Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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It’s so cute when Islamic theocratic totalitarian regimes can come to a meeting of the minds.

When the Shia and Sunni aren’t slaughtering each other wholesale at target rich environments: mosques and marketplaces, they can come together to rail against The Zionist Entity™️

In Tehran, Hamas deputy chief says on ‘same path’ as Iran in fighting Israel

Delegation from Gaza-based terrror group meets head of Iran’s Strategic Council on Foreign Relations; Haniyeh says he hopes visit will produce ‘important results’
Yes, according to the Fatah Death Cult, idolizing a mass murderer is a “symbol for the humanistic struggle”.

Brought to you by the mentally defective.


Fatah, the party of PA President Mahmoud Abbas, said that the decision to name a summer camp after Dalal Mughrabi is justified since she is a “symbol for the humanistic struggle” against Israel.

Mughrabi was killed in 1978 after she led eleven Palestinian and Lebanese militants in a killing and hijacking spree within Israel that claimed the lives of 38 Israelis, 13 of them children. It is the deadliest attack on Israeli civilians in the history of the Jewish state.
Yes, according to the Fatah Death Cult, idolizing a mass murderer is a “symbol for the humanistic struggle”.

Brought to you by the mentally defective.

Fatah: Terrorist who killed 13 kids is a symbol for ‘humanistic struggle’

Fatah, the party of PA President Mahmoud Abbas, said that the decision to name a summer camp after Dalal Mughrabi is justified since she is a “symbol for the humanistic struggle” against Israel.

Mughrabi was killed in 1978 after she led eleven Palestinian and Lebanese militants in a killing and hijacking spree within Israel that claimed the lives of 38 Israelis, 13 of them children. It is the deadliest attack on Israeli civilians in the history of the Jewish state.
Chickenfeed compared to the civilians killed by Israel regularly.
Yes, according to the Fatah Death Cult, idolizing a mass murderer is a “symbol for the humanistic struggle”.

Brought to you by the mentally defective.

Fatah: Terrorist who killed 13 kids is a symbol for ‘humanistic struggle’

Fatah, the party of PA President Mahmoud Abbas, said that the decision to name a summer camp after Dalal Mughrabi is justified since she is a “symbol for the humanistic struggle” against Israel.

Mughrabi was killed in 1978 after she led eleven Palestinian and Lebanese militants in a killing and hijacking spree within Israel that claimed the lives of 38 Israelis, 13 of them children. It is the deadliest attack on Israeli civilians in the history of the Jewish state.
Chickenfeed compared to the civilians killed by Israel regularly.
Do you mean Arab-Moslem civilians used by the Islamic terrorist franchises for propaganda purposes?

I found a YouTube video. I knew you would appreciate that.

From the comments by way of Ali Khamene, I suppose that the Shia mullocrats have committed both money and weapons to their Sunni errand boys. A bit of a win-win for the Shia. They are in a position to dictate terms to the Sunni tribe and the Shia are only too willing to have the Sunni holy warriors (ideological enemies of the Shia), take one for the cause.

How odd that Ali Khamenei identifies the conflict as including a religious matter when the board's spokesman for Hamas insists this isn't a religious conflict.

TERHAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s supreme leader was quoted Monday as saying during a meeting with a delegation from the Palestinian militant group Hamas that his country won’t give up its stand on Palestine.

“Supporting Palestine is an ideological and religious matter,” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said, according to the TV.

The Seattle Times | Local news, sports, business, politics, entertainment, travel, restaurants and opinion for Seattle and the Pacific Northwest.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

There is a grave flaw in your argument, that I've been meaning to address for a long time. You have used this as a response many times.

There is no asymmetric act that can ever be justified because given a good faith effort an alternative can be negotiated. → AND → It is never necessary to intentionally target non-combatants with the purpose and intent to intimidate a population and to compel a government into some action.

Important to Remember:

Article I • Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism .png

There is no just cause for terrorism.

Chicken feed compared to the civilians killed by Israel regularly.

This issue is addressed in two general levels.

