Who exactly are the rich that aren’t paying their fair share?

30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

I guess that we can't really answer most of your questions as to who are the rich, and what is their fair share, until Trump releases his returns.

So Trump’s tax return holds the key to all? Who would have known, since the beginning of time it has all come down to one person’s tax return.

Well, yeah, if that one person is the president of the United States, and based on his leaked 2015 return, will save $15 Million dollars per year, just for himself, and perhaps billions for his millionaire cabinet, associates, and donors. But, for the time being, I'll just stick to the issue that the GOP just handed their billionaire president a windfall, without anyone having the slightest information of whether or not it is conflict of interest. Nobody on that side of the aisle thinks that you have a right to know.

I really don’t care what he saves or pays, I didn’t care about Obama and his college transcripts, his taxes. You may cry for another 8 years and that is sad for you. For me, I will continue to do what I do and not worry about silly insignificant crap.
So what. Ad hominems are fallacies.

Fallacy is all the right wing has.

The right wing works, the left wing cries about having to work, the left is lazy and wants other to support them.
Work smarter not harder. Red Herrings are not worth much in politics.
You don't work at all.
Why do you care how much I earn.

Nobody cares how much you make...not earn. Although I can understand some morbid curiosity.
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

I guess that we can't really answer most of your questions as to who are the rich, and what is their fair share, until Trump releases his returns.

So Trump’s tax return holds the key to all? Who would have known, since the beginning of time it has all come down to one person’s tax return.

Well, yeah, if that one person is the president of the United States, and based on his leaked 2015 return, will save $15 Million dollars per year, just for himself, and perhaps billions for his millionaire cabinet, associates, and donors. But, for the time being, I'll just stick to the issue that the GOP just handed their billionaire president a windfall, without anyone having the slightest information of whether or not it is conflict of interest. Nobody on that side of the aisle thinks that you have a right to know.

I really don’t care what he saves or pays, I didn’t care about Obama and his college transcripts, his taxes. You may cry for another 8 years and that is sad for you. For me, I will continue to do what I do and not worry about silly insignificant crap.

...and Trump is counting on you to continue to not care....
Work smarter not harder. Red Herrings are not worth much in politics.

We that is different than you, you hate work and want the government to support you.
By solving for simple poverty in our Republic.

You want to solve getting paid for you being lazy. Sorry, but that is greedy and self centered of you. Solving poverty is a good thing, allowing you to be lazy and expect others to support you is morally wrong.
Why do you believe that is immoral. A natural rate of unemployment Only exists for the bottom line of Capitalists.

Taking care of the poor and the afflicted is moral, taking care of a lazy man is folly.
The law is employment at will.
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

I guess that we can't really answer most of your questions as to who are the rich, and what is their fair share, until Trump releases his returns.

So Trump’s tax return holds the key to all? Who would have known, since the beginning of time it has all come down to one person’s tax return.

Well, yeah, if that one person is the president of the United States, and based on his leaked 2015 return, will save $15 Million dollars per year, just for himself, and perhaps billions for his millionaire cabinet, associates, and donors. But, for the time being, I'll just stick to the issue that the GOP just handed their billionaire president a windfall, without anyone having the slightest information of whether or not it is conflict of interest. Nobody on that side of the aisle thinks that you have a right to know.

I really don’t care what he saves or pays, I didn’t care about Obama and his college transcripts, his taxes. You may cry for another 8 years and that is sad for you. For me, I will continue to do what I do and not worry about silly insignificant crap.

...and Trump is counting on you to continue to not care....

I don’t care what Trump counts on, not my problem, it seems to be yours.
We that is different than you, you hate work and want the government to support you.
By solving for simple poverty in our Republic.

You want to solve getting paid for you being lazy. Sorry, but that is greedy and self centered of you. Solving poverty is a good thing, allowing you to be lazy and expect others to support you is morally wrong.
Why do you believe that is immoral. A natural rate of unemployment Only exists for the bottom line of Capitalists.

Taking care of the poor and the afflicted is moral, taking care of a lazy man is folly.
The law is employment at will.

