Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Incendiary Devices
⁜→ et al,

BLUF: I just wanted to remind everyone that the use of incdiary devices is prohibited by International Law.

◈. Customary and International Humanitarian Law
Rule 85. The Use of Incendiary Weapons against Combatants

◈. 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW)
The 1980 Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Incendiary Weapons was adopted on 10 October 1980 and entered into force on 2 December 1983. The Protocol places restrictions on the use of incendiary weapons as a means or method of warfare during an international armed conflict. It also applies to non-international armed conflict if a state party has ratified the 2001 amendment to the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW).

◈. Arms Control (CCW)
Protocol III regulates the use of weapons designed to set fire to or burn their target. The protocol proscribes targeting civilians with incendiary weapons and restricts the use of air-delivered incendiary weapons against military targets in close proximity to concentrations of noncombatants. It also prohibits parties from targeting forests or other plant cover unless the vegetation is being used to conceal military forces. The protocol only covers weapons created intentionally to set fire or burn, such as flamethrowers. Weapons that ignite fires or burn as a side effect are not subject to the protocol.

For another Drachma, use can get more links!

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Incendiary Devices
⁜→ et al,

BLUF: I just wanted to remind everyone that the use of incdiary devices is prohibited by International Law.

◈. Customary and International Humanitarian Law
Rule 85. The Use of Incendiary Weapons against Combatants

◈. 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW)
The 1980 Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Incendiary Weapons was adopted on 10 October 1980 and entered into force on 2 December 1983. The Protocol places restrictions on the use of incendiary weapons as a means or method of warfare during an international armed conflict. It also applies to non-international armed conflict if a state party has ratified the 2001 amendment to the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW).

◈. Arms Control (CCW)
Protocol III regulates the use of weapons designed to set fire to or burn their target. The protocol proscribes targeting civilians with incendiary weapons and restricts the use of air-delivered incendiary weapons against military targets in close proximity to concentrations of noncombatants. It also prohibits parties from targeting forests or other plant cover unless the vegetation is being used to conceal military forces. The protocol only covers weapons created intentionally to set fire or burn, such as flamethrowers. Weapons that ignite fires or burn as a side effect are not subject to the protocol.

For another Drachma, use can get more links!

Most Respectfully,

let’s see if P F Tinmore will be screeching “racism” when Israel retaliates.​

Israel strikes in Gaza after fire balloons launched​


If you are viewed as an undesirable in the Islamic dictatorship, bad things happen.

A tale of multiple realities - the death of PA critic Nizar Banat​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Jul 6, 2021

  • On the one hand, the PA has promised a thorough investigation of the incident; on the other, it is trying to buy the silence of the Banat family.

  • While the PA is expressing regret for the incident, this is not the first time Banat suffered violence at the hands of the PA security apparatus.

  • Demonstrations against the PA as a result of the death of Banat and frustration and unhappiness with the leadership in general, are being presented by the PA as if they are demonstrations on behalf of Hamas and other parties seeking to undermine and even over-throw the PA

As part of the efforts of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah party to quash internal decent, on June 24, 2021, PA Security Forces arrested and allegedly beat and killed the vocal PA critic Nizar Banat. Banat’s death sparked widespread demonstrations and counter demonstrations, and a plethora of accusations. While feigning regret and empathy, the PA and Fatah are now using Banat’s death as a means to invent a conspiracy theory about a "Hamas coup".
The reason for the renewed attention on Jews peacefully walking on the Temple Mount is clear.

The PA has been battered with criticism on its brutal attacks on its own people who are protesting its policies, so it is doing what it always does: try to redirect people's anger at Jews.

After all, this is one of the goals of antisemitism - to use Jews as scapegoats for anything and everything. Getting Palestinians riled up over the "Al Aqsa Mosque" has been a major way of controlling them since the Mufti did it a hundred years ago.

(full article online)

Amer Zahr, Israel-basher and self-styled comedian, recently outed himself as an Israeli citizen while spreading lies about a routine sticker placed on his Israeli passport by authorities at Ben Gurion Airport.

