Who Is John Miller?

Well cereal_killer , ya don't have to go home or vote for the Democrat....but you may want to put on those flip flops and recognize how wrong you have been about your guy. Don't thank me.....thank John Miller.

It doesn't bring me joy to say this. Believe me.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

And I care about this why? I've done a lot of stupid shit in my life so I'm not one to judge. 25 years ago? :lol: :lol: Don't care.

When they dig something up that matters give me a holler. In the mean time, have fun with this ;)

Do you care about his not being honest about it this morning? Did the way he can just lie like that cause you a moment of pause?

John Miller. That's going to be an awesome interview for whoever can land him.
Not at all. I probably would have said the same thing :lol: Once I process it, I owe up to it. It's a stall tactic. You see it when prominent men get caught cheating (or regular men for that matter) They deny it at first, then cop to it.

Nope don't care. This happened 25 years ago and it was stupid of him to do it back then, but hey we've all done stupid shit (at least I have). I'm not going to stand in judgement when I've done far worse things ;)

I gotta tell ya....I really misjudged you. I thought you'd have snapped out of it by now.
Takes more than him pretending to be a publicist 25 years ago to make me "snap out of it" Who do you support by the way? Clinton?

I thought you were joking when you first started backing the guy. I couldn't believe it. You never struck me as someone who'd buy that much of a line of bullshit.

Just goes to show ya......ya never know.

Muslims celebrating in Jersey.
Climate change a Chinese hoax.
Vaccines cause autism.
Give more nations nukes.
Ban Mulsims.
Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.
Deport 11 million immigrants.

Really.........it's just too rich.
More than three debates are going to be needed. It will take three full debates for Donnie to attempt to whine and explain away his still growing obvious lists of lies.
Ahh so what. He did something stupid and was probably embarrassed. He's human and responded like most of us would. He was caught by surprise.

So it is OK to blatantly lie ... to the press because you are embarrassed ....little kids in school do not get breaks when they lie and are caught at it...however the man who wants to "lead the free world" gets a pass due to embarrassment ...gee what is he gonna do when a real crisis hits ..and for Trump to start whining about being "called out" is pathetic..after the Big bad BRUTE BULLY SAID ALL HE SAID ...he went from bully to

so one ought to not be bothered by Trump behavior 25 years ago but we ought to be worried about whether Obama was born in the US 40 what ever years ago ..get the certificate ..
Like Trump....you are cherry picking her comments. When will you nutbags stop doing that? Have you even bothered to look up the transcript of her comments when she said hat about coal miners?

Would you like me to post them here for you?
Obama has been anti-coal and the Hidabeast is right there with him. They target fossil fuels unless you live under a rock.

Complain about it while using more fuel than whole cities of people in their lavish ways and travel. Hypocrites one and all.

The coal industry has been in decline for decades. It's ironic that the death knell for the industry may come in large part from the fracking and shale oil booms creating a cheaper, cleaner alternative in natural gas.
Not much of a war on fossil fuels.

Here’s why Central Appalachia’s coal industry is dying

And that is similar to a politician seeking to artificially kill an industry how?

Imagine if Hillary had instead said" I'm going to put a lot of of car companies and their employees out of work" and then went on to explain that she meant to say that the subway is better than cars and all those employees should be retrained as subway engineers.

It's just silly.
It's not similar in any way. That's the point.
How is anyone seeking to kill an industry? It's dying on it's own. You idiots get these talking points and run with them before you even know the real story.
Wrong, the government is leaning hard on them and about a third of our power comes still from coal. This is why liberals should NEVER have power over others' lives.

You didn't even read my link. Natural gas prices are killing them. The power generators see a win win with gas. They meet cleaner standards and save money. That's the way the world is going. Coal cannot compete any longer. The coal companies should have begun diversifying years ago. The industry has been in serious decline since the 80's.
Takes more than him pretending to be a publicist 25 years ago to make me "snap out of it" Who do you support by the way? Clinton?

This is Trump today

Why are you asking me about stuff from 25 years ago, says the man who’s made clear that one of his major lines of attack against Hillary Clinton will be over stuff her husband did in the 1990s.

