Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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I can’t believe the Iranian Mullocrats would allow their flunkies in Gaza to accept any ceasefire. The mullahs have an interest in seeing more dead Sunni Islamics. I suspect the Iranian welfare checks to Hamas would abruptly stop if the Hamas errand boys made any ceasefire agreement with Israel.

Hamas denies Israeli media reports of six-months ceasefire agreement

What agreement? What are the terms?

Tried reading?
Read what? The link didn't say much.

Usually during lessons with kids I tell them to read out loud...
C'mon You can make it.
I can’t believe the Iranian Mullocrats would allow their flunkies in Gaza to accept any ceasefire. The mullahs have an interest in seeing more dead Sunni Islamics. I suspect the Iranian welfare checks to Hamas would abruptly stop if the Hamas errand boys made any ceasefire agreement with Israel.

Hamas denies Israeli media reports of six-months ceasefire agreement

What agreement? What are the terms?

Tried reading?
Read what? The link didn't say much.

Usually during lessons with kids I tell them to read out loud...
C'mon You can make it.
Ah, so you don't know what it said either.
I can’t believe the Iranian Mullocrats would allow their flunkies in Gaza to accept any ceasefire. The mullahs have an interest in seeing more dead Sunni Islamics. I suspect the Iranian welfare checks to Hamas would abruptly stop if the Hamas errand boys made any ceasefire agreement with Israel.

Hamas denies Israeli media reports of six-months ceasefire agreement

What agreement? What are the terms?

Tried reading?
Read what? The link didn't say much.

Usually during lessons with kids I tell them to read out loud...
C'mon You can make it.
Ah, so you don't know what it said either.
I actually read it, just don't understand Your compulsion to lie about everything, or the need to play those childish games when all it takes is to read the link.
What agreement? What are the terms?

Tried reading?
Read what? The link didn't say much.

Usually during lessons with kids I tell them to read out loud...
C'mon You can make it.
Ah, so you don't know what it said either.
I actually read it, just don't understand Your compulsion to lie about everything, or the need to play those childish games when all it takes is to read the link.
What was on the table? What was not on the table? The Palestinians are not going to sign off on a one sided ceasefire.
What was on the table? What was not on the table? The Palestinians are not going to sign off on a one sided ceasefire.

Of course Arab Palestinians are going to sign off on a one-sided ceasefire. You know how I know? Because they are the ones instigating the fire. They can't HELP but sign off on a one-sided agreement. Because the violence is not actually mutual.

The problem is that they expect to instigate violence and then get goodies. Not going to happen anymore. Or they expect to instigate violence and then get the status quo back. Fast losing that game.

And the next step Israel is going to have to take is for them to instigate violence and then have both consequences and restitution to be made before even the status quo returns. As it should be.
I can’t believe the Iranian Mullocrats would allow their flunkies in Gaza to accept any ceasefire. The mullahs have an interest in seeing more dead Sunni Islamics. I suspect the Iranian welfare checks to Hamas would abruptly stop if the Hamas errand boys made any ceasefire agreement with Israel.

Hamas denies Israeli media reports of six-months ceasefire agreement

What agreement? What are the terms?

You’re in denial.
Tried reading?
Read what? The link didn't say much.

Usually during lessons with kids I tell them to read out loud...
C'mon You can make it.
Ah, so you don't know what it said either.
I actually read it, just don't understand Your compulsion to lie about everything, or the need to play those childish games when all it takes is to read the link.
What was on the table? What was not on the table? The Palestinians are not going to sign off on a one sided ceasefire.

Are you going to lose your Iranian welfare check if you don’t tow the Mullocratic party line?
Follow up on the “liquefaction” of Arab-Moslem terrorists.

The Mullocrats are not going to be happy about a rocket launcher being damaged. Sunni Islamics they don’t care about as those are expendable.

Just another day in the Islamic Death Cult.


