Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The Islamic terrorist riots / border gee-had continue apace with the expected results: nothing gained for the Islamic terrorists.

More Than 6,000 Palestinians Riot on Israel-Gaza Border, as Hamas-Orchestrated Unrest Continues

Palestinian demonstrators riot on the Israel-Gaza Strip border, east of Gaza City, March 30, 2019. Photo: Reuters / Mohammed Salem.

More than 6,000 Palestinians rioted on the Israel-Gaza Strip border on Friday, throwing rocks, firebombs and explosive devices at IDF troops.

The soldiers responded with riot-dispersal means. According to medical officials in Hamas-ruled Gaza, nearly 100 Palestinians were injured.
Out of context.
The Islamic terrorist riots / border gee-had continue apace with the expected results: nothing gained for the Islamic terrorists.

More Than 6,000 Palestinians Riot on Israel-Gaza Border, as Hamas-Orchestrated Unrest Continues

Palestinian demonstrators riot on the Israel-Gaza Strip border, east of Gaza City, March 30, 2019. Photo: Reuters / Mohammed Salem.

More than 6,000 Palestinians rioted on the Israel-Gaza Strip border on Friday, throwing rocks, firebombs and explosive devices at IDF troops.

The soldiers responded with riot-dispersal means. According to medical officials in Hamas-ruled Gaza, nearly 100 Palestinians were injured.
Out of context.

Palestinian journalist tells how Hamas brings kids to front line to die

A Palestinian journalist has described in detail how Hamas operatives take children in buses to protest against Israel on the Gaza border.

In a new documentary released by TPS, the journalist, whose face is blurred and his voice distorted for security reasons, says he has witnessed Hamas operatives taking chairs and sitting nearby the fence eating seeds and watching people die.
While I don't know if HR 185O will have any real enforcement, it is a step in the right direction to acknowledge the fact of Arab-Moslem terrorism.

House passes bill that calls to sanction Palestinian terrorist groups

02:53 | 07/25/19


The new legislation directs the president to impose at least two different financial sanctions on the people or agencies that are identified as assisting such groups.

WASHINGTON – The House of Representatives approved a bill on Tuesday that calls for sanctioning Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups.

House Resolution 1850, the Palestinian International Terrorism Support Prevention Act, is asking “to impose sanctions with respect to foreign support for Palestinian terrorism, and for other purposes.”

Sponsored by Rep. Brian Mast (R-Florida), the bill directs the president to submit an annual report to Congress, identifying “each foreign person or agency or instrumentality of a foreign state that... knowingly assists in, sponsors, or provides significant financial or material support” for “Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad or any affiliate.”

The legislation directs the president to impose at least two different financial sanctions on the people or agencies that are identified as assisting these terror groups.

The bill also requires the president to report to Congress on each government that provides support for acts of terrorism and provides material support to Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, or any affiliate organization.

A foreign government that supports the terrorist organizations could face foreign aid being cut off. The president could waive the obligation for imposing sanctions on a caseby-case basis.
The Islamic terrorists representing the Hamas franchise are feeling the affects of the Great Satan, and others, eliminating or reducing their welfare contributions that enable islamic terrorism. Quite a number of phony / useless agencies run by Hamas are disappearing.

Hamas government in Gaza gets major overhaul

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — The Hamas government in the Gaza Strip is currently in the process of merging ministries, to ultimately 14 ministries instead of 23. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was dissolved July 21 and its staff have been transferred to several other ministries, Al-Monitor learned from government sources.

Other ministries will meet the same fate in order to ease the financial burden their budgets are causing. The Hamas government is suffering a financial crisis and took this unilateral decision without referring to the government in the West Bank headed by Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh and formed by President Mahmoud Abbas in April.

I thought this part was funny:
Speaking about the dissolution of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he said that the ministry in Gaza has no representative in any country or embassy. He added that Abbas prohibits any person from Hamas to hold any position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ramallah, whether in consulates, embassies or diplomatic missions.
When Palestinians are Hopeless, Terror Declines; When Hopeful, Terrorism Increases

The common mantra that Palestinian hopelessness increases terrorism and that the prospects for peace decrease it has always been fake news. Palestinian terrorism invariably rises in tandem with their hopes of gaining the upper hand.

During the first intifada, Palestinians killed 91 Israelis over the course of slightly over five years. Palestinian terror shot up dramatically, however, as the Camp David peace process initiated at the end of 1991 morphed into direct negotiations with the PLO. The Oslo “peace” process was thus accompanied by a precipitous increase in Palestinian terrorism.

