Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Four Palestinians, some armed with knives, were detained by Israel Defense Force soldiers after infiltrating into southern Israel on Saturday, the military said.

On Saturday morning, an unarmed Palestinian, who crossed into Israel from the Gaza Strip through the southern section of the border fence, was detained and questioned by IDF soldiers.

Later Saturday, three suspects carrying a number of knives were detained by soldiers in the same area after infiltrating from the coastal enclave, according to the IDF.

(full article online)

An Arab activist from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in east Jerusalem who was involved in multiple attacks on local Jews has been summoned for a hearing by his employer, an Israeli supermarket chain, after he was identified on social media.

Salah Diab, a resident of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, was summoned for a hearing by the ‘Mega’ supermarket chain, one of the largest food retailers in Israel, after it was revealed that he was involved in violent riots in the capital in May.

Diab was filmed hurling rocks at Jews in the Shimon Hatzaddik enclave within Sheikh Jarrah during riots which broke out in May, coinciding with renewed fighting between Israel and the Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza.

While supporters have dubbed Diab a leader of the ‘protest movement’ in Sheikh Jarrah against the impending eviction of illegal Arab squatters residing on Jewish-owned property, the Honenu legal defense organization named Diab as one of the key instigators of violent attacks on local Jews.

(full article online)

(As Arab Muslim Palestinians first, as Israelis.......

Asked to comment on the recent failure of the government to pass an extension to the Citizenship Law, which would bar Israeli Arabs from applying for citizenship or permanent residency for their PA-Arab spouses, Ghainem said, “This is a racist law. Twenty thousand families are suffering because of it. I oppose it. I abstained on the vote because I didn’t want to topple the government, but it is clear that we have red lines.”

Ghainem then issued a clear threat to the government: “If the government hits Gaza [in response to Hamas firing on Israel, or any other offense], I will topple the government.”

(full article online)

It was another fun-filled day of ''Jew Rage'' in the territories occupied by angry islamics.

Celebrating the death of another cultist reveals these are just pious Moslems who hold to that vision of themselves as slaughtering savages on horseback having never moved beyond the 7th century.

The MC at a Fatah ceremony honoring the “Martyr” Muhammad Hamid recited a poem that said that the Palestinians are experiencing a “momentary weakness,” while the Israelis are an “illusion that will dissipate.” The ceremony was aired on Palestine TV on July 5, 2021. The poem says: “I am Palestine, and who are you?” It continues to claim that the Israelis are the Falasha (Ethiopian Jews) and sons of Natashas (presumably meaning Russian Jews). It asks: “How can those who were burned burn (others)?” Furthermore, the poem suggests that Israelis ask their rabbis about the gharqad trees they will plant, alluding to the hadith depicting the Muslims killing the Jews on Judgment Day.
According to Ya’ari, the folks in Ramallah have worked out a list of 14 demands that are a prerequisite to sitting down with Israeli negotiators.

  1. Reopen the Orient House and other PA institutions in eastern Jerusalem which have been closed since 2001. In other words, they want to bring back their pre-second intifada political activity to the capital, which is currently being firmly prevented by the police and Shin Bet.
  2. Restore the old status quo on the Temple Mount instead of the current arrangements. This means restricting police activity around the al-Aqsa Mosque, diluting the Jewish visits, and strengthening the status of PA officials there.
  3. Stop the eviction of Arab squatters from their Jewish-owned homes in eastern Jerusalem. Never mind what Israeli courts rule.
  4. Release of the “fourth phase” security prisoners, which was agreed upon at the time but did not materialize due to a renewed wave of terrorism. Also –release women, the elderly, and minors who sit in security prisons.
  5. Stop the expansion of settlements, including construction in eastern Jerusalem, and evacuate all the outposts that are claimed to be on Arab land (about 135 of them – DI).
  6. Stop home demolitions in the Jordan Valley.
  7. Cease IDF incursions into PA Arab cities to arrest terror suspects.
  8. Return to the PA security forces the weapons that were seized from them by the IDF (commonly after they had targeted IDF soldiers – DI).
  9. Renew the family reunification process (from the PA into Israel, not the other way around – DI).
  10. Increase the number of work permits in Israel to PA Arabs (at least until one of them goes on another murder spree – DI).
  11. Return of Palestinian Authority police, officials, and customs officers to the Allenby Bridge, at the border with Jordan, as was the case after the Oslo Accords. Renew the transfer of cargo at Damia Bridge. Permit an international airport in the PA. Also: a free trade zone near Jericho.
  12. Allocation of areas in Area C—approximately 60% of Judea and Samaria–to factories, a power plant, and tourism ventures. Transfer of planning and licensing powers to the Palestinian Authority in Area B. Lay down fuel pipes to an Israeli port and to Jordan. Construct railways in the PA.
  13. Modify the Paris Agreement between Israel and the PA so that taxes on cargo destined for Judea and Samaria would not be collected by Israel (which cuts from those taxes whatever amount the PA pays out to security prisoners and their families – DI).
  14. Upgrading the cellular networks in the PA to G4.

