Who else will get a bailout after Trump/Republican tariffs?

Why didn't lefties complain when Barry Hussein was bailing out banks and solar companies during 8 years of a stagnant economy? Lefties only worry about government spending during republican administrations. Why don't lefties complain when the U.S. is being treated unfairly in tariffs by other countries and U.S. industry if forced to move offshore? Lefties who never saw a freaking farmer now pretend to be Ag. experts. Even when the DOW is around 25,000 and unemployment is at a historic low the freaking hypocrites find something to whine about.

Big difference, of course, being that at the time the US economy was shrinking at 6% GDP per quarter.....that he inherited from the previous Administration.

The DJIA and low unemployment has NOTHING to do with the current Administration. Plus, as we're finding, is NOT related to the TRILLIONS spent by Republicans in last year's corporate welfare.

You should tell Barack Obama 'thank you' and move on..........
/—-/ But it was ok for Obozo to bail out the insurance companies that were hurt by Obozocare.
View attachment 206873

Big difference being that Obamacare was dealing with rising health care costs that have been a problem for people/business for decades. It was also translating into better health insurance at more affordable prices.

This bailout is dealing with a self inflicted problem caused by Trump/Republicans. You're comparing apples to alligators.
/——/ Obozocare was self inflicted and would cripple the insurance companies unless Obozo offered them a bailout. The president is defending US interests and needs to negotiate from a position of power. Savvy that?

He is hurting US interests....that's precisely the point.
/——/ Then what is your solution? Just keep bending over and let other countries continue to give us the shaft?

Well, I wouldn't purposely hurt the United States' GDP to start out.......

Kind of like limiting your energy production because of bad weather?

I would never claim that -0.2% is higher than 1.1%.

PROGRESS! Admission that wages grew quicker under Obama than they have under Trump. And Obama didn't have to write a blank check to multinational corporations to do so.

Progress, 1.1% is less than 2.6%.

And Obama didn't have to write a blank check to multinational corporations to do so.

$9.3 Trillion in new debt, yeah Obama was really reluctant to write checks.

2.6% was in 2016......Trump was inaugurated in 2017 you moron.
Why didn't lefties complain when Barry Hussein was bailing out banks and solar companies during 8 years of a stagnant economy? Lefties only worry about government spending during republican administrations. Why don't lefties complain when the U.S. is being treated unfairly in tariffs by other countries and U.S. industry if forced to move offshore? Lefties who never saw a freaking farmer now pretend to be Ag. experts. Even when the DOW is around 25,000 and unemployment is at a historic low the freaking hypocrites find something to whine about.
ironic post of week nominee.
And considering this is part of the long game when it comes to trying to balance our Trade, it might end up returning far more value later on.

Also, wasn't one of the original democrat/prog gripes that tariffs would hurt farmers?

Well Trump is trying to fix that short term, so now the farmers can go suck an egg?

Consistency isn't in the progressive playbook it seems.

Trump/Republicans created the problem in the first place for God's sake.

You're essentially giving Trump credit for putting out the fire he started.


The problem is trade imbalances caused by unfair trade practices.

Tariffs are Trumps attempt to fix the problem, they are not the problem itself.

Absolutely agree with you there......but, it is simply ineffective policy. That's pretty much the modus operandi of this Administration.....yell loudly about real problems but offer "solutions" that make them far worse. He's done that regarding health care......taxes......illegal immigration.....foreign policy.

How do we know it is "ineffective"? Things like this take time, and while it is going on Trump is trying to soften the blow to those Americans affected.

They haven't explained HOW shrinking GDP is supposedly effective in negotiating better trade deals........pretty much sums it up.

Even if it does go down as a side effect in the short term, long term gains in trade balance might be worth it.
Big difference being that Obamacare was dealing with rising health care costs that have been a problem for people/business for decades. It was also translating into better health insurance at more affordable prices.

This bailout is dealing with a self inflicted problem caused by Trump/Republicans. You're comparing apples to alligators.
/——/ Obozocare was self inflicted and would cripple the insurance companies unless Obozo offered them a bailout. The president is defending US interests and needs to negotiate from a position of power. Savvy that?

