Who are the people supporting Donald Trump?

More shocking than the whacko statements coming out of Trump's mouth is he number of people that support him.
If they are buying his BS, I would to talk to them about buying swamp land in Florida.

These idiots must be a car salesman's dream.

Who are the ones supporting Donald Trump? Two categories; the Dumb and the Desperate. Dumb are the ones who will support any shiny new thing that is put in front of them. Think Herman Cain from 4 years ago or Newt in the years he chose to run for President. They'll be supporting anyone whom they are told to support. A smaller sect is the Desperate who see their best days behind them and are looking for an artificial means to restore them. It's a smaller sect but it grows with each passing year.

Democrats and liberals support a Trump candidacy because it basically destroys the opposition Party.

Candy this post don't make Fucking sense?

Fox and Trump are fighting the hell out of eatch other sooooo...... Who is telling us to support Trump?

We are sick of the elite.

We are sick of Rinos.

We are sick of the P.C, police

We are sick of politics as normal.

We are sick of electing one loser after another and this started with Bill Clinton and now after Bush Jr.and the disastrous Obama, We all feel the good ol' days with Bill Clinton.

We are so tired of a weak president with obama.

And you retards support an untrustworthy, lying old hag in hillary.

Why candy?

Is it because your masters told you to support her?
"Who are the people supporting Donald Trump?"
-- That would be the AMERICAN PEOPLE: The citizens of this country who have been abandoned, ignored, and victimized by the self/party-serving Washington establishment career politicians in DC.

Trump refuses to bow to PC, is showing common sense, is listening to the people, is giving them a voice, and is doing something politicians in DC have not truly done in decades -- REPRESENT THEM.

The BETTER, more TELLLING question is who is NOT supporting Trump:
-- That would be: Self/party-serving Washington establishment career politicians in DC; Socialist Progressives; Illegals / Violent Illegals; Racist hate-filled organizations like La Raza / 'Black Lives Matter' / the New Black Panthers / Al Sharpton; Speciali Interest Groups...

...that's all you need to know to at least LIKE Donald Trump if not to vote for him.
"Who are the people supporting Donald Trump?"
-- That would be the AMERICAN PEOPLE: The citizens of this country who have been abandoned, ignored, and victimized by the self/party-serving Washington establishment career politicians in DC.

Trump refuses to bow to PC, is showing common sense, is listening to the people, is giving them a voice, and is doing something politicians in DC have not truly done in decades -- REPRESENT THEM.

The BETTER, more TELLLING question is who is NOT supporting Trump:
-- That would be: Self/party-serving Washington establishment career politicians in DC; Socialist Progressives; Illegals / Violent Illegals; Racist hate-filled organizations like La Raza / 'Black Lives Matter' / the New Black Panthers / Al Sharpton; Speciali Interest Groups...

...that's all you need to know to at least LIKE Donald Trump if not to vote for him.

there it is. :clap2:
I got five that says BLM doesn't even try to walk on his stage.
"Who are the people supporting Donald Trump?"
-- That would be the AMERICAN PEOPLE: The citizens of this country who have been abandoned, ignored, and victimized by the self/party-serving Washington establishment career politicians in DC.

Trump refuses to bow to PC, is showing common sense, is listening to the people, is giving them a voice, and is doing something politicians in DC have not truly done in decades -- REPRESENT THEM.

The BETTER, more TELLLING question is who is NOT supporting Trump:
-- That would be: Self/party-serving Washington establishment career politicians in DC; Socialist Progressives; Illegals / Violent Illegals; Racist hate-filled organizations like La Raza / 'Black Lives Matter' / the New Black Panthers / Al Sharpton; Speciali Interest Groups...

...that's all you need to know to at least LIKE Donald Trump if not to vote for him.

Yup perfect Trump represents us...the workers of America

Lee Brice - Drinking Class (Official Music Video):
Trump will not be President, nor the Republican candidate.....

