CDZ Who Is Better: Bush or Obama?

Liberals are now reduced to defending Obama as no worse than Bush. Pathetic.
Liberals are now reduced to defending Obama as no worse than Bush. Pathetic.

According to recent news reports the current bonehead & chief is enjoying a much higher popularity rating then the former bonehead & chief at this stage of the game.

I'm absolutely convinced there's a lesson to be learned here for rank & file repubs. Let's hope for the good of the party they figure it out.
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The posts here indicate a strong partisan and biased attitude on the part of most posters.

According to this, they, Bush & Obama, come out about even.

Measuring Obama against the great presidents Brookings Institution

But, an important point made in the article is that Bush has risen in respect to a survey like this during his post-presidential years. He was much lower at the end of his tenure as president and right after his tenure as president. That would probably happen to Obama's ratings too, which indicates that a few years after he has left office, he will be more appreciated than he is now.

This kind of survey is, IMO, far more reliable as an understanding of either president because the people participating in the survey are "several hundred members of the American Political Science Association," experts in this area.
Obama wins by default. What president was worse than Bush? Buchanan? Benjamin Harrison? Maybe...
There is really only one way to determine who is better, people.

Two men. One basketball. Mano y mano.
Obama wins by default. What president was worse than Bush? Buchanan? Benjamin Harrison? Maybe...

Which is worse, your lack of logic or knowledge about history? Unless you attribute 9/11 to an inside job orchestrated by Bush, Obama is inarguably the most inept President in U.S. history and certainly the most divisive since the Civil War. Bush's main faults were his naive belief in Arab democracy and his failure to foresee that his successor would do everything he could to subvert our military victory in Iraq.
So many opinions and beliefs. Bush is a troublemaker. Obama is just awful. No one can be worse, than each of them.
And I wonder...Who do you hate more?

President Bush junior was better at being the worst President overall ever.

President Obama is better at having the biggest single screw up of any President ever for the Israel nuke disclosure.
Obama wins by default. What president was worse than Bush? Buchanan? Benjamin Harrison? Maybe...

Which is worse, your lack of logic or knowledge about history? Unless you attribute 9/11 to an inside job orchestrated by Bush, Obama is inarguably the most inept President in U.S. history and certainly the most divisive since the Civil War. Bush's main faults were his naive belief in Arab democracy and his failure to foresee that his successor would do everything he could to subvert our military victory in Iraq.

Bush was far too inept to have orchestrated 9/11, let alone respond to it.

Obama's main fault is in his hands-off approach, which isn't always a bad thing in an executive.
Obama wins by default. What president was worse than Bush? Buchanan? Benjamin Harrison? Maybe...

Which is worse, your lack of logic or knowledge about history? Unless you attribute 9/11 to an inside job orchestrated by Bush, Obama is inarguably the most inept President in U.S. history and certainly the most divisive since the Civil War. Bush's main faults were his naive belief in Arab democracy and his failure to foresee that his successor would do everything he could to subvert our military victory in Iraq.

bush made it known that he would complete the job his dad didn't do in Iraq if he became president. That means he would attack Iraq if he became president using his favorite word -"political capital" This was before his appointment to the presidency, and well before 9-11. Before Judge and Jury, this would be damning evidence of premeditation on the part of this psychopath.

Bush Wanted To Invade Iraq If Elected in 2000
Soon after Obama leaves office they will poll the best American historians to rate Obama as president, and at the same time rate all the presidents again. In the last poll, the Siena College poll, they asked 238 of the best American historians to rate the presidents on twenty presidential characteristics, in that poll Bush was rated fifth worst American president.
Obama wins by default. What president was worse than Bush? Buchanan? Benjamin Harrison? Maybe...

Which is worse, your lack of logic or knowledge about history? Unless you attribute 9/11 to an inside job orchestrated by Bush, Obama is inarguably the most inept President in U.S. history and certainly the most divisive since the Civil War. Bush's main faults were his naive belief in Arab democracy and his failure to foresee that his successor would do everything he could to subvert our military victory in Iraq.

bush made it known that he would complete the job his dad didn't do in Iraq if he became president. That means he would attack Iraq if he became president using his favorite word -"political capital" This was before his appointment to the presidency, and well before 9-11. Before Judge and Jury, this would be damning evidence of premeditation on the part of this psychopath.

