Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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It's actually comical that these Dark Agers are suggesting that islamic ideology will "liberate" anything.


Israel online news | The Jerusalem Post

Defiant Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders said that the Palestinian struggle against Israel will continue until the ā€œliberation of all Palestine.ā€
I believe the reality is that Gaza remains vulnerable to another beatdown when the Islamic terrorists launch more attack. This latest Hudna will likely not last long.

Gaza remains highly flammable, despite reports of Israelā€™s ā€˜new understanding with Hamasā€™

Gaza remains highly flammable, despite reports of Israelā€™s ā€˜new understanding with Hamasā€™

Hamas has yet to resolve the paradox of being a terror organization and a regime responsible for nearly 2 million Gazans. It tries to juggle both of these competing identities, in addition to keeping in check other terror groups ensconced in the area.

I donā€™t necessarily agree with the ā€˜paradoxā€ described in the article. Hamas is first and foremost an Islamic terrorist franchise of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Itā€™s a mistake to describe Hamas as being responsible for Gazans. I think one could make the case that it is largely UNRWA that is responsible for much of the ā€œmanagementā€ of the civil affairs that Hamas cannot perform.
It doesn't look like anything that Hamas would sign.
I believe the reality is that Gaza remains vulnerable to another beatdown when the Islamic terrorists launch more attack. This latest Hudna will likely not last long.

Gaza remains highly flammable, despite reports of Israelā€™s ā€˜new understanding with Hamasā€™

Gaza remains highly flammable, despite reports of Israelā€™s ā€˜new understanding with Hamasā€™

Hamas has yet to resolve the paradox of being a terror organization and a regime responsible for nearly 2 million Gazans. It tries to juggle both of these competing identities, in addition to keeping in check other terror groups ensconced in the area.

I donā€™t necessarily agree with the ā€˜paradoxā€ described in the article. Hamas is first and foremost an Islamic terrorist franchise of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Itā€™s a mistake to describe Hamas as being responsible for Gazans. I think one could make the case that it is largely UNRWA that is responsible for much of the ā€œmanagementā€ of the civil affairs that Hamas cannot perform.
It doesn't look like anything that Hamas would sign.

You should issue that on their letterhead.
An odd term "insentivize" Pal'istanians.

Generations of Arabs-Moslems calling themselves "Pal'istanians" have come and gone with a cradle to grave "incentive" focused on collecting welfare while destroying themselves in the pursuit of killing Jews.

The islamic terroist mini-caliphates (those in Gaza and the West Bank), are "insentivized" by a 1400 year old socio-political code that holds a desert Arab warlord as the highest ideal for all ummah'ists. That code embraces a virulent hatred for non-islamics.


Israel online news | The Jerusalem Post
An odd term "insentivize" Pal'istanians.

Generations of Arabs-Moslems calling themselves "Pal'istanians" have come and gone with a cradle to grave "incentive" focused on collecting welfare while destroying themselves in the pursuit of killing Jews.

The islamic terroist mini-caliphates (those in Gaza and the West Bank), are "insentivized" by a 1400 year old socio-political code that holds a desert Arab warlord as the highest ideal for all ummah'ists. That code embraces a virulent hatred for non-islamics.


Israel online news | The Jerusalem Post
Do you mean like paying them to surrender?
An odd term "insentivize" Pal'istanians.

Generations of Arabs-Moslems calling themselves "Pal'istanians" have come and gone with a cradle to grave "incentive" focused on collecting welfare while destroying themselves in the pursuit of killing Jews.

The islamic terroist mini-caliphates (those in Gaza and the West Bank), are "insentivized" by a 1400 year old socio-political code that holds a desert Arab warlord as the highest ideal for all ummah'ists. That code embraces a virulent hatred for non-islamics.


Israel online news | The Jerusalem Post
Do you mean like paying them to surrender?

Are you suggesting your cut and paste gee-had will continue?
Human Rights NGO Reports on Hamasā€™ Abuses in Gaza Strip

Israel online news | The Jerusalem Post


A Hamas terrorist uses a child as a human shield. (Credit: Yeshiva World screen capture)

A human-rights nongovernmental organization that has a special consultative status in the United Nations released a report last week that documented the fact that several hundred people were summoned, arrested and detained over the course of a year by the terrorist group Hamas solely because of their political beliefs.

I find it shocking (Shocking) that islamic terrorists controlling an islamic terrorist dictatorship are abusing human rights.

