Who could vote for Biden today over any Republican? (Poll)

Who could you vote for in 2024?

  • No one

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Not Joe Biden

    Votes: 13 37.1%
  • Not Donald Trump

    Votes: 18 51.4%
  • The Republican nominee except Trump

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • The Democrat nominee except Joe Biden

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Someone else

    Votes: 8 22.9%

  • Total voters
Nobody in their right mind actually believes that.

Joey Xi gave us double digit inflation. the bug out from Afghanistan, The Russo-Ukraine war, now Gaza, China rattling it's saber over Taiwan, North Korea threatening South Korea and Japan, and Iranian proxies attacking our military in the Middle East.
It's become so bad in the U.S. that anti-Semitism has raised it's ugly head within the Socialist Democrat Commie Party.
Joey Xi gave us double digit inflation.
Amazingly he gave the entire world that too...
the bug out from Afghanistan,
Trump signed the surrender papers. Joe just botched the final act--the withdraw
The Russo-Ukraine war,
Nah, Trump's buddy Vlad did that.
now Gaza,
HAMAS did that.
China rattling it's saber over Taiwan,
As always.
North Korea threatening South Korea and Japan,
As Always.
and Iranian proxies attacking our military in the Middle East.
As always.
It's become so bad in the U.S. that anti-Semitism has raised it's ugly head within the Socialist Democrat Commie Party.
Yeah, you guys chanting "jews will not replace us" never miss an opportunity. But you have to blame the democrats even though you know you're full of shit.
Amazingly he gave the entire world that too...

Trump signed the surrender papers. Joe just botched the final act--the withdraw

Nah, Trump's buddy Vlad did that.

HAMAS did that.

As always.

As Always.

As always.

Yeah, you guys chanting "jews will not replace us" never miss an opportunity. But you have to blame the democrats even though you know you're full of shit.
a few dozen idiots with tiki torches is nothing compared to the 10s of thousands of leftwing antisemitic nazis protesting against the Jewish state in city streets and on college campuses .
a few dozen idiots with tiki torches is nothing compared to the 10s of thousands of leftwing antisemitic nazis protesting against the Jewish state in city streets and on college campuses .
The same folks your blob called "very fine people" or was he referring to the guy who drove his car into a bunch of protesters? Or both?
I saw Biden speaking at a fab plant today.
First he joked about having the nuclear codes to "blow up the world"
Then he tried to read the teleprompter, without success

Here is an old flub just to keep the OP legit

I dare democrat posters to confirm they will vote for Joe Biden in 2024.

The thread title and selection look like a tard prepared this
Indeed, Joey Xi is scary. Knowing his finger is on the Nuke button..
He's actions have brought us to the verge of WWIII.
With his advancing Dementia he can go haywire at any time.

It's funny because almost every thing you said is ridiculous.

A) Trump spent his first two years cozying up to Xi, while Biden has been sending people and weaponry to Taiwan.

B) He hasn't nearly started WW3, what world are you living in?

C) He won't go haywire, because he's a president who has advisors who probably have way more power than Trump ever gave anyone.
I saw Biden speaking at a fab plant today.
First he joked about having the nuclear codes to "blow up the world"
Then he tried to read the teleprompter, without success

Here is an old flub just to keep the OP legit

I dare democrat posters to confirm they will vote for Joe Biden in 2024.
I'm voting for Biden.

He's in way better shape than trump.
the left is against the Jewish state .

Weird thread. Weird poll.
Why? The thread and poll is asking a simple question, is Joe Biden capable of being president??

So far, several democrats say yes, they plan to vote for Joe in 2024.

Party Uber Allis?
Nobody in their right mind actually believes that.
You really don't think that the world is careening toward WW3?
Ukraine, the ME, China, BRIC, NK, Taiwan, etc.
We do know that "always wrong" Joe is no help with foreign policies.
The thread title and selection look like a tard prepared this
So you're ashamed to say you see nothing wrong with voting for senile Joe in 2024? Or "Chaos" Trump?

Step up, yell from the roof tops. Who will you vote for!!!!

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