Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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What really happened in Lod?

Several major attacks by Arab forces occurred in the Lod area during Israel’s War of Independence. Lod and Ramle were counter-attacked by the IDF because they were on the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem road and convoys attempting to resupply and reinforce Jerusalem had to travel through the streets of the two towns, routinely under fire. The IDF could not afford to allow Jerusalem to be cut off from the rest of the country.

Yitzhak Rabin, then a commander involved in the operation, later said he agreed with Ben-Gurion’s order to expel the Arabs of Ramle and Lod. The Arabs in Lod were “armed and hostile,” Rabin said, presenting a danger, and they had to be driven away. Fighting with Arab gunmen took place, but no massacre occurred, the enemy during wartime was dealt a heavy blow.

Lod is a town where till this day, the Arab population has been consistently harassing the Jewish population. See my article, “The Jewish Struggle Against Arabs in Israel.”

“This is our memorial day,” National Democratic Assembly member Gabi Tanus said, in Lod at the time. “It is more important to us than the Holocaust is to the Jewish nation.”

Notice that according to them, the Arabs suffered more in Israel than the Jews did during the Holocaust...

(full article online)

Happy Nakba Day!
Hamas Disguises Terrorists as Journalists to Recruit Young Palestinians

Israel's Security Agency (ISA) recently uncovered a secret operation by Hamas to use terrorists disguised as journalists to recruit Palestinians to commit terror attacks against Jews living in Judea and Samaria.

The ISA report names four detained Hamas recruits who said they were asked to carry out terrorist attacks by people they believed to be journalists.

"This activity by Hamas's military wing is yet another one in the series of attempts by Hamas in the Gaza Strip to carry out terrorist attacks by recruiting operatives in Judea and Samaria and eastern Jerusalem. All these have been disrupted by the ISA in recent years, leading to the arrests of dozens of young operatives in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem," a senior ISA official said.
Palestine Today shows photos of Islamic Jihad and Hamas terrorists - in masks - giving out water and dates to people in Gaza for Ramadan.

Because they are so humane.

Wouldn't you feel good seeing these people reaching into your car?

(more photos online)

Terrorists wear masks even when giving out dates and water for Ramadan ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
So, what is there to be afraid of?

From islamic terrorist goon squads? I guess that depends on who or what you are.

January 28, 2019

Palestinian political rivalry takes toll on journalists | Reporters without borders

Palestinian political rivalry takes toll on journalists


As Palestinian journalists continue to be the targets of a month-old wave of arrests and intimidation in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on Hamas in Gaza and the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority in the West Bank not to turn journalists into the collateral victims of their rivalry.
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  • "By Allah, even if we have only a penny left it will be spent on the families of the martyrs and prisoners, and only afterwards will it be spent on the rest of the people." — Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Media Watch, July 24, 2018.

  • Evidently, the "rest of the people" includes not only the Palestinian Authority (PA) employees, but also Palestinian patients who are in need of medical treatment. Abbas has now decided to punish these patients by depriving them of medical treatment in Israel.

  • The PA decision to stop patients from receiving medical treatment in Israel does not apply to senior Palestinian officials.
(full article online)

How Palestinian Leaders Punish Patients
Feeding the psychosis of Islamism.

Another of the patients in the psyche ward of islam is treating the afflicted.

In a video of an address before a crowd at the Al-Aqsa Mosque that was uploaded to the Internet on May 10, 2019, Palestinian cleric Nidhal Siam “Abu Ibrahim” said that this Ramadhan, the Russian, American, and British “devils” will be shackled. He said that the “devils” know that every Muslim “constitutes a time bomb that will explode as soon as the Caliph of the Muslims gives the order [to] come to Jihad.” Abu Ibrahim said that these countries have mobilized their armies throughout the Arab world in order to prevent the establishment of an Islamic State, and that it this was not done in order to fight Iran, which he said is a “seal ring on America’s pinky toe” that is “drowning in collaboration.” He added that the Emir of the Believers will soon emerge and declare the liberation of Al-Aqsa.

"Al-Aqsa Mosque Address by Cleric Nidhal Siam: Muslims Are "Time-Bombs” Waiting for the Call to Jihad"

It’s an alternate reality where cartoon characters of people with dangerous psychoses feed there common affliction.
If these uppity women were in their hijabs, in their rooms, they would better understand their role in the Islamist social order.

Palestinians Changing Laws on ‘Honor Killings’

Dima Abumaria, The Media Line

Palestinians Changing Laws on ‘Honor Killings’ | Jewish Journal


March is a special month for women. There was International Women’s Day on the 8th and Mother’s Day in the Palestinian territories is on the 21st. This March, in particular, is also special for Palestinian women for another reason: No longer will men receive reduced sentences for “honor killings.”
She has supported the Palestinian Authority paying terrorist salaries, calling it "social assistance to thousands of families permanently scarred by its illegal policy of mass incarceration and unchecked violence against Palestinians."

- At the outbreak of the second intifada, she expressed support for the terror spree, saying "The only language Sharon understands is the language of violence."

- In 2000, she justified the murder of Jewish civilians in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and Gaza, saying, "In a sense, the army of occupation and the settlers have become legitimate and select targets of Palestinian resistance."

