Who else is tire of the Obama bashing?

People can only personally attack him so much but the rightwingers just never seem to run of bullshat to make up to attack him, even when it gets debunked repeatedly, remember the birfers?

The batshat crazies however, believe every negitive story Boss Limbaugh tells them. The less crazy ones just repeat them as often as they can to help convince the batshat ones it's really true. I mean you do know that our president wants to redistrubute all the wealth in this country to all the "brothas", and is a major marxist/fascist/socialist/commie/terrorist/alien/druggie/queer don't cha?

Correct me if I am wrong....

Arent you one of those "batshat crazies" that believed the political rhetoric that Bush cherry picked intel?

Believing the evidence that officials in the Bush Administration use low level intelligence reports to support it's claims about Iraq that were not vetted by the CIA is hardly "batshit crazy" like thinking the President is an enemy of the USA.

Iraq Findings Leaked by Cheney's Aide Were Disputed - New York Times

This is the type of bashing I'm tired of.

To say he is, "the worst president in US history" means (at least one of) two things;

The author of that statement is either brain damaged or has zero knowledge of history.

One hopes that commentators would be sane but the Constitution protects irresponsible and frankly stupid statements like Rabbi's just as it protects the writings of Thoreau and Emerson.

Obama knew such idiots were out there and, thanks to the Internet, they have a megaphone now. Rabbi supports a man who wants to force your 12 year old daughter to get a shot that prevents STDs...12 y/o girls. Then bitches about governmental involvement in our lives. Obviously he has issues or is simply not very bright.

We should never tire of the bashing of the elected officials. We should tire of unfair and irresponsible commentary. Unfortunately, some of the right wing posters here are distributors of exclusively this sort of lambasting.

Can you find a president who is worse? I am including Warren Harding here.

Richard Nixon? I mean, come on, he got people to break in and commit a crime, thats a criminal president.
Bill Clinton, he actually committed a crime. BUT AS FAR AS THE ECONOMY AND POLICIES, OBAMATURD IS THE WORST OF ALL.
This is the type of bashing I'm tired of.

Do you think there should be severe punishments for criticizing a president who is a party member? Long prison terms or even death?

To say he is, "the worst president in US history" means (at least one of) two things;

The author of that statement is either brain damaged or has zero knowledge of history.

Or that Obama actually is the worst president in history.

Now he isn't, that honor belongs to Abraham Lincoln, who literally sparked a civil war. Obama came close, but didn't actually plunge the nation into civil war. Although, Obama and the fascist movement behind him has produced the most contentious environment since the civil war.

Obama is the worst president of the last 100 years, does that make you feel better?

Actually you couldn't be more wrong. President Linclon did not force a single one of the southern states to suceed from the union. They did it out of fear. They were reactionary racist. Thank god they put wrong man in charge of their army and lost their bid for independence.
Did George W. Bush invade and occupy Iraq on a false cause? Did GWB announce mission accompllished nearly eight years ago? Did GWB push for and sign two tax cuts in his first term and also invade and occupy another country? Did GWB appoint Alito and Roberts to the Supreme Court? Was GWB the Commander-in-Chief when the United States was attacked on Sept. 11, 2001? Was GWB POTUS for nearly eight years when the United States suffered the greatest economic crisis since 1929?

Now, who was the worst president in our history?

Your so right about obama bashing. I'm so tired of him BASHING ALL US GOOD AMERICAN TAX PAYERS. What kind of A-hole is he to DEMAND more tax revenue in any debt plan! It's our money, You spend too much already.
The batshat crazies however, believe every negitive story Boss Limbaugh tells them. The less crazy ones just repeat them as often as they can to help convince the batshat ones it's really true. I mean you do know that our president wants to redistrubute all the wealth in this country to all the "brothas", and is a major marxist/fascist/socialist/commie/terrorist/alien/druggie/queer don't cha?

Correct me if I am wrong....

Arent you one of those "batshat crazies" that believed the political rhetoric that Bush cherry picked intel?

Believing the evidence that officials in the Bush Administration use low level intelligence reports to support it's claims about Iraq that were not vetted by the CIA is hardly "batshit crazy" like thinking the President is an enemy of the USA.

Iraq Findings Leaked by Cheney's Aide Were Disputed - New York Times


Did you read the article?
Do you recall that situation?
First of all, it had nothing to do with the concern of chemical WMD's
Secondly, it was "after the fact" when the President found he was being set up by his political adversaries....so of courtse he wanted to make sure all looked to be in order.
Finally, when he originally approached congress he expressed his personal sentiments regarding the overall intel...soimehting that he, the President is supposed to do.
All members of congress had access to the intel, access to those that analyzed it and access to Powell for their sentiments.

The article you produced discusses nothing of cherry picking intel...instead, it disucsses how Bush was forced to cover his tracks when people wanted to prove that he made a bad call.

Sure...he was wrong about Hussein as it pertained to his nuclear ambitions....but that doies not mean he is a war criminal.

And an FYI.....more people referr to Bush as a war criminal than those that refer to Obama as an enemy of the USA.
Richard Nixon? I mean, come on, he got people to break in and commit a crime, thats a criminal president.

And this one is only smuggling guns to Mexican drug lords to be used on the American people. That's much better.
You call this "Bashing?" Man,you guys really do need to buck up. Bashing of this Presdient has been incredibly mild compared to what the Left Wankers did to Bush and Palin. Those Wankers even stooped to daily attacks on their children for God's sake. Also,most of the MSM is obviously Liberal/Democrat-Biased. They've given this President a free pass for sure. Bush & Palin endured daily vicious attacks against them and their families. And guess what? They never whined like you and your guy do. Your guy is just a spoiled little brat at this point. His ass has been kissed by the MSM since day one. You guys haven't seen Bashing yet.
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There is a huge difference in bashing and discussing the issues
Obama and his policies have failed
thats not bashing
thats the facts

Flaylo is the type who doesnt actually want to discuss facts. He wants to rant and rave about anything to distract people from the facts. One can only conclude that the facts simply don't support his viewpoint.

