right to exist. Such allegations are inaccurate and feed anti-Israel propaganda. Who needs them?

Blood libel: The myth of ā€˜private Palestinian landā€™

Didn't think defeat would be so instant.
Swallowed Your tongue?
The islamic terrorists funded by the UNRWA welfare fraud are on a roll.

PMW exclusive:
PA spent at least 502 million shekels
in payments to terrorist prisoners in 2018

PMW exclusive: PA spent at least 502 million shekels in payments to terrorist prisoners in 2018 - PMW Bulletins

  • As Israel is preparing to implement a new law that imposes financial sanctions on the PA for its "Pay for Slay" policy, PMW has looked at the PA's financial reports for 2018 which includes its payments to terrorist prisoners and released terrorist prisoners
  • While the PA does not provide details of how this money was allocated between the terrorist prisoners and the released terrorist prisoners, PMW calculations, based solely on open sources, show that:
  • At least 230 million shekels were paid in salaries to terrorist prisoners
  • At least 176 million shekels were paid in salaries to released terrorist prisoners
  • The remaining 96 million shekels covers additional salary payments and other benefits to the terrorist prisoners and released terrorist prisoners that PMW is unable to precisely quantify
By Maurice Hirsch, Adv.

According to its own budgetary update, in 2018 the Palestinian Authority spent no less than 502 million shekels on salaries and other payments to terrorist prisoners and released terrorist prisoners.
Islam has ā€œ Human Rights?ā€
Killing of Christians
Destruction of Churches and Hindu places of Worship
Killing those who donā€™t Convert to Islam
Killing those who ā€œ insultā€ the ā€œ prophet ā€œ

Yep, they sure do believe in ā€œ human rightsā€ Kerp posting !!! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::cuckoo:
[ These continue to be some....of the Palestinians and what they teach in their culture ]

Then he ends off by saying, "Finally, I will quote some of the views that cast doubt on the figures of the Jews killed in the genocide." He then goes through the views of famous Holocaust deniers like David Irving.

The article ends by saying there are "many opinions" on the matter.

This is another form of Holocaust denial. By casting doubt on perhaps the most well-documented atrocity in human history, the author pretends to be open to all opinions but in fact is amplifying provable lies. He is giving his audience a reason to doubt, not a reason to learn about it.

The Holocaust is, of course, not taught in Palestinian schools, and when UNRWA floated the idea of adding it to the curriculum some years back there was a huge backlash. Because by teaching Palestinian Arabs that Jews are human beings and victims, Palestinians cannot teach their kids to hate Jews as easily.

(full article online)

Palestinian writer on Holocaust Remembrance Day - Maybe it happened, maybe it didn't ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
While European leaders have given Venezuelan President NicolĆ”s Maduro an ultimatum that unless he holds democratic elections they will recognize opposition leader Juan GuaidĆ³ as the countryā€™s legitimate leader, the Palestinian Authority is emphasizing its support for Maduro.

Maduro won the presidential elections in May 2018, but the election was determined to be fraudulent and many countries have not recognized his presidency. Nevertheless, Maduro embarked on his second term, enjoying the support of Russia, China, Mexico, Syria, Iran, and Turkey, while the US, Canada, the EU, Israel, and some countries in Latin America back the leadership of GuaidĆ³. GuaidĆ³ proclaimed himself acting president last week, but Maduro has refused to step down. Meanwhile, Venezuelans continue to suffer under food and medicine shortages and dozens have been killed in nationwide protests against Maduro and his government.

Palestinian Media Watch has found that the PA has unequivocally put itself behind the corrupt Maduro in direct opposition to the US, Canada, the EU and others. The following are some examples of the PAā€™s support for Maduroā€™s presidency in Venezuela:

PA Minister of Foreign Affairs Riyad Al-Malki participated in Maduroā€™s inauguration ceremony and also brought Maduro congratulations from PA Chairman Abbas:

ā€œAl-Malki congratulated President Maduro on receiving the presidency, wished him success in his service of the Venezuelan people, and conveyed to him the congratulations and wishes of [PA President] Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian leadership that always stands by Venezuela and its people, as Palestine does not forget its friends."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 12, 2019]

(full article online)

PA supports Venezuelan president Maduro, condemns US for ā€œsupporting coup attemptā€ - PMW Bulletins
I know you will find this as shocking, Shocking as I did, kuffar, but it appears that Rashida Tlaib is the stereotypical Jew hating, Holocaust denying Arab-Moslem loon.

