Who for 2024

The big problem with the Dem/Corpoate technocracy is that they think punishing Trump voters actually benefits them.
They are oblivious to human nature. That what they are dong is actually radicalising them. Say what you like about Trump he didn't order decrees to put Obama in jail over the spying scandal, nor did he call for censorship of the liberal press. He was the most open and accesible President in history. During the china virus he had daily press conferences, when old Joe was in his basement.
Censorship breeds radicalism. People banned from Twitter and Facebook will go to Bitchute and other channels and hear more radicalised people.
How on Earth can you justify the banning of the Walkaway Movement which is centrist? Do you not see what you are doing is self defeating. You think they will ever go back to voting Dems again after being branded domestic terrorists and insurgents?
I agree to a degree. But Trump had chance after chance after chance. Walkaway are unapologetically Trump supporters. They should get their own platforms up and running.
The big problem with the Dem/Corpoate technocracy is that they think punishing Trump voters actually benefits them.
They are oblivious to human nature. That what they are dong is actually radicalising them. Say what you like about Trump he didn't order decrees to put Obama in jail over the spying scandal, nor did he call for censorship of the liberal press. He was the most open and accesible President in history. During the china virus he had daily press conferences, when old Joe was in his basement.
Censorship breeds radicalism. People banned from Twitter and Facebook will go to Bitchute and other channels and hear more radicalised people.
How on Earth can you justify the banning of the Walkaway Movement which is centrist? Do you not see what you are doing is self defeating. You think they will ever go back to voting Dems again after being branded domestic terrorists and insurgents?

Cool collection of short stories bruh. :cuckoo:
Yeah. Real calm so far. First Amendment gone and he's not even inaugurated.

Aw, c'mon. This thread isn't even 10 posts on and you're into conspiracy theories already. Biden has absolutely no say on who Twitter bans or doesn't ban. Nor should he. Have a crack at Twitter if you want. Go for it. But stop with this sound bite shit "Twitter banned Trump, ergo they must be libs, ergo it's Biden's fault". Seriously. This is one reason the US is so fucked at the moment. Antifa riots so ALL libs lover rioters, right? Spoken to a tonne of lefties over the past year. Tonnes had sympathy for the way Floyd died. Have yet to talk to one - ONE - who agreed with the riots.
I'm only here today because my platform of several years (Parler) has been removed by Amazon. My friend (non American) was banned from Facebook for suggesting that the November election was stolen. He can question any election in the world at any point in history, apart from the November U.S elections of 2020.
We can question our own election in our country, but will be banned if we question yours.
Biden's transition team have called for even MORE censorship and said deplatforming is not enough.
I'm hoping to join Gab soon, but it has collapsed due to demand. Well done, Jack.
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The big problem with the Dem/Corpoate technocracy is that they think punishing Trump voters actually benefits them.
They are oblivious to human nature. That what they are dong is actually radicalising them. Say what you like about Trump he didn't order decrees to put Obama in jail over the spying scandal, nor did he call for censorship of the liberal press. He was the most open and accesible President in history. During the china virus he had daily press conferences, when old Joe was in his basement.
Censorship breeds radicalism. People banned from Twitter and Facebook will go to Bitchute and other channels and hear more radicalised people.
How on Earth can you justify the banning of the Walkaway Movement which is centrist? Do you not see what you are doing is self defeating. You think they will ever go back to voting Dems again after being branded domestic terrorists and insurgents?
I agree to a degree. But Trump had chance after chance after chance. Walkaway are unapologetically Trump supporters. They should get their own platforms up and running.
Get their own platforms up and running then taken away by Google and Amazon? Right.
How can the Presidents of Iran, Cuba and Venezuela keep in touch with their base, but in America, no.
You have gone down the rabbit hole. You are blind with hatred that you can't see what you are doing.
We haven’t even had the inauguration yet and you want to talk about the election in 2024. :lol:
I'm trying to look further down the track. Even though the Dems have both houses etc, I think Joe's presidency will be a bit 'calmer' than He Who Shall Not Be Named. Just thinking, the real work will begin in four years time when you'll be looking at people who are going to be around for a while.