◈ Strategic Level:

The Secretary-General reiterates that there is no justification for terrorism nor for the glorification of those who commit such heinous acts.

Deny safe haven and bring to justice, on the basis of the principle of extradite or prosecute, any person who supports, facilitates, participates or attempts to participate in the financing, planning, preparation or perpetration of terrorist acts or provides safe havens.

Strengthen coordination and cooperation among States in combating crimes that might be connected with terrorism, including drug trafficking in all its aspects, illicit arms trade, in particular of small arms and light weapons, including man-portable air defence systems , money laundering and smuggling of nuclear, chemical, biological, radiological and other potentially deadly materials.​

◈ Tactical Level:

Arab Palestinians who commit an offence which is:

(a) Solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, shall be liable to internment or simple imprisonment,

(b) Found guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offences which have caused the death of one or more persons, may be punished under the law of the occupied territory.​

Recalling that all States must cooperate fully in the fight against terrorism, in accordance with their obligations under international law, in order to find, deny safe haven and bring to justice, on the basis of the principle of extradite or prosecute, any person who supports, facilitates, participates or attempts to participate in the financing, planning, preparation or commission of terrorist acts or provides safe havens.

Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;

(b) Prevent such conduct;

(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;​

◈ The "chickenfeed" comment is an example of what little value they place on life. It is also important to realize that a great number of Arab Palestinians are made casualties can be attributed to the Arab Palestinian Leadership because tto them Arab Palestinian lives are so :

Intentionally locate military objectives (rocket lauchers, munitions storage, Command and Control Activities, Safe Havens, High Value Targets, Infiltration Tunnel Activity, etc) within or near densely populated areas.

Intentionally retain civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives.

Intentionally utilize the presence of protected person to render certain locations or areas immune from Israel military neutralization.
Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

There is a grave flaw in your argument, that I've been meaning to address for a long time. You have used this as a response many times.

There is no asymmetric act that can ever be justified because given a good faith effort an alternative can be negotiated. → AND → It is never necessary to intentionally target non-combatants with the purpose and intent to intimidate a population and to compel a government into some action.

Important to Remember:

There is no just cause for terrorism.

Chicken feed compared to the civilians killed by Israel regularly.

This issue is addressed in two general levels.

◈ Strategic Level:

The Secretary-General reiterates that there is no justification for terrorism nor for the glorification of those who commit such heinous acts.

Deny safe haven and bring to justice, on the basis of the principle of extradite or prosecute, any person who supports, facilitates, participates or attempts to participate in the financing, planning, preparation or perpetration of terrorist acts or provides safe havens.

Strengthen coordination and cooperation among States in combating crimes that might be connected with terrorism, including drug trafficking in all its aspects, illicit arms trade, in particular of small arms and light weapons, including man-portable air defence systems , money laundering and smuggling of nuclear, chemical, biological, radiological and other potentially deadly materials.​
◈ Tactical Level:

Arab Palestinians who commit an offence which is:

(a) Solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, shall be liable to internment or simple imprisonment,

(b) Found guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offences which have caused the death of one or more persons, may be punished under the law of the occupied territory.​
Recalling that all States must cooperate fully in the fight against terrorism, in accordance with their obligations under international law, in order to find, deny safe haven and bring to justice, on the basis of the principle of extradite or prosecute, any person who supports, facilitates, participates or attempts to participate in the financing, planning, preparation or commission of terrorist acts or provides safe havens.

Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;

(b) Prevent such conduct;

(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;​

◈ The "chickenfeed" comment is an example of what little value they place on life. It is also important to realize that a great number of Arab Palestinians are made casualties can be attributed to the Arab Palestinian Leadership because tto them Arab Palestinian lives are so :

Intentionally locate military objectives (rocket lauchers, munitions storage, Command and Control Activities, Safe Havens, High Value Targets, Infiltration Tunnel Activity, etc) within or near densely populated areas.

Intentionally retain civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives.