(full article online)

According to Ya’ari, the folks in Ramallah have worked out a list of 14 demands that are a prerequisite to sitting down with Israeli negotiators.

  1. Reopen the Orient House and other PA institutions in eastern Jerusalem which have been closed since 2001. In other words, they want to bring back their pre-second intifada political activity to the capital, which is currently being firmly prevented by the police and Shin Bet.
  2. Restore the old status quo on the Temple Mount instead of the current arrangements. This means restricting police activity around the al-Aqsa Mosque, diluting the Jewish visits, and strengthening the status of PA officials there.
  3. Stop the eviction of Arab squatters from their Jewish-owned homes in eastern Jerusalem. Never mind what Israeli courts rule.
  4. Release of the “fourth phase” security prisoners, which was agreed upon at the time but did not materialize due to a renewed wave of terrorism. Also –release women, the elderly, and minors who sit in security prisons.
  5. Stop the expansion of settlements, including construction in eastern Jerusalem, and evacuate all the outposts that are claimed to be on Arab land (about 135 of them – DI).
  6. Stop home demolitions in the Jordan Valley.
  7. Cease IDF incursions into PA Arab cities to arrest terror suspects.
  8. Return to the PA security forces the weapons that were seized from them by the IDF (commonly after they had targeted IDF soldiers – DI).
  9. Renew the family reunification process (from the PA into Israel, not the other way around – DI).
  10. Increase the number of work permits in Israel to PA Arabs (at least until one of them goes on another murder spree – DI).
  11. Return of Palestinian Authority police, officials, and customs officers to the Allenby Bridge, at the border with Jordan, as was the case after the Oslo Accords. Renew the transfer of cargo at Damia Bridge. Permit an international airport in the PA. Also: a free trade zone near Jericho.
  12. Allocation of areas in Area C—approximately 60% of Judea and Samaria–to factories, a power plant, and tourism ventures. Transfer of planning and licensing powers to the Palestinian Authority in Area B. Lay down fuel pipes to an Israeli port and to Jordan. Construct railways in the PA.
  13. Modify the Paris Agreement between Israel and the PA so that taxes on cargo destined for Judea and Samaria would not be collected by Israel (which cuts from those taxes whatever amount the PA pays out to security prisoners and their families – DI).
  14. Upgrading the cellular networks in the PA to G4.

(full article online)

15. No retaliation for islamic terrorist attacks.
RE: Who Are the Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Permanent Status of "Negotiations" and the Dispute Resolution Process.
※→ et al,

According to Ya’ari, the folks in Ramallah have worked out a list of 14 demands that are a prerequisite to sitting down with Israeli negotiators.

The Arab Governments of Ramallah and Gaza are intentionally making the process impossibly difficult.

It is my opinion that Israel will not adhere to the lists of demands. To do so would be setting the prerequisite model as precedence for any future invitations.

This is a rejection, by other means, of the invitation for the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) to sit at the table for the Peace Process.


Most Respectfully,

According to Ya’ari, the folks in Ramallah have worked out a list of 14 demands that are a prerequisite to sitting down with Israeli negotiators.

  1. Reopen the Orient House and other PA institutions in eastern Jerusalem which have been closed since 2001. In other words, they want to bring back their pre-second intifada political activity to the capital, which is currently being firmly prevented by the police and Shin Bet.
  2. Restore the old status quo on the Temple Mount instead of the current arrangements. This means restricting police activity around the al-Aqsa Mosque, diluting the Jewish visits, and strengthening the status of PA officials there.
  3. Stop the eviction of Arab squatters from their Jewish-owned homes in eastern Jerusalem. Never mind what Israeli courts rule.
  4. Release of the “fourth phase” security prisoners, which was agreed upon at the time but did not materialize due to a renewed wave of terrorism. Also –release women, the elderly, and minors who sit in security prisons.
  5. Stop the expansion of settlements, including construction in eastern Jerusalem, and evacuate all the outposts that are claimed to be on Arab land (about 135 of them – DI).
  6. Stop home demolitions in the Jordan Valley.
  7. Cease IDF incursions into PA Arab cities to arrest terror suspects.
  8. Return to the PA security forces the weapons that were seized from them by the IDF (commonly after they had targeted IDF soldiers – DI).
  9. Renew the family reunification process (from the PA into Israel, not the other way around – DI).
  10. Increase the number of work permits in Israel to PA Arabs (at least until one of them goes on another murder spree – DI).
  11. Return of Palestinian Authority police, officials, and customs officers to the Allenby Bridge, at the border with Jordan, as was the case after the Oslo Accords. Renew the transfer of cargo at Damia Bridge. Permit an international airport in the PA. Also: a free trade zone near Jericho.
  12. Allocation of areas in Area C—approximately 60% of Judea and Samaria–to factories, a power plant, and tourism ventures. Transfer of planning and licensing powers to the Palestinian Authority in Area B. Lay down fuel pipes to an Israeli port and to Jordan. Construct railways in the PA.
  13. Modify the Paris Agreement between Israel and the PA so that taxes on cargo destined for Judea and Samaria would not be collected by Israel (which cuts from those taxes whatever amount the PA pays out to security prisoners and their families – DI).
  14. Upgrading the cellular networks in the PA to G4.

