Who has ever been to Israel?

I have been to ..

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Zionism "arrived" in Judaism more than 3000 years ago, 3000 year old scriptural literature describes what are today called "arabs" as ISHMAELITES---people who do not build permanent homes, move about in caravans, are illiterate and dangerous on the high road---they traded in spices, perfumes
and slaves. I read the bible as a child----you must have missed it. Jesus
was a zionist as is clearly represented in the "New Testes" The concept of
zion is even mentioned in the KHARAHan. Did the rapist of mecca learn
about it in Poland?

Perhaps. Arabs build permanent homes. Bedouin always have a relationship with townies.

Abraham had six other sons by his Arab wife Keturah. I posted a map and information about ancient Arab towns on this thread. Same thing is true about Palestine. Sargon2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria during the Babylonian exile.
Perhaps. Arabs build permanent homes. Bedouin always have a relationship with townies.

Abraham had six other sons by his Arab wife Keturah. I posted a map and information about ancient Arab towns on this thread. Same thing is true about Palestine. Sargon2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria during the Babylonian exile.
Because of the fact that you describe just about every person in the
ancient Levant as "an arab" ---your comment is worthless. Akkadians were
not "arabs" ----as to Keturah you are guessing that she was an Ishmaelite.
The "arabs" of today did not become "arabs" until they EVENTUALLY adopted arabic as their language because they were conquered by arabic speaking Imperialists. I speak English----but am not an Anglican or Episcopalian. Sargon was an Akkadian whose empire stretched thru Arabia----not an arab---he was literate in a written language. Your grasp of history is marred by your
misuse of semantics.
Because of the fact that you describe just about every person in the
ancient Levant as "an arab" ---your comment is worthless. Akkadians were
not "arabs" ----as to Keturah you are guessing that she was an Ishmaelite.
The "arabs" of today did not become "arabs" until they EVENTUALLY adopted arabic as their language because they were conquered by arabic speaking Imperialists. I speak English----but am not an Anglican or Episcopalian. Sargon was an Akkadian whose empire stretched thru Arabia----not an arab---he was literate in a written language. Your grasp of history is marred by your
misuse of semantics.

Till this day there are many Arab families with the surname Akkad. Even the Akkadian language is like listening t heavy accented Arabic . Most Biblical Historians and archeologists are afraid to upset the zionists and lose their jobs by promoting this fact , because if they admit to it it means Mesopotamia was Arab making Abraham an Arab and everything would change .

The fact is Arabs were all over the region even recorded in Babylonian Tablets naming Arab tribes such as the Beit Zamani which is conveniently swept under the carpet in favour of Arabs having only entered so called Mesopotamia with Islam . Look up “On the Original Home of the Semites” by Jehoshua M. Grintz, and The Arabs as Semites Arabia the Cradle of the Semitic Race by Phillip Hitti
Who has mingled with Muslims all over the world?

What a ridiculous statement.

Most people in the world simply don't concern themselves with Jews. It's obviously very important to you because you spew hatred and reaction in every post.
I referred to Muslims thruout the world ----not every person in the world.
Your statement which you seem to want to convey the idea that "MOST
MUSLIMS" in the world do not concern themselves with jews is HILARIOUS.
Such an idiotic statement would be tantamount to an assertion "Most
christians have never heard of jews". Try reading the Kharahan---I read
it at age 20 when a copy of Pickthall fell into my hands. I rifled thru the
and noticed that the book is OBSESSED with JOOOOOS----you must have
missed both the Koran and the NT (I read that one at about age ten). Have
you ever met a Pakistani? a Kenyan Muslim? Afghani? Bangladeshi? ---
you have OBVIOUSLY never been in a mosque. Do you live in a bubble?
Till this day there are many Arab families with the surname Akkad. Even the Akkadian language is like listening t heavy accented Arabic . Most Biblical Historians and archeologists are afraid to upset the zionists and lose their jobs by promoting this fact , because if they admit to it it means Mesopotamia was Arab making Abraham an Arab and everything would change .

The fact is Arabs were all over the region even recorded in Babylonian Tablets naming Arab tribes such as the Beit Zamani which is conveniently swept under the carpet in favour of Arabs having only entered so called Mesopotamia with Islam . Look up “On the Original Home of the Semites” by Jehoshua M. Grintz, and The Arabs as Semites Arabia the Cradle of the Semitic Race by Phillip Hitti
your problem is that "similarity in language thing"----A bit of humor for
you. Muslim colleagues of mine --when I was still working---often
concluded that I know arabic because of the bits and pieces of their either
limited or sometimes fluent arabic that I could pick up based on my limited
Hebrew. Muslims from southeast Asia who themselves knew only bits
of arabic----were the MOST IMPRESSED. You express notions that reveal
either ignorance or dissembling. Phillip Hitti has nothing at all exciting
to say. He is an "ARAB NATIONALIST". ---and the Russians did not
invent the electroencephalogram. Russian nationalism is just as idiotic
as is arab nationalism. Putin thinks he OWNS the Ukraine
from Surada: "Till this day there are many Arab families with the surname Akkad"

from Rosie. Poor innocent surada has not figured out the "family
name" issue despite her extensive "knowledge" Here is a test, surada.
What does the family name MASRY indicate? BERLIN? KOURY?
SHABAZZI? My all time fave ASHKENAZI?
Perhaps. Arabs build permanent homes. Bedouin always have a relationship with townies.

think TIME AND PLACE---what does "always" mean in the language of arab nationalism?----the famous "arab" Hammarabi? or RAMSES II?
from Surada: "Till this day there are many Arab families with the surname Akkad"

from Rosie. Poor innocent surada has not figured out the "family
name" issue despite her extensive "knowledge" Here is a test, surada.
What does the family name MASRY indicate? BERLIN? KOURY?
SHABAZZI? My all time fave ASHKENAZI?

Prehistoric to Iron Age
Ubaid period (5300 BCE) – could have originated in Eastern Arabia.
Umm Al Nar culture (2600–2000 BCE)
Sabr culture (2000 BCE)
Wadi Suq Culture (1900–1300 BCE)
Lizq/Rumaylah = Early Iron Age (1300–300 BCE)
Samad Period Late Iron Age (c. 100 BCE–c.300 CE)

Prehistoric to Iron Age
Ubaid period (5300 BCE) – could have originated in Eastern Arabia.
Umm Al Nar culture (2600–2000 BCE)
Sabr culture (2000 BCE)
Wadi Suq Culture (1900–1300 BCE)
Lizq/Rumaylah = Early Iron Age (1300–300 BCE)
Samad Period Late Iron Age (c. 100 BCE–c.300 CE)

Your point? there were humans there and some Anthropologist
NAMED aggregates thereof and some other people imagined
territories thereof.. I spent part of my life on the land of the LENNILENAPES--
they are as extinct as are the AKKADIANS---- .
Your point? there were humans there and some Anthropologist
NAMED aggregates thereof and some other people imagined
territories thereof.. I spent part of my life on the land of the LENNILENAPES--
they are as extinct as are the AKKADIANS---- .
You sure are defensive.
Muslims did not exist in the second century. Please cite your second century source for the term "PALESTINIAN ARAB"---or any written source for the term "Palestinian arab" or
"muhummad the palestinian" before 1964. The Russians did not actually invent peanut butter or the electoencephalogram

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