Intentionally utilize the presence of protected person to render certain locations or areas immune from Israel military neutralization.
Most Respectfully,
Israel kills civilians by the thousands and the Palestinians are expected to sit on their hands.

And besides, Israeli settlers are not protected persons (civilians) according to the Fourth Geneva Convention.
And besides, Israeli settlers are not protected persons (civilians) according to the Fourth Geneva Convention.

That is a fallacy you have posted before. You are trying to justify the murder of civilians (specifically Jews) by suggesting they have no protection in law.

You are suggesting that Jewish people have no right to life. It is a vile ideology of permissible genocide.

You are absolutely, unequivocally incorrect. Of course, ALL people have the right to life. That right to life is entrenched in dozens of human rights documents, treaties, conventions and law. To suggest otherwise is abhorrent.

But... personally, I think its important to illuminate the vile ideology of the Arab Palestinians, their supporters, and many Muslims around the world. Because it makes me realize just what we are actually dealing with here and only entrenches my belief that Israel and the Jewish people must never, ever be vulnerable to genocide again.
Israel kills civilians by the thousands and the Palestinians are expected to sit on their hands.

No. They are expected to take all legal measures to negotiate a good faith solution with their neighbors.

But as long as they see murdering the Jooooo vermin as a viable option, because their ideology (both religious and political) permits and even encourages it, it will never happen.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The Arab Palestinians are responsible for the deaths of so many of their own, it is simply stupidity.

But just in case you don't understand how the Hostile Arab Palestinian Leadership is principle responsible for the accumulated deaths, I cut and paste the applicable portion of my posting below in my comments.

Just as the Charge of the Light Brigade (British Cavalry) was an error on the part of the British Command; so it is that the. The Earl of Cardigan (MG) and Lord Fitzroy (Field Marshal) bear total responsibility for the ill-fated engagement, so it is that the enormous death count in the 70 years of conflict in the territory formerly under the Mandate is the responsibility

Israel kills civilians by the thousands and the Palestinians are expected to sit on their hands.

And besides, Israeli settlers are not protected persons (civilians) according to the Fourth Geneva Convention.

You are mostly in error on the score of the Fourth Geneva Convention (GCIV). I outline how the Arab Palestinians have violated the GCIV (Rules 23, 24, and 97) and the activities subject to Article 68 - Penalties.

We have go over this many times. The Israelis give the Warning and the Arab Palestinians ignore them. That is a violation on the part of the Arab Palestinians (NOT the Israelis)...

This is not including the violations of the thousands of indiscriminate launchs of rockets into civilian populated areas in violation of the GCIV. The Arab Palestinian Leadership knows very well that when the Arab Palestinians violate Rule #6 • Civilians are protected against attack, unless and for such time as they take a direct part in hostilities, such military operations will be mounted in order to silence the Arab Palestinian Threat.

◈ The "chickenfeed" comment is an example of what little value they place on life. It is also important to realize that a great number of Arab Palestinians are made casualties can be attributed to the Arab Palestinian Leadership because tto them Arab Palestinian lives are so:

Intentionally locate military objectives (rocket lauchers, munitions storage, Command and Control Activities, Safe Havens, High Value Targets, Infiltration Tunnel Activity, etc) within or near densely populated areas.

Intentionally retain civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives.

Intentionally utilize the presence of protected person to render certain locations or areas immune from Israel military neutralization.​
I don't know how much clearer I can make it. The Hostile Arab Palestinians Leadership makes the threats and then intentionally sends their people to their deaths so that they can claim to be the "victim."

Most Respectfully,
Israel kills civilians by the thousands and the Palestinians are expected to sit on their hands.
You have this rather odd notion that you have an entitlement to gee-had attacks without consequence. Your Islamic terrorist heroes have a written charter that declares their intention to slaughter the Jewish people in Israel. Your heroes act on that charter. The Israeli government responds to gee-had attacks with a remarkable degree of restraint. That is, by the way, one of many reasons why the gee-had attacks continue. While you presume an entitlement to attacks on Israelis, the Israeli military is a profoundly better armed and trained force with the result that islamic terrorists die in greater numbers. They also die in grester numbers because your islamic terrorist heroes wage war from civilian areas, using those civilians as cover.

