Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Palestinian Violence and Terrorism Against Israel, 2018: Data, Nature and Trends - The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center

The ITIC’s annual study indicates that in 2018 there were two main trends prominent in Palestinian violence and terrorism: in the Gaza Strip there was a sharp increase in the level of violence and terrorism, after about three and a half years of relative quiet after Operation Protective Edge. One of the manifestations was 1,119 rocket and mortar shell hits in Israeli territory, the highest annual number in the past ten years (with the exception of Operation Protective Edge). In Judea and Samaria popular terrorism continued in its various forms, primarily stabbing, vehicular and shooting attacks. After popular terrorism peaked in 2015 its scope decreased, but in the last months of 2018 there was an increase in the number of attacks.
Where is the Israeli violence against the Palestinians?

Or is this just another Israeli propaganda site?
Palestinian Violence and Terrorism Against Israel, 2018: Data, Nature and Trends - The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center

The ITIC’s annual study indicates that in 2018 there were two main trends prominent in Palestinian violence and terrorism: in the Gaza Strip there was a sharp increase in the level of violence and terrorism, after about three and a half years of relative quiet after Operation Protective Edge. One of the manifestations was 1,119 rocket and mortar shell hits in Israeli territory, the highest annual number in the past ten years (with the exception of Operation Protective Edge). In Judea and Samaria popular terrorism continued in its various forms, primarily stabbing, vehicular and shooting attacks. After popular terrorism peaked in 2015 its scope decreased, but in the last months of 2018 there was an increase in the number of attacks.
Where is the Israeli violence against the Palestinians?

Or is this just another Israeli propaganda site?

Where is the Israeli violence against the Arabs-Moslems?

Or is your question just another circular argument?
Peaceful Protests ™️ are all fun and games until someone loses their gee-had credentials.

IDF reportedly kills Palestinian rioter on Gaza border

Hamas-run health ministry says Ahmed al-Qarra, 23, was shot in stomach as 4,500 took part in weekly protests, throwing explosive devices, firebombs and stones
Today, 2:50 am 2

  • Palestinians rioters clash with Israeli forces on the border near Gaza City, July 2
On Saturday, Director of Human Rights Watch Ken Roth met with Palestinian prime minister Mohammed Shtayyeh.

While smiling, Shtayyeh informed Roth that the Palestinian Authority will no longer arrest people for political speech.

Today I met with a senior delegation from HRW, headed by @kenroth and confirmed my government’s commitment to/ guarantee of the right of Palestinian citizens to free speech through constructive criticism. In this regard I emphasised that no arrests or persecution will happen.

Roth appreciated the "pledge."

For some reason, Roth - a supposed defender of human rights - didn't seem to ask for the Palestinian leaders to drop the laws on their books that allow them to arrest anyone for anything they write online that might be considered offensive to the government.

This 2017 law is so vague as to allow the arrest of anyone for pretty much anything:

(full article online)

Palestinian prime minister lies to @HRW's Ken Roth about freedom of expression. He believes it. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ I think I found a concentration camp where the Palestinians live, and are not allowed to leave]

Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) – Saeb Erekat – has told a political symposium in Jericho that West Bank Arabs would not be allowed to voluntarily leave – virtually holding them captives against their will.

PLO blocks West Bank Arabs leaving for a better life.
I would really like to see some action by the Great Satan on submitting a formal extradition request.

New York Rabbis Join Call for Congressional Investigation Into Fugitive Hamas Terrorist Living Freely in Jordan

JULY 26, 2019 2:04 PM

The FBI’s wanted poster for Hamas terrorist Ahlam al-Tamimi. Photo: Screenshot.

A group of prominent New York rabbis has joined the call for the US Congress to formally investigate why a Department of Justice extradition request for a Hamas terrorist living in Jordan remains outstanding more than two years after it was unsealed.
Summer camp fun at the Hamas version of the Hitler Youth.

Is it any wonder that the society is dysfunctional and suffers from a shared pathology?

In recent days, Saudi blogger Mohammed Said, who was touring the State of Israel as a guest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was attacked, spit on and cursed by Palestinian Arabs while touring the Temple Mount.

Saud was attacked merely because he is an Arab media personality who supports the State of Israel. He was told by local Palestinians, “Go to a synagogue.” Local Palestinian Arabs also called him “an animal” and “Zionist trash.” Chairs were even thrown at him.

