Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Mo’ money for Abu.

Qatar is apparently going to resume bringing suitcases of cash into the Islamic terrorist enclaves. Both Fatah and Hamas will be looking forward to their welfare entitlement.

Islamic terrorists with Israeli citizenship.

Yeah, that.

Terrorists with Israeli citizenship owe millions of shekels in back taxes for the salaries they have received from the PA, since being arrested for terror

Terrorists with Israeli citizenship owe millions of shekels in back taxes for the salaries they have received from the PA | PMW Analysis

  • Since its establishment, the PA has been paying monthly salaries to the terrorists imprisoned in Israel’s prisons
  • Terrorists who are Israeli citizens or residents of Jerusalem receive a special bonus
  • The Israeli Arab terrorists have never paid income tax on these monthly salaries
  • PMW calculated salaries of 8 terrorist murderers who currently receive net monthly salaries of (at least) $3,577 (12,500 Israeli shekels), and another 6 terrorist murderers who receive net monthly salaries of (at least) $3,004 (10,500 Israeli shekels). These terrorists alone have received a total of approximately $5.72 million (20 million Israeli shekels) from the PA as a reward for the murder of Israelis, and have not paid taxes.
  • In total the terrorists who are Israeli citizens owe millions of dollars in back taxes to the Israeli government
There is so often a seedy, sleazy underbelly to the Arabs-Moslems posing as Pal’istanians.

Pro-Palestinian charity funneled money to Hamas, terror victims allege in lawsuit

A pro-Palestinian charity allegedly funneled money to Hamas, a Palestinian terror group controlling the Gaza strip, terror victims claimed in an unprecedented lawsuit filed this week in Washington, D.C..
:laugh::laugh::laugh: Grasping at straws. :laugh::laugh:

:laugh::laugh::laugh: Your usual retreat to conspiracy theories :laugh::laugh::laugh:
There is so often a seedy, sleazy underbelly to the Arabs-Moslems posing as Pal’istanians.

Pro-Palestinian charity funneled money to Hamas, terror victims allege in lawsuit

A pro-Palestinian charity allegedly funneled money to Hamas, a Palestinian terror group controlling the Gaza strip, terror victims claimed in an unprecedented lawsuit filed this week in Washington, D.C..
:laugh::laugh::laugh: Grasping at straws. :laugh::laugh:

:laugh::laugh::laugh: Your usual retreat to conspiracy theories :laugh::laugh::laugh:
What conspiracy?
There is so often a seedy, sleazy underbelly to the Arabs-Moslems posing as Pal’istanians.

Pro-Palestinian charity funneled money to Hamas, terror victims allege in lawsuit

A pro-Palestinian charity allegedly funneled money to Hamas, a Palestinian terror group controlling the Gaza strip, terror victims claimed in an unprecedented lawsuit filed this week in Washington, D.C..
:laugh::laugh::laugh: Grasping at straws. :laugh::laugh:

:laugh::laugh::laugh: Your usual retreat to conspiracy theories :laugh::laugh::laugh:
What conspiracy?

Your conspiracy theories :laugh::laugh::laugh:
I find this shocking, Shocking I tell ya'.

Amidst the promotion and encouragement of gee-had directed at the vacant minded islamo-yutes, Field Marshal Gee-had has apparently decided that sending children to the border riots is best done from a safe hiding place.

Gaza Sources: Hamas Leader Sinwar in Hiding | Hamodia.com

Hamas terror leader Yahya Sinwar has not been seen in public in recent weeks – and that is because he is in hiding, Channel 12 quoted Gaza sources as saying Tuesday. “Ever since the elimination of [top Islamic Jihad terrorist] Abu-Alata, Sinwar has not been seen,” the sources said. “He doesn’t make speeches, doesn’t attend rallies, he has disappeared. Rumors are that he is in a bunker, fearing that Israel may target him too.”
An apparent, sobering admission on the part of Hamas that its tactics of riots at the border gee-had have failed to produce anything but dead and injured sacrificial muhammuds.