Why are you whining about dead islamics when islamics provoke retaliatory responses?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The Arab Palestinians are responsible for the deaths of so many of their own, it is simply stupidity.

But just in case you don't understand how the Hostile Arab Palestinian Leadership is principle responsible for the accumulated deaths, I cut and paste the applicable portion of my posting below in my comments.

Just as the Charge of the Light Brigade (British Cavalry) was an error on the part of the British Command; so it is that the. The Earl of Cardigan (MG) and Lord Fitzroy (Field Marshal) bear total responsibility for the ill-fated engagement, so it is that the enormous death count in the 70 years of conflict in the territory formerly under the Mandate is the responsibility

Israel kills civilians by the thousands and the Palestinians are expected to sit on their hands.

And besides, Israeli settlers are not protected persons (civilians) according to the Fourth Geneva Convention.

You are mostly in error on the score of the Fourth Geneva Convention (GCIV). I outline how the Arab Palestinians have violated the GCIV (Rules 23, 24, and 97) and the activities subject to Article 68 - Penalties.

We have go over this many times. The Israelis give the Warning and the Arab Palestinians ignore them. That is a violation on the part of the Arab Palestinians (NOT the Israelis)...

This is not including the violations of the thousands of indiscriminate launchs of rockets into civilian populated areas in violation of the GCIV. The Arab Palestinian Leadership knows very well that when the Arab Palestinians violate Rule #6 • Civilians are protected against attack, unless and for such time as they take a direct part in hostilities, such military operations will be mounted in order to silence the Arab Palestinian Threat.

◈ The "chickenfeed" comment is an example of what little value they place on life. It is also important to realize that a great number of Arab Palestinians are made casualties can be attributed to the Arab Palestinian Leadership because tto them Arab Palestinian lives are so:

Intentionally locate military objectives (rocket lauchers, munitions storage, Command and Control Activities, Safe Havens, High Value Targets, Infiltration Tunnel Activity, etc) within or near densely populated areas.

Intentionally retain civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives.

Intentionally utilize the presence of protected person to render certain locations or areas immune from Israel military neutralization.​
I don't know how much clearer I can make it. The Hostile Arab Palestinians Leadership makes the threats and then intentionally sends their people to their deaths so that they can claim to be the "victim."

Most Respectfully,
You are such an Israeli apologist.

You always ignore the root of the conflict.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The Arab Palestinians are responsible for the deaths of so many of their own, it is simply stupidity.

But just in case you don't understand how the Hostile Arab Palestinian Leadership is principle responsible for the accumulated deaths, I cut and paste the applicable portion of my posting below in my comments.

Just as the Charge of the Light Brigade (British Cavalry) was an error on the part of the British Command; so it is that the. The Earl of Cardigan (MG) and Lord Fitzroy (Field Marshal) bear total responsibility for the ill-fated engagement, so it is that the enormous death count in the 70 years of conflict in the territory formerly under the Mandate is the responsibility

Israel kills civilians by the thousands and the Palestinians are expected to sit on their hands.

And besides, Israeli settlers are not protected persons (civilians) according to the Fourth Geneva Convention.

You are mostly in error on the score of the Fourth Geneva Convention (GCIV). I outline how the Arab Palestinians have violated the GCIV (Rules 23, 24, and 97) and the activities subject to Article 68 - Penalties.

We have go over this many times. The Israelis give the Warning and the Arab Palestinians ignore them. That is a violation on the part of the Arab Palestinians (NOT the Israelis)...

This is not including the violations of the thousands of indiscriminate launchs of rockets into civilian populated areas in violation of the GCIV. The Arab Palestinian Leadership knows very well that when the Arab Palestinians violate Rule #6 • Civilians are protected against attack, unless and for such time as they take a direct part in hostilities, such military operations will be mounted in order to silence the Arab Palestinian Threat.

