CDZ Who Is Better: Bush or Obama?

jwoo 10372276
1. Foreign policy has been a disaster. (Russia, Syria, ISIS, etc.)

What is the US policy disaster with regard to Russia?
What is the US policy disaster with regard to Syria?
What is the US policy disaster with regard to ISIS.
Don't forget-Obama's policy toward Cuba is groundbreaking and is bringing relations into the 21st century.
So many opinions and beliefs. Bush is a troublemaker. Obama is just awful. No one can be worse, than each of them.
And I wonder...Who do you hate more?
Bush was a lot more fun. I loved to watch him stumble through his news conferences.
Re: "Wrong to blame Bush for invading Iraq - Right to blame Obama for ISIS invading Iraq" being debunked.

Staid 10375927
Bush was a leader able to make tough choices and decisions regardless of public opinion and for that he should be respected. I can not fault him on the dot com collapse, implosion of the financial markets, and Iraq, due to intelligence received from the prior administration supporting the existence of WMD's, violation of the cease fire agreement, and UN resolutions.

You say you don't fault Bush due to intelligence received from the prior administration supporting the existence of WMD's. Do you actually believe that Bush decided to invade Iraq based on intelligence that was over three years old?

Was the Bush Admin lying then when they claimed to have shared all their intelligence on WMDs with the UN Security Council and inspectors prior to the invasion? They were required to do so in accordance with UN Resolution 1441. And it was reported that all WMD Intel was shared. The inspectors found no validity to any of it.
So many opinions and beliefs. Bush is a troublemaker. Obama is just awful. No one can be worse, than each of them.
And I wonder...Who do you hate more?

Six of one and half-a-dozen of the other. Two peas in a pod. Birds of a feather. Splitting images. Twins, as it were.
toxi 10372395
The things I don't blame Bush for:

The wrecked economy in 2007.
Not finding WMD's in Iraq

I will add revenue loss due to 'tax cuts for the wealthy during war time' - the 'war on terror' war- time in response to 9/11. When America is at war the wealthy always contributed more from the financing end.

Perhaps you would blame Bush if you (a) recognized the full relationship between the three events and (b) the fact that all three outcomes were largely in response to direct Bush policy decisions that were under Bush's control.
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toxi 10372395
The things I don't blame Bush for:

The wrecked economy in 2007.
Not finding WMD's in Iraq

I will add revenue loss due to 'tax cuts for the wealthy during war time' - the 'war on terror' war- time in response to 9/11. When America is at war the wealthy always contributed more from the financing end.

Perhaps you would blame Bush if you (a) recognized the full relationship between the three events and (b) the fact that all three outcomes were largely in response to direct Bush policy decisions that were under Bush's control.
I fix "blame" based on intent. Outcomes can vary for all of us, in all our affairs.
jwoo 10372276
1. Foreign policy has been a disaster. (Russia, Syria, ISIS, etc.)

What is the US policy disaster with regard to Russia?
What is the US policy disaster with regard to Syria?
What is the US policy disaster with regard to ISIS.

1. Obama cancels ABM system in Poland, tells Putin he can be "more flexible" after election. Result: Russia invades Ukraine, annexes Crimea.

2. Obama quits Iraq, withholds support for Syrian rebels, and then folds on "red line" to Hussein. Result: Increased Russian influence, rise of ISIS, invasion of Iraq.

3. See above.

Any other questions?
Bush- 1/10 Obama-5/10

Obama has improved the economy greatly, repaired our international reputation somewhat from the tatters Bush left it in, and made some strides in addressing climate change

However, he has also continued to erode the right to due process, allowed income inequality to continue to grow, and made a mess of a good thing with many stumbles in health care reform ending in a watered-down corporate-friendly bill.
Don't forget-Obama's policy toward Cuba is groundbreaking and is bringing relations into the 21st century.
There is not and never was any reason for the United States to make conciliatory approach to Cuba.
Unless the first move towards better relationship comes from Cuba, America will be the loser.
Never mind the obvious difference in love of country.
Never mind the obvious difference qualification for the office.
Never mind the unconditional support Obama had from the adoring press and the unconditional disdain GWB got from them.

Bush never threw those who raised him under the bus.
Obama did.
Bush is better.
Or more appropriately, Obama is WORSE.
Bush- 1/10 Obama-5/10

Obama has improved the economy greatly, repaired our international reputation somewhat from the tatters Bush left it in, and made some strides in addressing climate change

However, he has also continued to erode the right to due process, allowed income inequality to continue to grow, and made a mess of a good thing with many stumbles in health care reform ending in a watered-down corporate-friendly bill.

This is the typical garbage you get from the low information Obama supporter.
"improved the economy greatly"...provide specifics please...yeah.
What a joke.
The only people who have benefited from the "recovery" are the wealthiest in the nation - period. AGAIN...and I can't believe how many times I have typed this and not ONE time has an Obama supporter commented on it...
Since 2009...
The top 7% wage earners have enjoyed an unprecedented 33% earnings increase. Amazing growth,
The rest of us, the 93% of people WHO HAVE JOBS...have suffered a 5% decrease in earnings.
Now...tell me again about this "greatly improved economy"?????
I am not wild about either, tbh. Bush got us into two wars in the middle east that have almost bankrupted our economy and caused massive problems in our infrastructure, including a looming social security crisis. The economy seems to have rebounded during the Obama presidencies after tanking during the second Bush presidency, but I'm not wild about most of his policy decisions, and he hasn't delivered on a lot of his promises.
So many opinions and beliefs. Bush is a troublemaker. Obama is just awful. No one can be worse, than each of them.
And I wonder...Who do you hate more?
Failed foreign policies on the part of both presidents, along with trampling our civil rights here at home leave both presidents looking more like losers than winners.
So many opinions and beliefs. Bush is a troublemaker. Obama is just awful. No one can be worse, than each of them.
And I wonder...Who do you hate more?
Bush was a lot more fun. I loved to watch him stumble through his news conferences.
At least he gave news conferences.
As I said before, his news conferences were always fun to watch. In the first 4 years, Obama had 79 news conferences. Bush had 89 and Reagan had only 27. It's not the number of news conferences that's important, it's what the president has to say that matters.
Bush- 1/10 Obama-5/10

Obama has improved the economy greatly, repaired our international reputation somewhat from the tatters Bush left it in, and made some strides in addressing climate change

However, he has also continued to erode the right to due process, allowed income inequality to continue to grow, and made a mess of a good thing with many stumbles in health care reform ending in a watered-down corporate-friendly bill.

Yeah it's hard to find much of a bright spot in either administration.

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