Who else is tire of the Obama bashing?

If anyone thinks Obama-Bashing is anywhere close to the level of BOOOOSH/Palin-Bashing from the Left/Democrats,they're clearly delusional nutters. The Left/Democrats vicious attacks on Bush & Palin's children are as low as bashing can go. Obama has had it very easy. The MSM especially,has given him a free pass on everything. Bush never enjoyed the same treatment. So if you want to complain about bashing,just look to the Left/Democrats. No one bashes more than them.
If anyone thinks Obama-Bashing is anywhere close to the level of BOOOOSH/Palin-Bashing from the Left/Democrats,they're clearly delusional nutters. The Left/Democrats vicious attacks on Bush & Palin's children are as low as bashing can go. Obama has had it very easy. The MSM especially,has given him a free pass on everything. Bush never enjoyed the same treatment. So if you want to complain about bashing,just look to the Left/Democrats. No one bashes more than them.

Absolutely right on.
Obama worshippers are a bunch of whiny babies who like to dish it out but damn sure don't like to take it....cracks me up
People can only personally attack him so much but the rightwingers just never seem to run of bullshat to make up to attack him, even when it gets debunked repeatedly, remember the birfers?

I don't have to make up anything about the man -his record speaks volumes.

And seriously, were you even once this concerned about the level of utterly INSANELY RABID bashing the left did to Bush? Or did you find that to be acceptable -even right down to accusing him of the deliberate mass murder of thousands of fellow Americans that he would have had to pull off without a hitch and BRILLIANTLY in just a matter of months of taking office in what would have to be THE biggest conspiracy in history. A conspiracy that not a single person of the literally hundreds who would have to be involved has revealed even a HINT of that non-existent conspiracy to this day -but if true, would definitely show the guy was truly a Machiavellian genius of the first order, a truly evil genius, right? Did you object to THAT by the leftwing KOOKS? Yet would also have to among those who see NO contradiction to their claims the man is just a stupid moron -so stupid he failed to plant WMD and head off that major problem for him even though THAT would have been much easier to do and even if it wasn't for a couple of years where they were "suddenly" discovered somewhere in the vast desert - would have been unquestioningly accepted by the world and Americans. Evil genius yet barely able to walk and chew gun at the same time, right? LOL It only speaks volumes about the morons who joined in THAT bullshit.

I criticize Obama's very real politics and very political positions as something I vigorously oppose to the max and would still vigorously oppose to the max no matter who was peddling them. And I will until he is out of office -his very real political positions make him UNACCEPTABLE as a choice for President and I have reasons firmly planted in REALITY and not make believe to back up my opinion that this guy's policies have caused untold harm to both the nation and MILLIONS of individual Americans.

But Bush bashers were truly insane, devoid of all reason and completely out of touch with REALITY even -they didn't occupy reality in this dimension and could NEVER produce a coherent argument -it was always this EMOTION DRIVEN and truly insane BABBLE that had no basis in reality. And as is true of the left, they are never content to just disagree with a person's politics -to them that not only justifies trying to get someone out of office but to also destroy the individual PERSONALLY as well. They didn't just disagree with his policies, they like to pretend the only possible reason others even have different political opinions is because they are just EVIL AND BAD PEOPLE -which justified destroying them on a personal level and not just at the ballot box. Its why the left is still obsessed with destroying someone like Palin even today -even though she holds no position of power whatsoever and is a private citizen. Not even content to walk away even after she's out of office and very unlikely to ever hold another political office again but a human being they will still go after and even go after her children. They get frothing at the mouth insane.

Just one of many, many reasons I could never be a liberal. They are in reality brutal, uncaring and inhumane people even as they give meaningless lip service claiming they are the exact opposite of what they really are -yet will justify having other political opinions are a reason to be denied humane care. I can't count how many liberals insisted government should have let the people of Louisiana stranded to drown and die after the levees broke -and why? Because the state went to Bush. And these people were dead serious -they would have denied fellow Americans critical services from their OWN government, would have had no problem seeing government turn on fellow citizens -for no reason but the fact they didn't like an election outcome! So apparently hardcore and the most "caring" liberals believe it is proper to punish fellow citizens for casting the "wrong" vote -as if THEY own government and as if this is only THEIR country and not that of everyone else including those who do not share their political beliefs. Which explains the brutal, inhumane treatment of political dissidents in countries where the left have gotten full power and control of governments -places where one's life and liberty is/was at stake by disagreeing with the left.

