Who are the people supporting Donald Trump?

More shocking than the whacko statements coming out of Trump's mouth is he number of people that support him.
If they are buying his BS, I would to talk to them about buying swamp land in Florida.

These idiots must be a car salesman's dream.

We've got a lot of stupid people living in the U.S. Clearly they don't understand that offending people does not win elections. They actually believe that they can get away with insulting a very large voting block in this country and still win. They crawl out from under a rock every now and then--(political wise) to make a statement.

Donald Trump thrills them to death with his outrageous statements--so by golly he's their man. It's the blind leading the inept concept that Donald has tapped into.

They don't do any homework on their own--they are the Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Shawn Hannity, Mark Levin listener's. They never read anything. They are the suckers in our society that swallow the bait, hook, line and sinker. If you give them FACTS they will twist it and turn it to make it fit their own outcome.

LIKE THIS: Donald Trump in 2012 lashed out at Republicans for losing the election BECAUSE: They were too harsh on Illegal immigration.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

They can't put two and two together on this: Why would "The Donald" purposely chase away millions of voting Hispanics in this country--when he admits in the above article that you need a certain percentage (40%) of the Latino vote to win a national election in this country. It's because "The Donald" has no intention of becoming President, he's only in this race to insure that Hilary Clinton wins.

The Clinton's & the Trump's have been good friends for decades. Bill called "The Donald" just prior to entering this race. Even their protected daughters (Chelsea Clinton & Ivanka Trump) are BEST FRIENDS. The Donald even donated to Hillary's senate campaign fund.
Political odd couple: Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

So how do you insure an old friend wins? You chase millions of voting Latino's into her column.


Like him or not he's obviously saying something those polled like or he wouldn't be leading in the national polls or any polls at all.

Trump isn't a career politician and he could care less what others think. If you ask him a question he'll give you his honest answer unlike those career politicians who will tell you what they THINK you want to hear.

Will Trump be around at the end of this dog and pony show called running for POTUS??

Don't know but he's a breath of fresh air compared to those mouth breathers in DC.

Go Trump.

He sure has the left all twisted up into knots over him. And quite a few of the GOP "establishment" who stabbed us in the back after this last election. I hope they are worried about keeping their jobs. because they SHOULD take notes of the mood of the People in this country

I love it!! The establishment RINOs are shitting themselves right about now as are the wetbacks and dems.
Americans have had it with all of them .
More shocking than the whacko statements coming out of Trump's mouth is he number of people that support him.
If they are buying his BS, I would to talk to them about buying swamp land in Florida.

These idiots must be a car salesman's dream.

We've got a lot of stupid people living in the U.S. Clearly they don't understand that offending people does not win elections. They actually believe that they can get away with insulting a very large voting block in this country and still win. They crawl out from under a rock every now and then--(political wise) to make a statement.

Donald Trump thrills them to death with his outrageous statements--so by golly he's their man. It's the blind leading the inept concept that Donald has tapped into.

They don't do any homework on their own--they are the Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Shawn Hannity, Mark Levin listener's. They never read anything. They are the suckers in our society that swallow the bait, hook, line and sinker. If you give them FACTS they will twist it and turn it to make it fit their own outcome.

LIKE THIS: Donald Trump in 2012 lashed out at Republicans for losing the election BECAUSE: They were too harsh on Illegal immigration.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

They can't put two and two together on this: Why would "The Donald" purposely chase away millions of voting Hispanics in this country--when he admits in the above article that you need a certain percentage (40%) of the Latino vote to win a national election in this country. It's because "The Donald" has no intention of becoming President, he's only in this race to insure that Hilary Clinton wins.

The Clinton's & the Trump's have been good friends for decades. Bill called "The Donald" just prior to entering this race. Even their protected daughters (Chelsea Clinton & Ivanka Trump) are BEST FRIENDS. The Donald even donated to Hillary's senate campaign fund.
Political odd couple: Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

So how do you insure an old friend wins? You chase millions of voting Latino's into her column.