He is hurting US interests....that's precisely the point.
/——/ Then what is your solution? Just keep bending over and let other countries continue to give us the shaft?

Well, I wouldn't purposely hurt the United States' GDP to start out.......

Kind of like limiting your energy production because of bad weather?

What?!??!?!? Let me guess....you're one of 'those people' who deny climate change is occurring?!
Trump/Republicans created the problem in the first place for God's sake.

You're essentially giving Trump credit for putting out the fire he started.


The problem is trade imbalances caused by unfair trade practices.

Tariffs are Trumps attempt to fix the problem, they are not the problem itself.

Absolutely agree with you there......but, it is simply ineffective policy. That's pretty much the modus operandi of this Administration.....yell loudly about real problems but offer "solutions" that make them far worse. He's done that regarding health care......taxes......illegal immigration.....foreign policy.

How do we know it is "ineffective"? Things like this take time, and while it is going on Trump is trying to soften the blow to those Americans affected.

They haven't explained HOW shrinking GDP is supposedly effective in negotiating better trade deals........pretty much sums it up.

Even if it does go down as a side effect in the short term, long term gains in trade balance might be worth it.
Based on what?! Fairy dust and crossed fingers?!"

Jesus Christ....give me a break.
/——/ Obozocare was self inflicted and would cripple the insurance companies unless Obozo offered them a bailout. The president is defending US interests and needs to negotiate from a position of power. Savvy that?

He is hurting US interests....that's precisely the point.
/——/ Then what is your solution? Just keep bending over and let other countries continue to give us the shaft?

Well, I wouldn't purposely hurt the United States' GDP to start out.......

Kind of like limiting your energy production because of bad weather?

What?!??!?!? Let me guess....you're one of 'those people' who deny climate change is occurring?!

I deny we need to ruin our economy even if there is some impact from our activities. We will figure out how to survive, that's why we have Engineers.

But things like carbon caps and control negatively impact GDP AND increase the cost of living?

So still concerned about GDP effects?
The problem is trade imbalances caused by unfair trade practices.

Tariffs are Trumps attempt to fix the problem, they are not the problem itself.

Absolutely agree with you there......but, it is simply ineffective policy. That's pretty much the modus operandi of this Administration.....yell loudly about real problems but offer "solutions" that make them far worse. He's done that regarding health care......taxes......illegal immigration.....foreign policy.

How do we know it is "ineffective"? Things like this take time, and while it is going on Trump is trying to soften the blow to those Americans affected.

They haven't explained HOW shrinking GDP is supposedly effective in negotiating better trade deals........pretty much sums it up.

Even if it does go down as a side effect in the short term, long term gains in trade balance might be worth it.
Based on what?! Fairy dust and crossed fingers?!"

Jesus Christ....give me a break.

Negotiating better trade deals. Carrot and stick works better than carrot and wishful thinking.

I would never claim that -0.2% is higher than 1.1%.

PROGRESS! Admission that wages grew quicker under Obama than they have under Trump. And Obama didn't have to write a blank check to multinational corporations to do so.

Progress, 1.1% is less than 2.6%.

And Obama didn't have to write a blank check to multinational corporations to do so.

$9.3 Trillion in new debt, yeah Obama was really reluctant to write checks.

2.6% was in 2016......Trump was inaugurated in 2017 you moron.

2.6% was in 2016

Yeah, 2.6% wasn't REAL wages, idiot.
He is hurting US interests....that's precisely the point.
/——/ Then what is your solution? Just keep bending over and let other countries continue to give us the shaft?

Well, I wouldn't purposely hurt the United States' GDP to start out.......

Kind of like limiting your energy production because of bad weather?

What?!??!?!? Let me guess....you're one of 'those people' who deny climate change is occurring?!

I deny we need to ruin our economy even if there is some impact from our activities. We will figure out how to survive, that's why we have Engineers.

But things like carbon caps and control negatively impact GDP AND increase the cost of living?