No there isn’t. Nothing guarantees you a job or money.
I guess that we can't really answer most of your questions as to who are the rich, and what is their fair share, until Trump releases his returns.

So Trump’s tax return holds the key to all? Who would have known, since the beginning of time it has all come down to one person’s tax return.

Well, yeah, if that one person is the president of the United States, and based on his leaked 2015 return, will save $15 Million dollars per year, just for himself, and perhaps billions for his millionaire cabinet, associates, and donors. But, for the time being, I'll just stick to the issue that the GOP just handed their billionaire president a windfall, without anyone having the slightest information of whether or not it is conflict of interest. Nobody on that side of the aisle thinks that you have a right to know.

I really don’t care what he saves or pays, I didn’t care about Obama and his college transcripts, his taxes. You may cry for another 8 years and that is sad for you. For me, I will continue to do what I do and not worry about silly insignificant crap.

...and Trump is counting on you to continue to not care....

I don’t care what Trump counts on, not my problem, it seems to be yours.

Yes, trump's failure to:
1. reveal his tax returns
2. turn over his business to a blind trust
3. pretend that letting his children run his business is the same thing,

Does trouble me, and I would never vote for a congressman or senator who took this position. Yet, since Trump has, there is no real reason why our entire congressional and senatorial representatives could not do the same. If this does not trouble you, than clearly, not much does.
So Trump’s tax return holds the key to all? Who would have known, since the beginning of time it has all come down to one person’s tax return.

Well, yeah, if that one person is the president of the United States, and based on his leaked 2015 return, will save $15 Million dollars per year, just for himself, and perhaps billions for his millionaire cabinet, associates, and donors. But, for the time being, I'll just stick to the issue that the GOP just handed their billionaire president a windfall, without anyone having the slightest information of whether or not it is conflict of interest. Nobody on that side of the aisle thinks that you have a right to know.

I really don’t care what he saves or pays, I didn’t care about Obama and his college transcripts, his taxes. You may cry for another 8 years and that is sad for you. For me, I will continue to do what I do and not worry about silly insignificant crap.

...and Trump is counting on you to continue to not care....

I don’t care what Trump counts on, not my problem, it seems to be yours.

Yes, trump's failure to:
1. reveal his tax returns
2. turn over his business to a blind trust
3. pretend that letting his children run his business is the same thing,

Does trouble me, and I would never vote for a congressman or senator who took this position. Yet, since Trump has, there is no real reason why our entire congressional and senatorial representatives could not do the same. If this does not trouble you, than clearly, not much does.

There never in my mind been a reason to turnover the taxes, no law requires it. I didn’t care that any candidate did or didn’t. The voters that had issues with it, didn’t vote for him. Those that didn’t care voted for him so...bitch to someone that voted for him, not me. There is no law to turnover your taxes, so if a Congressperson decided not to, I would have no issue with it. They are taking a risk, the same as Trump did.

Your assumption of what does or doesn’t bother me is telling as to your arrogance and your low EQ.
For the hundreth or more times.

Trump turned over 100 page pdf financial disclosure forms available on-line. Showing holdings, debts, companies etc.

The IRS is perfect at collecting money. If Trump is $1000 short they will get it. If he committed any fraud...they will go back more than three years and open them up too. Penalties & Interest. Sound familiar?
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We that is different than you, you hate work and want the government to support you.
By solving for simple poverty in our Republic.

You want to solve getting paid for you being lazy. Sorry, but that is greedy and self centered of you. Solving poverty is a good thing, allowing you to be lazy and expect others to support you is morally wrong.
Why do you believe that is immoral. A natural rate of unemployment Only exists for the bottom line of Capitalists.

Taking care of the poor and the afflicted is moral, taking care of a lazy man is folly.
The law is employment at will.
and you have no will to work
Why do you still live with your mama?
Working on my political arguments, how about you.

Wow you're working as hard on those as you are finding a job.

And FYI I moved out of my mother's house when I was 17.
Why do One Percenters need a tax break?
Why do the poor think they get one?
Financing tax cuts through debt financing is what we are talking about.
Stop spending, that’s simple
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

I guess that we can't really answer most of your questions as to who are the rich, and what is their fair share, until Trump releases his returns.
So how do you know he doesn’t or they don’t?
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

I guess that we can't really answer most of your questions as to who are the rich, and what is their fair share, until Trump releases his returns.