I vigorously disagree with Obama's politics -I don't wish him PERSONAL ill though. I don't know him personally but I have NO reason not to believe he is anything but a nice guy to his family and friends. I just want him to lose his re-election -based on his political positions, not whether his daughter is a slut or not! I have zero interest in seeing this man's personal life trashed, or in trying to destroy his family and would oppose any attempt to go after his children as if they are legitimate political targets just because they are the children of a politician. But for liberals all that is fair game for the "crime" of having different political opinions, right down to trying to destroy their minor children. Kathy Gifford made a comedy routine of it by saying her year's goal was to humiliate, mock and destroy Palin's youngest daughter!

As for his birth certificate -are you a cow? This was an issue totally created AND manipulated by Obama in the first place. He could have put this one to rest right off the bat -and don't think other candidates have not had their place of birth raise questions! McCain was challenged about whether he could legally run for President because he was born on a military base in another country. In spite of the fact military bases had already been ruled as essentially being born on US soil no matter where they may be political opponents went so far as to file a lawsuit trying to force him out of the running -and only dropped their efforts when it became obvious he couldn't get the nomination. But what McCain did not do is hide his birth certificate and refuse to let people know undoubtedly where he had been born when asked! So what was the real purpose for Obama refusing to show it when he was first asked about it and why continue to refuse showing it after nonstop requests? HE CAUSED THE questions about whether he was really born in the US to stick instead of go way -and he did so deliberately, don't kid yourself. HE was the issue -NOT those who came to believe there could only be a malignant reason for his refusal over such a simple request! You want to criticize anyone over this issue -criticize the man who deliberately created it and could have put a stop to it INSTANTLY. He ONLY showed it when polls showed more people were starting to believe he was not born in the US -not fewer.

And to prove how UNREASONABLE people like you are being on this issue only because its Obama -just ask yourself THIS:

If there had been a similar and just as legitimate question about where Bush had really been born for the same reasons - his father was not a citizen and he had been raised in a foreign country as a citizen of that country, he had relatives who insisted he had been born in another country and HE refused to EVER allow anyone to see his birth certificate -would you REALLY be making fun of those who came to believe there was no other rational explanation for refusing to show it except to try and hide something? Or among them? ROFL -since only Obama bashing has you upset here and obviously no amount of insanely rabid, frothing at the mouth Bush bashing bothered you -we all know that answer, don't we? If all the circumstances were identical but it was Bush who did this instead of Obama -the left would be in HYSTERICS and the liberal media would have been like a dog with a bone and be front and center beating the drum there was something wrong that Bush refused to release his birth certificate instead of being his buddies trying to help get him elected by burying unpleasant facts about the guy as they did with Obama. But this was a deliberately contrived issue and the mastermind behind it was Obama himself. Any RATIONAL person should have criticized him for allowing this to fester and grow instead of handling it in a timely and mature fashion -regardless of his political affiliation.
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Fuckin scumhole Left/Democrats even attacked Palin's handicapped child for God's sake. Now they're gonna bitch about "Obama-Bashing?" What a joke. These people are laughable.
If anyone thinks Obama-Bashing is anywhere close to the level of BOOOOSH/Palin-Bashing from the Left/Democrats,they're clearly delusional nutters. The Left/Democrats vicious attacks on Bush & Palin's children are as low as bashing can go. Obama has had it very easy. The MSM especially,has given him a free pass on everything. Bush never enjoyed the same treatment. So if you want to complain about bashing,just look to the Left/Democrats. No one bashes more than them.

