Who do you work for?

Random people dont just walk into random businesses to confront random people about political issues.

And, if they did, they are on a shitload of drugs, and shouldn't be labeled as respresenting the whole group.

I see crazy nutjobs all the time here in South Carolina with NRA stickers on their trucks, and all the anti-Obama shit on their windows, and wearing "NO-Bama" t-shirts to night clubs.

They're dumbasses, not reasonable Republicans. I dont associate the two.

Im here too. You ever hear the racist rejects that call into some of the local talk radio stations?
Random people dont just walk into random businesses to confront random people about political issues.

And, if they did, they are on a shitload of drugs, and shouldn't be labeled as respresenting the whole group.

I see crazy nutjobs all the time here in South Carolina with NRA stickers on their trucks, and all the anti-Obama shit on their windows, and wearing "NO-Bama" t-shirts to night clubs.

They're dumbasses, not reasonable Republicans. I dont associate the two.

A random idiot walked into a not so random shop and make an idiot statement that got her banned for life, don't like it? Too bad

So a lady supposedly walks into a business and, out of nowhere, without any motivation or prompting, blurts out a simplistic talking point that plays easily and perfectly into a partisan conservative argument.

Good gawd.

It has occurred to me recently that I'm so annoyed by partisans and partisan rhetoric because it's insulting to think they're assuming I'm just buying their bullshit. No one likes to be insulted, I know I certainly don't.

This one wasn't even done well.

When my shop was open I had no END to the idiot leftists that came in to demand something. Free this, free that, they are owed. I was glad to be done with the whole thing. Two lesbians came in to demand I paint their portrait, they had a right. No they didn't have a right and they are probably still paying off the legal bills they incurred. There is no amount of insanity I wouldn't expect from a leftist.

I get alot of well off and very rich people wanting me to work for free also. I've had to sue several for refusing to pay at all, one lady told me I was mean for putting a mechanics and materials lien against the car wash I built for her.

So a lady supposedly walks into a business and, out of nowhere, without any motivation or prompting, blurts out a simplistic talking point that plays easily and perfectly into a partisan conservative argument.

Good gawd.

It has occurred to me recently that I'm so annoyed by partisans and partisan rhetoric because it's insulting to think they're assuming I'm just buying their bullshit. No one likes to be insulted, I know I certainly don't.

This one wasn't even done well.


moderation and common sense is very lacking on this site.
I, for one, put people over politics. If you voted for the "other guy", but you are a good person and offer a great product or service......that matters more to me than which fellow American citizen you decided to give your vote to.

Voting for the other guy doesn't make someone a bad person. Just means they have a different viewpoint or idea for our country. We are allowed to have that, and to vote accordingly. Not having that option would be...a authoritarian govt or dictatorship. Just be glad we have such a contrast in views to vote for. Thats true freedom.

But....some will keep firing people for expressing that freedom, or making shit up to degrade the idea of the "other people" in our country.
The day after the election a lady came into my work, and approached one of my co workers, and told him she is one of the 47% and that he works for her. My co worker quickly replied "I work for no one but myself lady. You can now leave and never come back, you are not my reason for working, I will not bow to your demands, now get the fuck out" :clap2: I love that guy, and my employer was cool with that. We actually have freedom of speech in my place of employment :D

I work for me and my family, not the government not for anyone else.

no offense, pix, but that's utter nonsense.

i figure the person who made the stupid statement about the 47% was a righty.


so now that we moved into some fact-based reality, carry on, hon.

A righty voted for Obama then came in and said this to my co worker?

Yes, it was utter nonsense
The day after the election a lady came into my work, and approached one of my co workers, and told him she is one of the 47% and that he works for her. My co worker quickly replied "I work for no one but myself lady. You can now leave and never come back, you are not my reason for working, I will not bow to your demands, now get the fuck out" :clap2: I love that guy, and my employer was cool with that. We actually have freedom of speech in my place of employment :D

I work for me and my family, not the government not for anyone else.

no offense, pix, but that's utter nonsense.

i figure the person who made the stupid statement about the 47% was a righty.


so now that we moved into some fact-based reality, carry on, hon.

A righty voted for Obama then came in and said this to my co worker?

Yes, it was utter nonsense

Random people dont just walk into random businesses to confront random people about political issues.

And, if they did, they are on a shitload of drugs, and shouldn't be labeled as respresenting the whole group.

