Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Peace Talks on Neutral Ground
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

The source estimated that Hamas will work to ensure that the funds reach its people one way or another, and Monday morning Al-Akhbar reported that Hamas demands that names be added to the list of needy families and that it does not oppose the new mechanism.


I'm not sure that this actually has any meaning. How many times have we heard this song?

I'm not even sure that Israel will reap and benefit. If the "Talks" produce some positive outcome, everyone but the Israelis will take credit for them. (I even saw the White House acting like they played some role in the facilitation of the "Talks.")PATHETIC.

However, IF the "Talks" fail, THEN Israel will receive the lion's share of the blame for the collapse.


Most Respectfully,

The talks will only fail if Israel insists that it keeps it aggression.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Peace Talks on Neutral Ground
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

The source estimated that Hamas will work to ensure that the funds reach its people one way or another, and Monday morning Al-Akhbar reported that Hamas demands that names be added to the list of needy families and that it does not oppose the new mechanism.


I'm not sure that this actually has any meaning. How many times have we heard this song?

I'm not even sure that Israel will reap and benefit. If the "Talks" produce some positive outcome, everyone but the Israelis will take credit for them. (I even saw the White House acting like they played some role in the facilitation of the "Talks.")PATHETIC.

However, IF the "Talks" fail, THEN Israel will receive the lion's share of the blame for the collapse.


Most Respectfully,

The talks will only fail if Israel insists that it keeps it aggression.
What aggression?

Another empty, unsupported claim.
Not even dinner and a fatwa for Nizar Banat,

The competing Islamic terrorist franchises of the PA and Hamas settle their differences with guns, blunt force trauma and power tools. Nizar probably avoided the worst of the Pally dystopia.

Nizar Banat, an Arab carpenter and house painter who lived in Chevron, had been an outspoken opponent of the Palestinian Authority for many years. He repeatedly focused attention on PA corruption and, most recently, posted on social media strong criticism of PA Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh over his refusal to accept Israel’s offer of more than one million soon-to-expire but currently needed Pfizer vaccines to the PA in exchange for an identical number of doses purchased by the PA and expected to arrive later this year.

Earlier this year, Mr. Banat formed a political party to contest PA parliamentary elections, which, in the end, were canceled by PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

According to Mr. Banat’s family, some 20 armed Palestinian soldiers stormed the family home last Thursday at 3:30 a.m. and brutally beat him before arresting him for violating the PA’s cybercrimes law, which limits what residents of the PA territories may post online.

The local PA governor announced that Mr. Banat had died. “During the arrest,” the governor, Jibrin Al Bakri, said, Mr. Banat’s “health deteriorated, and [while] he was immediately taken to Hebron hospital and after doctors checked on him, it appeared the citizen was already dead.”

They're teen campers.​

This summer's graduating class of islamic sociopaths looks especially deranged. This will be a good crop of graduates to get in line for those virgins.​

Child at Islamic Jihad Gaza Summer Camp: Hitler Left Some of You Alive to Show Us How Wicked You Are; We Will Tear Your Bodies Apart with Our Rockets; PIJ Official: The Children of Palestine Will Sacrifice Their Blood and Body Parts​

Israel will send South Korea some 700,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine that are due to expire shortly in a deal signed between the two nations on Tuesday, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett announced, calling the deal a “win-win” situation for both countries.

The deal comes weeks after the Palestinian Authority backed out of a similar agreement, saying the vaccine doses were too close to their expiration date despite Israel using the same batches to vaccinate its teens.

Under the deal with Seoul, Israel will supply doses for immediate use that are set to expire by the end of the month. In return, Israel will receive the same number of doses from South Korean orders later in the year.

(full article online)

The Palestinian Authority has been arresting and attacking political opponents and protesters for years, but this is the first time that the Palestinian masses have been openly and publicly fighting back to a great extent.

Yesterday, there were more protests against the apparent murder of Nizar Banat in Ramallah. The PA police responded by arresting, beating and dragging many of the protesters.

When the PA arrested Abi Al-Aboudi and others, his wife, journalist Hind Sherida, went to the police station with her family and joined others in a protest chant to release the detainees. The police came out and beat, pepper sprayed and arrested the protesters, and pulled Sherida by the hair in front of her children. Her 77-year old father was pepper-sprayed and beaten. They then beat Hind inside the police station.

