Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

In some cases, as it appears in this case, you are asking for me to describe the reasoning for an alternative set of events. You know that the Arab Palestinians

You are ducking my question.

I did not "duck" any valid question. None at all.

And by the way, I cannot speak for every single event (those which happened and those which were prevented from happening) which each of the entities could have been involving.

And I don't speak for the State of Israel.

Here is another question for you to duck.
Resolution 181 states that all Palestinians who normally live in the territory that becomes the Jewish state will become citizens of that state.

This is one of those alternative questions.

In February of 1948, the UN Palestine Commission began its work. The Arab Palestinians decided NOT to participate in the actualization of self-governing institutions AND rejected the notion of a partition AND refused to participate in establishing the shape of the new governments.

When did that happen?

The order of operations in the establishment of the Jewish State, the Arab State and the City State, was altered when the Arab Palestinians refused to cooperate. THUS, the Israelis were not enjoined to render assistance to the Arab Palestinians. No obligation was incurred by the Israelis and no binding promises were made to the Arab Palestinians (because they rejected the process from start to finish).


In September 1949, the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine estimated 711,000 Palestinian refugees existed outside Israel, with about one-quarter of the estimated 160,000 Palestinian Arabs remaining in Israel as "internal refugees."

That suggests a portion of the Arab Palestinian people remained inside the territorial boundary; ultimately becoming citizens.

It is not likely that there is going to be a massive influx of Arab Palestinians; as a threat to the Israelis in the next three generations of Israelis.

Most Respectfully,
And I don't speak for the State of Israel.
You could have fooled me.

There are Jews spread across the world - occupying many different cultures from India, to Russia, to North America, to the Middle East, to Europe...it's a world religion albeit small compared to some of the others. What's not a world religion?

Jews are spread across the world. The Jewish religion, though, very strongly resides with the Jewish people. Its a religion of a singular people. Thus, not a world religion. Very different from Xtianity and Islam which are world religions precisely because they no longer reside within only one culture.
So world religions would be Christianity, Islam, Bhuddism, Hinduism?

Hinduism, as far as I know, is still culturally cohesive.

But I’ll give you Buddhism. Also Baha’i.

I'd say that Judaism is a world religion because of its immense influence, despite its small numbers. Much more so than the Baha'i religion, even if the Bahais have greater numbers. I mean look how everyone in the world is obsessed over Israel, one of the smallest countries in the world!

I think of world religions as those that span more than one country/culture. Certainly proselytizing religions would qualify.
More of what you expect from Islamic terrorist misfits.

Islamic “values”.

It's official. It's a Palestinian "value" to murder Israeli men on their way to prayer

Itamar Marcus | Dec 19, 2019

I thought this was funny. Employees of something called “Palestine Airlines” were paid salaries in spite of “Palestine Airlines” not existing.

Enjoy your flight on “Islamic Terrorist Air”. All tickets are one-way.

It’s really difficult to believe the fraud of “Pal’istanians”

The Systemic Corruption in the Palestinian Authority

Moneys are spent on non-existent entities, and here’s the best example: “salaries and raises were paid to employees of an airline company that no longer exists on the ground.” That is Palestine Airlines, about which the report says this: “The Palestinian treasury paid salaries to hundreds of employees in the ‘Palestinian Airlines,’ which is a governmental company that has a board of directors, headed by the minister of transportation. . . . The budget for this ‘company’ is included in the budget of the Ministry of Transport and Transportation with no details.” A non-existent airline—whose employees were not only paid salaries but given raises. . . .
Noting corruption of the Emir of Mahmoud’istan is pretty much stating the obvious. That statement applies similarly to the various Islamic terrorist franchises, syndicates and welfare fraud schemes that are flush throughout the Islamic terrorist enclaves occupied by Hamas and Fatah.

Palestinian kleptocracy: West accepts corruption, people suffer the consequences

The Abbas family’s corruption is a hot topic in the territories, but not here in the U.S. Tareq Abbas, son of the Palestinian Authority president, is a multi-millionaire owning villas in Amman, a Beirut rooftop pad and a luxury London flat. His older brother, Yasser, has made a fortune from, among other things, his monopoly sale of U.S.-made cigarettes in the Judea and Samaria a.k.a. the West Bank.
I think I get it, now. Islam is the solution™️

A solution to creating societal dysfunction.

Listen to a Palestinian leader

Abu Safiyeh, is a representative of the PLO's Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in the Gaza Strip.

He was arrested after he published a Facebook post criticizing Hamas corruption.

Here are some of the things he wrote that got him thrown into Palestinian prison by Hamas:

"Fifteen years ago, Hamas raised the slogan of 'Islam is the solution' -- the solution to liberate all Palestine and not give up an inch;

the solution to eliminate cronyism and corruption;

the solution to bring economic and social security;

the solution to a happy and enjoyable life.

Hamas came to power through deception and after having misled the people. Now, there is rampant corruption [under Hamas]. The corruption is in all institutions, including the judiciary and the police. Today, the corruption is organized and managed by Hamas.

The corruption is at the top of the pyramid. It is the corruption of politics, the corruption in the administration, the corruption in employment, the corruption in relief aid.
Wow. Never saw that one comin’.

The Palestinians’ Worst Enemy Is Their Own Leaders: Corruption and repressive systems – Herland Report - Herland Report|Hanne

Once in a very rare while, Western journalists address the massive problem in the Middle East pertaining to corruption and repression of free speech in the Arab world.

This week, Human Rights Watch released a report on Gaza leaders and the report shows widespread abuse. The two-year investigation included interviews with nearly 150 people, many of them ex-detainees.
Islamic gee-had.