I see crazy nutjobs all the time here in South Carolina with NRA stickers on their trucks, and all the anti-Obama shit on their windows, and wearing "NO-Bama" t-shirts to night clubs.

They're dumbasses, not reasonable Republicans. I dont associate the two.

Im here too. You ever hear the racist rejects that call into some of the local talk radio stations?

Yep. WHere you at? Im in Charleston. Its by far the most liberal city in the state.......mostly because the city is almost all transplants who moved here. But even here its kinda crazy at times. The upstate is another world all together with the racism.

So a lady supposedly walks into a business and, out of nowhere, without any motivation or prompting, blurts out a simplistic talking point that plays easily and perfectly into a partisan conservative argument.

Good gawd.

It has occurred to me recently that I'm so annoyed by partisans and partisan rhetoric because it's insulting to think they're assuming I'm just buying their bullshit. No one likes to be insulted, I know I certainly don't.

This one wasn't even done well.


moderation and common sense is very lacking on this site.

And I'm just asking for a LITTLE, y'know?


The day after the election a lady came into my work, and approached one of my co workers, and told him she is one of the 47% and that he works for her. My co worker quickly replied "I work for no one but myself lady. You can now leave and never come back, you are not my reason for working, I will not bow to your demands, now get the fuck out" :clap2: I love that guy, and my employer was cool with that. We actually have freedom of speech in my place of employment :D

I work for me and my family, not the government not for anyone else.

no offense, pix, but that's utter nonsense.

i figure the person who made the stupid statement about the 47% was a righty.


p.s. the right needs to stop saying that it's the left who are the takers as long as the red states keep taking more than they put into the system, while blue states put in more than they take.

so now that we moved into some fact-based reality, carry on, hon.

but, but, but they never, never mention the 47%ers in their ranks, or make excuses for them if they dood it.

So a lady supposedly walks into a business and, out of nowhere, without any motivation or prompting, blurts out a simplistic talking point that plays easily and perfectly into a partisan conservative argument.

Good gawd.

It has occurred to me recently that I'm so annoyed by partisans and partisan rhetoric because it's insulting to think they're assuming I'm just buying their bullshit. No one likes to be insulted, I know I certainly don't.

This one wasn't even done well.


moderation and common sense is very lacking on this site.

And I'm just asking for a LITTLE, y'know?



same here, reminds me of my ex wives.
i work in a thrift store that funds a foodbank for the poor.. my boss is a republican woman whom i adore..we are at dif ends of the political specrtum but at the end of the day we do two things.

we do not discuss our politics which would divide us and we work TOGETHER, left and right to feed poor people.

and i work in a wildlife hospital..again we do not discuss out politics but my work partner is a republican first responder whom i also adore..at the end of the day we do two things.

we do not discuss the things which would divide us and we work TOGETHER left and right to one common goal..to care for wildlife.

all the political rage revenge is stupid..people firing employees to get back at obama..stupid stupid.

imagine if i were to walk into a store to say..have my home remodled..i make them come over and do all the work to give me the estimate..maybe i even let them go so far as to order all the materials..then when they show up..i ask them if they voted for romney..if they say yes. i cancel the order and send them packing..
scumbaggy yes?

the scumbaggy can go both ways.

to be clear this is something i would never do but i imagine there are people who will and do shit like that. both sides.

stop the 'skumbaggy'

Hey thats one hell of an idea:eusa_clap: where Im at plenty of contractors have rebel flags on there trucks making them easy to identify.

yes yes hell of an idea..a very bad one though..innocent people who work for these folks will pay the price for it. not worth the momentary gratification that would come from it and you probably wouldnt like it if it were done to you :)
I am self employed, I started when I was 12 mowing lawns for money. I have done other things like rest. management, electronics tech in industry and the Army, but I have always enjoyed working for myself.

So a lady supposedly walks into a business and, out of nowhere, without any motivation or prompting, blurts out a simplistic talking point that plays easily and perfectly into a partisan conservative argument.

Good gawd.

It has occurred to me recently that I'm so annoyed by partisans and partisan rhetoric because it's insulting to think they're assuming I'm just buying their bullshit. No one likes to be insulted, I know I certainly don't.

This one wasn't even done well.


Problem number one, the lefties have a problem believing their own shit. I have seen people on this very forum say pretty much the same garbage as that woman did, they apparently think that kind of attitude is reserved for message boards, :cuckoo: and you guys call me a liar? Really. Good God you all are hypocrites

So a lady supposedly walks into a business and, out of nowhere, without any motivation or prompting, blurts out a simplistic talking point that plays easily and perfectly into a partisan conservative argument.