You're also ass-uming Biden won't be running for a second term on account of age. That's the same reason a lot of armchair analysts said he wouldn't run this time.
Don't get me wrong. I hope he runs a second time. But without Dominion and BLM vote counters.
The big problem with the Dem/Corpoate technocracy is that they think punishing Trump voters actually benefits them.
They are oblivious to human nature. That what they are dong is actually radicalising them. Say what you like about Trump he didn't order decrees to put Obama in jail over the spying scandal, nor did he call for censorship of the liberal press. He was the most open and accesible President in history. During the china virus he had daily press conferences, when old Joe was in his basement.
Censorship breeds radicalism. People banned from Twitter and Facebook will go to Bitchute and other channels and hear more radicalised people.
How on Earth can you justify the banning of the Walkaway Movement which is centrist? Do you not see what you are doing is self defeating. You think they will ever go back to voting Dems again after being branded domestic terrorists and insurgents?

Cool collection of short stories bruh. :cuckoo:
I tried to be nice and engage you. You are my first ignore.
Let's get away from all the ruckus and personalities of politics for the moment - ie, let's just concentrate on the politics not the people, as in policies and those that can instigate them.
Who are the Dem and Repub choices for 2024? And let's pick people who actually do want to help. Not far lefties or righties. Just normal pollies who really do want to help.
I assume Biden won't be running in 2024, he'll be too old. Surely.

I'm picking Harris, Beto and Tulsi for the Dems. Harris might be too polarising though.
Who's moderate on the right side. I would have thought Cruz (even thought I can't stand him), but him voting against the EC votes has made me think he might be a little bit too right/conspiracy theorist.

For the Republicans, unless they nominate Trump, they lost. I suppose they will nominate Romney or Sasse or Kasich or Flake. And get schlonged.

As far as the Democrats, don't count Sleepy Joe out at all. Although he's daft, his old lady, the "doctor" and his beloved son pushed him to power not just so they can give it up.
Yeah. Real calm so far. First Amendment gone and he's not even inaugurated.

Aw, c'mon. This thread isn't even 10 posts on and you're into conspiracy theories already. Biden has absolutely no say on who Twitter bans or doesn't ban. Nor should he. Have a crack at Twitter if you want. Go for it. But stop with this sound bite shit "Twitter banned Trump, ergo they must be libs, ergo it's Biden's fault". Seriously. This is one reason the US is so fucked at the moment. Antifa riots so ALL libs lover rioters, right? Spoken to a tonne of lefties over the past year. Tonnes had sympathy for the way Floyd died. Have yet to talk to one - ONE - who agreed with the riots.
I'm only here today because my platform of several years (Parler) has been removed by Amazon. My friend (non American) was banned from Facebook for suggesting that the November election was stolen. He can question any election in the world at any point in history, apart from the November U.S elections of 2020.
We can question our own election in our country, but will be banned if we question yours.
Biden's transition team have called for even MORE censorship and said deplatforming is not enough.
I'm hoping to join Gab soon, but it has collapsed due to demand. Well done, Jack.

I think the social media platforms are just getting sick of the lies and innuendo. Something goes from an opinion to fact and has an absolute devastating effect on countries. Like saying the election was stolen with absolutely no proof. If I owned Twitter and Facebook I would have banned Trump too. Don't get me wrong, if he showed verifiable proof of his assertions, that is whole different story. The only person to blame for this shit is Trump himself. But like most far righties, he takes no responsibility for his actions. And that is on him. Why should Twitter allow him to pollute their platform when he's not willing to back up his assertions?
Get their own platforms up and running then taken away by Google and Amazon? Right.
How can the Presidents of Iran, Cuba and Venezuela keep in touch with their base, but in America, no.
You have gone down the rabbit hole. You are blind with hatred that you can't see what you are doing.
Yep, I do find that hypocritical, but in saying that can you give me tweets from those mentioned that give you concern. That being said, I also have much higher expectations/standards from the President of the US than I do of Iranian, Cuban or Venezuelan leaders.
Let's get away from all the ruckus and personalities of politics for the moment - ie, let's just concentrate on the politics not the people, as in policies and those that can instigate them.
Who are the Dem and Repub choices for 2024? And let's pick people who actually do want to help. Not far lefties or righties. Just normal pollies who really do want to help.
I assume Biden won't be running in 2024, he'll be too old. Surely.

I'm picking Harris, Beto and Tulsi for the Dems. Harris might be too polarising though.
Who's moderate on the right side. I would have thought Cruz (even thought I can't stand him), but him voting against the EC votes has made me think he might be a little bit too right/conspiracy theorist.

For the Republicans, unless they nominate Trump, they lost. I suppose they will nominate Romney or Sasse or Kasich or Flake. And get schlonged.

As far as the Democrats, don't count Sleepy Joe out at all. Although he's daft, his old lady, the "doctor" and his beloved son pushed him to power not just so they can give it up.

