Who has helped blacks the most...Democrats or Republicans?

Who has helped blacks the most?

  • Democrats

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • Republicans

    Votes: 19 70.4%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 2 7.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
They have been led through the nose for so long it hard for them not to b-a-a-b-a-a-a-a-a.

In other words, your racism comes through in "concluding" that blacks are a bunch of idiots???

.......and, btw

Rebut what was said by the messenger. Give me links that refute anything significant that was presented in the video. The speaker is from Vanderbilt University. The video is merely presented by Prager.

You're a rather arrogant prick...much like many other uneducated assholes I know of.

educated people know better than to end a sentence with a preposition.

a better construction would be: "You're a rather arrogant prick...much like many other uneducated assholes whom i have known"

it will feel awkward at first, but you only get one chance to make a first impression, and that preposition at the end of a sentence screams *flunked out of juco first semester*

prager is a hack- anyone presented by him is a hack.

why would i waste my time on a hack?

bon chance!

Blacks would be wise to start helping themselves and cease depending on anyone pulling them up.
Blacks need to be convinced of several things.
The Democrat Party is not their friend. The Democrat Welfare System is not their friend. The Democrat led liberal governments of shithole liberal cities are not their friends.
Blacks need to be convinced of several things.
The Democrat Party is not their friend. The Democrat Welfare System is not their friend. The Democrat led liberal governments of shithole liberal cities are not their friends.

Well, right wing nitwits......As of today, your ilk is in charge of EVERY facet of government.........GO FOR IT !!!!

Blacks need to be convinced of several things.
The Democrat Party is not their friend. The Democrat Welfare System is not their friend. The Democrat led liberal governments of shithole liberal cities are not their friends.

Well, right wing nitwits......As of today, your ilk is in charge of EVERY facet of government.........GO FOR IT !!!!

Read again, numbnut.
The Democrat led liberal governments of shithole liberal cities are not their friends.
Read again, numbnut.
The Democrat led liberal governments of shithole liberal cities are not their friends.

So, Mr. Fuckhead.......its the CITIES that issue "welfare checks" to blacks???

Yes or No???

(what an asshole.....lol)
Read again, numbnut.
The Democrat led liberal governments of shithole liberal cities are not their friends.

So, Mr. Fuckhead.......its the CITIES that issue "welfare checks" to blacks???

Yes or No???

(what an asshole.....lol)

We are talking about Democrats and Republicans being helpful to blacks, not just about welfare. You are a goddamned idiot and totally incapable of participating in logical conversation.
You are urged to watch the video before voting.

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The poll will be open for 30 days.

The answer is easy but you do not have it as a choice: Prior to 1964, Republicans, after 1964 until today, Democrats.
You are urged to watch the video before voting.

You cannot change your vote.

Your vote will not be displayed publicly.

You may view the results without voting.

The poll will be open for 30 days.

You do realize that's all about the conservative wing of the Democratic Party, right?
Blacks would be wise to start helping themselves and cease depending on anyone pulling them up.
Blacks need to be convinced of several things.
The Democrat Party is not their friend. The Democrat Welfare System is not their friend. The Democrat led liberal governments of shithole liberal cities are not their friends.

There are far more whites on the 'welfare system' than blacks.
You are urged to watch the video before voting.

You cannot change your vote.

Your vote will not be displayed publicly.

You may view the results without voting.

The poll will be open for 30 days.

The answer is easy but you do not have it as a choice: Prior to 1964, Republicans, after 1964 until today, Democrats.

The successful intent of the Democrat Party from 1964 to present day has been to give lip service to the idea of helping blacks while maintaining and benefiting from their continued problems. True it is that there are many welfare whore families that benefit greatly from sizeable welfare payments for each child in the family (as long as there is no father in the household) but the overall effect is detrimental to young blacks and their make positive and rewarding contributions to society as adults.

The Effects of Welfare Reform

The intention of Welfare programs is to benefit low income Americans, especially children. Yet the evidence indicates that children and parents are actively harmed rather than helped by welfare.

Nearly all Welfare aid for children goes to single parent households. But current research indicates that both Welfare dependence and single parenthood have significant deleterious effects on children's development, impeding their ability to become successful members of mainstream society.

  • Prolonged Welfare dependence reduces children's IQ levels. Dependence also reduces a child's earnings in future years; the longer a child remains on AFDC in childhood the lower will be his earnings as an adult. Being raised on Welfare also increases the probability that a child will drop out of school and will be on Welfare as an adult. Analysis shows that these effects are caused by Welfare per se, not simply poverty; a poor child without Welfare will do better than a similar poor child with welfare.

