Who exactly IS this guy?

When the evil has become so great that it poisons everything it comes in contact with, anything that is less than that evil is acceptable.

It's sort of like being offered a cyanide cocktail or foul tasting cough syrup. You might not like the taste of one, but the other will kill you. None of the above isn't an option. We will have one or the other. Romney for all his warts and faults is better than obama. Romney doesn't hate us.

Suppose Romney is nothing more than a robber baron. Suppose his only goal is to further enrich himself at the expense of everyone else. Then the choice is this one:

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
C. S. Lewis

No matter how you look at it, unless you believe in absolute tyranny, Romney is your only choice.
I think that point though, is that it should have already been pretty clear that was the best that Romney had to offer, and somehow that was still who the party went with.

So what! It's not like we didn't have a primary and other candidates weren't considered. We had a primary with many candidates including two libertarians, Gary Johnson and Ron Paul. They didn't win. Romney won.

Yeah....notice you omit the freak Michelle Bachman LOL!
When the evil has become so great that it poisons everything it comes in contact with, anything that is less than that evil is acceptable.

It's sort of like being offered a cyanide cocktail or foul tasting cough syrup. You might not like the taste of one, but the other will kill you. None of the above isn't an option. We will have one or the other. Romney for all his warts and faults is better than obama. Romney doesn't hate us.

Suppose Romney is nothing more than a robber baron. Suppose his only goal is to further enrich himself at the expense of everyone else. Then the choice is this one:

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
C. S. Lewis

No matter how you look at it, unless you believe in absolute tyranny, Romney is your only choice.

I would think that sensible conservatives, if there is such an animal, if they are seriously displeased with having to settle for Romney, would want him to lose.

Look - if he wins, you conservatives will be out in the cold for 8 more years no matter how it goes.

Romney will be in for 4, and then run again. So you're stuck with 8 years of Romney, or 4 years of Romney and then 4 years, at least, with a Democrat.

At least if Romney loses, you'd have another shot 4 years from now at getting a more genuine conservative nominated.

8 years is a long time out in the cold.

We won't survive four more years of obama. Just from what he's done so far, we know that four more years isn't survivable.

More terrorist rhetoric :clap2:
Apparently about 99% of the political junkie types on the Right are only voting for Romney because he's not Obama.

How is that possible, given all the noise we've heard literally for years now about how America is really a conservative nation, and, recently,

how much power and influence the tea Party types on the Right now have in the Republican party?

How did you guys end up having to vote for another guy you think is the lesser evil?

well 98% of the AA community is gonna vote for him because he's black, so cut us some slack whydonchya? :D
I think that point though, is that it should have already been pretty clear that was the best that Romney had to offer, and somehow that was still who the party went with.

So what! It's not like we didn't have a primary and other candidates weren't considered. We had a primary with many candidates including two libertarians, Gary Johnson and Ron Paul. They didn't win. Romney won.

Yeah well it says a lot about how often people vote against their own self interests.

Even Pawlenty would have been WAY better than Romney. He pussed out after Ames though, which I really don't understand.

But the CONS will still vote for MITTENS.....why?

BECAUSE HE'S REPUBLICAN (at least on paper)!

For them it's always party first.....country last!

Mitt is the John Kerry of the republican party. I think I've said that before. Obama is going to win... I won't vote for him... But he's going to win because Mitt is going to lose, actually lost already and will likely lose more as time goes on, the majority of independents.

obama is going to lose and one of the reasons he is going to lose is because he just won't have enough money to continue his campaign. As much money as he's taken in, he is flat broke.

Although obama is going to lose anyway, he is only one more scandal away from being driven out by torches and pitchforks.
I think that point though, is that it should have already been pretty clear that was the best that Romney had to offer, and somehow that was still who the party went with.

So what! It's not like we didn't have a primary and other candidates weren't considered. We had a primary with many candidates including two libertarians, Gary Johnson and Ron Paul. They didn't win. Romney won.

Yeah....notice you omit the freak Michelle Bachman LOL!

a good reason not to vote democrat,, their assinine rhetoric.
So what! It's not like we didn't have a primary and other candidates weren't considered. We had a primary with many candidates including two libertarians, Gary Johnson and Ron Paul. They didn't win. Romney won.