Report: Hamas Anti-Helicopter Squad Intercepted | Hamodia.com

Hamas terrorists who were about to launch a shoulder-mounted missile at an Israeli helicopter during the recent Gaza fighting were themselves liquidated by an Air Force jet who spotted them just in time, according to a report Monday in the Yerushalayim-based Palestinian newspaper Al-Quds.
Ok, stop me if you’ve heard this one before.

PMW Bulletins
The figures show that the PA financial crisis is fake

The figures show that the PA financial crisis is fake - PMW Bulletins

by Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
May 20, 2019

The figures show that the PA financial crisis is fake
  • The PA's total revenue from taxes collected by Israel in January-February 2019 was 109 million shekels higher than in the corresponding period last year, amounting to 1.471 billion shekels, compared to 1.362 billion shekels
  • Even after Israel’s freezing the transfer of money that the PA spends on prisoner's salaries, the PA’s revenue from taxes was higher than the average monthly transfer of taxes to the PA in 2018.
  • The PA's current economic crisis is the result of the PA leadership's own decision to cripple the Palestinian economy - all in order to continue to paying generous salaries to terrorists
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

Now, how interesting.

Ok, stop me if you’ve heard this one before.
PMW Bulletins
The figures show that the PA financial crisis is fake
by Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
May 20, 2019

Somebody is going to feel the impact.

All of these stories seem to be missing the balance sheets.

Most Respectfully,
What was on the table? What was not on the table? The Palestinians are not going to sign off on a one sided ceasefire.

Of course Arab Palestinians are going to sign off on a one-sided ceasefire. You know how I know? Because they are the ones instigating the fire. They can't HELP but sign off on a one-sided agreement. Because the violence is not actually mutual.

The problem is that they expect to instigate violence and then get goodies. Not going to happen anymore. Or they expect to instigate violence and then get the status quo back. Fast losing that game.

And the next step Israel is going to have to take is for them to instigate violence and then have both consequences and restitution to be made before even the status quo returns. As it should be.
You are a hoot!
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

Now, how interesting.

Ok, stop me if you’ve heard this one before.
PMW Bulletins
The figures show that the PA financial crisis is fake
by Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
May 20, 2019

Somebody is going to feel the impact.

All of these stories seem to be missing the balance sheets.

Most Respectfully,

Somehow, I don’t envision either the PA or Hamas being agreeable to an outside audit of their finances. My opinion is that both those entities have no desire to explain to anyone where a great deal of international welfare money is located.
Tried reading?
Read what? The link didn't say much.

Usually during lessons with kids I tell them to read out loud...
C'mon You can make it.
Ah, so you don't know what it said either.
I actually read it, just don't understand Your compulsion to lie about everything, or the need to play those childish games when all it takes is to read the link.
What was on the table? What was not on the table? The Palestinians are not going to sign off on a one sided ceasefire.

Can I address You from now as the official spokesperson,
or does that feed the dementia?

Dude read the link, really what's wrong with You??
Read what? The link didn't say much.

Usually during lessons with kids I tell them to read out loud...
C'mon You can make it.
Ah, so you don't know what it said either.
I actually read it, just don't understand Your compulsion to lie about everything, or the need to play those childish games when all it takes is to read the link.
What was on the table? What was not on the table? The Palestinians are not going to sign off on a one sided ceasefire.

Can I address You from now as the official spokesperson,
or does that feed the dementia?

Dude read the link, really what's wrong with You??

Frustrating, isn't it? This has been going on for the 13 years that I've been on here, and probably long before that.
The Fatah version of Islamic terrorists are in a bit of a huff.

Fatah posted offensive Holocaust video

after Al-Jazeera condemned and removed it

Fatah posted offensive Holocaust video after Al-Jazeera condemned and removed it - PMW Bulletins

Al-Jazeera condemned its own journalists’ offensive Holocaust report:
“Al-Jazeera stated today, that it has taken disciplinary action and suspended two of its journalists over video content produced on the Holocaust.”