The true idiots are those who worry about offending people who shouldnt be here in the first place.
Like him or not he's obviously saying something those polled like or he wouldn't be leading in the national polls or any polls at all.

Trump isn't a career politician and he could care less what others think. If you ask him a question he'll give you his honest answer unlike those career politicians who will tell you what they THINK you want to hear.

Will Trump be around at the end of this dog and pony show called running for POTUS??

Don't know but he's a breath of fresh air compared to those mouth breathers in DC.

Go Trump.

He sure has the left all twisted up into knots over him. And quite a few of the GOP "establishment" who stabbed us in the back after this last election. I hope they are worried about keeping their jobs. because they SHOULD take notes of the mood of the People in this country

My goodness....that's just what the Nazis claimed the Jews did in WWI.
Like him or not he's obviously saying something those polled like or he wouldn't be leading in the national polls or any polls at all.

Trump isn't a career politician and he could care less what others think. If you ask him a question he'll give you his honest answer unlike those career politicians who will tell you what they THINK you want to hear.

Will Trump be around at the end of this dog and pony show called running for POTUS??

Don't know but he's a breath of fresh air compared to those mouth breathers in DC.

Go Trump.

He sure has the left all twisted up into knots over him. And quite a few of the GOP "establishment" who stabbed us in the back after this last election. I hope they are worried about keeping their jobs. because they SHOULD take notes of the mood of the People in this country

My goodness....that's just what the Nazis claimed the Jews did in WWI.

More shocking than the whacko statements coming out of Trump's mouth is he number of people that support him.
If they are buying his BS, I would to talk to them about buying swamp land in Florida.

These idiots must be a car salesman's dream.

We've got a lot of stupid people living in the U.S. Clearly they don't understand that offending people does not win elections. They actually believe that they can get away with insulting a very large voting block in this country and still win. They crawl out from under a rock every now and then--(political wise) to make a statement.

Donald Trump thrills them to death with his outrageous statements--so by golly he's their man. It's the blind leading the inept concept that Donald has tapped into.

They don't do any homework on their own--they are the Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Shawn Hannity, Mark Levin listener's. They never read anything. They are the suckers in our society that swallow the bait, hook, line and sinker. If you give them FACTS they will twist it and turn it to make it fit their own outcome.

LIKE THIS: Donald Trump in 2012 lashed out at Republicans for losing the election BECAUSE: They were too harsh on Illegal immigration.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

They can't put two and two together on this: Why would "The Donald" purposely chase away millions of voting Hispanics in this country--when he admits in the above article that you need a certain percentage (40%) of the Latino vote to win a national election in this country. It's because "The Donald" has no intention of becoming President, he's only in this race to insure that Hilary Clinton wins.

The Clinton's & the Trump's have been good friends for decades. Bill called "The Donald" just prior to entering this race. Even their protected daughters (Chelsea Clinton & Ivanka Trump) are BEST FRIENDS. The Donald even donated to Hillary's senate campaign fund.
Political odd couple: Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

So how do you insure an old friend wins? You chase millions of voting Latino's into her column.


I thought you got outsourced to Mexico? (-:
More shocking than the whacko statements coming out of Trump's mouth is he number of people that support him.
If they are buying his BS, I would to talk to them about buying swamp land in Florida.

These idiots must be a car salesman's dream.
Because he wants to make America Great again....it says so on his hat.


First of all viewer alert a candy sock

You are physio and think we don't know this is a sock of yours candy.
Can't deal with two of us?
Like him or not he's obviously saying something those polled like or he wouldn't be leading in the national polls or any polls at all.

Trump isn't a career politician and he could care less what others think. If you ask him a question he'll give you his honest answer unlike those career politicians who will tell you what they THINK you want to hear.

Will Trump be around at the end of this dog and pony show called running for POTUS??