Good gawd.

It has occurred to me recently that I'm so annoyed by partisans and partisan rhetoric because it's insulting to think they're assuming I'm just buying their bullshit. No one likes to be insulted, I know I certainly don't.

This one wasn't even done well.


Problem number one, the lefties have a problem believing their own shit. I have seen people on this very forum say pretty much the same garbage as that woman did, they apparently think that kind of attitude is reserved for message boards, :cuckoo: and you guys call me a liar? Really. Good God you all are hypocrites

the right is no innocent in this kind of thing..you know that yes?
firing/laying off obama supporters? lots of that going on out there..
yet i do not identify EVERY single republican own corp/company to be suspect.

goes both ways.
Typical lefty. You think this is a lie. That is your prerogative. But me thinks you are embarrassed by your leftist idiot sister that did such a moronic thing. It is much like the neener neener attitude of the lefties on this forum. So why is it so hard for you to believe. I do not care if you believe me. I know it happened, my boss and my co workers know it happened.
I live in a liberal city, crap like this happens all the time. The left thinks they have us where they want us, but they do not

Yes we do. The republicans with decency are tired of rightwing idiots and are ready to get rid of you or join other party's making you irrelevant.

I never neg, but this is a special occasion. :D

I believe your story Pix, I hear people say stupid stuff like that all the time... Just remember individual idiots do not really represent anyone but themselves. Ignorance is prevalent across the human spectrum and is not exclusive to any political party.
Random people dont just walk into random businesses to confront random people about political issues.

And, if they did, they are on a shitload of drugs, and shouldn't be labeled as respresenting the whole group.

I see crazy nutjobs all the time here in South Carolina with NRA stickers on their trucks, and all the anti-Obama shit on their windows, and wearing "NO-Bama" t-shirts to night clubs.

They're dumbasses, not reasonable Republicans. I dont associate the two.

Im here too. You ever hear the racist rejects that call into some of the local talk radio stations?

Yep. WHere you at? Im in Charleston. Its by far the most liberal city in the state.......mostly because the city is almost all transplants who moved here. But even here its kinda crazy at times. The upstate is another world all together with the racism.

Im in the upstate but stayed in Charleston once upon a time. I came back because of family. The Upstate is indeed racist. Although Greenville is not as bad as its surrounding counties. There is a local morning show run by racist and where all the racist come out to shine. Obama got over 800,000 votes in SC. He only lost by 200,000. We will turn this backwards ass State blue someday count on it.

Become a Ground Soldier. Register Likely Dems when ever possible. Keep a stack of voter registration papers in your home. Let them fill them out and then you send them in. You would be surprised how people suddenly become politically active after that first step.
I signed up felons in jail to vote for Oblama, but when they were let out to go vote they never came back, even after promising to return.
i work in a thrift store that funds a foodbank for the poor.. my boss is a republican woman whom i adore..we are at dif ends of the political specrtum but at the end of the day we do two things.

we do not discuss our politics which would divide us and we work TOGETHER, left and right to feed poor people.

and i work in a wildlife hospital..again we do not discuss out politics but my work partner is a republican first responder whom i also adore..at the end of the day we do two things.

we do not discuss the things which would divide us and we work TOGETHER left and right to one common goal..to care for wildlife.

all the political rage revenge is stupid..people firing employees to get back at obama..stupid stupid.

imagine if i were to walk into a store to say..have my home remodled..i make them come over and do all the work to give me the estimate..maybe i even let them go so far as to order all the materials..then when they show up..i ask them if they voted for romney..if they say yes. i cancel the order and send them packing..
scumbaggy yes?

the scumbaggy can go both ways.

to be clear this is something i would never do but i imagine there are people who will and do shit like that. both sides.

stop the 'skumbaggy'

Hey thats one hell of an idea:eusa_clap: where Im at plenty of contractors have rebel flags on there trucks making them easy to identify.

yes yes hell of an idea..a very bad one though..innocent people who work for these folks will pay the price for it. not worth the momentary gratification that would come from it and you probably wouldnt like it if it were done to you :)

since the right has doubled down on their hate and called for secession and all that all is fair

Rush Limbaugh On Obama's Win: 'I Went To Bed Last Night Thinking We'd Lost The Country' (AUDIO)
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