Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

Mexico paid, and AMERICANS got all their health care from increased EMPLOYMENT, and didn't need any stupid ACA, or any other welfare junk that liberals care about.

If Trump didn't increase a welfare program to be sucked up by illegal aliens, that's a GOOD thing. Lots of other AMERICANS, like me, get millions of $$$ worth of medical care from the VA, totally FREE. You want it ? Quit whining & join the military. :biggrin:

The president of Mexico laughed at Fatboy when he talked to him about it. By the way Fatboy left office with 3,000,000 less Americans working than when he took office. Now that is tRump style MAGA.

Your excuses are noted and laughed at, Rambtard. Trump was president, not Fauci. Fauci was just there for advice. The president makes the final decision on which advice to run with.

But I get it, you like Trump so you follow his lead...

Fauci got the Wuhan lab (with gain of function research) funded. With China, he got the pandemic started. Then tried to cover it up (as did Biden)

Your excuses are noted and laughed at, Rambtard. Trump was president, not Fauci. Fauci was just there for advice. The president makes the final decision on which advice to run with.

But I get it, you like Trump so you follow his lead...

TRRRRRUUUUUUMMMMMPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!AAAAAAUUUUUUUGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! poor triggered TDSer......Joe is in charge asswipe...he let covid infected people into our nation and then transported them all over the country...and now we have calls to shut down again...you freaking unthinking moron.......all you can do is puke up Trump....unreal......
Increased employment?? Dumbfuck, Trump left office with some 3 million fewer jobs than when he started.


Stop confusing Dewey with actual, real facts. The tardherders cannot handle that.
The president of Mexico laughed at Fatboy when he talked to him about it. By the way Fatboy left office with 3,000,000 less Americans working than when he took office. Now that is tRump style MAGA.
Mexico was helping to contain illegal immigration and it was working until Joe undid the deal....it took the supreme court to reinstate Trump's stay in Mexico policy.....Aldo you dummy....
The president of Mexico laughed at Fatboy when he talked to him about it. By the way Fatboy left office with 3,000,000 less Americans working than when he took office. Now that is tRump style MAGA.
Mexico paid more than the 5-10 Billion, in lost remittances$$$$$$, and you can bet they weren't laughing about that. They also werent laughing about the Mexican troops they had to deploy at both their north and south borders, and a few places in between, to stop the caravans.

As for the 3 million less, I already answered that (Post # 266), showing how it was the Democrats who caused that. And it's only been mentioned about 5 times already, in this thread,. Thanks for reminding us.
Mexico paid more than the 5-10 Billion, in lost remittances$$$$$$, and you can bet they weren't laughing about that. As for the 3 million less, I already answered that (Post # 266), showing how it was the Democrats who caused that. And it's only been mentioned about 5 times already, in this thread,. Thanks for reminding us.

So Mexico paid nothing, tRump took money from the DOD to pay for his wall that now has been partially washed away by flooding.
3,000,000 fewer Americans were working by the time tRump left office.
And no beautiful cheap tRumpCare. Who knew health care would be so tough.
Wow, Biden has been President for approx 9 months - Trump OUT of office for approx 9 months, and snowflakes are STILL creating posts to vent, spew hate, and release their hatred against the man. I have never seen such a fixated, obsessive, hate-driven addiction.

It's actually quite impressive.

They go to blabbering about Trump as a deflection way to avoid having to talk about Biden, and all his bungling.
Looks like I have to school you on this too, That is not Trump posting that "Trump would get Mexico to make a one-time payment of $5-$10 billion." nor is it me saying that.

That was Trump proposing the deal. Pay the 5-10 billion, or else pay it through remittance reduction, visas, and tariffs. Mexico refused the one time payment, so they paid the alternative way. The harder you try, the dumber you look. Ho hum.

Your senility cracks me up, gramps. :lmao:

Dumbfuck, of course Trump said he would get Mexico to make a one-time payment. There is no "OR" in that memo. Everything below it was the coercion he intended to use to make Mexico send us a check.

"Make a one-time payment of $5-10 billion to ensure that $24 billion continues to flow into their country year after year. There are several ways to compel Mexico to pay for the wall including the following:"

He also said making that payment would be "an easy decision" for them to make.

So where's the check? Oh, that's right -- the former Mexican president told Trump to fuck off.

My lies??? what a laugh...I caught you cold in a lie just yesterday that you have been using for years....and your dumbass thought a high unemployment number is better than a low one...you actually thought a higher number meant more Jobs!!!! Buuuuuaaahahahahahaheeheeheeheehahahaha

Quote the lie you think I told or you're lying yet again...
That qualifies for the dumbest comment of the year. If anybody knows of a dumber one, let's hear it.

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Poor gramps, now denying reality. What a shame.

"My administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts," Donald Trump, 3.16.2020
TRRRRRUUUUUUMMMMMPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!AAAAAAUUUUUUUGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! poor triggered TDSer......Joe is in charge asswipe...he let covid infected people into our nation and then transported them all over the country...and now we have calls to shut down again...you freaking unthinking moron.......all you can do is puke up Trump....unreal......

Rambtard, if you didn't really want to hear about Trump, you wouldn't be posting in threads about Trump.
So Mexico paid nothing, tRump took money from the DOD to pay for his wall that now has been partially washed away by flooding.
3,000,000 fewer Americans were working by the time tRump left office.
And no beautiful cheap tRumpCare. Who knew health care would be so tough.
FALSE! I just told you "Mexico paid more than the 5-10 Billion, in lost remittances$$$$$$" and you quoted it, so give me that crap about "paid nothing" All you're doing here is looking stupid. I mean really.

And Mexico paid more big bucks in tariffs and visa costs.

And I already refuted your dumbass comments about "3,000,000 fewer Americans" Again and again DEMOCRATS caused that.

As for your other dumbass comment about health welfare, nobody gives a fuck about it, except leftist, welfare-sucking leeches like you. Join the Army, leech.
Mexico paid more than the 5-10 Billion, in lost remittances$$$$$$, and you can bet they weren't laughing about that. They also werent laughing about the Mexican troops they had to deploy at both their north and south borders, and a few places in between, to stop the caravans.

As for the 3 million less, I already answered that (Post # 266), showing how it was the Democrats who caused that. And it's only been mentioned about 5 times already, in this thread,. Thanks for reminding us.
If Mexico paid for the wall, then why did Trump take money from the military to pay for it? :eusa_doh:

Rambtard, if you didn't really want to hear about Trump, you wouldn't be posting in threads about Trump.
I listen to Trump all the time...he isn't blocked everywhere...only on slimeball sites like twitter...you know.....where you hang out...that is why you are so ignorant....

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