Absolutely right on.
Obama worshippers are a bunch of whiny babies who like to dish it out but damn sure don't like to take it....cracks me up

Is that it. I thought it likely you'd been dropped on your head a number of times.
People can only personally attack him so much but the rightwingers just never seem to run of bullshat to make up to attack him, even when it gets debunked repeatedly, remember the birfers?

I don't have to make up anything about the man -his record speaks volumes.

And seriously, were you even once this concerned about the level of utterly INSANELY RABID bashing the left did to Bush? Or did you find that to be acceptable -even right down to accusing him of the deliberate mass murder of thousands of fellow Americans that he would have had to pull off without a hitch and BRILLIANTLY in just a matter of months of taking office in what would have to be THE biggest conspiracy in history. A conspiracy that not a single person of the literally hundreds who would have to be involved has revealed even a HINT of that non-existent conspiracy to this day -but if true, would definitely show the guy was truly a Machiavellian genius of the first order, a truly evil genius, right? Did you object to THAT by the leftwing KOOKS? Yet would also have to among those who see NO contradiction to their claims the man is just a stupid moron -so stupid he failed to plant WMD and head off that major problem for him even though THAT would have been much easier to do and even if it wasn't for a couple of years where they were "suddenly" discovered somewhere in the vast desert - would have been unquestioningly accepted by the world and Americans. Evil genius yet barely able to walk and chew gun at the same time, right? LOL It only speaks volumes about the morons who joined in THAT bullshit.

I criticize Obama's very real politics and very political positions as something I vigorously oppose to the max and would still vigorously oppose to the max no matter who was peddling them. And I will until he is out of office -his very real political positions make him UNACCEPTABLE as a choice for President and I have reasons firmly planted in REALITY and not make believe to back up my opinion that this guy's policies have caused untold harm to both the nation and MILLIONS of individual Americans.

But Bush bashers were truly insane, devoid of all reason and completely out of touch with REALITY even -they didn't occupy reality in this dimension and could NEVER produce a coherent argument -it was always this EMOTION DRIVEN and truly insane BABBLE that had no basis in reality. And as is true of the left, they are never content to just disagree with a person's politics -to them that not only justifies trying to get someone out of office but to also destroy the individual PERSONALLY as well. They didn't just disagree with his policies, they like to pretend the only possible reason others even have different political opinions is because they are just EVIL AND BAD PEOPLE -which justified destroying them on a personal level and not just at the ballot box. Its why the left is still obsessed with destroying someone like Palin even today -even though she holds no position of power whatsoever and is a private citizen. Not even content to walk away even after she's out of office and very unlikely to ever hold another political office again but a human being they will still go after and even go after her children. They get frothing at the mouth insane.

Just one of many, many reasons I could never be a liberal. They are in reality brutal, uncaring and inhumane people even as they give meaningless lip service claiming they are the exact opposite of what they really are -yet will justify having other political opinions are a reason to be denied humane care. I can't count how many liberals insisted government should have let the people of Louisiana stranded to drown and die after the levees broke -and why? Because the state went to Bush. And these people were dead serious -they would have denied fellow Americans critical services from their OWN government, would have had no problem seeing government turn on fellow citizens -for no reason but the fact they didn't like an election outcome! So apparently hardcore and the most "caring" liberals believe it is proper to punish fellow citizens for casting the "wrong" vote -as if THEY own government and as if this is only THEIR country and not that of everyone else including those who do not share their political beliefs. Which explains the brutal, inhumane treatment of political dissidents in countries where the left have gotten full power and control of governments -places where one's life and liberty is/was at stake by disagreeing with the left.

I vigorously disagree with Obama's politics -I don't wish him PERSONAL ill though. I don't know him personally but I have NO reason not to believe he is anything but a nice guy to his family and friends. I just want him to lose his re-election -based on his political positions, not whether his daughter is a slut or not! I have zero interest in seeing this man's personal life trashed, or in trying to destroy his family and would oppose any attempt to go after his children as if they are legitimate political targets just because they are the children of a politician. But for liberals all that is fair game for the "crime" of having different political opinions, right down to trying to destroy their minor children. Kathy Gifford made a comedy routine of it by saying her year's goal was to humiliate, mock and destroy Palin's youngest daughter!

