Who Here Stands With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?


You're entire theory essentially relies on a belief that "greed" only exists in "capitalist's" (the rich, wealthy, business peeps, etc) That is patently false. You can huff and puff about being "more moral" by "providing" a "good life" for every American (or human) all you want, but the reality is that people, in general, are proven to be both lazy and greedy and will take the easiest path 99% of the time. You cannot support a nation on these principles because the tax money dries up real fast when no one bothers to work.

EDIT: You can actually see the above principle in action when it comes to our public education - For example, it's not that our K-12 schools are not free and available; it's that the students drop out or fail to apply themselves to the "goal" of graduation. It's also not necessarily that the "education sucks" either, when's the last time any employer has asked any new hire about basic HS knowledge? Employers just want to see the piece of paper, the diploma, that say's Hey this kid was dedicated to graduating and put in the effort. The actual information learned in school, even college, is 90% quasi useless bullshit and 10% actual usable on the job information. They want to see proof of effort.

You are basically talking about a "Star Trek" fantasy economy, problem is we can't just replicate everything everyone needs for free. Every bit of what you want [that "quality of life"] costs money; money that won't magically appear simply because you want to do the "moral thing" for folks. EVEN if you completely got rid of the "trading money for labor" model we use, (aka straight up communism where the gov controls all jobs and shit) the gov would /still/ have to pay for many products and a foreign government which produces them (while American's sit on their asses) isn't going to accept your "moral currency" in trade - further that is an idea that 100% turns every citizen of the country into a slave of the government...

Start with this decent primer that goes fairly in depth about why supply side economics has made America one of the wealthiest nations on the planet, also touches upon how capitalism has massively reduced global poverty, which is a real and proven "morally good" argument.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and giga-recycling factories to help with social costs.
lol. I have an Argument and You don't.

Unemployment compensation for being unemployed in our at-will employment States solves for simple poverty.

Let's say fourteen dollars an hour for simply being unemployed.

No homeless person would be worse off.

Let's say fourteen dollars an hour for simply being unemployed.

Let's say no.
no arguments?

You make one first. It has to make economic sense. GO!
You have to have economic sense not just Talk economic sense, right wingers.

lol. I have an Argument and You don't.

Unemployment compensation for being unemployed in our at-will employment States solves for simple poverty.

Let's say fourteen dollars an hour for simply being unemployed.

No homeless person would be worse off.

lol. I have an Argument and You don't.

Handouts to people who don't work, who don't want to work, who never paid into the unemployment insurance system, just because they're unemployed, isn't an argument.

Unemployment compensation for being unemployed in our at-will employment States solves for simple poverty.

Handouts for not working will not solve poverty. They will incentivize sloth, they will reduce GDP and they will massively increase government spending. Then they'll be ended and we'll be worse off than before, and you'll still be broke, sleeping on someone's couch.

Let's say fourteen dollars an hour for simply being unemployed.

Let's not.
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and giga-recycling factories to help with social costs.
You didn't like my answer. Go look up the dropout rate for Chicago high schools and get back to me.
It’s not that I didn’t lkke your answer, it’s that you didn’t answer my question. I asked how educating the poor fits into the business model of a private company. Please explain how that would work.
Dumb question. Businesses aren't in the education business. They could be in the on the job training business for their particular field.
Talk about dumb, Read you’re own posts! There are plenty of private schools and universities, they are amongst the best in the world. But you are trying to make the point that government can’t provide education. Now you say private business aren’t in education. So please tell us how we educate the poor in our country. What’s your plan?
It's not the Federal government's job to educate people. Where did you ever get that idea? The local community can educate their children. That's their responsibility.
It is the responsibility of every level of government
Your opinion. I disagree with the idea of the Federal Government involvement in education.
Who Here Stands With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?


maybe the DNC will ask her to pay some dues and tow some Party line regarding the Democrat platform.

Tow some line where ?

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and giga-recycling factories to help with social costs.
A cost of living adjustment, a solution for simple poverty, and a sustainable solution for our environment.

For the People! Not the capital Profit!

