Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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While the Arab-Moslem Death Cult contines to receive welfare dollars, their glorification of murderers and misfits continues.

Palestinian pride - Murderers are cool!

Palestinian pride – Murderers are cool! - PMW Bulletins

Children are taught to admire killers
  • Mother to children of murderer: “Your father is a hero”
    Daughter: “Father is one of the Palestinian heroes we are proud of”
  • Father of would-be suicide bomber: “All the prisoners are our sons... You are a source of pride for us”
by Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Terrorist murderers are cool! That is the message from the Palestinian Authority to Palestinians. The PA continues to stress to its population that terrorists and murderers of Israelis are "heroes" by glorifying them and rewarding them with salaries.

As Palestinian Media Watch has documented, events are named in honor of the terrorist prisoners, PA and Fatah officials thank and praise them in speeches, and official PA TV broadcasts several programs about and specifically for the prisoners and visits their families.

The following two recent broadcasts on official PA TV show that the Palestinian population embraces this role modeling of murderers:

A mother teaches her children that their father who murdered a Greek Orthodox monk is “a hero”:


Terrorist prisoner Yasser Rabai'ah's wife: "I always encourage [my children] and tell them: Your father is a hero. Our homeland deserves such heroes.”
Terrorist prisoner Yasser Rabai'ah's daughter: "I want to say that father is one of the Palestinian heroes we are proud of.”
[Official PA TV, Giants of Endurance, Jan. 19, 2019

I thought this was funny. In the alternate reality of islamic terrorist dictators ruling over islamic terrorist mini-caliphates, those lower on the UNRWA welfare fraud feeding frenzy live a tenuous existence.

Palestinian president Abbas accepts government resignation


Ramallah (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas accepted the resignation of his government Tuesday, in a reshuffle seen as a bid by the ageing leader to strengthen his position as a decade-old political split deepens.

Analysts view replacing prime minister Rami Hamdallah after five years as part of Abbas's efforts to further isolate his political rivals Hamas, who run the Gaza Strip.

Hamdallah's government will remain in place while a new administration is formed.

Have you noticed the photograph Amnesty International use to illustrate their latest attack on Israel. Look more closely.


What grounds are there to believe this is the fakest of fake news?

An amnesty for Paliwood
  • Protests by the Palestinians in Lebanon are unlikely to draw any attention from the international community, including so-called pro-Palestinian groups that are active especially on university campuses in the US and Canada, among other places.

  • The real "pro-Palestinian" groups are those who are willing to raise their voices against the mistreatment of Palestinians at the hands of their Arab brothers. The real "pro-Palestinian" groups are those who are prepared to defend the rights of women and gays living under Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The real "pro-Palestinian" groups are those that are prepared to advocate for democracy and free speech for Palestinians living under the repressive regimes of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The real "pro-Palestinian" groups are those who are prepared to condemn Lebanon for its racist and discriminatory measures against Palestinians, living and dead.

  • Hiding at a university campus and spewing hatred against Israel does not make one "pro-Palestinian." Rather, it makes one just an Israel-hater. Will the "pro-Palestinian" groups listen to the urgent messages coming from the people in Lebanon they claim to represent?

    (full article online)

    The Palestinians: Who Really Cares?
The Hamas terror group continued throughout 2018 to provide military training for students in government high schools in the Gaza Strip, with the so-called “March of Return” riots and ongoing tensions with Israel and attacks on it in the background, according to a report by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terror Information Center (ITIC).

According to the report, the training is part of the al-Futuwwa (“youth/heroism”) program, which prepares them to join Hamas’ ranks, as well as those of other Palestinian terrorist organizations, in the future.

The government schools in the Gaza Strip are technically subordinate to the ministry of education run by the Palestinian Authority (PA) in Ramallah, but are in fact controlled by Hamas, which has absolute control of the Strip.

(full article online)

Hamas Trains High School Kids in Gaza to Become Next Generation of Terrorists
At this moment, according to B'Tselem, there are 203 minors in Israeli prisons. 80% are over 16, none are under 14. Some more might be in IDF detention, but certainly less than 250 total.

The chances that a Palestinian minor from the West Bank is in Israeli custody right now is about 1 in 10,000.

The chances that an American minor is in detention (prison or juvenile detention) is about 1 in 1500. The chances that an American minor is in adult prison is 1 in 7500.

Canadian rates are comparable.

A Palestinian minor has a much lower chance of being in Israeli custody than an American or Canadian minor being in custody in those countries.

The Palestinian video went on to accuse Israel of torturing the children, an equally false accusation.

The obvious audience for this failed video is the English speaking world - NGOs, the UN and other Westerners, most of whom would not believe that a government that they want so desperately to succeed would lie so blatantly.

(full article online)

Lie of the day: "A large number of Palestinian children spend their childhood inside Israeli prisons" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
As one reads further into the Times’s account of the government resigning, the mysteries only increase. It turns out that the government resigned following “widespread street demonstrations” by Palestinian Arabs. Who knew? Not readers of the Times or other major U.S. newspapers. Palestinian demonstrations are newsworthy only if they’re anti-Israel. These demonstrations were against the Government-Whose-Existence-Must-Not-Be-Mentioned, over “a contentious social security law.”

A contentious social security law? How do Palestinian Arabs have the power to pass their own laws if they are “struggling to survive under occupation”? How can they have their own social security system? Oh, the contradictions!

Not only that, the Times belatedly informs its readers, but among the Palestinian Arabs there is “growing public resentment” over the fact that “there are no Palestinian elections on the horizon—the last national ballot took place over a decade go.”