Hamas changing strategies, reducing marches to low boil - intel center

In a report on Monday, the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center stated that Hamas has already appeared to lower the flames of the border conflict in recent weeks, including with a flurry of statements in the Arab media that a retooling is in progress.
[Israeli Citizens, but receive salaries from the PA. Owe taxes to Israel. What to do? Cut the payments from the PA? Send them to live under the PA? ]

  • Since its establishment, the PA has been paying monthly salaries to the terrorists imprisoned in Israel’s prisons
  • Terrorists who are Israeli citizens or residents of Jerusalem receive a special bonus
  • The Israeli Arab terrorists have never paid income tax on these monthly salaries
  • PMW calculated salaries of 8 terrorist murderers who currently receive net monthly salaries of (at least) $3,577 (12,500 Israeli shekels), and another 6 terrorist murderers who receive net monthly salaries of (at least) $3,004 (10,500 Israeli shekels). These terrorists alone have received a total of approximately $5.72 million (20 million Israeli shekels) from the PA as a reward for the murder of Israelis, and have not paid taxes.
  • In total the terrorists who are Israeli citizens owe millions of dollars in back taxes to the Israeli government

(full article online)

Terrorists with Israeli citizenship owe millions of shekels in back taxes for the salaries they have received from the PA | PMW Analysis
Last week I reported that the Supreme Fatwa Council, which is part of the Palestinian government, issued a statement opposing the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) as a violation of Islamic Sharia law.

The PLO acceded to CEDAW without any reservations in 2014 when they were in a frenzy to sign every UN convention they could find to pretend to be a real state. As I reported, they never actually enacted any laws to provide for equal treatment of women. Their signing CEDAW and the other conventions was a complete sham.

After the Fatwa Council issued its statement against equal rights for women, do you think there was a backlash by Palestinian feminists? Of course not. On the contrary!

A group of tribes, under the umbrella of the Supreme Commission for Tribal Affairs for the southern governorates, affirmed that any agreement that contradicts what Allah has prescribed will not be accepted by Palestinian society. (The photo of the meeting does not show any women.)

"The Islamic Sharia is above the law, and above any political commitment, or any commitment to international laws or treaties," the commission said in a statement.

(full article online)

Every feminist and "rights activist" for "Palestine" is a hypocrite. Every damn one of them. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
From the politico-religious ideology that brought you women in Shame Sacks.

Veiled women make Santa dolls in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip

Veiled women make Santa dolls in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip

Many of the women are barred by cultural norms from leaving their village; their work is an opportunity to leave the house, ‘showcase their abilities’

24 December 2019, 10:22 pm 0
Poor Sinwar. For all his blustering about others needing to wage the Islamist gee-had, he is quite the “do as I say, not as I do” kind of wannabe.

Gaza Sources: Hamas Leader Sinwar in Hiding | Hamodia.com

Hamas terror leader Yahya Sinwar has not been seen in public in recent weeks – and that is because he is in hiding, Channel 12 quoted Gaza sources as saying Tuesday. “Ever since the elimination of [top Islamic Jihad terrorist] Abu-Alata, Sinwar has not been seen,” the sources said. “He doesn’t make speeches, doesn’t attend rallies, he has disappeared. Rumors are that he is in a bunker, fearing that Israel may target him too.”
Islamism. It’s the gee-had, stupid.
From the politico-religious ideology that brought you women in Shame Sacks.

Veiled women make Santa dolls in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip

Veiled women make Santa dolls in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip

Many of the women are barred by cultural norms from leaving their village; their work is an opportunity to leave the house, ‘showcase their abilities’

24 December 2019, 10:22 pm 0

Tinmore is happy to see women in sacks.
Hey! Keep the laughter to a minimum.

PA Hosts International Conference on Combating Corruption

The Palestinian Authority (PA) earlier this month hosted an international conference on the fight against corruption, attended by PA head Mahmoud Abbas, ministers, judges, heads of the PA security forces, as well as representatives from Arab states, European governments, the United Nations and human rights institutions and civil society organizations.

Hamas will soon host a conference on combating Islamic terrorism.

Iran will host a conference on combating Antisemitism.
To keep it brief, it’s difficult to imagine the UN has any will or motivation to confront Islamic terrorists and their abuse of children’s human rights.

Report to U.N. urges rights for Palestinian, Israeli children subjected to Hamas abuse

In a legal brief filed with the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child shortly before the one-year anniversary of the Palestinian “March of Return” on March 30, the independent human-rights group U.N. Watch urged that the Palestinian Authority be held to account for violating children’s rights, alleging that it has “failed to protect both Palestinian and Israeli children in armed conflict.”
In the Gaza Strip, 97 percent of freshwater is unsuitable for human consumption


In the mini-caliphate of Gaza, there’s only very limited funds available for potable water after the Islamic terrorist franchises spend their welfare money on weapons, ammunition and deposits to their personal bank accounts.
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