Many other well known figures were arrested and beaten: political activist Omar Assaf, researcher Khaled Odallah, Omar Al-Jallad, Tayseer Al-Zabri, Adham Karajah, Hussam Barjas, Khaled Awad, Omar Al-Auri, Osama Al-Bdeir, Sri Othman Hammad , Adly Hanaysha, Bashir Al-Khairy, and Ahmed Al-Kharouf.

(full article online)


Murder of Nizar Banat by PA Security Forces Exposes Mahmoud Abbas as Lackey of Israel​

“Why was he killed?” is the cry of Palestinians protesting the brutal murder of Nizar Banat.

Demanding answers and justice, protesters have directed their anger at the Palestinian Authority (PA), whose security forces have been accused of being responsible for Banat’s death.

According to the author and activist Mazen Qumsiyeh based in Bethlehem, 43-year-old Nizar Banat became a victim of “the dictatorial and delusional rule of Mahmoud Abbas”.

His death at the hands of Abbas’s thugs has erupted fury across the Occupied Palestinian Territories and reignited demands for the immediate suspension of Oslo-birthed PA security forces.
# Note how it begins only at the beginning of Ottoman rule in 1516. Which is strange for a people that claims to have a history going back one million years/or the Canaanites and Jebusites from over 3,500, or 5,000 or 10,000 years ago/or Philistines from 6,000 years ago. Even the Palestinian Information Center’s Timeline of Jerusalem went back as far as the Islamic Conquest!

Interestingly, despite clearly not wanting to go back too far to reveal the fact the Jews were here first, they do implicitly acknowledge that fact:
Sovereignty over Jerusalem held special significance for the Muslim empire, which early on embarked on projects to rebuild the city’s walls and to renovate the Dome of the Rock (1537-1540). At the same time, the Ottomans acknowledged Christian and Jewish rights to sites of religious significance, managing a complex arrangement of privileges and access rights to these sites through a system known as the status quo. These regulations and understandings were based on accumulated customary practice and included rights acknowledged by earlier Muslim rulers and the decisions of Muslim courts in support of these rights, as well as Christian and Jewish commitments to adhere to customary practice.
A museum with no exhibits, whose digital platform represents their history as beginning with Turkish-Ottoman Rule almost 1500 years after the destruction of the second Jewish Temple.

Says it all really.

  • On the one hand, the PA has promised a thorough investigation of the incident; on the other, it is trying to buy the silence of the Banat family.

  • While the PA is expressing regret for the incident, this is not the first time Banat suffered violence at the hands of the PA security apparatus.

  • Demonstrations against the PA as a result of the death of Banat and frustration and unhappiness with the leadership in general, are being presented by the PA as if they are demonstrations on behalf of Hamas and other parties seeking to undermine and even over-throw the PA

(full article online)

From The Action Group for Palestinians in Syria, June 25:

Syrian security forces have tightened military grip around Deraa and its outskirts, south of Syria.

Local sources told AGPS that all access roads to the city centre have been blocked except for the Sajneh road, where three military checkpoints have been pitched.

Palestinian refugees have expressed concerns over a new wave of forced military conscription and arbitrary manhunts in the area.

This comes only a weeks after Palestinians who had been forced out of the Deraa area were allowed to return after three years - under Russian mediation:

(full article online)

# Note how it begins only at the beginning of Ottoman rule in 1516. Which is strange for a people that claims to have a history going back one million years/or the Canaanites and Jebusites from over 3,500, or 5,000 or 10,000 years ago/or Philistines from 6,000 years ago. Even the Palestinian Information Center’s Timeline of Jerusalem went back as far as the Islamic Conquest!

