Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Those poor, oppressed Pallys. They do seem to suffer from hurt feelings.

PA condemns Arab member of Israeli Parliament for calling terrorists ‎‎“terrorists”‎

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Feb 9, 2021
Israeli Arab MP Mansour Abbas to Israeli TV:‎
‎“Whoever ‎published that I visited the prison and met with terrorists ‎and embraced them ‎‎– that never happened.”‎
PLO prisoners’ affairs official responded:‎

  • “Qadri Abu Bakr condemned the statements… [Mansour Abbas] described the ‎Palestinian prisoners as ‘terrorists.’”
  • ‎“The path to liberating Jerusalem is paved only by the sacrifices of ‎our pure-hearted Martyrs, the years of the lives of our brave ‎prisoners”
Official PA daily op-ed:‎
  • Israeli Arab MP Mansour has “crossed all the national red lines” ‎
An Arab member of the Israeli Parliament, Mansour Abbas, has been ‎‎“condemned” by the PA for having made “embarrassing and shameful ‎statements” about Palestinian terrorist prisoners, who – according to the PA – ‎are not terrorists, but are “heroic.”‎
‎ ‎
In a recent interview to Israeli TV Channel 12, Mansour Abbas said: “Placing ‎me as a terror supporter or embracer of terrorists – that never was. Whoever ‎published that I visited the prison and met with terrorists and embraced them ‎‎– that never happened.” [Feb. 4, 2021]‎
Those poor, oppressed Pallys. They do seem to suffer from hurt feelings.

PA condemns Arab member of Israeli Parliament for calling terrorists ‎‎“terrorists”‎

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Feb 9, 2021
Israeli Arab MP Mansour Abbas to Israeli TV:‎
‎“Whoever ‎published that I visited the prison and met with terrorists ‎and embraced them ‎‎– that never happened.”‎
PLO prisoners’ affairs official responded:‎

  • “Qadri Abu Bakr condemned the statements… [Mansour Abbas] described the ‎Palestinian prisoners as ‘terrorists.’”
  • ‎“The path to liberating Jerusalem is paved only by the sacrifices of ‎our pure-hearted Martyrs, the years of the lives of our brave ‎prisoners”
Official PA daily op-ed:‎
  • Israeli Arab MP Mansour has “crossed all the national red lines” ‎
An Arab member of the Israeli Parliament, Mansour Abbas, has been ‎‎“condemned” by the PA for having made “embarrassing and shameful ‎statements” about Palestinian terrorist prisoners, who – according to the PA – ‎are not terrorists, but are “heroic.”‎
‎ ‎
In a recent interview to Israeli TV Channel 12, Mansour Abbas said: “Placing ‎me as a terror supporter or embracer of terrorists – that never was. Whoever ‎published that I visited the prison and met with terrorists and embraced them ‎‎– that never happened.” [Feb. 4, 2021]‎
Did Mansour Abbas actually say "terrorist" or did Israel inset that in his statement?
Those poor, oppressed Pallys. They do seem to suffer from hurt feelings.

PA condemns Arab member of Israeli Parliament for calling terrorists ‎‎“terrorists”‎

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Feb 9, 2021
Israeli Arab MP Mansour Abbas to Israeli TV:‎
‎“Whoever ‎published that I visited the prison and met with terrorists ‎and embraced them ‎‎– that never happened.”‎
PLO prisoners’ affairs official responded:‎

  • “Qadri Abu Bakr condemned the statements… [Mansour Abbas] described the ‎Palestinian prisoners as ‘terrorists.’”
  • ‎“The path to liberating Jerusalem is paved only by the sacrifices of ‎our pure-hearted Martyrs, the years of the lives of our brave ‎prisoners”
Official PA daily op-ed:‎
  • Israeli Arab MP Mansour has “crossed all the national red lines” ‎
An Arab member of the Israeli Parliament, Mansour Abbas, has been ‎‎“condemned” by the PA for having made “embarrassing and shameful ‎statements” about Palestinian terrorist prisoners, who – according to the PA – ‎are not terrorists, but are “heroic.”‎
‎ ‎
In a recent interview to Israeli TV Channel 12, Mansour Abbas said: “Placing ‎me as a terror supporter or embracer of terrorists – that never was. Whoever ‎published that I visited the prison and met with terrorists and embraced them ‎‎– that never happened.” [Feb. 4, 2021]‎
Did Mansour Abbas actually say "terrorist" or did Israel inset that in his statement?
You read the article.