Bush Wanted To Invade Iraq If Elected in 2000

Yeah, he appointed most of the people that signed the letter telling Clinton to do so. There was no way that they were not going there.

PNAC letters sent to President Bill Clinton
bush made it known that he would complete the job his dad didn't do in Iraq if he became president. That means he would attack Iraq if he became president using his favorite word -"political capital" This was before his appointment to the presidency, and well before 9-11. Before Judge and Jury, this would be damning evidence of premeditation on the part of this psychopath.

Bush Wanted To Invade Iraq If Elected in 2000

So Bush's greatest fault was successfully deposing Saddam Hussein? And Obama's greatest accomplishment was abandoning Iraq to ISIS and the Iranians? Speaking of psychopathic...
bush made it known that he would complete the job his dad didn't do in Iraq if he became president. That means he would attack Iraq if he became president using his favorite word -"political capital" This was before his appointment to the presidency, and well before 9-11. Before Judge and Jury, this would be damning evidence of premeditation on the part of this psychopath.

Bush Wanted To Invade Iraq If Elected in 2000

So Bush's greatest fault was successfully deposing Saddam Hussein? And Obama's greatest accomplishment was abandoning Iraq to ISIS and the Iranians? Speaking of psychopathic...

My point is bush had the intention of going after Saddam years before he became president. Sez so in my link. Also, going into Iraq was to get the WMDs, not to get Saddam. You don't seem to get that point. After no WMD's found, then the reason for being there was that Saddam was a bad guy, needed to get him to make the world a safer place etc. Didn't matter that Hussein was an ex friend of poppy and got many of his weapons from the bush syndicate.
bush made it known that he would complete the job his dad didn't do in Iraq if he became president. That means he would attack Iraq if he became president using his favorite word -"political capital" This was before his appointment to the presidency, and well before 9-11. Before Judge and Jury, this would be damning evidence of premeditation on the part of this psychopath.

Bush Wanted To Invade Iraq If Elected in 2000

So Bush's greatest fault was successfully deposing Saddam Hussein? And Obama's greatest accomplishment was abandoning Iraq to ISIS and the Iranians? Speaking of psychopathic...

My point is bush had the intention of going after Saddam years before he became president. Sez so in my link. Also, going into Iraq was to get the WMDs, not to get Saddam. You don't seem to get that point. After no WMD's found, then the reason for being there was that Saddam was a bad guy, needed to get him to make the world a safer place etc. Didn't matter that Hussein was an ex friend of poppy and got many of his weapons from the bush syndicate.

Actually, WMDs was the excuse given to the rest of the world in order to invade Iraq. There were 2 main reasons why Bush wanted to do so. First Saddam was becoming belligerent with his country's oil supply and demanding that Iraq be paid in Rials for oil the rest of the world pays dollars for. Since Iraq is a major player in global oil production, this would have devalued the US dollar (interestingly enough, that would have probably fixed the trade deficit problem). The quiet reason that the major world powers were concerned about was the nationalization of Iraqi oil supplies. Chevron, BP, Shell, and the rest would have been left beholden to the Iraqi government as to how much oil they pumped as well as what the price of that oil would be. And more importantly, their share of the proceeds would have also been dictated by Saddam. Knowing there were probably no WMDs (safe to assume given the number of UN inspections), the "Evil Axis" was the go to in order to keep Iraq on it's behind while the oil companies secured the oil. And, the best way to do that is to topple the current government and either install a puppet or a rogue guaranteed to keep the government in disarray.

Some people think that Bush was pretty dumb. I don't agree. I think that was just his public face - you don't expect much from the village idiot. From the inside out, Bush seemed to be mighty crafty. Unless the ideas came from the oil business itself...
Obama is the most destructive President in American history. He is the capstone of the radical movement that began in the 1960s and has now imbedded itself as a permanent cancer in the body politic of this country.

Are you referring to racial equality?

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