So still concerned about GDP effects?

Carbon caps are tied to reduced emissions which is needed if we're going to negotiate reduced carbon emissions from other industrialized nations in the world. Unless, of course, you're denying the chemistry of the effects of carbon in the atmosphere?!

Carbon caps result in lower carbon emissions (cause and effect).....tariffs do NOT result in better trade deals.

I would never claim that -0.2% is higher than 1.1%.

PROGRESS! Admission that wages grew quicker under Obama than they have under Trump. And Obama didn't have to write a blank check to multinational corporations to do so.

Progress, 1.1% is less than 2.6%.

And Obama didn't have to write a blank check to multinational corporations to do so.

$9.3 Trillion in new debt, yeah Obama was really reluctant to write checks.

2.6% was in 2016......Trump was inaugurated in 2017 you moron.

2.6% was in 2016

Yeah, 2.6% wasn't REAL wages, idiot.

Says the guy who thought Trump was POTUS in 2016......nevermind.
PROGRESS! Admission that wages grew quicker under Obama than they have under Trump. And Obama didn't have to write a blank check to multinational corporations to do so.

Progress, 1.1% is less than 2.6%.

And Obama didn't have to write a blank check to multinational corporations to do so.

$9.3 Trillion in new debt, yeah Obama was really reluctant to write checks.

2.6% was in 2016......Trump was inaugurated in 2017 you moron.

2.6% was in 2016

Yeah, 2.6% wasn't REAL wages, idiot.

Says the guy who thought Trump was POTUS in 2016......nevermind.

Pointed out your errors, never claimed Trump was President in 2016.

Tell me more about your "allowing them to lend multiple times on one asset" fantasy. DERP!
/——/ Then what is your solution? Just keep bending over and let other countries continue to give us the shaft?

Well, I wouldn't purposely hurt the United States' GDP to start out.......

Kind of like limiting your energy production because of bad weather?

What?!??!?!? Let me guess....you're one of 'those people' who deny climate change is occurring?!

I deny we need to ruin our economy even if there is some impact from our activities. We will figure out how to survive, that's why we have Engineers.

But things like carbon caps and control negatively impact GDP AND increase the cost of living?

So still concerned about GDP effects?

Carbon caps are tied to reduced emissions which is needed if we're going to negotiate reduced carbon emissions from other industrialized nations in the world. Unless, of course, you're denying the chemistry of the effects of carbon in the atmosphere?!

Carbon caps result in lower carbon emissions (cause and effect).....tariffs do NOT result in better trade deals.
/---/ Carbon caps are a scam. They hurt US companies and give the real pollutes a pass. And you screech how tariffs hurt American businesses.
/——/ Then what is your solution? Just keep bending over and let other countries continue to give us the shaft?

Well, I wouldn't purposely hurt the United States' GDP to start out.......

Kind of like limiting your energy production because of bad weather?

What?!??!?!? Let me guess....you're one of 'those people' who deny climate change is occurring?!

I deny we need to ruin our economy even if there is some impact from our activities. We will figure out how to survive, that's why we have Engineers.

But things like carbon caps and control negatively impact GDP AND increase the cost of living?

So still concerned about GDP effects?

Carbon caps are tied to reduced emissions which is needed if we're going to negotiate reduced carbon emissions from other industrialized nations in the world. Unless, of course, you're denying the chemistry of the effects of carbon in the atmosphere?!

Carbon caps result in lower carbon emissions (cause and effect).....tariffs do NOT result in better trade deals.

Carbon caps are tied to reduced emissions which is needed if we're going to negotiate reduced carbon emissions from other industrialized nations in the world.

Why would we do that?
We're already reducing our CO2 more than anyone else.

Progress, 1.1% is less than 2.6%.

And Obama didn't have to write a blank check to multinational corporations to do so.

$9.3 Trillion in new debt, yeah Obama was really reluctant to write checks.

2.6% was in 2016......Trump was inaugurated in 2017 you moron.

