Who is confident there candidate is going to win...

I am...

  • ...confident

    Votes: 23 67.6%
  • ...not confident

    Votes: 6 17.6%
  • ...candidate-free, already a winner!

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • ...other

    Votes: 2 5.9%

  • Total voters
Kanye 2020
Kanye 2024
Kim West 2028
Kim West 2032

James West 2036


Who is confident their presidential candidate is going to win the election...
I am 100 percent positive my candidate will not win.
It is partially repaired.
I voted for Jo Jorgensen, dumbass.

Also, fix the spelling in your topic title if you really want to be taken seriously.

Sorry...I was trying to fix the poll and didn't read you were voting 3rd Party.

Good on you voting for a candidate you believe in. :thup:

I use swype on my phone and it is exceptionally good at mistaking there for their and three for the.

No need to bother a mod....I'll take my lumps on it.
Last edited:
I voted for Jorgensen, so I know she won't win.
Which is a de facto vote for Trump.

Pretty sure he's likely voting on principles.

She's not perfect, of course, but the duopoly kept her off the debate stage for a reason. They don't wanna have adult debate. They don't wanna discuss foreign policy in a meaningful way. Or spending. Or debt. Or civil liberties. Could keep going...
I voted for the Libertarian, and she will lose. Down the ballot, wherever there was a Libetarian, that is who I voted for. If there wasn't a Libertarian, I wrote in Snoopy and Woodstock alternately.

On the Measures up for a vote, if they involved a tax increase to pay for them, I voted No.

Easy peasy!

President Trump has already accomplished a whole shitload of the things that are on Jorgensen's campaign platform. You'd have been better off voting for him instead.


"Non-Stop Involvement in expensive and deadly foreign war"

"The highest imprisonment rate in the world; even higher among racial minorities and the poor"

"we need to make government smaller..."

"We need to reduce red tape and regulation so that medicine and treatments, as well as testing, can get to patients at all times..."

"I want to turn America into one giant Switzerland: Armed and neutral..."

"As President, I will work to eliminate policies that cripple economic growth..."

Issues | Jo Jorgensen Talks about the Issues | Libertarian Party Candidate
I voted for Jorgensen, so I know she won't win.
Which is a de facto vote for Trump.

Pretty sure he's likely voting on principles.

She's not perfect, of course, but the duopoly ket her off the debat stage for a reason. They don't wanna have adult debate. They don't wanna discuss foreign policy in a meaningful way. Or spending. Or civil liberties. Could keep going...
In a normal election with two candidates who respect the Constitution it wouldn't be a big deal. When one is trying to become Dictator For Life, it becomes a binary choice and every vote not cast for the person trying to save democracy is a vote for Trump.
When one is trying to become Dictator For Life, it becomes a binary choice and every vote not cast for the person trying to save democracy is a vote for Trump.

Who is trying to become a dictator for life?
Based on votes? I'm supremely confident.

So you've counted the votes already?


Who is confident their presidential candidate is going to win the election...

trump is NOT my candidate but I am confident he will find a way to steal the election.

giving me four more fun years (at least) to use my freedom of speech to constantly refer to him as a traitor who should be imprisoned!

Who is confident their presidential candidate is going to win the election...

trump is NOT my candidate but I am confident he will find a way to steal the election.

giving me four more fun years (at least) to use my freedom of speech to constantly refer to him as a traitor who should be imprisoned!
Whatever helps you sleep at night. You did hit on an interesting point. Do you believe that secretly leftists sources like CNN like him as president for story lines and ratings?

Who is confident their presidential candidate is going to win the election...

Trump will win.

The Americans will hold the Senate.

Not as confident on the house, but suspect it's going to be a bloodbath for the Communists. If so, the Americans will have every branch of government and NO EXCUSE not to perform.

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