Who is and who is not native American???

I was born in America, am a citizen of America, have lived here all my life, will surely die here,and whatever disposition is made of my mortal remains will be made here. The same is true of all my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. My nearest immigrant ancestors are great-great-grandparents, and I have at least one ancestral line that is known to have been here since some time in the 1600s.

I am as much a native American as anyone else. To what other place could I possibly be honestly said to be native?
Repeating family lore can be repeating a family lie just as easy!
You mean like Trump saying he’s a billionaire and being afraid of releasing his taxes to prove it?
Rachel Madcow proved that true! Try again idiot!
How stupid are you. Someone from Trump’s office dropped off a short 1page copy of Trump’s tax returns right in Rachel’s mailbox the last time he paid taxes. I think the date was 2005. Ya think he’d surrender a copy where he didn’t pay any taxes?
It was just another bullshit act from a bullshit presidential coward who still won’t release his full tax returns and uses the pathetic excuse that he’s being audited where everyone knows you still can release them if being audited.
This whole Indian nonsense came about because the right said Warren used her minority status to get into Rutgers.

Let Snopes take care of this one:

The Globe obtained a portion of Warren’s application to Rutgers, which asks if prospective students want to apply for admission under the school’s Program for Minority Group Students. Warren answered “no.”For her employment documents at the University of Texas, Warren indicated that she was “white.”

The Herald has twice quoted Charles Fried, the head of the Harvard appointing committee that recommended Warren for her position in 1995, saying that the Democratic candidate’s heritage didn’t come up during the course of her hiring. “It simply played no role in the appointments process,” he said. “It was not mentioned and I didn’t mention it to the faculty.”

The Herald later quoted Fried, a former U.S. Solicitor General under President Ronald Reagan, saying, “I can state categorically that the subject of her Native American ancestry never once was mentioned.”

So once again the right is proven to be unrepentant liars.


The usual Trump cult members have brought this up today after the orange clown with the fragile ego did not pass up a chance to mock someone he considers a threat to his orangeness.

The fact is that Native American heritage is determined by the tribes THEMSELVES ...It is tribal members who determine what a blood quantum should be to be part of that particular tribe, contingent on what is called a "base roll" ....or they rely on somewhat spotty historical lineage since few records exist based on the carnage and virtual annihilation of most tribes.

It is NOT up to the idiot Trump (who once falsely claimed he was a Swede...lol) to state who is and who is not Native....and it certainly isn't u to Trump Cult members to mock someone like Warren who was simply repeating her own family lore.
INterestingly enough, my wife's family tradition was that she had Native American on her mother's side, but when she did DNA, it was all Scandinavian....
Repeating family lore can be repeating a family lie just as easy!
You mean like Trump saying he’s a billionaire and being afraid of releasing his taxes to prove it?
Rachel Madcow proved that true! Try again idiot!
How stupid are you. Someone from Trump’s office dropped off a short 1page copy of Trump’s tax returns right in her mailbox the last time he paid taxes. I think the date was 2005. Ya think he’d surrender a copy where he didn’t pay any taxes?
It was just another bullshit act from a bullshit presidential coward who still won’t release his full tax returns and uses the pathetic excuse that he’s being audited where everyone knows you still can release them if being audited.

"Who is and who is not native American???"
I'm 100% Cherokee Native....no proof necessary...I "feel" Native, therefore I am Native...that's how I want to "identify".
When can I expect my check from the tribe?
(does anyone hear how fucking pathetic I sound?)

hey, fuckhead, its the TRIBE that determines who is and who is not a member.....

Warren NEVER claimed "a check from the tribe": like your stupid example.....

Go hump a lamppost.....or go burn a cross somewhere.

Sometimes the tribe doesn't get to choose.The courts have wisely found that the descendants of slaves owned by the Cherokee have a right to tribal citizenship. I notices this monumental decision wasn't that widely reported because most people don't want to believe that First Nations always had slaves.