Yeah well it says a lot about how often people vote against their own self interests.

Even Pawlenty would have been WAY better than Romney. He pussed out after Ames though, which I really don't understand.

But the CONS will still vote for MITTENS.....why?

BECAUSE HE'S REPUBLICAN (at least on paper)!

For them it's always party first.....country last!

we don't like the way you asswipes talk and try to push everyone around and throw around the word "terrorist" if you want our vote you're gonna have to do some heavy ass kissing to get it. now go play in your cabbage patch.
So what! It's not like we didn't have a primary and other candidates weren't considered. We had a primary with many candidates including two libertarians, Gary Johnson and Ron Paul. They didn't win. Romney won.

Yeah well it says a lot about how often people vote against their own self interests.

Even Pawlenty would have been WAY better than Romney. He pussed out after Ames though, which I really don't understand.

But the CONS will still vote for MITTENS.....why?

BECAUSE HE'S REPUBLICAN (at least on paper)!

For them it's always party first.....country last!

Actually you've got that wrong, it's country first, as well.

O'Bummer is a loser, all the way around.
Who exactly IS this guy?

He’s bored Patrician who hasn’t anything better to do than run for president and lose.

Obummer ran just so enemies of the state could get their feet in the door.

He's not running things.

It's gonna take awhile to undo the damage they've done and we'll be fighting with them for years afterwards.
I don't believe that is what Romney is running his campaign on he is running it on he is the better person deal with the economy will that work time will tell.

Willard is the biggest flip flopping idiot in history. He has literally been against then for virtually every stance he's had. The right wing goons don't care, they obediently vote (R) no matter what at every elections.

Independents and others aren't going to go for that. Just like they didn't in 04'
Just like left wing goons don't care about every flip flop from Obama oh wait I forgot he doesn't flip flop he evolves sheesh. Independents and other's will not be buying into all the over the top Obama hope and change hype as they did four years ago he is not the blank canvas he was then the people know him and what he is about now.


But at least he is not a dishonest, cheating, lying, job-wrecking, tax evading slick Wall Street operative CROOK huh?

Mitt is the John Kerry of the republican party. I think I've said that before. Obama is going to win... I won't vote for him... But he's going to win because Mitt is going to lose, actually lost already and will likely lose more as time goes on, the majority of independents.

obama is going to lose and one of the reasons he is going to lose is because he just won't have enough money to continue his campaign. As much money as he's taken in, he is flat broke.

Although obama is going to lose anyway, he is only one more scandal away from being driven out by torches and pitchforks.
Would you like to bet on that? Say... I don't know... A month of whatever I want as your sig?
Who exactly IS this guy?

He’s bored Patrician who hasn’t anything better to do than run for president and lose.

Obummer ran just so enemies of the state could get their feet in the door.

He's not running things.

It's gonna take awhile to undo the damage they've done and we'll be fighting with them for years afterwards.

Take a while?

You've only given him four years to undo Bush's eight years of damage.

Are you lost in the space-time continuum or something?
You wouldn't happen to have ah.....something like a POINT you're trying to make here with this idiotic post would you?????


You mean idiotic on a scale of one to believing government is going to solve your problems for you because a politician who's also a lawyer told you they would? I'd say it's a 4...

Mitt is the John Kerry of the republican party. I think I've said that before. Obama is going to win... I won't vote for him... But he's going to win because Mitt is going to lose, actually lost already and will likely lose more as time goes on, the majority of independents.

obama is going to lose and one of the reasons he is going to lose is because he just won't have enough money to continue his campaign. As much money as he's taken in, he is flat broke.

Although obama is going to lose anyway, he is only one more scandal away from being driven out by torches and pitchforks.

Hey.....your tinfoil is getting old. You might need to make yourself a new helmet.
Yup, passing a GOP plan for health reform, WAYYY overdue, exactly like Romneycare, a PROVEN SUCCESS, is COMMUNISM! The dupes are just off the wall brainwashed haters. Change the channel.

Keeping the victiims of the Pub cronyism/corruption DEPRESSION from ruin and homelessness is MARXISM. Stfu, morons. LOL!

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