Who are the people supporting Donald Trump?

patriots who put america before their party.

House *******, always a few around.

PaintMyHouse ******, always around. :slap:
Adolf Trump has the racist nuts mesmerized.

Mr. Trump, is it true what Ivana said EXCUSE ME! during your EXCUSE ME! divorce EXCUSE ME! that she testified EXCUSE ME! to under oath EXCUSE ME! about you raping EXCUSE ME! her and pulling EXCUSE ME! her hair out EXCUSE ME!
Calm yourself, young Padawan. :slap:
Yeah, let's get rid of that 40 hour work week and go back to the good ol' days when people worked 12 hours a day for 6 1/2 days a week and lived in company towns and shopped at company stores where they paid above market value for substandard goods and kids slaved along right beside their mothers in factories where the exits where chained closed thereby leading to hundreds of deaths when fires broke out and there were no sprinkler systems or emergency exits.

Sure that's the republicrat party platform. I hear them trying to sell those ideas...

You fucking moron. Do all of you sniveling douchebags regurgitate the same shit without thinking?

Wait... I am not implying that you have the ability to think, but I digress.

Obozo has done far more to destroy the 40 hour week than any political whore since Carter, and I'm sure there are lots of people who would like more hours than that.

It ain't going to happen till we get a real conservative, but that's not Trump. He'll still be a better chief executive than the moonbat messiah but then again just about anyone would.

Who are the people supporting Donald Trump?

Patriotic Americans who are fed up with elitist liberals who are turning our great nation into a third world shit hole.
Who are the people supporting Donald Trump?

Patriotic Americans who are fed up with elitist liberals who are turning our great nation into a third world shit hole.
It is people like you that would turn our nation into a third world shit hole. You hate science and knowledge. You hate anyone not lily white. You hate anyone not of your religion, probably everyone not of the particular sect of your religion.

It is you lowbrow willfully ignorant 'Conservatives' that are a danger to the future of this great nation. Fortunately, most voting American Citizens understand you and your agenda. And have repeatedly rejected your candidates. So go ahead and run Trump. A 40+ state landslide for whatever candidate that the Dems run would be nice. Probably even give the Dems the House, as well as the Senate and the Executive.
Who are the people supporting Donald Trump?

Patriotic Americans who are fed up with elitist liberals who are turning our great nation into a third world shit hole.
It is people like you that would turn our nation into a third world shit hole. You hate science and knowledge. You hate anyone not lily white. You hate anyone not of your religion, probably everyone not of the particular sect of your religion.

It is you lowbrow willfully ignorant 'Conservatives' that are a danger to the future of this great nation. Fortunately, most voting American Citizens understand you and your agenda. And have repeatedly rejected your candidates. So go ahead and run Trump. A 40+ state landslide for whatever candidate that the Dems run would be nice. Probably even give the Dems the House, as well as the Senate and the Executive.
Care to bet your membership on that, fuckface?
Who are the people supporting Donald Trump?

Patriotic Americans who are fed up with elitist liberals who are turning our great nation into a third world shit hole.
It is people like you that would turn our nation into a third world shit hole. You hate science and knowledge. You hate anyone not lily white. You hate anyone not of your religion, probably everyone not of the particular sect of your religion.

It is you lowbrow willfully ignorant 'Conservatives' that are a danger to the future of this great nation. Fortunately, most voting American Citizens understand you and your agenda. And have repeatedly rejected your candidates. So go ahead and run Trump. A 40+ state landslide for whatever candidate that the Dems run would be nice. Probably even give the Dems the House, as well as the Senate and the Executive.
Please educate me on the "science and knowledge" of high volume high pressure hydraulic fracturing.

Liberals are very selective about their notions of "science" and "knowledge".

You might want to be careful here as I'm fairly well versed. Much more so than the Governor of New York, or Yoko Ono. :lol:.

We are not a hate-filled Party. Liberals and environmentalists can't cope with reality, rationality, or practicality. You are off your fucking rails and it has brought our Nation down into the gutter for the last seven years.
Apples and oranges, dickwad. A more accurate parallel would be comparing Hitler to Obama, the Jew hater who wants to see Israel annihilated by the fuckiing muslim scums in Iran (or anywhere else).
More shocking than the whacko statements coming out of Trump's mouth is he number of people that support him.
If they are buying his BS, I would to talk to them about buying swamp land in Florida.

These idiots must be a car salesman's dream.

Did you see the people in the background at his Alabama rally? They are literally the unwashed masses.
Yeah, we said the same thing about you moonbats and Obama

here's some BS for you. and the sad part is you all FELL for it

Like him or not he's obviously saying something those polled like or he wouldn't be leading in the national polls or any polls at all.

Trump isn't a career politician and he could care less what others think. If you ask him a question he'll give you his honest answer unlike those career politicians who will tell you what they THINK you want to hear.

Will Trump be around at the end of this dog and pony show called running for POTUS??

Don't know but he's a breath of fresh air compared to those mouth breathers in DC.

Go Trump.

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