Who brought sin and death to the earth? Man, Satan or God?

Christians are no longer bound by the Old Testament laws of killing and sacrifice, etc. under the Old Covenant. With Jesus ultimate sacrifice came the New Covenant with only two great commandments: Love God and Love thy neighbour, which of course means no killing, or stealing, or adultery, etc. So, you can all stop quoting the barbaric laws of the OT and applying them to today's world. :)

It is really silly to think that God would end the practice of human sacrifice by having one last big on for the Gipper. :cuckoo:

Jesus often referred to the O T and it, laws and he also initiated the most barbaric torture of hell so do not make your wimpy Rome created Jesus a nice clean God. If you look at his laws, they are not much better than what his genocidal son murdering father offered and the should be rejected just as soundly.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4QXOgVfY9k&feature=player_embedded]Jesus Christ: Madman or Something Worse? - YouTube[/ame]

We can never come to a conclusion about Jesus' reality or historicity but we can determine if his policies are worthy and moral.

If you want to chat on that, his divorce law is likely the most immoral as it is anti-love.

Care to argue for your Jesus?


How do you think the Priests and Levites ate during Temple Duty?
I don't know what your concept of "Sacrifice" (another in a long series of poor word choices for Korh-Bahn, which actually means "Approach") is, but if you go to McDonald's or eat meat or poultry at home, you are basically eating a slughtered animal that has been cooked.

I terms of human sacrifice, what are you referring to?

BTW, I believe Christians are anticipating the Third Temple...Why?[/QUOTE]

Those are literalists so the answer is --- because they are stupid.

As to human sacrifice.

I am talking about the so called sacrifice that Jesus' father demanded. Jesus' death.

Strange that no Christian father has ever told me that they would step up and die instead of having their children die yet see nothing wrong with Father God being a coward.

Then they bring up gibberish on the Trinity. to make their cowardly God look brave and loving.

The Calvary is an artifact of a failed "Messiah".
He was executed so they had to come up with something.
Christians are no longer bound by the Old Testament laws of killing and sacrifice, etc. under the Old Covenant. With Jesus ultimate sacrifice came the New Covenant with only two great commandments: Love God and Love thy neighbour, which of course means no killing, or stealing, or adultery, etc. So, you can all stop quoting the barbaric laws of the OT and applying them to today's world. :)

It is really silly to think that God would end the practice of human sacrifice by having one last big on for the Gipper. :cuckoo:

Jesus often referred to the O T and it, laws and he also initiated the most barbaric torture of hell so do not make your wimpy Rome created Jesus a nice clean God. If you look at his laws, they are not much better than what his genocidal son murdering father offered and the should be rejected just as soundly.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4QXOgVfY9k&feature=player_embedded]Jesus Christ: Madman or Something Worse? - YouTube[/ame]

We can never come to a conclusion about Jesus' reality or historicity but we can determine if his policies are worthy and moral.

If you want to chat on that, his divorce law is likely the most immoral as it is anti-love.

Care to argue for your Jesus?


How do you think the Priests and Levites ate during Temple Duty?
I don't know what your concept of "Sacrifice" (another in a long series of poor word choices for Korh-Bahn, which actually means "Approach") is, but if you go to McDonald's or eat meat or poultry at home, you are basically eating a slughtered animal that has been cooked.

I terms of human sacrifice, what are you referring to?

BTW, I believe Christians are anticipating the Third Temple...Why?

Those are literalists so the answer is --- because they are stupid.

As to human sacrifice.

I am talking about the so called sacrifice that Jesus' father demanded. Jesus' death.

Strange that no Christian father has ever told me that they would step up and die instead of having their children die yet see nothing wrong with Father God being a coward.

Then they bring up gibberish on the Trinity. to make their cowardly God look brave and loving.


ALMIGHTY GOD ""IS"" FATHER,SON AND HOLYSPIRIT.. Why waste your life trying to fight and argue with God???
Can you point to ONE verse in the Jewish Scripture that explicitly states that the OLD Covenant was established in BLOOD?
Jews do not believe Jesus was the son of God so their bible may be different but here is a link regarding the New Covenant:

What Does the Bible Say About New Covenant?

If the Old Covenant had been without defect, there would have been no attempt to institute another (Heb 8:7).

God is said to create all things perfect.

Perfect does not need new.

The ones who wanted a new covenant was Rome as they wanted sheepish Christians and not free thinking Jews. and Gnostic Christians.