A cost of living adjustment, a solution for simple poverty,

An expensive handout that incentivizes sloth. Nope.
No, it doesn't. Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

Stop complaining about the poor not paying their share of Taxes, right wingers.

No, it doesn't.

Yes, it incentivizes sloth.

Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

You've increased costs and increased demand. You've reduced supply.
How high should we let inflation get before you realize your error?

Stop complaining about the poor not paying their share of Taxes

The poor have a negative tax rate.
There is no unemployment only underpayment. Seattle and San Francisco prove that, not sloth.

There is no unemployment only underpayment

There is unemployment. It's exacerbated by overpayment.

It you mandate a $15 minimum wage, people who add less than $15/hour in value will be freshly unemployed.
in San Francisco or Seattle?

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and giga-recycling factories to help with social costs.
social democracy includes solving simple poverty; the left has solutions.
Sure they do!:cuckoo:

That's why California is the most poverty stricken state in the Union.

All the left does is maintain welfare plantations all over the country. God forbid they should encourage people to get OFF of the government teat!
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and giga-recycling factories to help with social costs.

unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States,

Quitting your job or never having one doesn't entitle you to $14 an hour. And it never will.
I have a superior argument, not an equal argument.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and giga-recycling factories to help with social costs.
Dumb question. Businesses aren't in the education business. They could be in the on the job training business for their particular field.
Talk about dumb, Read you’re own posts! There are plenty of private schools and universities, they are amongst the best in the world. But you are trying to make the point that government can’t provide education. Now you say private business aren’t in education. So please tell us how we educate the poor in our country. What’s your plan?
It's not the Federal government's job to educate people. Where did you ever get that idea? The local community can educate their children. That's their responsibility.
When you say local community do you mean the local government or something else?
The city. Could be the county in rural areas.
City and county governments, right? Is that what you’re talking about?
A cost of living adjustment, a solution for simple poverty,

An expensive handout that incentivizes sloth. Nope.
No, it doesn't. Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

Stop complaining about the poor not paying their share of Taxes, right wingers.

No, it doesn't.

Yes, it incentivizes sloth.

Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

You've increased costs and increased demand. You've reduced supply.
How high should we let inflation get before you realize your error?

Stop complaining about the poor not paying their share of Taxes

The poor have a negative tax rate.
There is no unemployment only underpayment. Seattle and San Francisco prove that, not sloth.

There is no unemployment only underpayment

There is unemployment. It's exacerbated by overpayment.

It you mandate a $15 minimum wage, people who add less than $15/hour in value will be freshly unemployed.
in San Francisco or Seattle?

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and giga-recycling factories to help with social costs.

Broken record dumb ass?
Talk about dumb, Read you’re own posts! There are plenty of private schools and universities, they are amongst the best in the world. But you are trying to make the point that government can’t provide education. Now you say private business aren’t in education. So please tell us how we educate the poor in our country. What’s your plan?
It's not the Federal government's job to educate people. Where did you ever get that idea? The local community can educate their children. That's their responsibility.
When you say local community do you mean the local government or something else?
The city. Could be the county in rural areas.
City and county governments, right? Is that what you’re talking about?
Ok good so we can get rid of you’re earlier statement that said government can’t orobide education. Government is essential to providing education. Now we can discuss how that system operates and how it can be improved. I happen to agree that the federal government should back off and give more control to local governments.

Btw. States and local governments do run the schools. The feds are involved with funding support and regulations but they don’t run the schools.
Who’s got both courage and insanity to stand by her side?