Since 632 CE

According to the statistics, of thousands of Palestinians injured during the weekly protests at the border, the casualties are mainly youths who will, in the best-case scenario, limp for the rest of their lives, or worse, lose one of their feet.

Palestinian medics evacuating a youth wounded during clashes with IDF troops on the Gaza border (Photo: AFP)
The warped Islamic psyche. Jew killing is a religious duty but retaliatory attacks are ‘Israeli 'extremism.'

This kind of typical islamo-bluster continues until the Israeli defensive operations perform some re-shaping of the islamo-landscape.

Hamas: Escalate 'battle' against Jews in Judea and Samaria

Terror group calls for attacks on Israeli civilians, says any retaliatory attacks are 'dangerous escalation,' show Israeli 'extremism.'

Hamas: Escalate 'battle' against Jews in Judea and Samaria

Dalit Halevi, 21/12/19 23:28

Islamic gee-had.

Since 632 CE

According to the statistics, of thousands of Palestinians injured during the weekly protests at the border, the casualties are mainly youths who will, in the best-case scenario, limp for the rest of their lives, or worse, lose one of their feet.

Palestinian medics evacuating a youth wounded during clashes with IDF troops on the Gaza border (Photo: AFP)

Of course Israel will be blamed for their injuries, even though Palestinians deliberately put their children in harm's way.
32 years of the bastard stepchild of the Muslim Brotherhood. Just another franchise of Islamic terrorist thieves, murderers and retrogrades.

{Originally posted to the Gatestone Institutewebsite}

Hamas, Thirty-Two Years Later

The Palestinian Hamas movement this week celebrated its 32nd anniversary by remindingeveryone of its main goal: the destruction of Israel. This message is proof that Hamas has not – and will not – change its charter, originally published in 1988. It is also a powerful message to those who may have deluded themselves into believing that Hamas has transformed into a non-violent Palestinian faction.
If Hamas is not offering bonus dollars to the vacant minded types they stack at the border gee-had, this should be a matter for, you know, the UN Human Rights Commission.

50 Palestinian protesters have been blinded by shots to the eye at Gaza fence protests – Mondoweiss

Even though Hamas is putting their own ppl in harm's way, Israel will get blamed for blinding them. So why are you posting this?

The reality is, as you dscribed; Hamas is exploiting children and teenagers by glorifying islamic terrorism.

Those who blame the Israeli military for protecting Israeli citizens are more often than not, our friend who offers nothing but "funny" while flailing his Pom Poms for islamic terrorists.
It's what one would expect from angry, self-hating islamic terrorist misfits.

It's all about hate with angry islamics. They hate themselves, they hate each other and they hate the miserable existence they create for themselves.

Palestinian Media Watch

The Palestinian Santa: Victim, Fighter and even evil Trump
Itamar Marcus | Dec 23, 2019

The PA loves to use the image of Santa Claus in its cartoons around Christmas to bolster its policy of demonizing Israel and Israelis.

Over the years the Palestinian Santa has been murdered by Israeli soldiers, fought Israeli soldiers, been frustrated as he was prevented from helping Palestinians, and was even an evil Santa giving gifts to Israel.
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The PA loves to use the image of Santa Claus in its cartoons around Christmas to bolster its policy of demonizing Israel and Israelis.

Over the years the Palestinian Santa has been murdered by Israeli soldiers, fought Israeli soldiers, been frustrated as he was prevented from helping Palestinians, and was even an evil Santa giving gifts to Israel.

Santa as Victim:

This year’s Santa is given the most important part of the Palestinian identity – the victim.

Santa is a Palestinian refugee in Gaza wearing the “key of return”, whose hands are tied by the Star of David. Israel/Jews are preventing him from celebrating in Bethlehem. The cartoon appeared on the official Facebook page of Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement. [Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 20, 2019]

The following are some of the Palestinian Santa’s who have appeared in recent years:

(full article online)

The Palestinian Santa: Victim, Fighter and even evil Trump | PMW Analysis
The term "smarmy" comes to mind.

Why Rashida Tlaib's Chanukah Message Was Particularly Ridiculous

Why Rashida Tlaib’s Chanukah Message Was Particularly Ridiculous
David Lange
December 20, 2019
Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has wished the “good” Jews (i.e. those who support her wish for the destruction of the Jewish state of Israel) a happy Chanukah.

As I keep reminding antisemites denying Jewish history, Chanukah celebrates the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem over 2000 years ago. So it is ridiculous for Talib to be wishing any Jew a happy Chanukah while in the same breath speak about occupation of “Falastin.”
The islamo-roundup is underway.

Looks like some “ethnic cleansing”™️ going on as Mahmoud wants to root out the Iranian occupation forces (Hamas).


The arrest campaign targeting Hamas leaders and members in the West Bank has intensified in recent weeks, suggesting an attempt by the PA to intimidate the movement from participating in the upcoming elections.

Since mid-December, the West Bank has been the target of an increased arrest campaign led by Israeli and Palestinian security forces against dozens of Hamas members and leaders. The campaign is ongoing, and the number of arrests has not been specified. On Dec. 12 and Dec. 16, Israel carried out wide arrests in Nablus, Tulkarm, Ramallah, al-Bireh, Hebron and Jericho that included member of the Palestinian Legislative Council Mohammad al-Natsheh, former Minister of Local Governance Issa al-Jaabari, Hamas leader Abdul Khaleq al-Natsheh, several former detainees and Shada Hasan, a student at Birzeit University.

Read more: Israeli-PA coordinated arrest campaign against Hamas in West Bank
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