Personally, I don't know how anyone can say that Obama is a good President with a straight face. The man has shown little to no leadership skills. His policies have made already serious problems worse. And he never takes responsibility for anything that happens. It's pathetic.

I would have to place him pretty low on the President's scale. Thankfully, unlike some President's he hasnt caused a civil war... yet.
Obama-Bashing has been very mild. The MSM has sniffed this guy's butt from day one. Him and his followers have nothing to bitch about. Now the Left/Democrat Bush/Palin-Bashing? Now that's what shallow despicable bashing looks like. Going after their Kids? Yea this President and his followers don't know what Bashing is.
So says the racist Jew that hates Poles, let gets the Rabbi a big applause for basically saying nothing.

Ho ahead and change the subject.
Obama is the worst president in US history, presiding over the longest period of economic stagnation post war and an unprecedented cut in US credit ratings.
And you are the worst poster on this site, puking back crap you saw on HuffPo.
Can't wait for both of you to be gone.

This is the type of bashing I'm tired of.

To say he is, "the worst president in US history" means (at least one of) two things;

The author of that statement is either brain damaged or has zero knowledge of history.

One hopes that commentators would be sane but the Constitution protects irresponsible and frankly stupid statements like Rabbi's just as it protects the writings of Thoreau and Emerson.

Obama knew such idiots were out there and, thanks to the Internet, they have a megaphone now. Rabbi supports a man who wants to force your 12 year old daughter to get a shot that prevents STDs...12 y/o girls. Then bitches about governmental involvement in our lives. Obviously he has issues or is simply not very bright.

We should never tire of the bashing of the elected officials. We should tire of unfair and irresponsible commentary. Unfortunately, some of the right wing posters here are distributors of exclusively this sort of lambasting.

As are some on the left as well. Lets be honest about that. George Bush couldn't walk across the street without committing a felony for some on the Left the same way Obama gets no credit for anything his military does from the Right.

Both are baseless, lame criticisms. We should expect better from one another.
Ho ahead and change the subject.
Obama is the worst president in US history, presiding over the longest period of economic stagnation post war and an unprecedented cut in US credit ratings.
And you are the worst poster on this site, puking back crap you saw on HuffPo.
Can't wait for both of you to be gone.

This is the type of bashing I'm tired of.

To say he is, "the worst president in US history" means (at least one of) two things;

The author of that statement is either brain damaged or has zero knowledge of history.

One hopes that commentators would be sane but the Constitution protects irresponsible and frankly stupid statements like Rabbi's just as it protects the writings of Thoreau and Emerson.

Obama knew such idiots were out there and, thanks to the Internet, they have a megaphone now. Rabbi supports a man who wants to force your 12 year old daughter to get a shot that prevents STDs...12 y/o girls. Then bitches about governmental involvement in our lives. Obviously he has issues or is simply not very bright.

We should never tire of the bashing of the elected officials. We should tire of unfair and irresponsible commentary. Unfortunately, some of the right wing posters here are distributors of exclusively this sort of lambasting.

As are some on the left as well. Lets be honest about that. George Bush couldn't walk across the street without committing a felony for some on the Left the same way Obama gets no credit for anything his military does from the Right.

Both are baseless, lame criticisms. We should expect better from one another.

Why should Obama get credit for what the military does? And it isn't "his" military. It's the U.S's.
People can only personally attack him so much but the rightwingers just never seem to run of bullshat to make up to attack him, even when it gets debunked repeatedly, remember the birfers?

Yup. As I read on Fark.com "Tea Party can't agree with anything the President says because 1) He's still President, and 2) He's still black."

Correct me if I am wrong....

Arent you one of those "batshat crazies" that believed the political rhetoric that Bush cherry picked intel?

We'll never know if Bush "cherry picked intel"; defenders argue he did not, others suggest he was uninterested in anything which conflicted with his world view.

Those that accused him of cherry picking intel:

Democratic politicians who were beiung called hypocrites for being for the war and then being against the war

Those that would have spoken out if he cherry picked intel:

Loved ones of the fallen soldiers
Other countries who had the same intel...as he would have had to cherry poick their intel as well

Action that never took place that should have if he cherry picked intel:

Impeachment proceedings
congressional hgearings
law suits against the government by loved ones of fallen soldiers

and finally....

Roger Clemens is called to court for lying about steroids...

but the president gets off without even a hearing for lying and killing 4000 Americans.

Sorry....all of the above? Enough proof to me that he never cherry picked intel.

And Scooter Libby, convicted by a Jury and his sentence commuted by Bush (ask youself why a law and order president would do such a thing?). But that is not on point.

I can't and won't defend Democratic Pols who supported the invason of Iraq, personally I was againt it as well as the war on terror. Bush reacted emotionally and politcally, not rationally, IMHO. The Sept. 11 attack was criminal, not an act of war, and had it been treated as a criminal act those young Americans (mostly) would not have died, and thousands of others not maimed, if we had treated terrorism for what it is, a crime against humanity.

The mostly Saudi nationals killed approximately 3,000 people on Sept. 11 and not all of them were Americans. Killed and injured were individuals from dozens of other nations, nations would have been equal partners in bringing those who planned to justice, both in the world court and in the court of public opinion.

Attacking and putting our troops on the grouind in a soveign nation which did not attack us, no matter its politics or inhumanity to its own people, half a world away was stupid; Clinton's measured response to Saddam, as is Obama's to Kadaffi, made some sense; Bush's response when tied to two tax cuts was insane.

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