View attachment 209811
You dupes can't handle arguing facts and reality, so your brainwash from billionaires goes with idiotic character assassination as always... So why are we the only developed country and the richest country in the world, the only developed country without a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training good infrastructure Fair taxes on the rich etc etc? Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes
... Also national ID card to end illegal immigration. It's pretty obvious the GOP Loves the cheap easily bullied labor, stupid.
That didn’t even come close to answering my question. Want to try again?
You didn't like my answer. Go look up the dropout rate for Chicago high schools and get back to me.
It’s not that I didn’t lkke your answer, it’s that you didn’t answer my question. I asked how educating the poor fits into the business model of a private company. Please explain how that would work.
Dumb question. Businesses aren't in the education business. They could be in the on the job training business for their particular field.
Talk about dumb, Read you’re own posts! There are plenty of private schools and universities, they are amongst the best in the world. But you are trying to make the point that government can’t provide education. Now you say private business aren’t in education. So please tell us how we educate the poor in our country. What’s your plan?
It's not the Federal government's job to educate people. Where did you ever get that idea? The local community can educate their children. That's their responsibility.

True. I can honestly say that I don't personally give much of a damn if kids in California are ignoramuses or not, so long as kids HERE are educated and productive.
It’s not that I didn’t lkke your answer, it’s that you didn’t answer my question. I asked how educating the poor fits into the business model of a private company. Please explain how that would work.
Dumb question. Businesses aren't in the education business. They could be in the on the job training business for their particular field.
Talk about dumb, Read you’re own posts! There are plenty of private schools and universities, they are amongst the best in the world. But you are trying to make the point that government can’t provide education. Now you say private business aren’t in education. So please tell us how we educate the poor in our country. What’s your plan?
It's not the Federal government's job to educate people. Where did you ever get that idea? The local community can educate their children. That's their responsibility.
When you say local community do you mean the local government or something else?
The city. Could be the county in rural areas.

Or even the state. I can see the state having a vested interest in education standards in their own territory, and states ARE supposed to be sovereign.

You're entire theory essentially relies on a belief that "greed" only exists in "capitalist's" (the rich, wealthy, business peeps, etc) That is patently false. You can huff and puff about being "more moral" by "providing" a "good life" for every American (or human) all you want, but the reality is that people, in general, are proven to be both lazy and greedy and will take the easiest path 99% of the time. You cannot support a nation on these principles because the tax money dries up real fast when no one bothers to work.

EDIT: You can actually see the above principle in action when it comes to our public education - For example, it's not that our K-12 schools are not free and available; it's that the students drop out or fail to apply themselves to the "goal" of graduation. It's also not necessarily that the "education sucks" either, when's the last time any employer has asked any new hire about basic HS knowledge? Employers just want to see the piece of paper, the diploma, that say's Hey this kid was dedicated to graduating and put in the effort. The actual information learned in school, even college, is 90% quasi useless bullshit and 10% actual usable on the job information. They want to see proof of effort.

You are basically talking about a "Star Trek" fantasy economy, problem is we can't just replicate everything everyone needs for free. Every bit of what you want [that "quality of life"] costs money; money that won't magically appear simply because you want to do the "moral thing" for folks. EVEN if you completely got rid of the "trading money for labor" model we use, (aka straight up communism where the gov controls all jobs and shit) the gov would /still/ have to pay for many products and a foreign government which produces them (while American's sit on their asses) isn't going to accept your "moral currency" in trade - further that is an idea that 100% turns every citizen of the country into a slave of the government...

Start with this decent primer that goes fairly in depth about why supply side economics has made America one of the wealthiest nations on the planet, also touches upon how capitalism has massively reduced global poverty, which is a real and proven "morally good" argument.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and giga-recycling factories to help with social costs.

You mean a never ending circle of increased cost of living. If you increase min wage, businesses raise prices, then the folks at the bottom making min wage can't afford the "current" cost of living - requiring another increase in minimum wage. Rinse and repeat.
It's not the Federal government's job to educate people. Where did you ever get that idea? The local community can educate their children. That's their responsibility.
When you say local community do you mean the local government or something else?
The city. Could be the county in rural areas.
City and county governments, right? Is that what you’re talking about?
Ok good so we can get rid of you’re earlier statement that said government can’t orobide education. Government is essential to providing education. Now we can discuss how that system operates and how it can be improved. I happen to agree that the federal government should back off and give more control to local governments.