As for his birth certificate -are you a cow? This was an issue totally created AND manipulated by Obama in the first place. He could have put this one to rest right off the bat -and don't think other candidates have not had their place of birth raise questions! McCain was challenged about whether he could legally run for President because he was born on a military base in another country. In spite of the fact military bases had already been ruled as essentially being born on US soil no matter where they may be political opponents went so far as to file a lawsuit trying to force him out of the running -and only dropped their efforts when it became obvious he couldn't get the nomination. But what McCain did not do is hide his birth certificate and refuse to let people know undoubtedly where he had been born when asked! So what was the real purpose for Obama refusing to show it when he was first asked about it and why continue to refuse showing it after nonstop requests? HE CAUSED THE questions about whether he was really born in the US to stick instead of go way -and he did so deliberately, don't kid yourself. HE was the issue -NOT those who came to believe there could only be a malignant reason for his refusal over such a simple request! You want to criticize anyone over this issue -criticize the man who deliberately created it and could have put a stop to it INSTANTLY. He ONLY showed it when polls showed more people were starting to believe he was not born in the US -not fewer.

And to prove how UNREASONABLE people like you are being on this issue only because its Obama -just ask yourself THIS:

If there had been a similar and just as legitimate question about where Bush had really been born for the same reasons - his father was not a citizen and he had been raised in a foreign country as a citizen of that country, he had relatives who insisted he had been born in another country and HE refused to EVER allow anyone to see his birth certificate -would you REALLY be making fun of those who came to believe there was no other rational explanation for refusing to show it except to try and hide something? Or among them? ROFL -since only Obama bashing has you upset here and obviously no amount of insanely rabid, frothing at the mouth Bush bashing bothered you -we all know that answer, don't we? If all the circumstances were identical but it was Bush who did this instead of Obama -the left would be in HYSTERICS and the liberal media would have been like a dog with a bone and be front and center beating the drum there was something wrong that Bush refused to release his birth certificate instead of being his buddies trying to help get him elected by burying unpleasant facts about the guy as they did with Obama. But this was a deliberately contrived issue and the mastermind behind it was Obama himself. Any RATIONAL person should have criticized him for allowing this to fester and grow instead of handling it in a timely and mature fashion -regardless of his political affiliation.

Thanks for sharing your opinon. Do you honestly believe anyone will read this rant?
We'll never know if Bush "cherry picked intel"; defenders argue he did not, others suggest he was uninterested in anything which conflicted with his world view.

Those that accused him of cherry picking intel:

Democratic politicians who were beiung called hypocrites for being for the war and then being against the war

Those that would have spoken out if he cherry picked intel:

Loved ones of the fallen soldiers
Other countries who had the same intel...as he would have had to cherry poick their intel as well

Action that never took place that should have if he cherry picked intel:

Impeachment proceedings
congressional hgearings
law suits against the government by loved ones of fallen soldiers

and finally....

Roger Clemens is called to court for lying about steroids...

but the president gets off without even a hearing for lying and killing 4000 Americans.

Sorry....all of the above? Enough proof to me that he never cherry picked intel.

And Scooter Libby, convicted by a Jury and his sentence commuted by Bush (ask youself why a law and order president would do such a thing?). But that is not on point.

I can't and won't defend Democratic Pols who supported the invason of Iraq, personally I was againt it as well as the war on terror. Bush reacted emotionally and politcally, not rationally, IMHO. The Sept. 11 attack was criminal, not an act of war, and had it been treated as a criminal act those young Americans (mostly) would not have died, and thousands of others not maimed, if we had treated terrorism for what it is, a crime against humanity.

The mostly Saudi nationals killed approximately 3,000 people on Sept. 11 and not all of them were Americans. Killed and injured were individuals from dozens of other nations, nations would have been equal partners in bringing those who planned to justice, both in the world court and in the court of public opinion.