Court rules that descendants of black slaves owned by members of Cherokee Nation - the second biggest tribe in US - have a right to tribal citizenship
  • Court in Washington DC finds descendants of black slaves of Cherokee Nation have right to tribal citizenship
  • The black slaves descendants are known as freedmen
  • Cherokee Nation is the second biggest tribe in US and boast 317,000 citizens
  • Cherokee Nation Attorney does not plan to appeal the ruling
  • There are around 3,000 freedmen descendants today
  • Cherokee leaders had argued the tribe has the fundamental right to determine its citizens before the ruling

Read more: Cherokee Nation Freedmen have right to tribal citizenship | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
This whole Indian nonsense came about because the right said Warren used her minority status to get into Rutgers.

Let Snopes take care of this one:

The Globe obtained a portion of Warren’s application to Rutgers, which asks if prospective students want to apply for admission under the school’s Program for Minority Group Students. Warren answered “no.”For her employment documents at the University of Texas, Warren indicated that she was “white.”

The Herald has twice quoted Charles Fried, the head of the Harvard appointing committee that recommended Warren for her position in 1995, saying that the Democratic candidate’s heritage didn’t come up during the course of her hiring. “It simply played no role in the appointments process,” he said. “It was not mentioned and I didn’t mention it to the faculty.”

The Herald later quoted Fried, a former U.S. Solicitor General under President Ronald Reagan, saying, “I can state categorically that the subject of her Native American ancestry never once was mentioned.”

So once again the right is proven to be unrepentant liars.
That asshole Bear thinks the facts via Snopes is “ funny.”

Snopes is left wing. Just like PolitiFact and PunditFact.
This whole Indian nonsense came about because the right said Warren used her minority status to get into Rutgers.

Let Snopes take care of this one:

The Globe obtained a portion of Warren’s application to Rutgers, which asks if prospective students want to apply for admission under the school’s Program for Minority Group Students. Warren answered “no.”For her employment documents at the University of Texas, Warren indicated that she was “white.”

The Herald has twice quoted Charles Fried, the head of the Harvard appointing committee that recommended Warren for her position in 1995, saying that the Democratic candidate’s heritage didn’t come up during the course of her hiring. “It simply played no role in the appointments process,” he said. “It was not mentioned and I didn’t mention it to the faculty.”

The Herald later quoted Fried, a former U.S. Solicitor General under President Ronald Reagan, saying, “I can state categorically that the subject of her Native American ancestry never once was mentioned.”

So once again the right is proven to be unrepentant liars.
That asshole Bear thinks the facts via Snopes is “ funny.”

Snopes is nonsense biased bullshit
Sometimes the tribe doesn't get to choose.The courts have wisely found that the descendants of slaves owned by the Cherokee have a right to tribal citizenship. I notices this monumental decision wasn't that widely reported because most people don't want to believe that First Nations always had slaves.

No, nitwit.....Read the case..........Freedmen sued for membership because of the per capita gaming distribution
Repeating family lore can be repeating a family lie just as easy!
You mean like Trump saying he’s a billionaire and being afraid of releasing his taxes to prove it?

His taxes do not reveal his net worth, you nitwit.

They reveal income.

Trump has supplied numerous financial disclosures that confirm he is in fact a multi-billionaire. Not bad for a fat orange racist idiot who eats babies and drowns puppies eh?

His taxes do not reveal his net worth, you nitwit.

They reveal income.

Do they reveal loans???

Do they reveal loans with whom?

Do they reveal income from other countries' assets???

THAT is what's important for smarter voters to know, nitwit.
Sometimes the tribe doesn't get to choose.The courts have wisely found that the descendants of slaves owned by the Cherokee have a right to tribal citizenship. I notices this monumental decision wasn't that widely reported because most people don't want to believe that First Nations always had slaves.

No, nitwit.....Read the case..........Freedmen sued for membership because of the per capita gaming distribution

That dumb bitch warren , who Obama parroted the phrase off her " you didn't build that"

Betcha didn't know monkey breath..it was warren who originally said it ...