Don't know but he's a breath of fresh air compared to those mouth breathers in DC.

Go Trump.

He sure has the left all twisted up into knots over him. And quite a few of the GOP "establishment" who stabbed us in the back after this last election. I hope they are worried about keeping their jobs. because they SHOULD take notes of the mood of the People in this country

I love it!! The establishment RINOs are shitting themselves right about now as are the wetbacks and dems.
Americans have had it with all of them .

Well you should be thrilled right now--The Nazi white skinheads have just ENDORSED Donald Trump.

Top Racists And Neo-Nazis Back Donald Trump
Like him or not he's obviously saying something those polled like or he wouldn't be leading in the national polls or any polls at all.

Trump isn't a career politician and he could care less what others think. If you ask him a question he'll give you his honest answer unlike those career politicians who will tell you what they THINK you want to hear.

Will Trump be around at the end of this dog and pony show called running for POTUS??

Don't know but he's a breath of fresh air compared to those mouth breathers in DC.

Go Trump.

He sure has the left all twisted up into knots over him. And quite a few of the GOP "establishment" who stabbed us in the back after this last election. I hope they are worried about keeping their jobs. because they SHOULD take notes of the mood of the People in this country

I love it!! The establishment RINOs are shitting themselves right about now as are the wetbacks and dems.
Americans have had it with all of them .

Well you should be thrilled right now--The Nazi white skinheads have just ENDORSED Donald Trump.

Top Racists And Neo-Nazis Back Donald Trump

So you're saying skinheads are smarter than you when it comes to illegal immigration?
Ouch....you might want to keep that to yourself.
Like him or not he's obviously saying something those polled like or he wouldn't be leading in the national polls or any polls at all.

Trump isn't a career politician and he could care less what others think. If you ask him a question he'll give you his honest answer unlike those career politicians who will tell you what they THINK you want to hear.

Will Trump be around at the end of this dog and pony show called running for POTUS??

Don't know but he's a breath of fresh air compared to those mouth breathers in DC.

Go Trump.

He sure has the left all twisted up into knots over him. And quite a few of the GOP "establishment" who stabbed us in the back after this last election. I hope they are worried about keeping their jobs. because they SHOULD take notes of the mood of the People in this country

I love it!! The establishment RINOs are shitting themselves right about now as are the wetbacks and dems.
Americans have had it with all of them .

Well you should be thrilled right now--The Nazi white skinheads have just ENDORSED Donald Trump.

Top Racists And Neo-Nazis Back Donald Trump

So you're saying skinheads are smarter than you when it comes to illegal immigration?
Ouch....you might want to keep that to yourself.
You run with that, ok?

Here are some facts for you to chew on.....there already is a wall....at least on the U.S. Mexico side, cannot speak for Canada. Many illegals come here legally but stay beyond their visa....jumping a wall not involved....many others also come by water...jumping a wall not involved.....

And the example of Georgia:

Georgia’s Harsh Immigration Law Leaves Crops Rotting in Fields

And the example of Alabama:

How America's harshest immigration law failed
HERE'S SOMETHING FOR YOU TO "CHEW" ON LEFTARD: only about 3-5% of illegals work in agriculture/slaughterhouses

About 3 percent of illegal immigrants were working in farming and related sectors, according to Pew, which was well below the percentage working in service occupations (33 percent), construction and extractive jobs (17 percent), production, installation and repair (16 percent) and transportation and moving (8 percent). A subsequent Pew study pegged the number working in farming and related sectors slightly higher, at 4 percent.
Like him or not he's obviously saying something those polled like or he wouldn't be leading in the national polls or any polls at all.

Trump isn't a career politician and he could care less what others think. If you ask him a question he'll give you his honest answer unlike those career politicians who will tell you what they THINK you want to hear.

Will Trump be around at the end of this dog and pony show called running for POTUS??

Don't know but he's a breath of fresh air compared to those mouth breathers in DC.