If Israel was preventing Palestinian elections, it would be front page news. Day after day after day. But it’s the Palestinian Authority’s own chairman, Mahmoud Abbas, who is the denier of democracy. And news about Palestinian fascism is not fit to print.

The term “Palestinian Government” is really an oxymoron. No matter how much self-rule they enjoy, no matter how much foreign they receive, no matter how much free advice they get from their friends in the State Department they’re simply incapable of governing themselves.

Forced to report on the resignation of the Palestinian government, the Times was also forced to explain some of the background of the conflicts between Abbas and Hamas, which in turn forced the Times to grudgingly concede—in the 13th paragraph!—that Abbas has “authority [in] parts of the Israeli occupied-West Bank.”

Wait—if Israel “occupies” it, how does Abbas have “authority” in it? Oxymoron alert! Notice, by the way, that the Times does not explain which “parts” Abbas rules. That’s because it doesn’t want readers to know that Abbas rules the parts where 98% of the Palestinian Arabs reside.

That 98% figure is the most dangerous fact of all. It’s the fact that is simply never mentioned—not by the major media, not by J Street or Americans for Peace Now, not by pro-Palestinian members of Congress or United Nations committees or the State Department crowd. Because admitting that the Palestinian Authority already rules 98% of the Palestinian Arabs severely undercuts the demands for a Palestinian state. It’s the ultimate “inconvenient truth.” So they suppress it.

(full article online)

“Palestinian government” dies, an oxymoron is born
Life’s good for the current Islamic terrorist dictator running the mini-caliphate of Abbas'istan. The timing of the aircraft purchase suggests Abbas knew that the US was going to turn off the welfare spigot and thus he decided to buy the private jet while he still had welfare checks laying around.

Amid funding cut fears, PA purchases $50 million private jet for Abbas — report

Amid funding cut fears, PA purchases $50 million private jet for Abbas — report

Hadashot news reports plane will be delivered to Amman within weeks, will be stationed there for use by Palestinian leader
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

In the last century, there have been more than a dozen Heads of State that had planned ahead and prepared their eacape after looting the coffers of their country's treasury holding.

I wonder (just muzing) who holds the title to the $50M plane.

Life’s good for the current Islamic terrorist dictator running the mini-caliphate of Abbas'istan. The timing of the aircraft purchase suggests Abbas knew that the US was going to turn off the welfare spigot and thus he decided to buy the private jet while he still had welfare checks laying around.

Amid funding cut fears, PA purchases $50 million private jet for Abbas — report

Amid funding cut fears, PA purchases $50 million private jet for Abbas — report

Hadashot news reports plane will be delivered to Amman within weeks, will be stationed there for use by Palestinian leader

I just wonder if the Palestinian President is planning his get-away.

Between what Mahmoud Abbas and hiw two sons (who own Falcon Holdings) and the investment interests in Arab Palestinian Investment Company (and several associated companies), I suspect that he has a material value of more than $100M stashed away.

Now that a serious funding cut has been made in the ability for the State of Palestine (such that it is) to stand on its own, it will be interesting to see if there is a great escape planned.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

In the last century, there have been more than a dozen Heads of State that had planned ahead and prepared their eacape after looting the coffers of their country's treasury holding.

I wonder (just muzing) who holds the title to the $50M plane.

Life’s good for the current Islamic terrorist dictator running the mini-caliphate of Abbas'istan. The timing of the aircraft purchase suggests Abbas knew that the US was going to turn off the welfare spigot and thus he decided to buy the private jet while he still had welfare checks laying around.

Amid funding cut fears, PA purchases $50 million private jet for Abbas — report

Amid funding cut fears, PA purchases $50 million private jet for Abbas — report

Hadashot news reports plane will be delivered to Amman within weeks, will be stationed there for use by Palestinian leader

I just wonder if the Palestinian President is planning his get-away.

Between what Mahmoud Abbas and hiw two sons (who own Falcon Holdings) and the investment interests in Arab Palestinian Investment Company (and several associated companies), I suspect that he has a material value of more than $100M stashed away.

Now that a serious funding cut has been made in the ability for the State of Palestine (such that it is) to stand on its own, it will be interesting to see if there is a great escape planned.

Most Respectfully,

I suspect that having the jet stationed in Jordan was a calculated decision on the part of Abbas. If some event causes a shooting war with Hamas to erupt (maybe the Iranians see Abbas as weak and smell blood), or Mahmoud decides that with his “government” dissolved and UNRWA a declining endowment, a jet out of the reach of his rivals is a security blanket.
One of the “professors” at something called “Gaza university” “school of sharia”(I believe they accept direct deposit of UNRWA welfare checks as late as Tuesday for regular, weekly graduations on Thursday, although, I could be wrong about that), tells us once again that the Islamist position in the Arab-Israeli conflict is ideological, ie:, a matter of Islamist core ideals.

"Gaza Islamic University Prof. Maher Al-Susi: Secular Western Concepts Have Been Exploited to Make Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Appear Political Rather than Ideological"

Professor Maher Al-Susi, who teaches at the Islamic University of Gaza's shari'a school, said during a January 4, 2019 broadcast on Al-Quds TV (Lebanon) that it is a problem that Muslim intellectuals are accepting secular Western ideas such as separation of religion and state. He said that this is why people have started talking about "political Islam" and that these "mistaken ideas" have been exploited in order to make the Israeli-Palestinian conflict appear to be a political conflict rather than an ideological one. He said: "The purpose of this was to remove faith and religion from the conflict. Our enemies were more clever than us. Unfortunately, they understood Islam better than we did."
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