"Marking post"

oh we won't forget this post. lol, hope you don't have to eat crow. :beer:
I won't have to eat crow...... the GOP/RNC don't want him..... just like the DNC not wanting Hillary in 08.
The more reflective Republicans hate him and his socialist ideas. He is nearly as whacked as Bernie. 30% love him a bit, 70 % hate him with a white hot hate. He is going no where
Trump will not be President, nor the Republican candidate.....

"Marking post"

oh we won't forget this post. lol, hope you don't have to eat crow. :beer:
I won't have to eat crow...... the GOP/RNC don't want him..... just like the DNC not wanting Hillary in 08.
The more reflective Republicans hate him and his socialist ideas. He is nearly as whacked as Bernie. 30% love him a bit, 70 % hate him with a white hot hate. He is going no where
VIDEO: CNN Instantly Ends Segment When Pro-Trump Latina Says This About "The Donald"

VIDEO: CNN Instantly Ends Segment When Pro-Trump Latina Says This About “The Donald”

When a snarky guest commentator on CNN accused Katrina Campins, a Hispanic woman who was once a contestant on Donald Trump’s “The Apprentice,” of being in the minority for her support of Trump’s stance onillegal immigration, she was having none of it.

“I don’t agree that I’m in the minority,” Campins fired back, “because the last time I was on CNN speaking about this as a Hispanic woman, so many Hispanic women tweeted me and said, ‘Thank you for speaking for the real Hispanic woman.'”

According to her, many American Hispanics support Trump because they agree with him that “People should come to this country legally.”

“When people cross the border who are not supposed to be here, let’s make sure they are sent back,” Campins added before the feud with the other commentator started.
VIDEO: CNN Instantly Ends Segment When Pro-Trump Latina Says This About "The Donald"

VIDEO: CNN Instantly Ends Segment When Pro-Trump Latina Says This About “The Donald”

When a snarky guest commentator on CNN accused Katrina Campins, a Hispanic woman who was once a contestant on Donald Trump’s “The Apprentice,” of being in the minority for her support of Trump’s stance onillegal immigration, she was having none of it.

“I don’t agree that I’m in the minority,” Campins fired back, “because the last time I was on CNN speaking about this as a Hispanic woman, so many Hispanic women tweeted me and said, ‘Thank you for speaking for the real Hispanic woman.'”

According to her, many American Hispanics support Trump because they agree with him that “People should come to this country legally.”

“When people cross the border who are not supposed to be here, let’s make sure they are sent back,” Campins added before the feud with the other commentator started.

I know, I can relate....

When I was doing a side job in Arizona my coworker legal Mexican all ways complained about illegals lowering wages

Same thing doing a side commercial electrical job in South Carolina, this legal American used to bitch he was getting paid by the square foot running wire in Nevada now just getting paid $12 bucks an hour.
More shocking than the whacko statements coming out of Trump's mouth is he number of people that support him.
If they are buying his BS, I would to talk to them about buying swamp land in Florida.

These idiots must be a car salesman's dream.

Who are the ones supporting Donald Trump? Two categories; the Dumb and the Desperate. Dumb are the ones who will support any shiny new thing that is put in front of them. Think Herman Cain from 4 years ago or Newt in the years he chose to run for President. They'll be supporting anyone whom they are told to support. A smaller sect is the Desperate who see their best days behind them and are looking for an artificial means to restore them. It's a smaller sect but it grows with each passing year.

Democrats and liberals support a Trump candidacy because it basically destroys the opposition Party.