Fatah republished the video on Facebook:
“Al-Jazeera TV did a favor to the occupation (i.e., Israel) and erased the video. Let’s publish it again.”

By Itamar Marcus


On May 18, 2019, Al-Jazeera journalists produced an offensive report on the Holocaust. It accused Israel of “having benefitted the most from” the Holocaust, questioned the numbers killed in the Holocaust, and said it was the Jewish control of the media that created so much focus on the Holocaust even though the Jews were just one group among many who were murdered by the Nazis. The report was so offensive that Al-Jazeera itself condemned it, removed it from their website, and suspended the journalists:

“Al-Jazeera stated today, that it has taken disciplinary action and suspended two of its journalists over video content produced on the Holocaust... Dr. Yaser Bishr, Executive Director of Digital Division, stated that Al Jazeera completely disowns the offensive content in question and reiterated that Al Jazeera would not tolerate such material on any of the Network’s platforms.”

PA leader Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party was upset that Al-Jazeera removed the video. Fatah criticized Al-Jazeera’s actions as benefiting Israel, and decided to post the entire offensive Holocaust report on its Facebook page.

Posted text: “Al-Jazeera TV did a favor to the occupation (i.e., Israel) and erased the video. Let’s publish it again.”
[Official Fatah Facebook page,
May 20, 2019]

Palestinian Media Watch has reported that Holocaust denial, trivialization, and distortion are all common themes of the Palestinian Authority and its leaders.

The following text is part of the Al-Jazeera video that Fatah reposted on its official Facebook page:

Al-Jazeera narrator: “Six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis -this is the narrative that the Zionist movement adopted and emphasizes every year in marking what is known as Holocaust Remembrance Day. Let us tell you the story of the Holocaust...
After the Holocaust, the Zionist movement claimed that two out of every three Jews were murdered. How and why did it happen? ...
Who are the Palestinians?


^Arabs & allied with the Hitler Muslim brigades.


^The Grand Mufti of Palestine.


^More of the Grand Mufti of Palestine.


^Palestinian iow ARAB attempting to lie her way out of the truth.

How cruel that the “Poor, Impoverished Pal’istanians” are made to suffer at luxury hotels near The Gaza’istan Marina.


Please ease the suffering. Bitcoin is preferred for supporting Islamic terrorism.

look, they have the Infinity lounge.....

....can't go in though........

rules are rules

That seems like a nice...Hotel.

what about this palestinian refugee camp [in Lebanon]:

no money in abbass & hamasses corporate account for refugee camp renovations ? no money for paint or...asphalt ?

...they don't have to have expensive marble floors & wood paneling -- but, they sure do build things for le$$ these days...

shipping containers and railroad cars.......they make great [inexpensive homes] for people on a ...terrorist-budget.

I guess the palestinians can't ....change the infrastructure to something "lighter" and with more curb appeal.... (you know, when israel has to take a heavy hand <after hamass launches unprovoked rockets and bombs into israel> so, concrete seems better for terrorists when they dive for cover.....
I believe the reality is that Gaza remains vulnerable to another beatdown when the Islamic terrorists launch more attack. This latest Hudna will likely not last long.

Gaza remains highly flammable, despite reports of Israel’s ‘new understanding with Hamas’

Gaza remains highly flammable, despite reports of Israel’s ‘new understanding with Hamas’

Hamas has yet to resolve the paradox of being a terror organization and a regime responsible for nearly 2 million Gazans. It tries to juggle both of these competing identities, in addition to keeping in check other terror groups ensconced in the area.

I don’t necessarily agree with the ‘paradox” described in the article. Hamas is first and foremost an Islamic terrorist franchise of the Muslim Brotherhood.

It’s a mistake to describe Hamas as being responsible for Gazans. I think one could make the case that it is largely UNRWA that is responsible for much of the “management” of the civil affairs that Hamas cannot perform.
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