Romney or Kasich?? Hmmm that would be interesting.
Nah, Joe won't go for two. Too old.
Yeah. Real calm so far. First Amendment gone and he's not even inaugurated.

Aw, c'mon. This thread isn't even 10 posts on and you're into conspiracy theories already. Biden has absolutely no say on who Twitter bans or doesn't ban. Nor should he. Have a crack at Twitter if you want. Go for it. But stop with this sound bite shit "Twitter banned Trump, ergo they must be libs, ergo it's Biden's fault". Seriously. This is one reason the US is so fucked at the moment. Antifa riots so ALL libs lover rioters, right? Spoken to a tonne of lefties over the past year. Tonnes had sympathy for the way Floyd died. Have yet to talk to one - ONE - who agreed with the riots.
I'm only here today because my platform of several years (Parler) has been removed by Amazon. My friend (non American) was banned from Facebook for suggesting that the November election was stolen. He can question any election in the world at any point in history, apart from the November U.S elections of 2020.
We can question our own election in our country, but will be banned if we question yours.
Biden's transition team have called for even MORE censorship and said deplatforming is not enough.
I'm hoping to join Gab soon, but it has collapsed due to demand. Well done, Jack.

I think the social media platforms are just getting sick of the lies and innuendo. Something goes from an opinion to fact and has an absolute devastating effect on countries. Like saying the election was stolen with absolutely no proof. If I owned Twitter and Facebook I would have banned Trump too, but now. Don't get me wrong, if he showed verifiable proof of his assertions, that is whole different story. The only person to blame for this shit is Trump himself. But like most far righties, he takes no responsibility for his actions. And that is on him. Why should Twitter allow him to pollute their platform when he's not willing to back up his assertions?
No proof of election fraud?
Apart from the hundreds of witnesses, video evidence, whistleblowers, expert analysis, mathematical impossibilities and Constitutional breaches.
All the Dems had to do was allow an audit. Trump fans didn't ask for much. Just an audit. It could have been cleared up in 2 days. Now we have 4 years of division and conflict because they refused an audit. The audit was the peacemaker. That boat has sailed, The blood spilled from now on is on the Democrats hands.
Get their own platforms up and running then taken away by Google and Amazon? Right.
How can the Presidents of Iran, Cuba and Venezuela keep in touch with their base, but in America, no.
You have gone down the rabbit hole. You are blind with hatred that you can't see what you are doing.
Yep, I do find that hypocritical, but in saying that can you give me tweets from those mentioned that give you concern. That being said, I also have much higher expectations/standards from the President of the US than I do of Iranian, Cuban or Venezuelan leaders.
Trump's last video online was an appeal for his supporters to go home and not be violent.
Facebook said, because he used the term "American Patriots" it was a dog whistle to racists and banned him.
His appeal for peace was removed, and then the lie came out that he was inciting violence. Of course, he was not given a chance to come back.
Let's get away from all the ruckus and personalities of politics for the moment - ie, let's just concentrate on the politics not the people, as in policies and those that can instigate them.
Who are the Dem and Repub choices for 2024? And let's pick people who actually do want to help. Not far lefties or righties. Just normal pollies who really do want to help.
I assume Biden won't be running in 2024, he'll be too old. Surely.

I'm picking Harris, Beto and Tulsi for the Dems. Harris might be too polarising though.
Who's moderate on the right side. I would have thought Cruz (even thought I can't stand him), but him voting against the EC votes has made me think he might be a little bit too right/conspiracy theorist.
R is Trump.
D is any old piece of shit who won't threaten to tax Corporate America based on assets.
Let's get away from all the ruckus and personalities of politics for the moment - ie, let's just concentrate on the politics not the people, as in policies and those that can instigate them.
Who are the Dem and Repub choices for 2024? And let's pick people who actually do want to help. Not far lefties or righties. Just normal pollies who really do want to help.
I assume Biden won't be running in 2024, he'll be too old. Surely.

I'm picking Harris, Beto and Tulsi for the Dems. Harris might be too polarising though.
Who's moderate on the right side. I would have thought Cruz (even thought I can't stand him), but him voting against the EC votes has made me think he might be a little bit too right/conspiracy theorist.

For the Republicans, unless they nominate Trump, they lost. I suppose they will nominate Romney or Sasse or Kasich or Flake. And get schlonged.

As far as the Democrats, don't count Sleepy Joe out at all. Although he's daft, his old lady, the "doctor" and his beloved son pushed him to power not just so they can give it up.

Romney or Kasich?? Hmmm that would be interesting.
Nah, Joe won't go for two. Too old.