The more Israel made concessions to the Palestinians – the creation of the Palestinian Authority (PA), the granting to PLO leadership and major Palestinian terrorists entrance into the West Bank and Gaza and even Israel – the higher the terrorist toll climbed. In 1992, when the Palestinians realized Israel was going to withdraw from Gaza to make way for some kind of Palestinian autonomy, the number of Israelis killed jumped from 11 the previous year to 34. After the signing of the Declaration of Principles and the establishment of the PA in the summer of 1994, that figure nearly doubled (61). When the PA was expanded in 1995 to include the major Arab towns in the West Bank, they killed 65 people, mostly as a result of three suicide bombings. The towns had become terrorist sanctuaries into which the IDF could not enter for fear of international condemnation.
As it would be expected from those who suffer from confusion and irrational behavior, the Arabs-Moslems are getting more reactive and becoming a greater danger to themselves and others.

It seems that Abbas is completely flummoxed as he watches his welfare fraud entitlement slipping away. While Qatar is currently hosing down Abbas with cash, that can’t continue indefinitely.

The decision by Abbas to “suspend all agreements signed with Israel”, whatever that means, seems like a pointless gesture. Abbas is like an angry child lashing out.

Hamas backs Abbas’ move to suspend deals with Israel

The Hamas resistance group said Thursday it supported Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ decision to suspend all agreements signed with Israel.

The Gaza-based group said in a written statement that the Ramallah-based government’s decision was “a step taken in right direction”.

Abbas announced earlier in the day that all agreements signed with Israel have been suspended.

"We will not bow to dictates and imposing a fait accompli by force in Jerusalem and elsewhere," he said, apparently in reference to the Israeli government’s recent demolition of dozens of Palestinian homes in occupied East Jerusalem.

The Hamas movement also said the decision was in line with the “tough process” which the Palestinian cause is going through.
As it would be expected from those who suffer from confusion and irrational behavior, the Arabs-Moslems are getting more reactive and becoming a greater danger to themselves and others.

It seems that Abbas is completely flummoxed as he watches his welfare fraud entitlement slipping away. While Qatar is currently hosing down Abbas with cash, that can’t continue indefinitely.

The decision by Abbas to “suspend all agreements signed with Israel”, whatever that means, seems like a pointless gesture. Abbas is like an angry child lashing out.

Hamas backs Abbas’ move to suspend deals with Israel

The Hamas resistance group said Thursday it supported Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ decision to suspend all agreements signed with Israel.

The Gaza-based group said in a written statement that the Ramallah-based government’s decision was “a step taken in right direction”.

Abbas announced earlier in the day that all agreements signed with Israel have been suspended.

"We will not bow to dictates and imposing a fait accompli by force in Jerusalem and elsewhere," he said, apparently in reference to the Israeli government’s recent demolition of dozens of Palestinian homes in occupied East Jerusalem.

The Hamas movement also said the decision was in line with the “tough process” which the Palestinian cause is going through.
The group also called for the establishment of a national unity government, halting security coordination with occupying forces and the release of political detainees.​

Security coordination has been the holdup in all of the reconciliation attempts.
As it would be expected from those who suffer from confusion and irrational behavior, the Arabs-Moslems are getting more reactive and becoming a greater danger to themselves and others.

It seems that Abbas is completely flummoxed as he watches his welfare fraud entitlement slipping away. While Qatar is currently hosing down Abbas with cash, that can’t continue indefinitely.

The decision by Abbas to “suspend all agreements signed with Israel”, whatever that means, seems like a pointless gesture. Abbas is like an angry child lashing out.

Hamas backs Abbas’ move to suspend deals with Israel

The Hamas resistance group said Thursday it supported Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ decision to suspend all agreements signed with Israel.

The Gaza-based group said in a written statement that the Ramallah-based government’s decision was “a step taken in right direction”.

Abbas announced earlier in the day that all agreements signed with Israel have been suspended.

"We will not bow to dictates and imposing a fait accompli by force in Jerusalem and elsewhere," he said, apparently in reference to the Israeli government’s recent demolition of dozens of Palestinian homes in occupied East Jerusalem.

The Hamas movement also said the decision was in line with the “tough process” which the Palestinian cause is going through.
The group also called for the establishment of a national unity government, halting security coordination with occupying forces and the release of political detainees.​

Security coordination has been the holdup in all of the reconciliation attempts.

