Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The small print says "Based on a random sample conducted by Euro-Med Monitor."

A random sample of whom?

There is no methodology described. Did they interview children? Parents? Doctors? How did they randomize the people they sampled? Who diagnosed them with trauma - psychiatrists or parents? What was the exact question asked?

We don't know.

What we do know is that the Euro Med Monitor has, in the past, has shown it is pro-terror and regularly lies about Gaza deaths. In fact, their most recent report on Gaza shows that the pattern continues. For example, it counts Bashar Ahmed Ibrahim Samour as an innocent child when Fatah refers to him as a "hero martyr." It says

Killing four civilians in Nuseirat
On May 12, an Israeli aircraft bombed with a single missile a group of civilians in the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip, killing four of them: Hamza Mahmoud Al-Hor, 25, Muhammad Abdel Moneim Shaheen, 27, and Muhammad Mu›in al-Qarah, 26, Ahmed Walid Al Talaa, 29.
All four of them were Islamic Jihad terrorists. Here are Shaheen and Talaa.

(full article online)

The balloon gee-had continues as does the islamo-beatdown from the IAF.

IAF aircraft struck a Hamas weapons manufacturing facility in Gaza in response to incendiary balloons that were launched towards Israel earlier in the day, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit said in a statement Thursday night.

UN agrees to take over distribution of Qatari funds in Gaza — report​

Palestinian newspaper says both Israel and Hamas okay with move, quotes sources saying funds won’t go through banks controlled by Gaza-ruling terror group​

Palestinians receive their financial aid as part of $480 million in aid allocated by Qatar, at a post office in Gaza City on May 19, 2019. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)
Palestinians receive their financial aid as part of funds allocated by Qatar, at a post office in Gaza City on May 19, 2019. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

Gee, whz. For all the infidel / Great Satan hatred spewed by the Pali terrorists, they sure like our infidel / Great Satan welfare money.
Because women generally fall under less scrutiny than men, Jaber’s role was to recruit Israeli Arab women as Hezbollah spies to provide information for the planning and execution of terror attacks.

Jaber used social media posts on Instagram to communicate with her handlers, sending coded messages via the captions, prosecutors said.

(full article online)


The Magical Kingdom of Pally'land.​

Jordan wants their flag back, BTW.

There is no Israel, only “Palestine” – PA cartoon erases the entire State of Israel​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jul 4, 2021

A cartoon published by the official PA daily shows the PA map of “Palestine” erasing the entire State of Israel, thereby visually expressing the PA ideology that does not recognize Israel’s right to exist in any borders. [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 21, 2021]

The cartoon shows planet Earth seen from space, prominently featuring the map always used by the PA that presents all of Israel together with the PA areas as “Palestine.” The map has a massive Palestinian flag planted in it, signaling Palestinian sovereignty over the entire area, including all of the State of Israel.
Those poor, oppressed Islamic terrorists,

Hamas is in a snit because Qatari welfare money won't be delivered in suitcases.

Al-Akhbar added that Hamas may agree to transfer the funds through the banks and not in the cash suitcases as long as the funds arrive without deducting any amount from the grant intended for poor families.
Lebanon's Al Akhbar newspaper, which is connected with the Hezbollah terror group, on Monday reported that the Gaza terror groups warned the Egyptian negotiators that renewed fighting with Israel is closer than ever.

Hamas sources spoke with the paper, revealing that Egypt had requested that the terror groups refrain from escalating the situation before the end of the week, in order to allow time to receive the Israeli delegation's response, which is expected in Cairo in the middle of this week.

(full article online)

(Fool me once....)

The source estimated that Hamas will work to ensure that the funds reach its people one way or another, and Monday morning Al-Akhbar reported that Hamas demands that names be added to the list of needy families and that it does not oppose the new mechanism.

(full article online)


All of those videos were to show that Gaza is not the "Poor, poor, poor, territory" that it keeps claiming to be. And poor because of Israel.

Of course, you missed the message of endless waist when they build a city and no Palestinian wants to live there, or the message of " Where are the wealthy Palestinians, and why don't they help the poor, and why must the US, EU, and Qatar keep giving Gaza and the PA any money?
In his most recent book, the picture that Khalidi painted of Hussaini was as such: “[A] bitter split between those loyal to the mufti… and the mufti’s opponents, led by the former Jerusalem mayor Raghib Al-Nashashibi… resulted in hundreds of assassinations in the late 1930s [and] gravely sapped the strength of Palestinians.”

Al-Nashashibi was forced into exile in Beirut in 1938, “after his life was threatened and his house in Ramleh burned with the loss of all his books and papers. This was undoubtedly the work of the mufti’s men,” according to Khalidi.

So Mufti Hussaini was not only someone who did not see the moral failure in allying with Germany’s Hitler, he was also a charlatan who threatened the lives of his political rivals in Jerusalem and sent them into exile. And yet, the IPS celebrates Hussaini’s life as one of the founding fathers of the Palestinian national movement. Until those Palestinians start denouncing such characters and learning from their mistakes, their movement will remain as ethically and morally challenged as it is today.

(full article online)

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Peace Talks on Neutral Ground
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

The source estimated that Hamas will work to ensure that the funds reach its people one way or another, and Monday morning Al-Akhbar reported that Hamas demands that names be added to the list of needy families and that it does not oppose the new mechanism.


I'm not sure that this actually has any meaning. How many times have we heard this song?

I'm not even sure that Israel will reap and benefit. If the "Talks" produce some positive outcome, everyone but the Israelis will take credit for them. (I even saw the White House acting like they played some role in the facilitation of the "Talks.")PATHETIC.

However, IF the "Talks" fail, THEN Israel will receive the lion's share of the blame for the collapse.


Most Respectfully,

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Peace Talks on Neutral Ground
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,


I am not sure what is going on with the Arab Palestinians. Who is the "Shot Caller" here?

✦ HAMAS (Gaza Government)
✦ Palestinian Authority (Ramallah Government)
✦ The PLO (sole representative)

Does the "long-term ceasefire" (as it has been called) cover civil disturbances in Jerusalem and the West Bank?


Most Respectfully,
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