2.6% was in 2016

Yeah, 2.6% wasn't REAL wages, idiot.

Says the guy who thought Trump was POTUS in 2016......nevermind.

Pointed out your errors, never claimed Trump was President in 2016.

Tell me more about your "allowing them to lend multiple times on one asset" fantasy. DERP!

I see you're at the point of throwing **** at the wall and seeing what sticks. Sorry you're unable to read a simple citation.....like I said, nevermind.
/——/ Obozocare was self inflicted and would cripple the insurance companies unless Obozo offered them a bailout. The president is defending US interests and needs to negotiate from a position of power. Savvy that?

He is hurting US interests....that's precisely the point.
/——/ Then what is your solution? Just keep bending over and let other countries continue to give us the shaft?

Well, I wouldn't purposely hurt the United States' GDP to start out.......

Kind of like limiting your energy production because of bad weather?

What?!??!?!? Let me guess....you're one of 'those people' who deny climate change is occurring?!
/---/ The climate has been changing since the day the earth was formed and will continue to change no matter what taxes libs impose.
Well, I wouldn't purposely hurt the United States' GDP to start out.......

Kind of like limiting your energy production because of bad weather?

What?!??!?!? Let me guess....you're one of 'those people' who deny climate change is occurring?!

I deny we need to ruin our economy even if there is some impact from our activities. We will figure out how to survive, that's why we have Engineers.

But things like carbon caps and control negatively impact GDP AND increase the cost of living?

So still concerned about GDP effects?

Carbon caps are tied to reduced emissions which is needed if we're going to negotiate reduced carbon emissions from other industrialized nations in the world. Unless, of course, you're denying the chemistry of the effects of carbon in the atmosphere?!

Carbon caps result in lower carbon emissions (cause and effect).....tariffs do NOT result in better trade deals.

Carbon caps are tied to reduced emissions which is needed if we're going to negotiate reduced carbon emissions from other industrialized nations in the world.

Why would we do that?
We're already reducing our CO2 more than anyone else.

Why are we asking other industrialized nations to reduce carbon emissions?!?!? Gee....I dunno.....it's not like we all live on the same planet or anything?!?!

God, what a stupid question.
Progress, 1.1% is less than 2.6%.

And Obama didn't have to write a blank check to multinational corporations to do so.

$9.3 Trillion in new debt, yeah Obama was really reluctant to write checks.

2.6% was in 2016......Trump was inaugurated in 2017 you moron.

2.6% was in 2016

Yeah, 2.6% wasn't REAL wages, idiot.

Says the guy who thought Trump was POTUS in 2016......nevermind.

Pointed out your errors, never claimed Trump was President in 2016.

Tell me more about your "allowing them to lend multiple times on one asset" fantasy. DERP!

I see you're at the point of throwing **** at the wall and seeing what sticks. Sorry you're unable to read a simple citation.....like I said, nevermind.

Your link doesn't prove your claim.
If it did, you could cut and past the section that helps you.
Kind of like limiting your energy production because of bad weather?

What?!??!?!? Let me guess....you're one of 'those people' who deny climate change is occurring?!

I deny we need to ruin our economy even if there is some impact from our activities. We will figure out how to survive, that's why we have Engineers.

But things like carbon caps and control negatively impact GDP AND increase the cost of living?

So still concerned about GDP effects?

Carbon caps are tied to reduced emissions which is needed if we're going to negotiate reduced carbon emissions from other industrialized nations in the world. Unless, of course, you're denying the chemistry of the effects of carbon in the atmosphere?!

Carbon caps result in lower carbon emissions (cause and effect).....tariffs do NOT result in better trade deals.

Carbon caps are tied to reduced emissions which is needed if we're going to negotiate reduced carbon emissions from other industrialized nations in the world.

Why would we do that?
We're already reducing our CO2 more than anyone else.

Why are we asking other industrialized nations to reduce carbon emissions?!?!? Gee....I dunno.....it's not like we all live on the same planet or anything?!?!

God, what a stupid question.
/---/ Ask all you want. They will ignore you.

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