Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The Bennett-Lapid government is planning to put an end to the phenomenon whereby Qatar's monthly grants to the Gaza Strip enter the coastal enclave in the form of suitcases full of cash, Channel 12 News reported on Friday.

According to the report, the existing procedure will be replaced with a mechanism for transferring the money through a UN fund, which will make it possible to monitor where the money goes to.

A UN-funded transfer mechanism will allow the funds to be transferred for projects where the money can be monitored.

(full article online)

There's something about Pally terrorists and their hurt feelings.

Palestinian resistance group Hamas has rejected statements by United Arab Emirates (UAE) Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed linking the group to terrorism, reports Anadolu Agency.

"Bin Zayed's call for the western countries to designate Hamas as a terrorist group runs counter to Arab values," Hamas spokesman Hazem Qasim said on Twitter.
It's so cute when these Allahu Akbar shouting Medieval loons work themselves into a froth.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Act of Aggression
⁜→ et al,

"The report, completed in February, includes dozens of examples of encouragement of violence and demonization of Israel and of Jews.''

[LINK] In their own words.


Most Respectfully,

Khaled is very angry. He refers to Emir Abbas as a criminal murderer. We may read about Khaled falling out of Mahmoud's jet.. from 10,000 ft. agl.​

Gaza Politician Khaled Abu Hilal: We Demand The Death Penalty For All The 'Criminal Murderers' Who Took Part In Killing Activist Nizar Banat, Including President Abbas and Prime Minister Shtayyeh


Meir Rubin brought his two young children for an overnight hiking trip in a forest near Jerusalem - and Arabs almost burned them alive.​

(full article online)

Not once did the link show any proof the Arabs started the fires.

Arab rioters infiltrate Jewish town of Esh Kodesh, are chased out by IDF, local residents.​

(full article online)

If you look back at a map from 1947, you will see there are not Jewish towns, and there are hundred of Arab towns that no longer exist because they were brutally massacred by Zionist fanatics.
When the 200 Arab residents of Deir Yassin were all murdered, the most barbaric means possible was used, hand grenades.

Arab rioters infiltrate Jewish town of Esh Kodesh, are chased out by IDF, local residents.​

(full article online)

If you look back at a map from 1947, you will see there are not Jewish towns, and there are hundred of Arab towns that no longer exist because they were brutally massacred by Zionist fanatics.
When the 200 Arab residents of Deir Yassin were all murdered, the most barbaric means possible was used, hand grenades.

They kicked a LOT of Arab ass.

"Praising terrorist murderers"​

Standard behavior for the Arab-Moslem Death Cultists.

Official PA TV praises terrorist murderers who were residents of Jerusalem​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Jun 30, 2021
In a continuing effort to encourage Arab residents of Jerusalem to carry out terrorist acts, official Palestinian television chose to praise three murderous terrorists who lived in the Jabel Mukaber neighbourhood of Jerusalem. Based on the narrative of victimization and distorted reality, PA TV praised the terrorists as those who "refused to submit to the occupation.”

"Since the occupation of [Jerusalem], the residents of the village [Jabel Mukaber] (i.e., neighborhood of Jerusalem) have not stopped their resistance for one day against the arbitrary acts of the occupation that are manifested in the theft of their lands, the arrest of their children, and the destruction of their homes. The village [Jabel Mukaber] gave Martyrs for the sake of Jerusalem like Martyr Fadi Al-Qunbar, Baha Alyan, Alaa Abu Jamal, and many others who refused to submit to the occupation that is making their lives bitter, and to its blockade on the village of Jabel Mukaber.”
[Official PA TV News, June 26, 2021

A cartoon published by the official PA daily shows the PA map of “Palestine” erasing the entire State of Israel, thereby visually expressing the PA ideology that does not recognize Israel’s right to exist in any borders. [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 21, 2021]

The cartoon shows planet Earth seen from space, prominently featuring the map always used by the PA that presents all of Israel together with the PA areas as “Palestine.” The map has a massive Palestinian flag planted in it, signaling Palestinian sovereignty over the entire area, including all of the State of Israel.

It also exemplifies another of the PA’s messages: That Israel will come to an end. Palestinian Media Watch has exposed numerous statements to that effect made by PA and Fatah officials. Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki said earlier this year that both America and Israel “will disappear”:


(full article online)


Meir Rubin brought his two young children for an overnight hiking trip in a forest near Jerusalem - and Arabs almost burned them alive.​

(full article online)

Not once did the link show any proof the Arabs started the fires.

From the horses mouth...

As night falls, hundreds of young men head to Jabal Sbeih (Mount Sbeih) and the surrounding area in the town of Beita in the northern West Bank to start organizing various activities, including what is known as “night confusion,” which lasts until dawn.

The aim of these activities is to disturb the settlers who established a settlement outpost called Eviatar atop Jabal Sbeih.

Since the beginning of the construction of the outpost on Jabal Sbeih on May 3, the residents of Beita began to resist the settlers as they were inspired by the “night confusion” activities during the return marches that erupted in March 2018 in the Gaza Strip near the barbed wire fence with Israel.

The young men in Beita have been engaging in such activities on a daily basis.

The night confusion is a popular night protest activity during which young people use various means aimed at disturbing the settlers and confusing the Israeli army, such as igniting rubber tires near the outpost so that the smoke rises toward the army.


Q. "Jews will not replace us! Jews will not replace us!..."
or was is this from a different gathering?
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