Go Trump.

He sure has the left all twisted up into knots over him. And quite a few of the GOP "establishment" who stabbed us in the back after this last election. I hope they are worried about keeping their jobs. because they SHOULD take notes of the mood of the People in this country

I love it!! The establishment RINOs are shitting themselves right about now as are the wetbacks and dems.
Americans have had it with all of them .

Well you should be thrilled right now--The Nazi white skinheads have just ENDORSED Donald Trump.

Top Racists And Neo-Nazis Back Donald Trump

So you're saying skinheads are smarter than you when it comes to illegal immigration?
Ouch....you might want to keep that to yourself.
You run with that, ok?

Here are some facts for you to chew on.....there already is a wall....at least on the U.S. Mexico side, cannot speak for Canada. Many illegals come here legally but stay beyond their visa....jumping a wall not involved....many others also come by water...jumping a wall not involved.....

And the example of Georgia:
Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops

Georgia’s Harsh Immigration Law Leaves Crops Rotting in Fields

And the example of Alabama:

How America's harshest immigration law failed

WTF does that have to do with my post?
And a wall is only a part of the solution.
Like him or not he's obviously saying something those polled like or he wouldn't be leading in the national polls or any polls at all.

Trump isn't a career politician and he could care less what others think. If you ask him a question he'll give you his honest answer unlike those career politicians who will tell you what they THINK you want to hear.

Will Trump be around at the end of this dog and pony show called running for POTUS??

Don't know but he's a breath of fresh air compared to those mouth breathers in DC.

Go Trump.

He sure has the left all twisted up into knots over him. And quite a few of the GOP "establishment" who stabbed us in the back after this last election. I hope they are worried about keeping their jobs. because they SHOULD take notes of the mood of the People in this country

I love it!! The establishment RINOs are shitting themselves right about now as are the wetbacks and dems.
Americans have had it with all of them .

Well you should be thrilled right now--The Nazi white skinheads have just ENDORSED Donald Trump.

Top Racists And Neo-Nazis Back Donald Trump

So you're saying skinheads are smarter than you when it comes to illegal immigration?
Ouch....you might want to keep that to yourself.
You run with that, ok?

Here are some facts for you to chew on.....there already is a wall....at least on the U.S. Mexico side, cannot speak for Canada. Many illegals come here legally but stay beyond their visa....jumping a wall not involved....many others also come by water...jumping a wall not involved.....

And the example of Georgia:
Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops

Georgia’s Harsh Immigration Law Leaves Crops Rotting in Fields

And the example of Alabama:

How America's harshest immigration law failed
The wall is not an end it is the beginning.
More shocking than the whacko statements coming out of Trump's mouth is he number of people that support him.
If they are buying his BS, I would to talk to them about buying swamp land in Florida.

These idiots must be a car salesman's dream.

Who are the ones supporting Donald Trump? Two categories; the Dumb and the Desperate. Dumb are the ones who will support any shiny new thing that is put in front of them. Think Herman Cain from 4 years ago or Newt in the years he chose to run for President. They'll be supporting anyone whom they are told to support. A smaller sect is the Desperate who see their best days behind them and are looking for an artificial means to restore them. It's a smaller sect but it grows with each passing year.

Democrats and liberals support a Trump candidacy because it basically destroys the opposition Party.

Candy this post don't make Fucking sense?

Fox and Trump are fighting the hell out of eatch other sooooo...... Who is telling us to support Trump?

We are sick of the elite.

We are sick of Rinos.

We are sick of the P.C, police

We are sick of politics as normal.

We are sick of electing one loser after another and this started with Bill Clinton and now after Bush Jr.and the disastrous Obama, We all feel the good ol' days with Bill Clinton.

We are so tired of a weak president with obama.

And you retards support an untrustworthy, lying old hag in hillary.

Why candy?

Is it because your masters told you to support her?
Just because you hate steak doesn't mean you need to eat shit

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