Hurt feelings?
For a collection of Islamic terrorist franchises who are their own worst enemy, these posers seem to be forever emotionally, intellectually damaged children.

Fatah Official Jibrail Rajoub: Now That Their Jackass Trump Is Gone, Netanyahu Cannot Rule The World; What Is Happening in Palestine Is A Second Holocaust

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I’m guessing the good “Dr.” Lulu didn’t get the type of training that one might get in an accredited Western university. He did learn all he needs to know while appealing to the minions in Gaza’iatan.

Something tells me that obtaining a “Dr.” in this guys area of the world is not too rigorous and the take-home test consists of a couple of true or false questions:
The Jews Are Behind All Corruption™️

Female Suicide Bombers Are Palestinian Role Models™️


Gaza Islamic scholar Dr. Taher Lulu said that the Jews are behind all the corruption and destruction of moral values in the world. He made his remarks in an interview with Palestine Today TV (Gaza/Lebanon) that aired on February 4, 2021. He continued to claim that when Hitler came to power, he forbade banks from taking usury, knowing that all the banks were owned by Jews, and once he did this, Germany became a force to be feared and it invaded Eastern Europe. Lulu praised Palestinian female suicide bomber Hanadi Jaradat and said that Palestinian mothers encourage their children to become martyrs by saying: “Go, I want to hear that you were martyred. I don’t want you to come back to me.” Hanadi Jaradat blew herself up in an Israeli restaurant in October 2003, killing twenty-one people, among them four children.
Yeah, the Pallys erect monuments to the psychopaths they breed.

PA municipality erects memorial for terrorist stabber shaped as map of "Palestine"

Zamnpress, website | Nov 12, 2015

Image of memorial for terrorist murderer Muhannad Halabi erected by the PA Abu Qash municipality, posted on zamnpress.com on Nov. 12, 2015. The memorial displays a picture of the murderer and carries his name. The PA memorial for Halabi, on a road named after him, is shaped as a map of “Palestine,” including both the PA areas and all of Israel.
Initially, one does wonder, even in the alternate reality of Pal-Arabism, how this makes sense. However, under a more critical assessment, a Pal ''president'' serving life sentences for planning Islamic terrorist attacks is the perfect leader for the Pallys. He won't be present to actually manage any affairs of responsible government, he doesn't possess any obvious credentials as one who could head a responsible government and he would apparently be competent at nothing but continuing that long tradition of failure, ineptitude and retrogression that defines the current leaders of the competing Islamic terrorist franchises in Gaza and the West Bank.

So, actually, he's the perfect for the PA franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc. Somebody just needs to see to it that Abbas dies tragically by falling down a flight of stairs, (numerous times to get the job done).

Associates of Marwan Barghouti say that the Palestinian security prisoner — currently serving five life sentences for planning terror attacks that murdered Israelis — is considering a run in the scheduled Palestinian presidential elections.

“Our comrade, Marwan, is considering the possibility, but he has not yet made a decision either way,” former Palestinian Authority legislator Qaddura Fares tells The Times of Israel in a phone call.

Palestinians are scheduled to head to legislative elections on May 22 followed by presidential elections on July 31. Many observers have expressed skepticism that the vote will be held, however, as the Palestinians have not headed to national elections since 2006, despite numerous promises by their leadership.
Makes a Mahmoud proud. Another loser in the game of gee-had.

Fatah branch praises terrorist who murdered 2: "To you the glory, the blessing, the peace, [Allah's] mercy and the honor, O lion, Fatah member, Martyr and daring fighter"

Fatah Movement - Salfit Branch, Facebook | Mar 20, 2019
The various franchises of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc., are begging for welfare dollars for the gee-had.

They're not aware that kuffar dollars don't just fall off the infidel tree?

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is calling for US$1.5 billion to fund its essential services, emergency appeals and priority projects for registered Palestine refugees in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem), Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. Of the required US$1.5 billion, US$806 million are needed for core services, such as education, health, relief and social services, protection and infrastructure and camp improvement.
The various franchises of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc., are begging for welfare dollars for the gee-had.

They're not aware that kuffar dollars don't just fall off the infidel tree?