(full article online)

Those are Israel's version of the demands.
I expect UNRWA will soon be begging for more Islamic terrorist welfare money.

Israel said Sunday it would punish Palestinians for the practice of paying militants for attacks by freezing tax payments it collects for the Palestinian Authority.

The amount withheld would balance the amount the PA pays to Palestinian attackers and their families.

The move, approved by the security cabinet of recently appointed Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, was likely to cause a crisis with the PA, who took action against similar measures in the past.

The cabinet was told the PA transferred 597 million shekels ($183 million, 154 million euros) “in indirect support of terrorism in 2020” in the form of payments “to terrorists and their families,” Bennett’s office said.

“These funds will be frozen on a monthly basis out of the payments that Israel transfers to the Palestinian Authority,” the statement added.
I expect UNRWA will soon be begging for more Islamic terrorist welfare money.

Israel said Sunday it would punish Palestinians for the practice of paying militants for attacks by freezing tax payments it collects for the Palestinian Authority.

The amount withheld would balance the amount the PA pays to Palestinian attackers and their families.

The move, approved by the security cabinet of recently appointed Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, was likely to cause a crisis with the PA, who took action against similar measures in the past.

The cabinet was told the PA transferred 597 million shekels ($183 million, 154 million euros) “in indirect support of terrorism in 2020” in the form of payments “to terrorists and their families,” Bennett’s office said.

“These funds will be frozen on a monthly basis out of the payments that Israel transfers to the Palestinian Authority,” the statement added.
“These funds will be frozen on a monthly basis out of the payments that Israel transfers to the Palestinian Authority,” the statement added
Any excuse to steal Palestinian's stuff. Oy!
I expect UNRWA will soon be begging for more Islamic terrorist welfare money.

Israel said Sunday it would punish Palestinians for the practice of paying militants for attacks by freezing tax payments it collects for the Palestinian Authority.

The amount withheld would balance the amount the PA pays to Palestinian attackers and their families.

The move, approved by the security cabinet of recently appointed Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, was likely to cause a crisis with the PA, who took action against similar measures in the past.

The cabinet was told the PA transferred 597 million shekels ($183 million, 154 million euros) “in indirect support of terrorism in 2020” in the form of payments “to terrorists and their families,” Bennett’s office said.

“These funds will be frozen on a monthly basis out of the payments that Israel transfers to the Palestinian Authority,” the statement added.
“These funds will be frozen on a monthly basis out of the payments that Israel transfers to the Palestinian Authority,” the statement added
Any excuse to steal Palestinian's stuff. Oy!
Nothing is being stolen. Consider it Islamic terrorist behavior modification.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Permanent Status of "Negotiations" and the Dispute Resolution Process.
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: I'm not sure. But is this action, taken on the part of Israel, not in keeping with the spirit and intent of International Law?

P F Tinmore said:
Any excuse to steal Palestinian's stuff. Oy!

You are alleging some sort of "theft" ("steal Palestinian's stuff").

Unravel this mystery for me.

It would be Israel that breaks the law by providing that funding used to provide a post-action stipend for terrorist acts. AND, it is the responsibility and duty of every nation (
including Israel) to devise and adopt measures for the prosecution and punishment of their perpetrators (including the Hostile Arab Palestinians).


Most Respectfully,


Article 2. International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism

1. Any person commits an offence within the meaning of this Convention if that person by any means, directly or indirectly, unlawfully and wilfully, provides or collects funds with the intention that they should be used or in the knowledge that they are to be used, in full or in part, in order to carry out:​
(a) An act which constitutes an offence within the scope of and as defined in one of the treaties listed in the annex; or​
(b) Any other act intended to cause death or serious bodily injury to a civilian, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities in a situation of armed conflict, when the purpose of such act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act.​
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Permanent Status of "Negotiations" and the Dispute Resolution Process.
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: I'm not sure. But is this action, taken on the part of Israel, not in keeping with the spirit and intent of International Law?

P F Tinmore said:
Any excuse to steal Palestinian's stuff. Oy!

You are alleging some sort of "theft" ("steal Palestinian's stuff").

Unravel this mystery for me.