She will always will be known as pochantis , and it's not a slur, she wanted to pretend to be an indian..well we are respecting her fantasy land ..

giphy (5).gif
Just repeating family lore? Give me a fucking break. She was using First Nation status to procure employment.

Read post #16 Ms. Tiny Brain....Learn something rather than just reading dildo magazines

One of my very fave USMB douche bags! Throwing down the gauntlet again. She finally admitted that she told her future employers about her "heritage".

And she's STILL lying that she's First Nations. Lying fucking ****.

By Lucy Madison CBS News May 31, 2012, 2:12 PM
Warren concedes she told Harvard and Penn about Native American ancestry

CBS News) After more than a month of scrutiny surrounding Elizabeth Warren's past claims to Native American lineage, the Democratic Massachusetts Senate candidate on Thursday acknowledged for the first time that she had told several employers about her purported Cherokee heritage.

Previously, Warren had said she had been unaware that Harvard Law School touted her as a Native American employee during her tenure there.

"I think I read it on the front page of the Herald," Warren said in late April, when asked about Harvard's having promoted her purported minority status.

On Thursday, however, her campaign released a statement that would seem to contradict that claim.

"As I have confirmed before, I let people know about my Native American heritage in a national directory of law school personnel," Warren said in the statement. "At some point after I was hired by them, I also provided that information to the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard. My Native American heritage is part of who I am, I'm proud of it and I have been open about it."

Warren concedes she told Harvard and Penn about Native American ancestry
The usual Trump cult members have brought this up today after the orange clown with the fragile ego did not pass up a chance to mock someone he considers a threat to his orangeness.

The fact is that Native American heritage is determined by the tribes THEMSELVES ...It is tribal members who determine what a blood quantum should be to be part of that particular tribe, contingent on what is called a "base roll" ....or they rely on somewhat spotty historical lineage since few records exist based on the carnage and virtual annihilation of most tribes.

It is NOT up to the idiot Trump (who once falsely claimed he was a Swede...lol) to state who is and who is not Native....and it certainly isn't u to Trump Cult members to mock someone like Warren who was simply repeating her own family lore.
I see. So what your saying is its OK to lie as long as you identify as a Liberal ?
Sometimes the tribe doesn't get to choose.The courts have wisely found that the descendants of slaves owned by the Cherokee have a right to tribal citizenship. I notices this monumental decision wasn't that widely reported because most people don't want to believe that First Nations always had slaves.

No, nitwit.....Read the case..........Freedmen sued for membership because of the per capita gaming distribution

WTF? I never claimed any motive in my post.
Just repeating family lore? Give me a fucking break. She was using First Nation status to procure employment.

Read post #16 Ms. Tiny Brain....Learn something rather than just reading dildo magazines

One of my very fave USMB douche bags! Throwing down the gauntlet again. She finally admitted that she told her future employers about her "heritage".

And she's STILL lying that she's First Nations. Lying fucking ****.

By Lucy Madison CBS News May 31, 2012, 2:12 PM
Warren concedes she told Harvard and Penn about Native American ancestry

CBS News) After more than a month of scrutiny surrounding Elizabeth Warren's past claims to Native American lineage, the Democratic Massachusetts Senate candidate on Thursday acknowledged for the first time that she had told several employers about her purported Cherokee heritage.

Previously, Warren had said she had been unaware that Harvard Law School touted her as a Native American employee during her tenure there.

"I think I read it on the front page of the Herald," Warren said in late April, when asked about Harvard's having promoted her purported minority status.

On Thursday, however, her campaign released a statement that would seem to contradict that claim.

"As I have confirmed before, I let people know about my Native American heritage in a national directory of law school personnel," Warren said in the statement. "At some point after I was hired by them, I also provided that information to the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard. My Native American heritage is part of who I am, I'm proud of it and I have been open about it."

