Who is going to drop-out after this Saturday's Repub Primary debate?

If Trump dispatches the other candidates like he did in the last debate, I suspect one or a few to drop out. Their donors (puppet masters) will grow weary of throwing good money after bad.

Trump will get the nomination if the anti-trump vote is spread across multiple people. If the race comes down to Trump and one other person (say Rubio), Trump's 35% ceiling won't get it done. Trump needs a big field, so his opposition can't consolidate the non-Trump voter.

He does have the batshit crazy constituency locked up
Carson is most likely next to go followed by Kasich.

The only thing about Carson is he has tons of money. He can stay in for sport if he so desires.

Kasich will hang in as long as he can since hes really not running a competitive campaign -skipping Iowa, going lite on South Carolina. I don't know what hes thinking about Super Tuesday. OK he wins the 66 deelgates in Ohio but how much else ? I just don't see where it goes. If Rubio finishes 2 in SC or maybe even a solid 3 the so called establishment will line up behind him and there will be pressure on Kasich and Bush to get out -- and their money to their campaigns will be cut off.

Remember all the $$$ Bush has is in the Super-Pac. you cant pay staff with that for instance. it is a significant difference . Plus it just isn't working for BUsh. It just isn't. If he finishes 5 in SC it will be time for an intervention and for people to tell him -- you tried but this just aint happening

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