◈ The "chickenfeed" comment is an example of what little value they place on life. It is also important to realize that a great number of Arab Palestinians are made casualties can be attributed to the Arab Palestinian Leadership because tto them Arab Palestinian lives are so:

Intentionally locate military objectives (rocket lauchers, munitions storage, Command and Control Activities, Safe Havens, High Value Targets, Infiltration Tunnel Activity, etc) within or near densely populated areas.

Intentionally retain civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives.

Intentionally utilize the presence of protected person to render certain locations or areas immune from Israel military neutralization.​
I don't know how much clearer I can make it. The Hostile Arab Palestinians Leadership makes the threats and then intentionally sends their people to their deaths so that they can claim to be the "victim."

Most Respectfully,
You are such an Israeli apologist.

You always ignore the root of the conflict.

Well unfortunately, you will forever look for excuses why Arabs-Moslems have such difficulty with forming stable societies. The same disabilities and ineptitudes that afflict the greater Arab-Moslem world similarly afflict the Islamic terrorist enclaves of Gaza and the West Bank.

Your imagined, Disney’esqe version of some wondrous Pally’land you have invented is facing the stark reality of retrograde Islamist ideology.

Western civilization is derived largely as the result of a distillation of centuries of Judeo-Christian principles and convictions, ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, the Magna Carta, the work of Locke, Hume, Rousseau, Paine, et al.. into a framework of governance that promotes a philosophy of individual rights and liberties.

You might want to whine and moan on the robes of your Shia mullahs. I’m sure they have your best interests at heart and will gladly lecture you on the wondrous Shia Islam they want to bring to Gaza.
Hamas leaders are performing some world class sucking-up before the Shia Mullocrats.

Ismail Haniyeh should do the right thing and convert to Shia’ism, open a Shia mosque in Gaza and pray for the return of the Mahdi.

Hamas Official Tells Iranian Leader Group Is Tehran Regime’s ‘First Line of Defense’

A top Hamas official met on Sunday with Iranian Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and told him that his group was the Tehran regime’s “first line of defense.”

According to Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot, Hamas deputy chief Saleh al-Arouri met with Khamenei in Tehran and presented him with a letter from Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.
Gee whiz. I’m almost thinking the the wondrous Islamist social order may not be the land of date palms and camel’s milk some would have us believe.

Hamas under fire for failed policies, toxic rhetoric | Yousef Alhelou | AW

It would take courage for Hamas to admit its failures but it has further cracked down on critics.

Palestinians in Gaza who have been suffering from an Israeli siege since 2007 are increasingly expressing frustration with Hamas, the movement that controls the Gaza Strip, for failing to provide solutions to their problems.

Many crises that took place recently led Palestinians to question why Hamas has stayed in power but is unable to lift the siege and provide a decent life for the nearly 2 million residents of the tiny costal enclave.

Those who want to work in the governmental sector in Gaza must be a Hamas loyalist or at least supporter. This also applies to international aid assistance from countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Turkey and NGOs.

The priority to receive food aid depends on how well a person is connected to the Islamic movement. Housing projects for those whose homes were destroyed in wars with Israel are also prioritised by level of loyalty to Hamas.

If a person has no connection to Hamas, they must be very patient and fight for rights.

No accountability is carried out. Many young people committed suicide because of poverty and debts. The number of beggars — mainly children — in the streets has reportedly tripled.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Serenity Prayer
~ Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)

God → grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

You are such an Israeli apologist.

You always ignore the root of the conflict.

The Israelis certainly don't need someone like me to apologize for them. They have their act together. But I think you need to reassess your position. Because it appears that you are not able to "accept the things YOU cannot change."

No matter how many Brian Greene (Theoretical Physicist) Videos you watch, the timeline does not roll backward. The core issues of today are in the practical ability to distinguish between who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.

There is simply no way that a culture of people (Arab Palestinians) can ethically say → "as long as Israel exists Palestinians will have the right to kill Israeli children, as part of its "legitimate" struggle to destroy Israel."

Most Respectfully,
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