Warren concedes she told Harvard and Penn about Native American ancestry

The professor who recruited Warren to Harvard, Charles Fried, told the Associated Press earlier in the week that Warren was hired for her qualifications, not because of her ancestry.

"That's totally stupid, ignorant, uninformed and simply wrong," Fried, also a Harvard Law School professor, told the AP on Monday. "I presented her case to the faculty. I did not mention her Native American connection because I did not know about it."
"Who is and who is not native American???"
I'm 100% Cherokee Native....no proof necessary...I "feel" Native, therefore I am Native...that's how I want to "identify".
When can I expect my check from the tribe?
(does anyone hear how fucking pathetic I sound?)

hey, fuckhead, its the TRIBE that determines who is and who is not a member.....

Warren NEVER claimed "a check from the tribe": like your stupid example.....

Go hump a lamppost.....or go burn a cross somewhere.

Sometimes the tribe doesn't get to choose.The courts have wisely found that the descendants of slaves owned by the Cherokee have a right to tribal citizenship. I notices this monumental decision wasn't that widely reported because most people don't want to believe that First Nations always had slaves.

Court rules that descendants of black slaves owned by members of Cherokee Nation - the second biggest tribe in US - have a right to tribal citizenship
  • Court in Washington DC finds descendants of black slaves of Cherokee Nation have right to tribal citizenship
  • The black slaves descendants are known as freedmen
  • Cherokee Nation is the second biggest tribe in US and boast 317,000 citizens
  • Cherokee Nation Attorney does not plan to appeal the ruling
  • There are around 3,000 freedmen descendants today
  • Cherokee leaders had argued the tribe has the fundamental right to determine its citizens before the ruling

Read more: Cherokee Nation Freedmen have right to tribal citizenship | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Wait a second I really didn't pay attention to what tribe that bitch said she was a cherokee?

A fucking cherokee? My ex girlfriend was a full blooded cherokee..

God damn I hate that bitch even more..
Just repeating family lore? Give me a fucking break. She was using First Nation status to procure employment.

Read post #16 Ms. Tiny Brain....Learn something rather than just reading dildo magazines

One of my very fave USMB douche bags! Throwing down the gauntlet again. She finally admitted that she told her future employers about her "heritage".

And she's STILL lying that she's First Nations. Lying fucking ****.

By Lucy Madison CBS News May 31, 2012, 2:12 PM
Warren concedes she told Harvard and Penn about Native American ancestry

CBS News) After more than a month of scrutiny surrounding Elizabeth Warren's past claims to Native American lineage, the Democratic Massachusetts Senate candidate on Thursday acknowledged for the first time that she had told several employers about her purported Cherokee heritage.

Previously, Warren had said she had been unaware that Harvard Law School touted her as a Native American employee during her tenure there.

"I think I read it on the front page of the Herald," Warren said in late April, when asked about Harvard's having promoted her purported minority status.

On Thursday, however, her campaign released a statement that would seem to contradict that claim.

"As I have confirmed before, I let people know about my Native American heritage in a national directory of law school personnel," Warren said in the statement. "At some point after I was hired by them, I also provided that information to the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard. My Native American heritage is part of who I am, I'm proud of it and I have been open about it."

Warren concedes she told Harvard and Penn about Native American ancestry

The professor who recruited Warren to Harvard, Charles Fried, told the Associated Press earlier in the week that Warren was hired for her qualifications, not because of her ancestry.

"That's totally stupid, ignorant, uninformed and simply wrong," Fried, also a Harvard Law School professor, told the AP on Monday. "I presented her case to the faculty. I did not mention her Native American connection because I did not know about it."

Sure...but her being the token injun didn't hurt.
His taxes do not reveal his net worth, you nitwit.

They reveal income.

Do they reveal loans???

Do they reveal loans with whom?

Do they reveal income from other countries' assets???

THAT is what's important for smarter voters to know, nitwit.

Here's an idea imbecile, start by reading the 98 page financial disclosures he has filed.

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