The lies are no laughing matter, however, as Zahr falsely claimed that a yellow sticker with a bar code and series of numbers indicated he was a security threat, spreading the falsehood to his close 100,000 followers on Instagram.

On Monday, he described flying out of Israel’s Ben-Gurion Airport. Zahr claimed that a yellow sticker with a “6” means you’re a “security threat,” “i.e. not Jewish,” posting a photo of the sticker affixed to his passport.

Instagrammers were quick to challenge Zahr.

“Please stop spreading lies. The yellow sticker is for everyone. At least be honest with your content. Thanks,” commented SashaJade1.

Danibptak responded, “I’m Jewish, Brazilian and have a lot of these stickers. Are you crazy??”

And Ilya7703 wrote, “I’ve had a yellow sticker on my passport when traveling and guess what I’m Jewish. You’re just lying to push an agenda. Give up your citizenship if you hate Israel so much.”

(full article online)

Amer Zahr, Israel-basher and self-styled comedian, recently outed himself as an Israeli citizen while spreading lies about a routine sticker placed on his Israeli passport by authorities at Ben Gurion Airport.

The lies are no laughing matter, however, as Zahr falsely claimed that a yellow sticker with a bar code and series of numbers indicated he was a security threat, spreading the falsehood to his close 100,000 followers on Instagram.

On Monday, he described flying out of Israel’s Ben-Gurion Airport. Zahr claimed that a yellow sticker with a “6” means you’re a “security threat,” “i.e. not Jewish,” posting a photo of the sticker affixed to his passport.

Instagrammers were quick to challenge Zahr.

“Please stop spreading lies. The yellow sticker is for everyone. At least be honest with your content. Thanks,” commented SashaJade1.

Danibptak responded, “I’m Jewish, Brazilian and have a lot of these stickers. Are you crazy??”

And Ilya7703 wrote, “I’ve had a yellow sticker on my passport when traveling and guess what I’m Jewish. You’re just lying to push an agenda. Give up your citizenship if you hate Israel so much.”

(full article online)

What do those stickers mean?

Just curious.
This is one of the videos released to celebrate the Hamas summer camps, showing the first day of the second session.

(video online)

The song's chorus says, "Oh my people, wage resistance, don't show mercy towards the Jews, advance, as long as there's blood on our path, there's martyrdom..."

(full article online)

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Exploitation
⁜→ et al,

BLUF: I think you are not far from the bulls-eye. I think the engineered disturbances or notable quiet periods have to do with the manipulation of the news cycle in favor (to the extent possible) of the Palestinian Authority and less favorable (to the extent possible) Israleis and /or the ongoing talks.

The reason for the renewed attention on Jews peacefully walking on the Temple Mount is clear.

The PA has been battered with criticism on its brutal attacks on its own people who are protesting its policies, so it is doing what it always does: try to redirect people's anger at Jews.

After all, this is one of the goals of antisemitism - to use Jews as scapegoats for anything and everything. Getting Palestinians riled up over the "Al Aqsa Mosque" has been a major way of controlling them since the Mufti did it a hundred years ago.

The Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) often create news events to distract or divert world news coverage. The HoAP also plants stories that are really NOT stories. People like Ahed Tamimi can take a minor incident and cause inflation to fill the news page (print - internet flashes and social media platforms). The HoAP is also known to plant false indicators (pointing fingers at something totally fictitious) to flood the news cycle that covers the more accurate reporting. News organizations like al-Jazzersa and Al Arabiya are known to play along because it makes it appear they have a scoop/exclusive. A good one is something like an Israeli Negotiating Team is on its way to Cairo for high-level talks. No Middle East Government is going to confirm or deny such a story. A similar example of planted diversion is the story is the claims Investigators are examining evidence in Gaza of Israeli War Crimes. Again, the Hague is not going to confirm or deny. But the HoAP can plant short videos and bandwidth-consuming pictures that bump or marginalize actual news-worthy reporting.