Candy this post don't make Fucking sense?
Is that a question?
Fox and Trump are fighting the hell out of eatch other sooooo...... Who is telling us to support Trump?
Actually, it is Mr. Trump and Ms. Kelly. He has appeared on Fox a few times since the debate. Hardly a battle.
We are sick of the elite.
Clearly, so that is why you're supporting a billionaire.
We are sick of Rinos.
Then there must be a lot of genuine Republicans in the House and Senate since 90+% of them kept their jobs.
We are sick of the P.C, police
Unlikely, since as soon as the Establishment or Powers that Be exercise their authority when someone steps out of line the "we" you represent is the first ones to support the Establishment or Powers that Be. See the Sandra Bland case for a quick refresher on just how sick people are of the PC Police. She was told to put out her cigarette in her own vehicle, she didn't....now she is dead. Almost 100% of the "we" you represent supported the cop.
We are sick of politics as normal.
Again, 90+% of the politicians who had their names on the ballot in 2012, and won, won again in 2014.
We are sick of electing one loser after another and this started with Bill Clinton and now after Bush Jr.and the disastrous Obama, We all feel the good ol' days with Bill Clinton.
Again, 90+% of the "losers" elected in 2012, won again in 2014. The last 2 presidents have been 2 term presidents and served the maximum time they could constitutionally serve.

We are so tired of a weak president with obama.
Ask Osama how weak he is. Oh wait, you can't.
Ask Boehner how weak he is.
Ask McConnell how weak he is.

Most of the agenda he ran on in 2008 has been implemented or he has compromised and gotten parts of it passed.
The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises | PolitiFact

And you retards support an untrustworthy, lying old hag in hillary.
Clearly she has the best resume of any candidate running in the race this year.

Why candy?
I support her because she will appoint center-left jurists to the high court if she gets the opportunity and supports equal rights for women in the form of equal pay, time off for maternity, etc.... Her college plan is outstanding.

Is it because your masters told you to support her?

Don't be stupid....assuming you can help it.
More shocking than the whacko statements coming out of Trump's mouth is he number of people that support him.
If they are buying his BS, I would to talk to them about buying swamp land in Florida.

These idiots must be a car salesman's dream.
Because he wants to make America Great again....it says so on his hat.
More shocking than the whacko statements coming out of Trump's mouth is he number of people that support him.
If they are buying his BS, I would to talk to them about buying swamp land in Florida.

These idiots must be a car salesman's dream.
I'm voting for him unless Kasich can waken some voters. Of course, I think the Donald's sucking up the entire media coverage has prevented Kasich from getting any "big mo." I hate the rest of the political whores who will do anything for money from the 400 people supporting the super-pacs. They are a cancer destroying the republic.
It is the low information voters who support Trump
Who is more dangerous, the low information Liberals or the low information Conservatives? :dunno:

I think the last seven years makes the answer obvious. :slap:
Yep...health care, OBL dead, out of Iraq where we had no business being in the first place, economy growing again, gay rights........the last 7 years indeed make the answer obvious. :D
wo are the people actually stupid enough to disagree with what Trump said?

silly left-wing losers obsessing on sarah palin by with an avatar of her in clown face???
It is the low information voters who support Trump
Who is more dangerous, the low information Liberals or the low information Conservatives? :dunno:

I think the last seven years makes the answer obvious. :slap:
Yep...health care, OBL dead, out of Iraq where we had no business being in the first place, economy growing again, gay rights........the last 7 years indeed make the answer obvious. :D
I don't like Hillary either, but IF she could be elected, she'd cement (-: his legacy the same way Poppy did Reagan's. Without Poppy, there'd never have been Citizens United or starve the beast and perpetual deficits.
Apples and oranges, dickwad. A more accurate parallel would be comparing Hitler to Obama, the Jew hater who wants to see Israel annihilated by the fuckiing muslim scums in Iran (or anywhere else).

Well, if you're gonna lie, you might as well go big.
wo are the people actually stupid enough to disagree with what Trump said?

silly left-wing losers obsessing on sarah palin by with an avatar of her in clown face???
We're not gonna deport 11 million, but campaign rhetoric is just that. When Reagan said he was cutting taxes while ramping up the military ... and he was gonna balance the budget, everyone but the willingdeluded knew he was lying.

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