Competing interests for UNRWA welfare dollars is the holdup.
As it would be expected from those who suffer from confusion and irrational behavior, the Arabs-Moslems are getting more reactive and becoming a greater danger to themselves and others.

It seems that Abbas is completely flummoxed as he watches his welfare fraud entitlement slipping away. While Qatar is currently hosing down Abbas with cash, that can’t continue indefinitely.

The decision by Abbas to “suspend all agreements signed with Israel”, whatever that means, seems like a pointless gesture. Abbas is like an angry child lashing out.

Hamas backs Abbas’ move to suspend deals with Israel

The Hamas resistance group said Thursday it supported Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ decision to suspend all agreements signed with Israel.

The Gaza-based group said in a written statement that the Ramallah-based government’s decision was “a step taken in right direction”.

Abbas announced earlier in the day that all agreements signed with Israel have been suspended.

"We will not bow to dictates and imposing a fait accompli by force in Jerusalem and elsewhere," he said, apparently in reference to the Israeli government’s recent demolition of dozens of Palestinian homes in occupied East Jerusalem.

The Hamas movement also said the decision was in line with the “tough process” which the Palestinian cause is going through.
The group also called for the establishment of a national unity government, halting security coordination with occupying forces and the release of political detainees.​

Security coordination has been the holdup in all of the reconciliation attempts.

Competing interests for UNRWA welfare dollars is the holdup.
UNRWA does not give out cash.
As it would be expected from those who suffer from confusion and irrational behavior, the Arabs-Moslems are getting more reactive and becoming a greater danger to themselves and others.

It seems that Abbas is completely flummoxed as he watches his welfare fraud entitlement slipping away. While Qatar is currently hosing down Abbas with cash, that can’t continue indefinitely.

The decision by Abbas to “suspend all agreements signed with Israel”, whatever that means, seems like a pointless gesture. Abbas is like an angry child lashing out.

Hamas backs Abbas’ move to suspend deals with Israel

The Hamas resistance group said Thursday it supported Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ decision to suspend all agreements signed with Israel.

The Gaza-based group said in a written statement that the Ramallah-based government’s decision was “a step taken in right direction”.

Abbas announced earlier in the day that all agreements signed with Israel have been suspended.

"We will not bow to dictates and imposing a fait accompli by force in Jerusalem and elsewhere," he said, apparently in reference to the Israeli government’s recent demolition of dozens of Palestinian homes in occupied East Jerusalem.

The Hamas movement also said the decision was in line with the “tough process” which the Palestinian cause is going through.
The group also called for the establishment of a national unity government, halting security coordination with occupying forces and the release of political detainees.​

Security coordination has been the holdup in all of the reconciliation attempts.

Competing interests for UNRWA welfare dollars is the holdup.
UNRWA does not give out cash.

Cash Assistance
As it would be expected from those who suffer from confusion and irrational behavior, the Arabs-Moslems are getting more reactive and becoming a greater danger to themselves and others.

It seems that Abbas is completely flummoxed as he watches his welfare fraud entitlement slipping away. While Qatar is currently hosing down Abbas with cash, that can’t continue indefinitely.

The decision by Abbas to “suspend all agreements signed with Israel”, whatever that means, seems like a pointless gesture. Abbas is like an angry child lashing out.

Hamas backs Abbas’ move to suspend deals with Israel

The Hamas resistance group said Thursday it supported Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ decision to suspend all agreements signed with Israel.

The Gaza-based group said in a written statement that the Ramallah-based government’s decision was “a step taken in right direction”.

Abbas announced earlier in the day that all agreements signed with Israel have been suspended.

"We will not bow to dictates and imposing a fait accompli by force in Jerusalem and elsewhere," he said, apparently in reference to the Israeli government’s recent demolition of dozens of Palestinian homes in occupied East Jerusalem.

The Hamas movement also said the decision was in line with the “tough process” which the Palestinian cause is going through.
The group also called for the establishment of a national unity government, halting security coordination with occupying forces and the release of political detainees.​

Security coordination has been the holdup in all of the reconciliation attempts.

Competing interests for UNRWA welfare dollars is the holdup.
UNRWA does not give out cash.

Cash Assistance
Small amounts are given directly to the people. None goes to government.
As it would be expected from those who suffer from confusion and irrational behavior, the Arabs-Moslems are getting more reactive and becoming a greater danger to themselves and others.

It seems that Abbas is completely flummoxed as he watches his welfare fraud entitlement slipping away. While Qatar is currently hosing down Abbas with cash, that can’t continue indefinitely.