Interestingly, despite clearly not wanting to go back too far to reveal the fact the Jews were here first, they do implicitly acknowledge that fact:
Sovereignty over Jerusalem held special significance for the Muslim empire, which early on embarked on projects to rebuild the city’s walls and to renovate the Dome of the Rock (1537-1540). At the same time, the Ottomans acknowledged Christian and Jewish rights to sites of religious significance, managing a complex arrangement of privileges and access rights to these sites through a system known as the status quo. These regulations and understandings were based on accumulated customary practice and included rights acknowledged by earlier Muslim rulers and the decisions of Muslim courts in support of these rights, as well as Christian and Jewish commitments to adhere to customary practice.
A museum with no exhibits, whose digital platform represents their history as beginning with Turkish-Ottoman Rule almost 1500 years after the destruction of the second Jewish Temple.

Says it all really.

( This is what one gets from anyone who does not care about the Help, Search and Rescue Israel does all over the world )

Anti-Israel activist Linda Sarsour sparked fresh accusations of anti-Semitism this week after retweeting a thread that questioned Israeli rescue crews helping at the site of the collapsed building in Surfside, Florida.

The original tweet from a third party, which Sarsour spread to her 331,000 followers, said, “I really don’t understand the IDF’s involvement in rescue attempts of people tragically crushed under buildings in Miami. Their expertise is crushing buildings with people in them, not rescuing them.”

Other tweets in the original thread labeled the Israeli rescue delegations as “propaganda” and “hypocrisy.”

Facing a backlash, Sarsour deleted her retweet, though the original tweet remains.

Sarsour, who was born in Brooklyn to Palestinian parents, has a long history of anti-Semitic statements.

(full article online )

Burj Al-Luqluq defines itself as a Palestinian body that is dedicated to strengthening the Palestinian identity in Jerusalem.

About a year ago, the European Union (EU) introduced for the first time a substantial change in the terms of funding for Arab entities, according to which any cooperation with terrorist organizations would lead to the EU’s unilateral cessation of its funding to the recipient organizations.

This week, Burj Al-Luqluq issued a statement announcing the rejection of a grant in the amount of NIS 4 million from France due to its opposition to the clause demanding it to disavow any connection to terrorism. The association canceled the agreement with the development agency of the French government.

(full article online)

Burj Al-Luqluq defines itself as a Palestinian body that is dedicated to strengthening the Palestinian identity in Jerusalem.

About a year ago, the European Union (EU) introduced for the first time a substantial change in the terms of funding for Arab entities, according to which any cooperation with terrorist organizations would lead to the EU’s unilateral cessation of its funding to the recipient organizations.

This week, Burj Al-Luqluq issued a statement announcing the rejection of a grant in the amount of NIS 4 million from France due to its opposition to the clause demanding it to disavow any connection to terrorism. The association canceled the agreement with the development agency of the French government.

(full article online)

Who is going to be in charge of the name calling?

Palestinians protest in front of an Israeli court in Jerusalem against efforts to expel Palestinians from the neighborhoods of Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah on 10 June.

Around 2,000 pilgrims from the Palestinian territories, Israel and Jordan, some waving Palestinian flags, attend the mass as well as Abbas, who had a private audience with the pope on Saturday.

How can the so-called "Evangelical Christians" support the Anti-Christian Zionists in their fight against Palestinians, be these Palestinians Christians or Muslims?
There is no fight against the Palestinians, only against extremists.
What makes you think that Zionists are 'anti - Christian??? Because a small handful of religious Jews are racist, so all of them are?? Many Zionists are Christian BTW.. You are a massive bigot who is extremely uninformed and full of propaganda.
The Pallys have a squad of their own, the Balloon Squad.

Just keepin' it real in the dystopian nightmare that an Arab warlord invented.

Gaza Incendiary Balloon Squad Video: We Are Here To Burn You, To Make You Wish You Were Dead​

#8952 | 01:03
Source: The Internet - "Ahfad Al-Nasser on Telegram"
"Ahfad Al-Nasser," the Gaza incendiary balloon squad that belongs to the Popular Resistance Committees, conveyed a message in Hebrew and Arabic: "We are here to burn you [...] to make you wish you were dead." The video was posted on Ahfad Al-Nasser's Telegram account on July 4, 2021. In the video squad members are seen preparing incendiary balloons.
Ahfad Al-Nasser: "We are here... We work day and night... We do not get tired and we do not get bored... In order to burn you... You will not enjoy a decent life... We will make you wish you were dead... This is part of our rage."
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