Who is and who is not native American???

The fact is that Native American heritage is determined by the tribes THEMSELVES ...

Any tribe determine that Warren is a tribe member?

NO, Mr. fuck head.......She does NOT need for any tribe to determine who she is.....

She is NOT claiming any privileges from a tribe
She is NOT claiming that she was hired because of her heritage
She is NOT claiming that she got raises because of her heritage
She is NOT claiming that she was promoted because of her heritage

Any more stupid questions from you,Mr. fuck head?..............LOL

Stop circling the wagons around the fake Indian

Provide proof that she isn't
The fact is that Native American heritage is determined by the tribes THEMSELVES ...

Any tribe determine that Warren is a tribe member?

NO, Mr. fuck head.......She does NOT need for any tribe to determine who she is.....

She is NOT claiming any privileges from a tribe
She is NOT claiming that she was hired because of her heritage
She is NOT claiming that she got raises because of her heritage
She is NOT claiming that she was promoted because of her heritage

Any more stupid questions from you,Mr. fuck head?..............LOL

Stop circling the wagons around the fake Indian

Provide proof that she isn't

She has no Indian ancestors back into 1/32 territory. In fact, her great grandpappy Crawford actually shot an Indian
The asshole actually told Harvard she was a 'Minority.' She's a lying piece of dung. How can Democrats in good conscience defend her?

Really? Warren has high cheek bones?
By what standards?
More like average cheek bones for a British - Germanic person, which aren't very high cheek bones.

Ignorant morons repeat a lie because........well, because they're ignorant morons.

Warren NEVER claimed she had high cheek bones, ..she stated that her grandfather did.

have any pictures of her grandfather???
The fact is that Native American heritage is determined by the tribes THEMSELVES ...

Any tribe determine that Warren is a tribe member?

NO, Mr. fuck head.......She does NOT need for any tribe to determine who she is.....

She is NOT claiming any privileges from a tribe
She is NOT claiming that she was hired because of her heritage
She is NOT claiming that she got raises because of her heritage
She is NOT claiming that she was promoted because of her heritage

Any more stupid questions from you,Mr. fuck head?..............LOL

Stop circling the wagons around the fake Indian

Provide proof that she isn't

She has no Indian ancestors back into 1/32 territory. In fact, her great grandpappy Crawford actually shot an Indian

Hardly proof
Really? Warren has high cheek bones?
By what standards?
More like average cheek bones for a British - Germanic person, which aren't very high cheek bones.

Ignorant morons repeat a lie because........well, because they're ignorant morons.

Warren NEVER claimed she had high cheek bones, ..she stated that her grandfather did.

have any pictures of her grandfather???

Jake? You sure about that?
The fact is that Native American heritage is determined by the tribes THEMSELVES ...

Any tribe determine that Warren is a tribe member?

NO, Mr. fuck head.......She does NOT need for any tribe to determine who she is.....

She is NOT claiming any privileges from a tribe
She is NOT claiming that she was hired because of her heritage
She is NOT claiming that she got raises because of her heritage
She is NOT claiming that she was promoted because of her heritage

Any more stupid questions from you,Mr. fuck head?..............LOL

Stop circling the wagons around the fake Indian

Provide proof that she isn't

She has no Indian ancestors back into 1/32 territory. In fact, her great grandpappy Crawford actually shot an Indian

Hardly proof

More proof than Liz has cheekbones

Looks more like THIS...

Than THIS...

[URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F71%2F42%2F30%2F714230be30f451280f098822872f59a2.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Ffranklinzhang%2F&docid=B2NwoklDqrmVOM&tbnid=jHoyCdQYdMQfrM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwi61eWNg-TXAhVjg-AKHdKrDNAQMwhqKDswOw..i&w=400&h=519&bih=928&biw=1233&q=female%20nazi%20wearing%20nazi%20uniform%20with%20short%20hair%20and%20glasses&ved=0ahUKEwi61eWNg-TXAhVjg-AKHdKrDNAQMwhqKDswOw&iact=mrc&uact=8'][URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2F4f%2F05%2F57%2F4f0557b0dc454d77469c33c849d3552f--native-american-women-native-american-indians.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Floisschuler%2Four-women%2F&docid=T2bhW9GEBD16hM&tbnid=VsZfHtD7r7l3mM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiTkMWBhOTXAhXrcd8KHfiUAD04yAEQMwgEKAIwAg..i&w=736&h=1113&bih=928&biw=1233&q=Female%20Cherokee%20Indian&ved=0ahUKEwiTkMWBhOTXAhXrcd8KHfiUAD04yAEQMwgEKAIwAg&iact=mrc&uact=8'] [/URL]
[URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F71%2F42%2F30%2F714230be30f451280f098822872f59a2.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Ffranklinzhang%2F&docid=B2NwoklDqrmVOM&tbnid=jHoyCdQYdMQfrM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwi61eWNg-TXAhVjg-AKHdKrDNAQMwhqKDswOw..i&w=400&h=519&bih=928&biw=1233&q=female%20nazi%20wearing%20nazi%20uniform%20with%20short%20hair%20and%20glasses&ved=0ahUKEwi61eWNg-TXAhVjg-AKHdKrDNAQMwhqKDswOw&iact=mrc&uact=8'][URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2F4f%2F05%2F57%2F4f0557b0dc454d77469c33c849d3552f--native-american-women-native-american-indians.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Floisschuler%2Four-women%2F&docid=T2bhW9GEBD16hM&tbnid=VsZfHtD7r7l3mM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiTkMWBhOTXAhXrcd8KHfiUAD04yAEQMwgEKAIwAg..i&w=736&h=1113&bih=928&biw=1233&q=Female%20Cherokee%20Indian&ved=0ahUKEwiTkMWBhOTXAhXrcd8KHfiUAD04yAEQMwgEKAIwAg&iact=mrc&uact=8']Just sayin'....[/URL]
Eva Braun was Jewish; her DNA proves it. She looks Aryan, but she isn't. So you can't prove anything by the way someone looks. 25% of 'white' Americans have African-American blood and don't know it. Could be you. Have you had your DNA checked? [/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL]

[URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F71%2F42%2F30%2F714230be30f451280f098822872f59a2.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Ffranklinzhang%2F&docid=B2NwoklDqrmVOM&tbnid=jHoyCdQYdMQfrM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwi61eWNg-TXAhVjg-AKHdKrDNAQMwhqKDswOw..i&w=400&h=519&bih=928&biw=1233&q=female%20nazi%20wearing%20nazi%20uniform%20with%20short%20hair%20and%20glasses&ved=0ahUKEwi61eWNg-TXAhVjg-AKHdKrDNAQMwhqKDswOw&iact=mrc&uact=8']Adolf Hitler was a one-balled Non-Pure Aryan..... Like Warren, neither one was Native American. What's your point?
She has no Indian ancestors back into 1/32 territory. In fact, her great grandpappy Crawford actually shot an Indian

Moron, did you know that the Chief of the Cherokees is also 1/32 Cherokee???....LOL
She has no Indian ancestors back into 1/32 territory. In fact, her great grandpappy Crawford actually shot an Indian

Moron, did you know that the Chief of the Cherokees is also 1/32 Cherokee???....LOL
Jake, stop circling the wagons for the Fake Indian. She won't take a DNA test, all research shows only white ancestors. She scammed you, trade her in
Dude, I am Cherokee with scotch heritage as well. I am closer to being the long lost heir of Robert the Bruce than Warren is of being 1/32 Cherokee. :p
Jake, stop circling the wagons for the Fake Indian. She won't take a DNA test, all research shows only white ancestors. She scammed you, trade her in

Moron...Warren is a senator from Mass......."Trade her in" means what??? That Mass. will elect someone like Roy Moore?........LOL
Jake, stop circling the wagons for the Fake Indian. She won't take a DNA test, all research shows only white ancestors. She scammed you, trade her in

Moron...Warren is a senator from Mass......."Trade her in" means what??? That Mass. will elect someone like Roy Moore?........LOL

Ask her to step aside for lying about her heritage and being a total disgrace. You like that she liked about being a real American Indian?
The usual Trump cult members have brought this up today after the orange clown with the fragile ego did not pass up a chance to mock someone he considers a threat to his orangeness.

The fact is that Native American heritage is determined by the tribes THEMSELVES ...It is tribal members who determine what a blood quantum should be to be part of that particular tribe, contingent on what is called a "base roll" ....or they rely on somewhat spotty historical lineage since few records exist based on the carnage and virtual annihilation of most tribes.

It is NOT up to the idiot Trump (who once falsely claimed he was a Swede...lol) to state who is and who is not Native....and it certainly isn't u to Trump Cult members to mock someone like Warren who was simply repeating her own family lore.
She has no Indian ancestors back into 1/32 territory. In fact, her great grandpappy Crawford actually shot an Indian

Moron, did you know that the Chief of the Cherokees is also 1/32 Cherokee???....LOL
and has red hair...I know of many Cherokees you could swear were anything but Cherokee, yet the Cherokees adopted many different tribes members of other tribes into their fold...My ancestry is clouded since my great grandma had a part Cherokee background but her Cherokee grandparents wouldn't sign up for the Dawes Roll and their past is not recorded..

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