Joe is too old now. But with his family behind him, he's just going to be a figure head. Elizabeth II is 94 years old over in England and still going strong as monarch.

Romney or Kasich would be "interesting" if you are interested in seeing someone receive a Royal Schlonging. Kasich would probably do worse that Romney or Flake. Those fellows are both ordained ministers in the Mormon church and would enjoy tremendous support in the mountain west areas where the LDS predominate.
Get their own platforms up and running then taken away by Google and Amazon? Right.
How can the Presidents of Iran, Cuba and Venezuela keep in touch with their base, but in America, no.
You have gone down the rabbit hole. You are blind with hatred that you can't see what you are doing.
Yep, I do find that hypocritical, but in saying that can you give me tweets from those mentioned that give you concern. That being said, I also have much higher expectations/standards from the President of the US than I do of Iranian, Cuban or Venezuelan leaders.
Trump's last video online was an appeal for his supporters to go home and not be violent.
Facebook said, because he used the term "American Patriots" it was a dog whistle to racists and banned him.
His appeal for peace was removed, and then the lie came out that he was inciting violence. Of course, he was not given a chance to come back.
Dr Chump is dumb as dog waste.
Let's get away from all the ruckus and personalities of politics for the moment - ie, let's just concentrate on the politics not the people, as in policies and those that can instigate them.
Who are the Dem and Repub choices for 2024? And let's pick people who actually do want to help. Not far lefties or righties. Just normal pollies who really do want to help.
I assume Biden won't be running in 2024, he'll be too old. Surely.

I'm picking Harris, Beto and Tulsi for the Dems. Harris might be too polarising though.
Who's moderate on the right side. I would have thought Cruz (even thought I can't stand him), but him voting against the EC votes has made me think he might be a little bit too right/conspiracy theorist.

For the Republicans, unless they nominate Trump, they lost. I suppose they will nominate Romney or Sasse or Kasich or Flake. And get schlonged.

As far as the Democrats, don't count Sleepy Joe out at all. Although he's daft, his old lady, the "doctor" and his beloved son pushed him to power not just so they can give it up.
Most ex Trump supporters will vote for a candidate who follows his doctrine. That narrows it down to 5 or 6 people.
No proof of election fraud?
Apart from the hundreds of witnesses, video evidence, whistleblowers, expert analysis, mathematical impossibilities and Constitutional breaches.
All the Dems had to do was allow an audit. Trump fans didn't ask for much. Just an audit. It could have been cleared up in 2 days. Now we have 4 years of division and conflict because they refused an audit. The audit was the peacemaker. That boat has sailed, The blood spilled from now on is on the Democrats hands.

That's right. No proof. Georgia specifically asked Trump during the phone call that was taped to send through the proof so they could investigate the claims. Said he didn't need to. Really? Where are these witnesses, video evidence, whistleblowers? Where is the expert analysis? What Constitutional breaches? What mathematical impossibilities?

I know you're new to this board but I've asked for links ad nauseum from Trump supporters on this board. Nada. There's been the odd link to a third person stating this, that and the other, but they have been opinion based. No actual evidence.

Apparently there were thousands of Trump supporters who turned up to vote in Georgia only to be told they couldn't because they had already voted. Interesting. Only issue is, where are they? I haven't seen one interviewed, or sue the Georgian state govt. You?

Also, all the allegations Giuliani made in public he refused to make when in front of a judge. Why?
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Let's get away from all the ruckus and personalities of politics for the moment - ie, let's just concentrate on the politics not the people, as in policies and those that can instigate them.
Who are the Dem and Repub choices for 2024? And let's pick people who actually do want to help. Not far lefties or righties. Just normal pollies who really do want to help.
I assume Biden won't be running in 2024, he'll be too old. Surely.

I'm picking Harris, Beto and Tulsi for the Dems. Harris might be too polarising though.
Who's moderate on the right side. I would have thought Cruz (even thought I can't stand him), but him voting against the EC votes has made me think he might be a little bit too right/conspiracy theorist.

Harris, Beto and Tulsi? Dang, you've certainly picked people that want to help, but they only want to help themselves.
Trump's last video online was an appeal for his supporters to go home and not be violent.
Facebook said, because he used the term "American Patriots" it was a dog whistle to racists and banned him.
His appeal for peace was removed, and then the lie came out that he was inciting violence. Of course, he was not given a chance to come back.

A day late and a dollar short. He only did that after the woman died. He was there at the beginning, but like the coward he is, didn't actually do anything but egg others on.

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