Greenblatt: Hamas must be pressured to keep the peace with Israel

US Special Envoy calls on the UN to denounce Hamas as a terror group for its actions against both Israelis and Palestinians.
Hamas, Islamic Jihad must be pressured to keep the peace with Israel, US special envoy Jason Greenblatt told the United Nations Security Council in New York, after incendiary balloons launched from Gaza into southern Israel threatened to destroy the fragile calm that has held in that area for the last few weeks.

ā€œWe must all speak loudly and clearly and say that these attacks upon Israel, which are perpetrated by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, whether by rockets, incendiary balloons or other methods, must end,ā€ Greenblatt told the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday during a debate on the Middle East.
The Islamic terrorist mini-caliphate is born anew.

Itā€™s a bit of a stretch to suggest that principles such as democracy, representative rule, rule of law, etc. would survive in an Islamist, totalitarian fear society. Religious totalitarianism / authoritarianism is the norm in Arab-Moslem society and that plays out in the competing mini-caliphates in Gaza and the West Bank.

PMW op-ed:
PA Prime Minister puts the last nail
in the coffin of Palestinian democracy

PMW op-ed: PA Prime Minister puts the last nail in the coffin of Palestinian democracy - PMW Bulletins

  • Western powers have invested tens of millions of dollars to create a Palestinian democracy but it remains non-existent
By Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Itamar Marcus

By announcing last week that the Palestinian Authority elections would take place "the moment national reconciliation is achieved," PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh was putting the final nail in the coffin of the already non-existent Palestinian democracy, as such a reconciliation is unlikely to ever happen.

Since the Fatah and Hamas civil war in 2007, the sides have attempted to reconcile and have even signed several agreements, but to no avail. The power struggle is fundamental, and reconciliation - if at all realistic - is something for the distant future. Therefore, postponing elections until after reconciliation is an indefinite postponement that perpetuates the current dictatorial rule.
The Islamic terrorist mini-caliphate is born anew.

Itā€™s a bit of a stretch to suggest that principles such as democracy, representative rule, rule of law, etc. would survive in an Islamist, totalitarian fear society. Religious totalitarianism / authoritarianism is the norm in Arab-Moslem society and that plays out in the competing mini-caliphates in Gaza and the West Bank.

PMW op-ed:
PA Prime Minister puts the last nail
in the coffin of Palestinian democracy

PMW op-ed: PA Prime Minister puts the last nail in the coffin of Palestinian democracy - PMW Bulletins

  • Western powers have invested tens of millions of dollars to create a Palestinian democracy but it remains non-existent
By Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Itamar Marcus

By announcing last week that the Palestinian Authority elections would take place "the moment national reconciliation is achieved," PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh was putting the final nail in the coffin of the already non-existent Palestinian democracy, as such a reconciliation is unlikely to ever happen.

Since the Fatah and Hamas civil war in 2007, the sides have attempted to reconcile and have even signed several agreements, but to no avail. The power struggle is fundamental, and reconciliation - if at all realistic - is something for the distant future. Therefore, postponing elections until after reconciliation is an indefinite postponement that perpetuates the current dictatorial rule.
The never answered question.

Fatah lost the elections. How are they running the West Bank?
The Islamic terrorist mini-caliphate is born anew.

Itā€™s a bit of a stretch to suggest that principles such as democracy, representative rule, rule of law, etc. would survive in an Islamist, totalitarian fear society. Religious totalitarianism / authoritarianism is the norm in Arab-Moslem society and that plays out in the competing mini-caliphates in Gaza and the West Bank.

PMW op-ed:
PA Prime Minister puts the last nail
in the coffin of Palestinian democracy

PMW op-ed: PA Prime Minister puts the last nail in the coffin of Palestinian democracy - PMW Bulletins

  • Western powers have invested tens of millions of dollars to create a Palestinian democracy but it remains non-existent
By Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Itamar Marcus

By announcing last week that the Palestinian Authority elections would take place "the moment national reconciliation is achieved," PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh was putting the final nail in the coffin of the already non-existent Palestinian democracy, as such a reconciliation is unlikely to ever happen.

Since the Fatah and Hamas civil war in 2007, the sides have attempted to reconcile and have even signed several agreements, but to no avail. The power struggle is fundamental, and reconciliation - if at all realistic - is something for the distant future. Therefore, postponing elections until after reconciliation is an indefinite postponement that perpetuates the current dictatorial rule.
The never answered question.

Fatah lost the elections. How are they running the West Bank?

Your always present conspiracy theories.

Ask your homies in Hamas and Fatah about the relevance of elections in islamic terrorist mini-caliphates.
Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
438 pages when only one post is necessary.