Rashida Tlaib Faces Criticism Over Fundraiserā€™s Anti-Semitic Facebook Post

Rashida Tlaib Faces Criticism Over Fundraiserā€™s Anti-Semitic Facebook Post

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) is facing scrutiny from conservatives after a video shared on Facebook by a key campaign fundraiser calling Jews ā€œsatanicā€ surfaced Monday, The Daily Caller reports. Palestinian activist Maher Abdel-qader, who organized campaign events for Tlaib across the country, shared the controversial clip on Facebook in January 2018. ā€œResearch the truth about the Holocaust, and youā€™ll definitely start to question what you thought you knew,ā€ says the videoā€™s narrator, before going on to question whether 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust. The narrator also claims Jews invented their historical claim to Israel in a covert effort to control the media. Abdel-qader posted the video on his personal Facebook page and on the wall of the Facebook group, ā€œPalestinian American Congress/USA,ā€ according to the right-leaning Daily Caller. Tlaib, who is one of the first two Muslim women elected to Congress, has previously been criticized by the right for her stance on Israel.
An analysis of the Palestinian arena points to a terminal split and dead end. The Palestinian Authority has chosen now, of all times, to reject American aid money, while Hamas openly scoffed at Qatar's humanitarian aid yet immediately accepted it through the back door.

Throughout history, the PLO's terrorist tentacles ā€“ and the Palestinian "sumud" (steadfastness) at its core ā€“ have been funded by Arab countries and the West, in a lethal brew of fearmongering and anti-Semitism. Many of the countries were essentially paying "protection money," either willingly or through blackmail, to help resolve the "Palestinian problem" and out of concern that the PLO would do them harm. Other countries used the organization as an "attack dog," a proxy to pursue their interests.

In Gaza, Hamas' situation is getting worse. The organization is scrounging money through cash-filled suitcases and smuggling from Turkey and Iran, and from its fundraising operatives in Africa and Malaysia; but the people are hungry, crippled and exhausted. Hamas is still pursuing its self-declared goal of exterminating each and every Jew "hiding behind every rock and tree;" but in Gaza the only thing to be found behind the rocks and trees are unemployment, illness, drugs and despair.

Amid the claims and denigrations against Hamas by Palestinian Islamic Jihad that it too has collaborated to sell out the resistance against Israel of some fuel and dollars, Hamas publicly rejected Qatar's cash assistance. In actuality, the money is reaching its pockets with certain conditions attached ā€“ and Israel's agreements ā€“ through a circuitous and "humanitarian" path via banks and U.N. clerks in Gaza (who are Hamas activists anyway). Hence, everyone is happy: Hamas isn't collaborating with the enemy and Israel remains humanitarian.

(full article online)

Just another day in the Arab-Moslem Death Cult.

PA honors 2 murderers

PA university awards jailed murderer with honorary certificate - PMW Bulletins

PA university awards jailed murderer
with "honorary certificate in military science
as a sign of appreciation for his role and sacrifice"
Mother to murderer son: "You did nothing wrong...
On the contrary, you bring us pride"

Young relatives of murderer dream of meeting him
PA TV: He is a role model for children

by Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Karim and Maher Younes are Israeli Arab terrorists serving a 40-year sentence for having kidnapped and murdered Israeli soldier Avraham Bromberg in 1980. They are among the Palestinian Authority's so-called "veteran" prisoners, and as such are glorified tremendously by the PA. The fact that they have both "endured" 36 years in prison was celebrated by the PA this month.
"Under the auspices" of PA Chairman Abbas, the Tulkarem district held a "rally of solidarity" in Maher Younes' honor with the participation of Fatah Deputy Chairman and Abbas' representative Mahmoud Al-Aloul, Fatah Central Committee member Tawfiq Tirawi, Tulkarem District Governor Issam Abu Bakr, Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners' Affairs Qadri Abu Bakr, and PA-funded Prisoners' Club Chairman Qadura Fares.
The PA government is saying in this video that it transfers patients to the Jerusalem hospital not for their own good, but for political purposes to "strengthen the resilience of the holy city and its citizens."

How many patients received worse quality care, or were hurt by an ambulance trip that wasn't necessary? How many may have died because of this policy?

And isn't it interesting that the Palestinian leaders are bragging about their apathy towards patient care?

(full article online)

Palestinian leaders use patients as pawns, transfer them to E. Jerusalem hospital for only political reasons ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
One of the lynchpins of the palestinian narrative is the ā€œNaqbaā€ and the palestinian refugees. Over time, the official palestinian narrative has evolved to claim that Israel expelled all 700,000 palestinian Arabs from what is now Israel, even though there are those Israel haters who do mention fleeing.

For instance, last year I noticed how in 2014, PA President Mahmoud Abbas told students in Ramallah

"Someone asked me: How [could we receive] Israeli citizenship? I said: You are returning to the state of Israel. After all, the refugees, numbered at five million, and their children ā€“ were all expelled from the 1948 territories. There is no refugee from Nablus or Ramallah. They are all from Tiberius, Acre, Safed, Nazareth, Jaffa or Beersheba. If you want to return to Israel and receive an Israeli citizenship or not ā€“ you are free [to decide].ā€

changing his tune from this previous statement of his in 1976

ā€œThe Arab armies entered Palestine to protect the Palestinians from the Zionist tyranny but, instead, they abandoned them, forced them to emigrate and to leave their homeland, and threw them into prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live.ā€

But now it seems we have proof on film of Abbas admitted that for the most part, the palestinian Arabs fled.

WATCH: Mahmoud Abbas Admitting Palestinian Arabs Fled And Were Not Expelled
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