  • Out-of-wedlock childbearing and single parenthood are the principal causes of child poverty and Welfare dependence in the U.S. Children raised in single parent families are more likely to: experience behavioral and emotional problems; suffer from physical abuse; engage in early sexual activity, and do poorly in school. Boys raised in single parent households are more likely to engage in crime; girls are more likely themselves to give birth outside of marriage. These effects are the result of the collapse of marriage per se rather than poverty; a poor child living with a mother and father united in marriage will do better than a similar poor child living in a single parent home.

If you haven't watched the video and listened intently to every word the professor says, please do so. Listen carefully to what she says about the change in the Democrat agenda after the blacks were granted voting rights. In order to keep the blacks thinking that they need the Democrats to resolve their problems, the Democrats must keep promising to solve their problems without really doing so. Their intent is to perpetuate dependency upon mother government rather than to encourage individual success.

Blacks would be wise to start helping themselves and cease depending on anyone pulling them up.
Blacks need to be convinced of several things.
The Democrat Party is not their friend. The Democrat Welfare System is not their friend. The Democrat led liberal governments of shithole liberal cities are not their friends.

There are far more whites on the 'welfare system' than blacks.
That does not alter the ultimate effects of welfare on blacks or whites. The welfare system is designed to maintain dependency upon the government....in exchange for votes.
Blacks would be wise to start helping themselves and cease depending on anyone pulling them up.
Blacks need to be convinced of several things.
The Democrat Party is not their friend. The Democrat Welfare System is not their friend. The Democrat led liberal governments of shithole liberal cities are not their friends.

There are far more whites on the 'welfare system' than blacks.
That does not alter the ultimate effects of welfare on blacks or whites. The welfare system is designed to maintain dependency upon the government....in exchange for votes.
Its rather ironic that the states with the highest numbers on welfare are Alabama, Kentucky & Mississippi and they always vote Republican in the president elections. And that most people on welfare are white. Maryland has the 3rd highest percentage of blacks in the country but ranks 32nd in federal aid per capita. All this talk of welfare is just a dog whistle.
The successful intent of the Democrat Party from 1964 to present day has been to give lip service to the idea of helping blacks while maintaining and benefiting from their continued problems. True it is that there are many welfare whore families that benefit greatly from sizeable welfare payments for each child in the family (as long as there is no father in the household) but the overall effect is detrimental to young blacks and their make positive and rewarding contributions to society as adults.

The Effects of Welfare Reform

The intention of Welfare programs is to benefit low income Americans, especially children. Yet the evidence indicates that children and parents are actively harmed rather than helped by welfare.

Nearly all Welfare aid for children goes to single parent households. But current research indicates that both Welfare dependence and single parenthood have significant deleterious effects on children's development, impeding their ability to become successful members of mainstream society.

  • Prolonged Welfare dependence reduces children's IQ levels. Dependence also reduces a child's earnings in future years; the longer a child remains on AFDC in childhood the lower will be his earnings as an adult. Being raised on Welfare also increases the probability that a child will drop out of school and will be on Welfare as an adult. Analysis shows that these effects are caused by Welfare per se, not simply poverty; a poor child without Welfare will do better than a similar poor child with welfare.

  • Out-of-wedlock childbearing and single parenthood are the principal causes of child poverty and Welfare dependence in the U.S. Children raised in single parent families are more likely to: experience behavioral and emotional problems; suffer from physical abuse; engage in early sexual activity, and do poorly in school. Boys raised in single parent households are more likely to engage in crime; girls are more likely themselves to give birth outside of marriage. These effects are the result of the collapse of marriage per se rather than poverty; a poor child living with a mother and father united in marriage will do better than a similar poor child living in a single parent home.
If you haven't watched the video and listened intently to every word the professor says, please do so. Listen carefully to what she says about the change in the Democrat agenda after the blacks were granted voting rights. In order to keep the blacks thinking that they need the Democrats to resolve their problems, the Democrats must keep promising to solve their problems without really doing so. Their intent is to perpetuate dependency upon mother government rather than to encourage individual success.
If you believe there is a secret Democratic conspiracy to keep Blacks poor and dependent you give the Dems way too much credit. They are way too disorganized to ever pull that off.

If you believe welfare dependency is bad, you're not alone. It was Bill Clinton who signed a major welfare reform bill into law.

As to the video, it is a GOP propaganda piece, cherry picking history to put the best face on the GOP. The party of Lincoln is not the same party that it became after Goldwater and his support to States Rights (code for segregation). It was Johnson who forced the voting rights bill through Congress, noting in this Texan charm the it would show Blacks exactly who was on their side. It also reversed the political landscape turning the segregationist Southern Dems into the segregationist GOP.
We are talking about Democrats and Republicans being helpful to blacks, not just about welfare. You are a goddamned idiot and totally incapable of participating in logical conversation.

he Democrat Party is not their friend. The Democrat Welfare System is not their friend.

MORON, who wrote the above???

(go take a nap...........lol)
Republicans help all kinds of people.

They want to help blacks back into chains.

They want to help gays die.

They want to help billionaires who really, really need more money.

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