It would be Israel that breaks the law by providing that funding used to provide a post-action stipend for terrorist acts. AND, it is the responsibility and duty of every nation (
including Israel) to devise and adopt measures for the prosecution and punishment of their perpetrators (including the Hostile Arab Palestinians).


Most Respectfully,


Article 2. International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism

1. Any person commits an offence within the meaning of this Convention if that person by any means, directly or indirectly, unlawfully and wilfully, provides or collects funds with the intention that they should be used or in the knowledge that they are to be used, in full or in part, in order to carry out:​
(a) An act which constitutes an offence within the scope of and as defined in one of the treaties listed in the annex; or​
(b) Any other act intended to cause death or serious bodily injury to a civilian, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities in a situation of armed conflict, when the purpose of such act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act.​
Again there is no palestine nor are there any palistinians as the Jews and the jews who call themselves palistinians all had the same mother 6000 years ago
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Permanent Status of "Negotiations" and the Dispute Resolution Process.
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: I'm not sure. But is this action, taken on the part of Israel, not in keeping with the spirit and intent of International Law?

P F Tinmore said:
Any excuse to steal Palestinian's stuff. Oy!

You are alleging some sort of "theft" ("steal Palestinian's stuff").

Unravel this mystery for me.

It would be Israel that breaks the law by providing that funding used to provide a post-action stipend for terrorist acts. AND, it is the responsibility and duty of every nation (
including Israel) to devise and adopt measures for the prosecution and punishment of their perpetrators (including the Hostile Arab Palestinians).


Most Respectfully,


Article 2. International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism

1. Any person commits an offence within the meaning of this Convention if that person by any means, directly or indirectly, unlawfully and wilfully, provides or collects funds with the intention that they should be used or in the knowledge that they are to be used, in full or in part, in order to carry out:​
(a) An act which constitutes an offence within the scope of and as defined in one of the treaties listed in the annex; or​
(b) Any other act intended to cause death or serious bodily injury to a civilian, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities in a situation of armed conflict, when the purpose of such act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act.​
Again there is no palestine nor are there any palistinians as the Jews and the jews who call themselves palistinians all had the same mother 6000 years ago
Thank you for the parallel universe you seem to live on.

No Jew calls themselves a Palestinian.

The Arab Palestinians are just that, Arabs from Arabia being given a fable of being descended from Abraham and Ishmael.

The Muslims will never try to explain where was that knowledge of any blood relation for 2400 years between Arabs and Jews, especially that of the tribe of Mohammad and Ishmael and Abraham.

ALL o f a sudden........Mohammad wants to create a religion and HE is descended from Abraham via Ishmael, via a distortion of what is written in the Hebrew Scriptures.

There is no "1001 Arabian Nights" fable which will ever make that come true.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Permanent Status of "Negotiations" and the Dispute Resolution Process.
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: I'm not sure. But is this action, taken on the part of Israel, not in keeping with the spirit and intent of International Law?

P F Tinmore said:
Any excuse to steal Palestinian's stuff. Oy!

You are alleging some sort of "theft" ("steal Palestinian's stuff").

Unravel this mystery for me.

It would be Israel that breaks the law by providing that funding used to provide a post-action stipend for terrorist acts. AND, it is the responsibility and duty of every nation (
including Israel) to devise and adopt measures for the prosecution and punishment of their perpetrators (including the Hostile Arab Palestinians).


Most Respectfully,


Article 2. International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism

1. Any person commits an offence within the meaning of this Convention if that person by any means, directly or indirectly, unlawfully and wilfully, provides or collects funds with the intention that they should be used or in the knowledge that they are to be used, in full or in part, in order to carry out:​
(a) An act which constitutes an offence within the scope of and as defined in one of the treaties listed in the annex; or​
(b) Any other act intended to cause death or serious bodily injury to a civilian, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities in a situation of armed conflict, when the purpose of such act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act.​
Again there is no palestine nor are there any palistinians as the Jews and the jews who call themselves palistinians all had the same mother 6000 years ago
Thank you for the parallel universe you seem to live on.

No Jew calls themselves a Palestinian.

The Arab Palestinians are just that, Arabs from Arabia being given a fable of being descended from Abraham and Ishmael.

The Muslims will never try to explain where was that knowledge of any blood relation for 2400 years between Arabs and Jews, especially that of the tribe of Mohammad and Ishmael and Abraham.

ALL o f a sudden........Mohammad wants to create a religion and HE is descended from Abraham via Ishmael, via a distortion of what is written in the Hebrew Scriptures.

There is no "1001 Arabian Nights" fable which will ever make that come true.
Again DNA telomere examination has determined that 6000 years ago all palestinians and jews had the same mother. Just a fact kid. Does this disturb you knowing that everybody is equal in the big picture

See kid 6000 years ago there were no religions, just dummies in the desert, like today, the only difference is that today they wear different hats
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