So Trump’s tax return holds the key to all? Who would have known, since the beginning of time it has all come down to one person’s tax return.

Well, yeah, if that one person is the president of the United States, and based on his leaked 2015 return, will save $15 Million dollars per year, just for himself, and perhaps billions for his millionaire cabinet, associates, and donors. But, for the time being, I'll just stick to the issue that the GOP just handed their billionaire president a windfall, without anyone having the slightest information of whether or not it is conflict of interest. Nobody on that side of the aisle thinks that you have a right to know.

I really don’t care what he saves or pays, I didn’t care about Obama and his college transcripts, his taxes. You may cry for another 8 years and that is sad for you. For me, I will continue to do what I do and not worry about silly insignificant crap.

...and Trump is counting on you to continue to not care....
We won’t ever care cause you can’t state what your definition of fair is. Oh btw, since the irs hasn’t seized his property I can conclude, he paid what the law states he must pay!

Nor do I care how rich he is. I have a life
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By solving for simple poverty in our Republic.

You want to solve getting paid for you being lazy. Sorry, but that is greedy and self centered of you. Solving poverty is a good thing, allowing you to be lazy and expect others to support you is morally wrong.
Why do you believe that is immoral. A natural rate of unemployment Only exists for the bottom line of Capitalists.

Taking care of the poor and the afflicted is moral, taking care of a lazy man is folly.
The law is employment at will.

No there isn’t. Nothing guarantees you a job or money.
Solving simple poverty promotes the general welfare.

It solves our current lack of liquidity.
Working on my political arguments, how about you.

Wow you're working as hard on those as you are finding a job.

And FYI I moved out of my mother's house when I was 17.
Why do One Percenters need a tax break?
Why do the poor think they get one?
Financing tax cuts through debt financing is what we are talking about.
Stop spending, that’s simple
End the drug war, right wingers. There is no drug war clause in the republican doctrine.
Wow you're working as hard on those as you are finding a job.

And FYI I moved out of my mother's house when I was 17.
Why do One Percenters need a tax break?
Why do the poor think they get one?
Financing tax cuts through debt financing is what we are talking about.
Stop spending, that’s simple
End the drug war, right wingers. There is no drug war clause in the republican doctrine.
Stop spending
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

I guess that we can't really answer most of your questions as to who are the rich, and what is their fair share, until Trump releases his returns.

So Trump’s tax return holds the key to all? Who would have known, since the beginning of time it has all come down to one person’s tax return.

Well, yeah, if that one person is the president of the United States, and based on his leaked 2015 return, will save $15 Million dollars per year, just for himself, and perhaps billions for his millionaire cabinet, associates, and donors. But, for the time being, I'll just stick to the issue that the GOP just handed their billionaire president a windfall, without anyone having the slightest information of whether or not it is conflict of interest. Nobody on that side of the aisle thinks that you have a right to know.

I really don’t care what he saves or pays, I didn’t care about Obama and his college transcripts, his taxes. You may cry for another 8 years and that is sad for you. For me, I will continue to do what I do and not worry about silly insignificant crap.

Once they set up "purple-lipped jugears" to be elected it was too late to care about all that Birth Certificate malarkey also. I said so day 1. What you gonna do? Deport the elected President? To his home country of Kenya?
That would be me allow me to introduce myself.
Why do One Percenters need a tax break?
Why do the poor think they get one?
Financing tax cuts through debt financing is what we are talking about.
Stop spending, that’s simple
End the drug war, right wingers. There is no drug war clause in the republican doctrine.
Stop spending
All politicial talk and no political action. End the drug war.
Why do the poor think they get one?
Financing tax cuts through debt financing is what we are talking about.
Stop spending, that’s simple
End the drug war, right wingers. There is no drug war clause in the republican doctrine.
Stop spending
All politicial talk and no political action. End the drug war.
Why isn’t holder behind bars? Take your obsession somewhere else

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