Her NGO "Miftah" has published articles accusing Jews of the blood libel, and even after I exposed its support for antisemitism and terror it still, today, has articles that praise Palestinian female suicide bombers and other terrorists. Before being cleansed it had articles directly supporting suicide bombings.

- In 1995, she said in a speech that no "foreigners" (meaning Jews) should be allowed to immigrate to Israel.

- She has said that allowing Jews to peacefully visit the Temple Mount is a "declaration of war against Islam." (She is Christian.)

-Ashrawi rejects free speech, saying it should be prohibited to "defame" UNRWA.

-The PLO has rejected any talks with the US and even rejects accepting money. Why should the US not treat PLO members the same way?

(full article online)

Why ban Hanan Ashrawi from the US? Let us count the reasons.... ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Yes, the money for parts to build 700 rockets doesn't just fall off the gee-had tree. The iranian Mullocrats are more than happy to see their despised Sunni rivals take one for Ali.

From June of last year.

Gaza’s financial crisis is sending Hamas back into the arms of Iran

Gaza’s financial crisis is sending Hamas back into the arms of Iran

After relations soured at start of Syrian civil war, terror group now doing all it can to warm ties with Tehran -- which has been generously rewarding border protest participants

The dead Sunni protestors (especially), are rewarded by the Iranian mullocrats. The Mullocrats share an Islamo-high five among themselves.
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Even though it's enough said, here's some more.

The Arab-Moslem Death Cult is doing everything it can to ensure that the next generation of psychopaths will mirror the current.

Hamas cancels classes in Gaza to send children to 'riot' against Israel, IDF says


Israel Defense Forces said Tuesday the militant group Hamas is canceling classes in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday to send children to “riot” violently against Israel.

“IDF intelligence can confirm that Hamas has cancelled schools in Gaza tomorrow in order to send the children to participate in violent riots against Israel,” the military tweeted, adding that Hamas distributed the message on social media, television and the radio.

Recent videos linked to Gaza television have urged children to "martyr" themselves against the Jewish state, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute. The press monitoring and analysis organization included a Gaza TV Media YouTube account which posted a video last month of a small Jordanian boy volunteering to go to Jerusalem and die as a martyr.

I hope this guy doesn’t wind up on the business end of a fatwa.

"Lebanese Journalist Nadim Koteich Blames Islamic Jihad, Hamas for Clashes: Israel Withdrew from Gaza in 2005"

Lebanese journalist Nadim Koteich accused the Islamic Jihad of starting the recent round of fighting with Israel. Speaking in an interview with the Lebanese LDC TV channel on May 11, 2019, he said that Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, representing the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran respectively, should have turned Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza into an opportunity for a national Palestinian compromise, but that instead, they have “thwarted all opportunities for peace” and have “ended up in a prison called Gaza.”
I hope this guy doesn’t wind up on the business end of a fatwa.

"Lebanese Journalist Nadim Koteich Blames Islamic Jihad, Hamas for Clashes: Israel Withdrew from Gaza in 2005"

Lebanese journalist Nadim Koteich accused the Islamic Jihad of starting the recent round of fighting with Israel. Speaking in an interview with the Lebanese LDC TV channel on May 11, 2019, he said that Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, representing the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran respectively, should have turned Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza into an opportunity for a national Palestinian compromise, but that instead, they have “thwarted all opportunities for peace” and have “ended up in a prison called Gaza.”
Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza into an opportunity
I hope this guy doesn’t wind up on the business end of a fatwa.

"Lebanese Journalist Nadim Koteich Blames Islamic Jihad, Hamas for Clashes: Israel Withdrew from Gaza in 2005"

Lebanese journalist Nadim Koteich accused the Islamic Jihad of starting the recent round of fighting with Israel. Speaking in an interview with the Lebanese LDC TV channel on May 11, 2019, he said that Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, representing the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran respectively, should have turned Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza into an opportunity for a national Palestinian compromise, but that instead, they have “thwarted all opportunities for peace” and have “ended up in a prison called Gaza.”
Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza into an opportunity

That was quite your usual inability to offer a coherent comment.

The fact remains, however, that 2005 was an opportunity lost by Arabs-Moslems as their pattern of failure and ineptitude would be repeated.
A pretty good article surrounding the recent (and permanent) retirement of several Iranian flunkies connected to Hamas.

Israel has left the Islamic terrorists with a clear message that those at the top of the Iranian pay scale will be smears on the pavement if they choose to play The Islamic Terrorist Game.

Will killing of Hamas cadre set off chain of assassinations?

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/or...orist-israel-assassination.html#ixzz5o0w5cVj7

While the assassination of Khudari shows that Israel is no longer hesitant to carry out assassinations against Palestinians, it has also served as a wake-up call for Hamas; it shows that Israel could start a confrontation by assassinating a Hamas cadre. While Hamas does not desire such a scenario, it will be embarrassing and difficult for it to stand idly by if Israel assassinates one Hamas fighter after another.

Those “Poor, Impoverished Arab-Moslems”, need your help to ease their suffering. Please send cash.
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