Attacking and putting our troops on the grouind in a soveign nation which did not attack us, no matter its politics or inhumanity to its own people, half a world away was stupid; Clinton's measured response to Saddam, as is Obama's to Kadaffi, made some sense; Bush's response when tied to two tax cuts was insane.

I do not appreciate any commuting or pardoning by a president or a governor for that matter. But the law is the law.
For example, I still dont get the Mark Rich pardon....but I digress.

You and I do not see eye to eye as to the 9-11 attacks...but I appreicate your explanation as to why you feel as you do.
To me...it had nothing to do with the nationality of those killed...it had to do with the fact that it was multiple attacks on our homeland...the equivalent of 4 missles being shot at sensitive spots on our homeland....including the Pentagon...and I saw that as an act of war for that reason alone.
If it were a few men (or women) that were living in the US who were making a political statement, then I would see it as a criminal act.....but they were non US citizens that were not making a domestic poilitical statement...their intentiions were to weaken the US as a country. To me, that is an act of war similar to the Pearl Harbor attack which was designed to make the US weaker....

As for Bush's reaction....we do not se eye to eye in regard to that. I believe he could have handled the Iraq situation better......but I would not call it irrational....
Those that accused him of cherry picking intel:

Democratic politicians who were beiung called hypocrites for being for the war and then being against the war

Those that would have spoken out if he cherry picked intel:

Loved ones of the fallen soldiers
Other countries who had the same intel...as he would have had to cherry poick their intel as well

Action that never took place that should have if he cherry picked intel:

Impeachment proceedings
congressional hgearings
law suits against the government by loved ones of fallen soldiers

and finally....

Roger Clemens is called to court for lying about steroids...

but the president gets off without even a hearing for lying and killing 4000 Americans.

Sorry....all of the above? Enough proof to me that he never cherry picked intel.

And Scooter Libby, convicted by a Jury and his sentence commuted by Bush (ask youself why a law and order president would do such a thing?). But that is not on point.

I can't and won't defend Democratic Pols who supported the invason of Iraq, personally I was againt it as well as the war on terror. Bush reacted emotionally and politcally, not rationally, IMHO. The Sept. 11 attack was criminal, not an act of war, and had it been treated as a criminal act those young Americans (mostly) would not have died, and thousands of others not maimed, if we had treated terrorism for what it is, a crime against humanity.

The mostly Saudi nationals killed approximately 3,000 people on Sept. 11 and not all of them were Americans. Killed and injured were individuals from dozens of other nations, nations would have been equal partners in bringing those who planned to justice, both in the world court and in the court of public opinion.

Attacking and putting our troops on the grouind in a soveign nation which did not attack us, no matter its politics or inhumanity to its own people, half a world away was stupid; Clinton's measured response to Saddam, as is Obama's to Kadaffi, made some sense; Bush's response when tied to two tax cuts was insane.

I do not appreciate any commuting or pardoning by a president or a governor for that matter. But the law is the law.
For example, I still dont get the Mark Rich pardon....but I digress.

You and I do not see eye to eye as to the 9-11 attacks...but I appreicate your explanation as to why you feel as you do.
To me...it had nothing to do with the nationality of those killed...it had to do with the fact that it was multiple attacks on our homeland...the equivalent of 4 missles being shot at sensitive spots on our homeland....including the Pentagon...and I saw that as an act of war for that reason alone.
If it were a few men (or women) that were living in the US who were making a political statement, then I would see it as a criminal act.....but they were non US citizens that were not making a domestic poilitical statement...their intentiions were to weaken the US as a country. To me, that is an act of war similar to the Pearl Harbor attack which was designed to make the US weaker....

As for Bush's reaction....we do not se eye to eye in regard to that. I believe he could have handled the Iraq situation better......but I would not call it irrational....

The PArdon power is there for good reason.

Commuting the sentence (but failing to pardon Scooter) was a poor decision by President Bush. He should have pardoned him. Commutation barely suffices.