In response, a group of Saudis, enraged by how local Palestinian Arabs treated Said, beat up a group of them on the Temple Mount. The question is, what stands behind these Saudi protesters' anger at the Palestinians?

In an exclusive interview, Syrian analyst Wael Ashaq explained that many people in Saudi Arabia despise how the Palestinian Authority is assisting the Assad regime: “They only care about what is good for them. They don’t care about the millions killed every day by the Assad regime. If we look at the issue historically, the Palestinians went everywhere in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan and created many problems and troubles. We as Syrians helped the Palestinians but when we have a problem with our dictator, they stand with this terrorist regime and help them politically as well as militarily. This is true for both Fatah and Hamas. They are both the same on this.”

(full article online)

Why a group of Saudis beat up Palestinians on the Temple Mount
It seems rather ungrateful of the Arabs-Moslems to question the actions of Dictator for Life Mahmoud. After all he's done for them, the sacrifices he's made.

Abbas' bizarre use of the empty Palestinian coffers

Abbas' bizarre use of the empty Palestinian coffers - PMW Bulletins

By Maurice Hirsch, Adv
The PA is in such a deep (self-inflicted) financial crisis that it has paid its civil servants only 60% of their salary since February. Yet PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas seems to have enough money to pay for the weddings of 90 Palestinian and Syrian grooms who married together under Abbas' auspices. The goal of the PA funding was to show "the entire world that the PLO is the sponsor of our people wherever it is located."

"A group wedding of 90 Palestinian and Syrian grooms was held yesterday evening, Thursday [July 25, 2019], in Damascus, the capital of Syria, under the auspices of [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas.
Director of the PLO Political Department in Syria Anwar Abd Al-Hadi... noted that the [PA] presidential grant was distributed to the grooms in order to help them begin new lives, and added that this also constitutes a message to the entire world that the PLO is the sponsor of our people wherever it is located."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 26, 2019]
The Palestinian support for the Al-Assad Syrian regime is not new. When the US, the UK, and France launched missile strikes on three chemical weapons facilities in Syria on April 14, 2018, in response to Syrian President Bashar Assad's chemical attacks on civilians in Douma on April 7, 2018, it was Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party that came to the defense of Syria saying:

"The tripartite military attack on the land of the Arab republic of Syria constitutes illegal use of military force, as it took place without a mandate from the [UN] Security Council...
Fatah... stands firmly alongside the brother members of the Syrian people in their time of trouble, and absolutely adheres to maintaining Syria's unity and territorial integrity."
[Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Apr. 15, 2018

(full article online)

Abbas' bizarre use of the empty Palestinian coffers - PMW Bulletins
There has been skepticism about whether Abbas will actually do anything new.

Fathini, speaking to Voice of Palestine radio, said the PA is trying to end the economic relationship with Israel, and gave as his first example stopping medical transfers of patients to Israel.

Yes, the first thing the benevolent PA decides to do to cut ties is to screw the people who need Israel the most!

Of course, this decision was made back in March. Even then the Palestinian Ministry of Health said that the decision was difficult for patients as it was left to scramble for adequate facilities in Egypt, Jordan or in private Palestinian hospitals to handle the patients.

At that time, the decision was framed as a punishment for Israel, but it saved the PA a hundred million dollars a year.

In other words, the PA wants to appear independent from Israel and the very first way it decides to do that is to throw the people who need Israeli help the most under the bus - for "dignity" reasons.

What could be more dignified than to make the principled decision to sacrifice other people's lives for your cause?

(full article online)

Palestinian official says ties to Israel are being cut - citing stopping medical transfers as #1 on the list! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I might have been busy with something not very important but the Arab-Moslem government apparently resigned earlier this year. I don't think anyone noticed.

Aww, gee. Those poor, oppressed Islamic terrorists are upset that the kuffar doesn’t want their technology to be used to advance Islamic terrorism.

Palestinians slam Facebook for removing pages glorifying attacks on Israelis

Palestinians slam Facebook for removing pages glorifying attacks on Israelis

Journalists and activists accuse the social media giant of ‘waging war on the Palestinians,’ Israel has long accused it of not doing enough to combat incitement
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