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is calling for US$1.5 billion to fund its essential services, emergency appeals and priority projects for registered Palestine refugees in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem), Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. Of the required US$1.5 billion, US$806 million are needed for core services, such as education, health, relief and social services, protection and infrastructure and camp improvement.

Of the required US$1.5 billion, US$806 million are needed for core services, such as education, health, relief and social services, protection and infrastructure and camp improvement.

How much for rockets and tunnels?
The various franchises of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc., are begging for welfare dollars for the gee-had.

They're not aware that kuffar dollars don't just fall off the infidel tree?

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is calling for US$1.5 billion to fund its essential services, emergency appeals and priority projects for registered Palestine refugees in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem), Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. Of the required US$1.5 billion, US$806 million are needed for core services, such as education, health, relief and social services, protection and infrastructure and camp improvement.

Of the required US$1.5 billion, US$806 million are needed for core services, such as education, health, relief and social services, protection and infrastructure and camp improvement.

How much for rockets and tunnels?
I guess a large portion of the welfare money will need to be spent on re-printing the class material that teaches the gee-had lessons.

Those poor, oppressed Pally’s. It’s just not fair that their perceived entitlements aren’t met. The “country of Pal’istan”™ has every right to expect their demands for vaccines are supplied by others.

With Hamas relegated to a status of the world’s second richest Islamic terrorist organization, their are, of course, priorities to be met in terms of where the welfare money goes.

Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz’s office announced that the transfer had been approved on Sunday, marking the first such move since the country of 9 million began receiving shipments of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in mid-December.
Jibril Rajoub has this quaint idea that Islamic terrorist attacks constitute ''resistance''. He might want to resist the urge to force the IDF to respond if the Islamo-rockets begin to fly out of the areas occupies by Islamic terrorists.

Top PA official Rajoub: "Armed resistance‎" always on the back burner
Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Feb 8, 2021

Top PA official Rajoub: "Armed resistance‎" always on the back burner | PMW Analysis
  • Asked if Fatah will continue “armed resistance,” Fatah Central ‎Committee Secretary Rajoub says it’s “conditional on the ‎developments on the ground”‎
Although he recently denied this, Fatah Central Committee ‎Secretary Jibril Rajoub continues to be mentioned as one of PA Chairman ‎Abbas’ possible successors – even in the upcoming elections.‎
Should Rajoub take over, Palestinian Media Watch has an extensive archive ‎of his statements that expose his hate speech and terror support.‎
In a recent interview, Rajoub made no secret of the fact that "armed resistance" - ‎the PA euphemism for terror against Israel - is an option always ‎kept on the back burner. Asked directly by the Kuwaiti interviewer if “Fatah’s ‎armed resistance is continuing,” Rajoub explained that Fatah and Hamas in ‎their ongoing talks have determined that this is “conditional on the ‎developments on the ground” – in other words: Rajoub didn’t denounce ‎violence, didn’t advocate peace, but instead stressed that “armed resistance” ‎remains an option whenever the PA finds it useful: ‎
Maybe the UAE has decided that there are priorities other than throwing money at failure and incompetence.

The United Arab Emirates drastically reduced its funding to the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees in 2020, the year it signed a United States-brokered normalisation accord with Israel that was heavily criticised by the Palestinian Authority.
Maybe the UAE has decided that there are priorities other than throwing money at failure and incompetence.

The United Arab Emirates drastically reduced its funding to the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees in 2020, the year it signed a United States-brokered normalisation accord with Israel that was heavily criticised by the Palestinian Authority.
That wasn't a peace agreement. It was an arms agreement.
Maybe the UAE has decided that there are priorities other than throwing money at failure and incompetence.

The United Arab Emirates drastically reduced its funding to the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees in 2020, the year it signed a United States-brokered normalisation accord with Israel that was heavily criticised by the Palestinian Authority.
That wasn't a peace agreement. It was an arms agreement.

Your conspiracy theories are a hoot.
At some point, do we just acknowledge that Arab-Moslem colonialism is a failed strategy, the Ottoman caliphate is not coming back, the islamist waqf is a relic of a bygone era and the world has progressed from 7th century ideas?

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has refused to commit to the idea of occupied East Jerusalem as the capital of the future Palestinian state, saying the parties need “to get together directly and negotiate these so-called final status issues”.

In an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer earlier this week, Blinken however, reiterated the Biden administration’s plans to keep the US embassy to Israel in Jerusalem, after it was relocated during former president Trump’s administration.
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