This Bully Cry Baby Donald Trump Called Hillary Clinton , a “nasty, mean enabler"...because Bill Clinton, not her, acted inappropriately 25 years ago...
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Takes more than him pretending to be a publicist 25 years ago to make me "snap out of it" Who do you support by the way? Clinton?

Do not forget his bold in your face dishonesty today 05/13/2016 ...if its so unimportant why is he denying it to the Nation ?
You're making a mountain out of a molehill :lol: :lol: Stop being such a drama queen.

Why is he denying it? I don't know, maybe it wasn't him? I haven't listened to it or read anything about it other than a headline that was linked. <<<That's how much I care ;)

Just as I don't give two shits about Clintons emails. I-just-don't-care. LL mentioned me and I'm responding, beyond that its not that important of a topic.

If something important and worthwhile breaks I'll be into it more.
Speaking in Ohio about her plans to revitalize coal country, Clinton said,

"We're going to put a lot of coal companies and coal miners out of business."

That comment was immediately preceded by a promise to

"invest in the clean-energy economy in those places",

and immediately followed by a pledge to

"make it clear that we don't want to forget those people."

there I broke it ALL down for you .. try not to get confused now.

Does ANY of that dispute the fact that she said "we're going to put a lot of coal companies out of business?"

Yes , or no?

If she didn't say it and mean it then why did she apologize for it? I mean besides she wanted votes in W Va.

Hillary Clinton Apologizes to Coal Country Over 'Out of Business' Comments

She had to "apologize" because her words wee take out of context in a shitload of media outlets. It's bullshit....but it is the way it is.

Stop being a damn apologist, you and I both know the dems hate coal and have waged war on it. You look like a damn fool
People dislike coal because of the impact it has on air quality, which has a huge effect on health. Pragmatically, coal has a negative impact on society economically.

Sure does. It's not good for anyone but the owners. Funny how they fight for an industry that literally kills their workers.

Black Lung Among Coal Miners At Highest Level In 40 Years
Takes more than him pretending to be a publicist 25 years ago to make me "snap out of it" Who do you support by the way? Clinton?

Do not forget his bold in your face dishonesty today 05/13/2016 ...if its so unimportant why is he denying it to the Nation ?
You're making a mountain out of a molehill :lol: :lol: Stop being such a drama queen.

Why is he denying it? I don't know, maybe it wasn't him? I haven't listened to it or read anything about it other than a headline that was linked. <<<That's how much I care ;)

Just as I don't give two shits about Clintons emails. I-just-don't-care. LL mentioned me and I'm responding, beyond that its not that important of a topic.

If something important and worthwhile breaks I'll be into it more.

stop being such a liberal softy Lol lets hold folks accountable
I will not let you know even if he shoots anyone as I do not think that falls in the "something important and worthwhile" category for an "unconditional"...does it count if its something his spouse has done like with Hillary Clinton ? :2up:

I cannot wait for Elizabeth Warren to start calling him "johnny Miller" in her tweets :badgrin:
Well cereal_killer , ya don't have to go home or vote for the Democrat....but you may want to put on those flip flops and recognize how wrong you have been about your guy. Don't thank me.....thank John Miller.

It doesn't bring me joy to say this. Believe me.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

And I care about this why? I've done a lot of stupid shit in my life so I'm not one to judge. 25 years ago? :lol: :lol: Don't care.

When they dig something up that matters give me a holler. In the mean time, have fun with this ;)

He displays the same lack of character today. Nothing has changed. The Donald loves himself more than anyone. lol

This "Johnny Barron, Johnny Miller" multiple Trump Sybil Imbroglio is now is more about the dishonesty and the lying Trump displayed today. He is crazy if he thinks they are not going to take recordings of his voice and compare them to the phone call voice recording and prove it was him...still he lied ..
Its like Watergate...it was not the "Third rate burglary" it was the cover up...