They are Arabs from Arabia. They are genetically identical to Arabs...thus ... Arabs.

From Arabia. Not Eretz Yisroal.
In Gaza, Hamas is the oppressor -- not Israel

Published April 25, 2018
Last Update April 25, 2018
By Michael Levin, | Fox News

In Gaza, Hamas is the oppressor -- not Israel

Iā€™m just back home in the U.S. from a visit to Israel, where for four straight Fridays the Hamas terrorist group that rules the Gaza Strip has organized protests at the border with Israel involving thousands of Palestinians. Some of the protesters have attacked Israelā€™s border security fence ā€œwith explosives, firebombs and other means,ā€ The Associated Press reported.

ā€œHuge plumes of smoke from burning tires (set afire by demonstrators) engulfed the border area,ā€ the AP reported from the scene. ā€œSome of the activists` threw stones toward the fence or flew kites with flaming rags dangling from their tails.ā€

In other words, whatā€™s happening on the Gaza-Israel border is not a peaceful protest. While most protesters arenā€™t joining in the violence, some are violent and dangerous terrorists who want to tear down Israelā€™s security fence to make it easy to launch deadly attacks on the Jewish state.

Acting to defend their nation, Israeli forces have killed 34 Palestinian attackers along the border since the protests began March 30, despite the best efforts by the Israelis to use the minimal force required.

Wait for it. Here's the bottom line... [ed.]
No nation on Earth would welcome terrorist murderers to cross its borders to take the lives of innocent civilians. And if terrorists assaulted any other border on the planet, the number of attackers killed would undoubtedly be much higher.
Al-Aqsa Mosque Address:
'An Islamic state would have strategy to soften infidels'

Al-Aqsa Mosque Address: 'An Islamic state would have strategy to soften infidels'

PA cleric adds: 'If infidels are bullheaded, Caliph would give the code word: "Seek Allah's help and fight them".'

Just when you think the pathology these people are afflicted with couldn't get any worse, they step up and show themselves to be pious, observant Moslems.
They're so cute when they share their illnesses in group, Death Cult meetings.

On March 25, 2019, Mayadeen TV (Lebanon) aired a report about an online campaign in Gaza to encourage support of the "resistance." The reporter, Lana Shahin, said that the campaign, which was launched by Hamas' military wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades, strives to use modern and secure methods, and she briefly discussed the Brigades' cryptocurrency campaign (see MEMRI TV Clip No. 7117). A man who was interviewed in the report said that many foreign activists have tried sending messages of support to the resistance, and the report showed some videos, including one of small children expressing their support. Gazan activist Warda Al-Zebda said that Palestinian women who have sacrificed their children for the resistance should be role models for all free people in the world, and that those who cannot sacrifice blood for the resistance should sacrifice money instead. Iyad Al-Qarra, the Head of the Board of Directors of the Youth Media Center, was also briefly interviewed, and he referred to the Palestinian youth involved in the campaign as the "Twitterati."

"Hamas Military Wing Launches Online Campaign to Encourage Support of the "Resistance""
The Hamas moles are busy tunnelling.

It's surprising just how much time, energy and money that the islamic terrorists devote to burrowing underground.


Kabbalist Rabbi Allegedly Helped IDF Locate Network of Hamas Attack Tunnels

As part of Operation Protective Edge against the Hamas movement in 2014, the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) demolished 32 underground "terror tunnels" along the Gaza border, 14 of which crossed into Israel.

A Kabbalist rabbi located Palestinian attack tunnels, which were subsequently destroyed during the 2014 Israel-Gaza War, known as Operation Protective Edge, before the IDF identified them, Zman Yisraelreported.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
āœā†’ Hollie, et al,

Yes, you're on the money here!

In Gaza, Hamas is the oppressor -- not Israel
Wait for it. Here's the bottom line... [ed.]
No nation on Earth would welcome terrorist murderers to cross its borders to take the lives of innocent civilians. And if terrorists assaulted any other border on the planet, the number of attackers killed would undoubtedly be much higher.

It is unfortunate that (what few) rational and sane Arab Palestinians there are in the territories, they have had to experience such retarded rate of improvement and development in terms of quality of life and life expectancy, education and scientific research, cultural and infrastructure advancements (including per capita income through commerce). But the fact is that there is no practical way (at this time) to allow this to happen and prevent the spread of the hostile elements. And there is no "reliable" way to prevent the spread because of the virtually the entire Arab Palestinians population has been exposed through generationally.

Most Respectfully,
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