And then there are the incitement events. Where an HoAP operative creates a small disturbance and the pro-HoAP media sympathizers expand it out of proportion.

All these techniques are used by all the Middle East players to contain and avert adverse coverage.

Most Respectfully,

The Palestinian woman who captured the world's attention when she confronted an Israeli settler has graduated from university.
She told AJ+ in May how she's fighting to save Sheikh Jarrah.

The Palestinian woman who captured the world's attention when she confronted an Israeli settler has graduated from university.
She told AJ+ in May how she's fighting to save Sheikh Jarrah.

I'm sure the final Mein Kampf exams were demanding...

Remind us, what's her last name again?
I almost expect the UN to issue a clarifying statement excepting islamic terrorist franchises in the territories they occupy.

Koran 4:34
PICKTHAL: Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is ever High, Exalted, Great.

Koran 2:223
Shakir: Your wives are a tilth for you, so go into your tilth when you like, and do good beforehand for yourselves, and be careful (of your duty) to Allah, and know that you will meet Him, and give good news to the believers

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58 Palestinian women murdered in domestic violence in 2 years; PA blamed for not ratifying law to protect them
Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jul 8, 2021
“The women in our society are still being subjected to murder and violence… A chronic illness” – official PA daily
“In the absence of the law to defend the family against violence, the men of the family will continue to do as they please with the women” – Palestinian NGO
“The increase in the murder of women in Palestinian society under different circumstances and unjustified and illogical excuses indicates the exacerbation of fundamentalism and social seclusion” – Palestinian NGO
I was curious why Jews would want to visit Halhoul.

It turns out there are a lot of reasons.

Halhoul is mentioned in the Tanach - Joshua 15:58. It kept the same name all this time.

It has long been considered the burial place of Gad the Seer (2 Samuel 24:11) and Jews have made pilgrimages there for centuries. Rabbi Yitzchak Chelo, of Aragon, visited Palestine in 1333, and wrote about Halhoul in his book The Ways of Jerusalem (quoted here from the French by Victor Guerin):
From there [from Tekoa '] we go to Halhul, place mentioned in Joshua. There are a number of Jews here, who lead you to an ancient sepulchral monument, attributed to Gad the Seer. This is the third tomb of the seven prophets.
It remained a place of pilgrimage for Jews in 1847, when John Wilson visited.
So we see that Jews lives in Halhul in the Middle Ages, they venerated it for much longer as the burial place of a prophet, and it is clearly an important Biblical site.

Now we understand why Palestinians try to keep in Jew-free. That's what they try to do to every important historic Jewish place.

(full article online)

Meanwhile, the international media did not do much better. Of all people, journalists should reasonably be expected to get to the bottom of whether Israel or the Palestinian Authority was telling the truth about the vaccines. But instead, too many outlets covered the entire affair in “he-said, she-said” terms, as though the truth was unknowable, rather than something that could be determined by careful reporting. The closing of the New York Times dispatch was emblematic of this approach:

(full article online)

Despite the continuing occurrences of Hamas verifiably using noncombatant civilians -- men, women, and children as human shields for its offensive gee-had, yet another call for its end will be met with new graduates of the gee-had summer camp. The Pallys likely don't see it but the world just casually moves on after Hamas sacrifices me, women and children for propaganda purposes. Siting missiles and other armaments in residential areas, mosques, hospitals, UN schools, and buildings used by the media is the way if the gee-had. Waging war from those areas, knowing Israel must respond to end the threat, leaves the islamic terrorists with rehearsed slogans about the resulting civilian deaths and property damage and why its the Israeli's fault.

The Israel-based NGO International Legal Forum (ILF) has called on UNICEF to investigate allegations of Palestinian children being trained as child soldiers in Gaza, following a report by The Jerusalem Post.

The NGO, which is a network of over 3,000 lawyers and activists in over 40 nations worldwide, stated that they have "grave concern" following reports that the Gaza-based Palestinian terrorist groups Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) were training and recruiting children.
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