A law and order President absolutely WOULD commute that outrageous sentence and pardon him for that ridiculous conviction.
Obama/Bush I have trouble telling any difference between the two.
The only difference I see is that the right wingers do not like Obama and they did Bush.
Same can be said about the left wingers nto liking Bush and liking obama.

Blind partisanship is stupit.

I agree with Obama and Bush being the same but I still think you believe conservatives liked Bush because you are more liberal minded and have a lingering bias.

Bush had a 28% approval rating and was key in causing the collapse of the Republican party, he was not adored, loved or even liked by conservatives. Just because Fox News liked Bush does not mean the tens of millions of voters did.

That would be like me saying because MSNBC likes Obama you (uscitizen) do too.

Republicans only started speaking out against Bush in his last year or so. I have spoken out against Obama since shortly after he was elected.

Well we can agree on that too.
Personally, I do not care

For some posters their only skill is to go on right wing blogs and websites and lift anti-Obama propaganda. It's all they have. If it makes them happy to think that somehow they are helping their cause....let them keep posting

If you don't like the title or content of a thread.....don't read it
Personally, I do not care

For some posters their only skill is to go on right wing blogs and websites and lift anti-Obama propaganda. It's all they have. If it makes them happy to think that somehow they are helping their cause....let them keep posting

You mean kinda like so many posters go on the fascist hate sites like Moveon, Truthout and Thinkprogress, then post anti-Palin, Bachmann, Bush, Cain, etc demagoguery.
Personally, I do not care

For some posters their only skill is to go on right wing blogs and websites and lift anti-Obama propaganda. It's all they have. If it makes them happy to think that somehow they are helping their cause....let them keep posting

You mean kinda like so many posters go on the fascist hate sites like Moveon, Truthout and Thinkprogress, then post anti-Palin, Bachmann, Bush, Cain, etc demagoguery.

That's different....

Somehow it just is...
Personally, I do not care

For some posters their only skill is to go on right wing blogs and websites and lift anti-Obama propaganda. It's all they have. If it makes them happy to think that somehow they are helping their cause....let them keep posting

You mean kinda like so many posters go on the fascist hate sites like Moveon, Truthout and Thinkprogress, then post anti-Palin, Bachmann, Bush, Cain, etc demagoguery.

And they too are free to post as many liberal threads as they want. If you don't like it......skip that thread
People can only personally attack him so much but the rightwingers just never seem to run of bullshat to make up to attack him, even when it gets debunked repeatedly, remember the birfers?

Awww you sound all butt hurt.:lol:
This is the type of bashing I'm tired of.

To say he is, "the worst president in US history" means (at least one of) two things;

The author of that statement is either brain damaged or has zero knowledge of history.

One hopes that commentators would be sane but the Constitution protects irresponsible and frankly stupid statements like Rabbi's just as it protects the writings of Thoreau and Emerson.

Obama knew such idiots were out there and, thanks to the Internet, they have a megaphone now. Rabbi supports a man who wants to force your 12 year old daughter to get a shot that prevents STDs...12 y/o girls. Then bitches about governmental involvement in our lives. Obviously he has issues or is simply not very bright.

We should never tire of the bashing of the elected officials. We should tire of unfair and irresponsible commentary. Unfortunately, some of the right wing posters here are distributors of exclusively this sort of lambasting.

As are some on the left as well. Lets be honest about that. George Bush couldn't walk across the street without committing a felony for some on the Left the same way Obama gets no credit for anything his military does from the Right.

Both are baseless, lame criticisms. We should expect better from one another.

Why should Obama get credit for what the military does? And it isn't "his" military. It's the U.S's.

He's the commander in chief of the military dumbass. But lets explore your hatred of Mr. Obama further...why would he get blame for what his Treasury department does? Why would he get blame for anything other than what he personally does?

Why would Rick Perry get credit for anything? If there were any jobs created in Texas, they were done so by employers; not him.

Boy you hate having a black man as your President; don't you?
Who else is tire of the Obama bashing?
I'm more-tired o' the....


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