It is so hard to control those who are not slavish sheep.

According to a rabbi friend of mine (Chabad,) prior to Moses receiving Torah humakind was bound to the 7 Noahide Laws. It's why, though no explicit code of religious laws yet existed Pharaoh, Sodom, Gomorrah, and others were punished by G-d for various offenses. So 'sin' could be said to have included anything against G-d's wishes.

Death, is as much a part of existence as everything else. Nothing G-d has made is designed to last forever. Though the figures early on lived many centuries, they eventually died regardless.

Everything that is, is the result of G-d.


Speculation not backed by evidence.

You are aware I hope that Jews do not generally read scriptures literally. Right?

Jews tend not to be as foolish as Christian literalists.

RaceandHistory.com - Doubting the Story of Exodus


The seven Noachide Laws are spelled out after Noah leaves the Ark.
Typing on my iPad is a pain, so look it up.

To Jews, the Arc never existed. It is a myth to most of them.

God's planning all this
After all wer'e just It's creations
So IT have full authority to everything, universe, living and non-living being

Full authority, or any authority for that matter, can only be yielded by someone here. Absentee God have no authority at all because he or it, as you say, cannot enforce it.

That is why blood was sprinkled as proof of Christ’s death before even the first agreement could go into effect. 19 For after Moses had given the people all of God’s laws, he took the blood of calves and goats, along with water, and sprinkled the blood over the book of God’s laws and over all the people, using branches of hyssop bushes and scarlet wool to sprinkle with. 20 Then he said, “This is the blood that marks the beginning of the agreement between you and God, the agreement God commanded me to make with you.” hebrews 9:18-20

Speculation not backed by evidence.

You are aware I hope that Jews do not generally read scriptures literally. Right?

Jews tend not to be as foolish as Christian literalists.

RaceandHistory.com - Doubting the Story of Exodus


The seven Noachide Laws are spelled out after Noah leaves the Ark.
Typing on my iPad is a pain, so look it up.

To Jews, the Arc never existed. It is a myth to most of them.


Jews who study Torah on daily basis don't believe in the Arc?
What are you smoking?

YES!!! THE JEWISH PEOPLE HAVE MADE MORE THAN THEIR SHARE OF MISTAKES. That is why they lost their nation for 2000 years and were scattered all over the world but PTL. in these last days God has given the back their nation and will bless them for all eternity!

That was the U. N. so don't give your imaginary God credit for what man has done. Your God is the one who allowed their persecution at the hands of Christians fore man many years.


ALMIGHTY GOD ""IS"" FATHER,SON AND HOLYSPIRIT.. Why waste your life trying to fight and argue with God???

Why waste your life on a delusion of a genocidal son murdering prick who love all those he has murdered?

Can you point to ONE verse in the Jewish Scripture that explicitly states that the OLD Covenant was established in BLOOD?
Jews do not believe Jesus was the son of God so their bible may be different but here is a link regarding the New Covenant:

What Does the Bible Say About New Covenant?

In terms of those verses from Jeremiah, Genesis and Hymns, what the Hell are you babbling about?
Abraham had a Covenant with Avimelech and Pichol that had ZERO to do with Religious practice.
Jacob had a Covenant with Lavan...Did Jacob start worshipping Lavan or his idols?
A Covenant is an agreement.
You Christian fundamentalists have NO IDEA what you're talking about.
Can you point to ONE verse in the Jewish Scripture that explicitly states that the OLD Covenant was established in BLOOD?
Jews do not believe Jesus was the son of God so their bible may be different but here is a link regarding the New Covenant:

What Does the Bible Say About New Covenant?

In terms of those verses from Jeremiah, Genesis and Hymns, what the Hell are you babbling about?
Abraham had a Covenant with Avimelech and Pichol that had ZERO to do with Religious practice.
Jacob had a Covenant with Lavan...Did Jacob start worshipping Lavan or his idols?
A Covenant is an agreement.
You Christian fundamentalists have NO IDEA what you're talking about.
God gave us a New Covenant with two commandments: Love God and Love thy neighbour. :)
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ALMIGHTY GOD ""IS"" FATHER,SON AND HOLYSPIRIT.. Why waste your life trying to fight and argue with God???

Why waste your life on a delusion of a genocidal son murdering prick who love all those he has murdered?