The decision by Abbas to “suspend all agreements signed with Israel”, whatever that means, seems like a pointless gesture. Abbas is like an angry child lashing out.

Hamas backs Abbas’ move to suspend deals with Israel

The Hamas resistance group said Thursday it supported Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ decision to suspend all agreements signed with Israel.

The Gaza-based group said in a written statement that the Ramallah-based government’s decision was “a step taken in right direction”.

Abbas announced earlier in the day that all agreements signed with Israel have been suspended.

"We will not bow to dictates and imposing a fait accompli by force in Jerusalem and elsewhere," he said, apparently in reference to the Israeli government’s recent demolition of dozens of Palestinian homes in occupied East Jerusalem.

The Hamas movement also said the decision was in line with the “tough process” which the Palestinian cause is going through.
The group also called for the establishment of a national unity government, halting security coordination with occupying forces and the release of political detainees.​

Security coordination has been the holdup in all of the reconciliation attempts.

Competing interests for UNRWA welfare dollars is the holdup.
UNRWA does not give out cash.

Cash Assistance
Small amounts are given directly to the people. None goes to government.

Syria | UNRWA

UNRWA runs one of the largest cash programmes in the world in an active conflict setting and provides over 400,000 Palestine refugees with cash assistance. This has a profound effect on poverty levels; a 2017 UNRWA vulnerability survey showed that cash assistance reduced the number of Palestine refugees living in absolute poverty (less than US$ 2 a day) from 90 to 74 per cent of the population. Unfortunately, due to a lack of funding, UNRWA has had to reduce both the amount and frequency of its cash distribution in 2018.
More angry bluster coming from Hamas urging the competing mini-caliphate to sever cooperation with Israel.

It appears to me that both mini-caliphates are approaching panic mode as their UNRWA welfare endowment is losing donors and the primary beneficiaries of those welfare dollars face the prospect of their personal fortunes at risk.

Hamas Urges Abbas to Follow Through, Cut Off Cooperation With Israel | Hamodia.com
Hamas Urges Abbas to Follow Through, Cut Off Cooperation With Israel

By Dov Benovadia

Friday, July 26, 2019 at 3:37 am | כ"ג תמוז תשע"ט

Palestinian Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. (Reuters/Mohamad Torokman)
Hamas on Friday called on Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas to follow through on his declaration Thursday night that the PA would end all cooperation with Israel in the wake of the demolition of illegally built Arab homes near Yerushalayim. “The time has come to put words into actions,” Hamas said in a statement. “We look forward to the ending of all cooperation with Israel, which will allow the Palestinian people to declare their freedom from the occupation.”
With the Sunni Arab nations keeping something of a hands off approach to the bottomless pit of want that is Pal’istanians, Hamas is looking for new friends to exploit.

Hamas, let down by the Gulf states, revisits ties with Syria

RAMALLAH, West Bank — Hamas leaders have recently been probing the restoration of ties with Syria, with Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah serving as mediators. According to the Gaza newspaper Al-Quds, Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh told Turkish journalists during a July 20 conference call that he hopes relations with Damascus can be “repaired and rebuilt.” Haniyeh said that the resumption of ties with Syria has been under discussion across the movement’s institutions.
Your daily dose conspiracy theory musings from the folks who brought you Dalia Mughrabi

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — The Palestinian government in the West Bank is rejecting plans for a new field hospital in the Gaza Strip — plans that it considers part of a US-Israeli conspiracy to thwart a Palestinian reconciliation.

During its weekly session July 8, the Palestinian government said, “The hospital that Israel and the US are seeking to establish on the northern border of the Gaza Strip is part of ongoing attempts to separate the Gaza Strip and the West Bank under humanitarian pretexts."

Read more: Hamas, Israel agree on Gaza hospital, vexing Shtayyeh
Palestinian Violence and Terrorism Against Israel, 2018: Data, Nature and Trends - The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center

The ITIC’s annual study indicates that in 2018 there were two main trends prominent in Palestinian violence and terrorism: in the Gaza Strip there was a sharp increase in the level of violence and terrorism, after about three and a half years of relative quiet after Operation Protective Edge. One of the manifestations was 1,119 rocket and mortar shell hits in Israeli territory, the highest annual number in the past ten years (with the exception of Operation Protective Edge). In Judea and Samaria popular terrorism continued in its various forms, primarily stabbing, vehicular and shooting attacks. After popular terrorism peaked in 2015 its scope decreased, but in the last months of 2018 there was an increase in the number of attacks.
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