Btw. States and local governments do run the schools. The feds are involved with funding support and regulations but they don’t run the schools.
Well, ultimately the Federal Government does run education because of their regulations. I also want the Teacher Unions dissolved. In fact, I don’t want any unions in teaching or government at any level.
It’s not that I didn’t lkke your answer, it’s that you didn’t answer my question. I asked how educating the poor fits into the business model of a private company. Please explain how that would work.
Dumb question. Businesses aren't in the education business. They could be in the on the job training business for their particular field.
Talk about dumb, Read you’re own posts! There are plenty of private schools and universities, they are amongst the best in the world. But you are trying to make the point that government can’t provide education. Now you say private business aren’t in education. So please tell us how we educate the poor in our country. What’s your plan?
It's not the Federal government's job to educate people. Where did you ever get that idea? The local community can educate their children. That's their responsibility.
It is the responsibility of every level of government
Your opinion. I disagree with the idea of the Federal Government involvement in education.
Right now, the federal government provides ten percent of education funding with the rest at state and local levels

I’d like to see a little more
When you say local community do you mean the local government or something else?
The city. Could be the county in rural areas.
City and county governments, right? Is that what you’re talking about?
Ok good so we can get rid of you’re earlier statement that said government can’t orobide education. Government is essential to providing education. Now we can discuss how that system operates and how it can be improved. I happen to agree that the federal government should back off and give more control to local governments.

Btw. States and local governments do run the schools. The feds are involved with funding support and regulations but they don’t run the schools.
Well, ultimately the Federal Government does run education because of their regulations. I also want the Teacher Unions dissolved. In fact, I don’t want any unions in teaching or government at any level.
You gotta start living up to your name by cutting the BS, not spewing it. Businesses are also regulated by the federal government, that doesn’t mean that the government is running businesses. Saying the the feds are over regulating is a fair arguement which I agree with, but let’s be honest in our debate
When you say local community do you mean the local government or something else?
The city. Could be the county in rural areas.
City and county governments, right? Is that what you’re talking about?
Ok good so we can get rid of you’re earlier statement that said government can’t orobide education. Government is essential to providing education. Now we can discuss how that system operates and how it can be improved. I happen to agree that the federal government should back off and give more control to local governments.

Btw. States and local governments do run the schools. The feds are involved with funding support and regulations but they don’t run the schools.
Well, ultimately the Federal Government does run education because of their regulations. I also want the Teacher Unions dissolved. In fact, I don’t want any unions in teaching or government at any level.
States with union teachers perform better than those without

Unions ensure better pay and benefits. You get what you pay for
The city. Could be the county in rural areas.
City and county governments, right? Is that what you’re talking about?
Ok good so we can get rid of you’re earlier statement that said government can’t orobide education. Government is essential to providing education. Now we can discuss how that system operates and how it can be improved. I happen to agree that the federal government should back off and give more control to local governments.

Btw. States and local governments do run the schools. The feds are involved with funding support and regulations but they don’t run the schools.
Well, ultimately the Federal Government does run education because of their regulations. I also want the Teacher Unions dissolved. In fact, I don’t want any unions in teaching or government at any level.
You gotta start living up to your name by cutting the BS, not spewing it. Businesses are also regulated by the federal government, that doesn’t mean that the government is running businesses. Saying the the feds are over regulating is a fair arguement which I agree with, but let’s be honest in our debate
Oh, cut the crap about my honesty and just make your point. There are too many federal government regulations over business. Trump is doing okay on that and hopefully more will come down.
The city. Could be the county in rural areas.
City and county governments, right? Is that what you’re talking about?
Ok good so we can get rid of you’re earlier statement that said government can’t orobide education. Government is essential to providing education. Now we can discuss how that system operates and how it can be improved. I happen to agree that the federal government should back off and give more control to local governments.

Btw. States and local governments do run the schools. The feds are involved with funding support and regulations but they don’t run the schools.
Well, ultimately the Federal Government does run education because of their regulations. I also want the Teacher Unions dissolved. In fact, I don’t want any unions in teaching or government at any level.
States with union teachers perform better than those without

Unions ensure better pay and benefits. You get what you pay for
Unions ensure incompetence. We can reward good teachers without unions.

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