BEWARE!!! You may get to re-read your last post on your final judgment day!!! The most sad words a human will ever hear is,"DEPART FROM ME,I NEVER KNEW YOU"
Jews do not believe Jesus was the son of God so their bible may be different but here is a link regarding the New Covenant:

What Does the Bible Say About New Covenant?

In terms of those verses from Jeremiah, Genesis and Hymns, what the Hell are you babbling about?
Abraham had a Covenant with Avimelech and Pichol that had ZERO to do with Religious practice.
Jacob had a Covenant with Lavan...Did Jacob start worshipping Lavan or his idols?
A Covenant is an agreement.
You Christian fundamentalists have NO IDEA what you're talking about.
Jesus gave us a New Covenant with two commandments: Love God and Love thy neighbour. :)

Lots more than that...
Laughter, drunkeness, lewdness, no divorce, homosexuality, you can't pray with a congregation and a whole host of other unseemly activities.

But those verses aren't in the user friendly pamphlets.
Matthew 22:37-40

New International Version (NIV)

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Matthew 22:37-40

New International Version (NIV)

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

We all know Rabbi Akiva's famous quote from Ethics of the Father's.
We also know that Rabbi Akiva was one of the funnels through which the Torah was preserved.

We also know that it is most probable that you have never read Jeremiah in it's entirety or you would know full well that Torah observance was foremost on his mind.
Not to mention Hymns, most of which were composed by the Torah observant King David.
For centuries men have clenched their fists and gritted their teeth in the face of God, and they do it today. They pit their own will against the will of God,no little man can match brain power with Almighty God.Nothing can stand against God and yet men foolishly slam their own wills against the will of God like shattering eggs against granite and all you have is the strewn refuse of lives broken against a God that cannot be violated.

Men have always tried to fight God. That isn't anything new. It's not just common to our age, although it is common to our age. For example you can go back to the very beginning and you can find out that God had a standard and Eve decided to fight it and Adam decided to join the fight and all of us are cursed. God had a standard for sacrifice. Abel obeyed it and Cain fought it and wound up cursed. God had a standard for morality Noah kept it. The rest of the world fought it and drowned. God had a standard for separation from the world and sexual purity. Abraham kept it. Lot fought it, lost his wife and his seed was cursed. God had a standard for spiritual priority. Jacob bought it; Esau fought it and lost the blessing.

You can't fight God. It does not work. You can't find one man in history, one man in the revelation of God that ever fought against God and won. It can't be done
Matthew 22:37-40

New International Version (NIV)

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

We all know Rabbi Akiva's famous quote from Ethics of the Father's.
We also know that Rabbi Akiva was one of the funnels through which the Torah was preserved.

We also know that it is most probable that you have never read Jeremiah in it's entirety or you would know full well that Torah observance was foremost on his mind.
Not to mention Hymns, most of which were composed by the Torah observant King David.
We also know we have a New Covenant and that the Old Covenant is obsolete.
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I found this article about Islam prophecy and modern science and would like to know everybody response


Today, the relativity of time is a proven scientific fact. This was revealed by Einstein's theory of relativity at the early years of the 20th century. Until then, people did not know that time was a relative concept, and that it could change according to the environment. Yet, the great scientist Albert Einstein openly proved this fact with the theory of relativity. He showed that time is dependent on mass and velocity. In the history of humanity, no one had expressed this fact clearly before.

With one exception though; the Qur'an included information about time's being relative! Some verses about the subject read:

They ask you to hasten the punishment. God will not break His promise. A day with your Lord is equivalent to a thousand years in the way you count. (The Qur'an, 22:47)

He directs the whole affair from heaven to earth. Then it will again ascend to Him on a Day whose length is a thousand years by the way you measure. (The Qur'an, 32:5)

The angels and the Spirit ascend to Him in a day whose length is fifty thousand years. (The Qur'an, 70:4)

In some verses, it is indicated that people perceive time differently and that sometimes people can perceive a very short period of time as a very lengthy one. The following conversation of people held during their judgement in the Hereafter is a good example of this:

He will say, 'How many years did you tarry on the earth?' They will say, 'We tarried there for a day or part of a day. Ask those able to count!' He will say, 'You only tarried there for a little while if you did but know! (The Qur'an, 23:12)

The fact that the relativity of time is so clearly mentioned in the Qur'an, which started to be revealed in 610, is another evidence that it is a holy book.
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