It is going to be tough for Trump to now try his "crooked Hillary" attack


Trump Hangs Up On Reporters And Hides After Being Busted As His Own Fake PR Person
Donald Trump hung on reporters in the middle of an interview and then had his secretary say that he was unable to take their call after he was asked if he ever employed "John Miller" which is one of the names that Trump used when he acted as his own fake PR person.…

A post ^^^ both funny and substantive! 'The Donald' is mindful of 'The Arnold'; remember when The Arnold first assumed the office of governor of CA, and how the crazy right wing wanted to change COTUS to allow him to run for and serve as the next POUTUS? At least until he showed how incompetent and morally objective he was to the self righteous right wing.
You know, I think that Trump really screwed the pooch today on this.

We already know he's got a really bombastic personality, so pulling something like this 25 years ago wouldn't surprise people very much.

We also love movies and situations where someone gets a leg up (in Trump's case it was getting his name out there so he could make a lasting brand), by using a bit of deceit and creativity. Working Girl, and Secret of My Success come to mind for the movies, and there are even commercials on television now where people with small businesses pretend that they are bigger than they are (one guy says he's the secretary, billing and shipping), so that they can get bigger.

We also know that lots of people these days don't trust the media much anymore, so they would love to hear about them being punked.

What Trump should have said is that he was punking the media so that he could get his brand out there and developed into being even bigger, and fooling the media was a fun way to do it.

If he had said that, people would have clapped, said what a clever man, and then it would have blown over. However, with his denial of it, I think this might be a little more of that tarnish that seems to be sticking to him now.
If you don't know that name yet....you will. He is a tremendous guy. A really good guy. And...he loves Trump. Wait till you see him interviewed on the shows. He's Trump's most eloquent...fabulously eloquent....spokesperson. Believe me!
Trump is the five-letter word for fucked. What an asshole.
EPA Rules for New and Existing Coal-Fired Power Plants: Litigation and Rulemaking Documents

EPA Rules for New and Existing Coal-Fired Power Plants: Litigation and Rulemaking Documents

The Office of the West Virginia Attorney General continues to lead the fight against EPA's rules regulating carbon dioxide emissions from new and existing coal-fired power plants. As these rulemakings have made clear, EPA is attempting to shut down existing coal-fired power plants and to stop new plants from being built. These rules will cause West Virginia coal miners to lose their jobs and West Virginians’ electricity bills to skyrocket. EPA’s actions will upset the careful balance of ensuring reliable, affordable electricity while encouraging job growth and responsible protection of the environment. Because EPA's actions are destructive to West Virginia, the Office of Attorney General is taking every reasonably necessary action to stop them.

Legal Actions Against EPA
The State of West Virginia is involved in a number of lawsuits challenging EPA's proposed and final rules regulating new and existing coal-fired power plants. The Office of Attorney General makes available here the significant filings in those actions for public access. Documents filed by the Office of the Attorney General are included in the full docket pages, and certain highlighted documents are available on this page.

State of West Virginia, et al. v. EPA, U.S. Supreme Court, No. 15A773 (Click Here for Full Docket)
On January 26, 2016, the State of West Virginia, along with the States of Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the Arizona Corporation Commission, the State of Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, the State of Mississippi Public Service Commission, the State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Attorney General Bill Schuette on behalf of the People of Michigan, and the State of Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality filed an application to stay the Clean Power Plan with the United States Supreme Court, directed to Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. as Circuit Justice for the D.C. Circuit.


The states won the case in the Supreme Court on Obama's policies to KILL COAL.............His EPA LOST...........and the decision was Won when Scalia was still alive. Make no mistake that the leftist UTOPIAN DREAM is the destruction of cheap fossil fuel energy.

Coal produces power cheap. Always has and we have a 200 year supply of it. Under the liberal policies of Obama they will cause the Nations Utility rates to RISE...........Making everyone's POWER BILL GO UP.................and then they will claim they are for the people........when they screw the very people they claim to protect.

Europe has gone down the same path..............and has caused power bills to SKYROCKET.........They want that here and have been trying to destroy these industries forever..........That is what they are good at....................DESTRUCTION.
Obama To States: Shut Down Coal Plants Or Else

The Obama administration is taking a page from their health care playbook and setting aside billions of dollars to encourage states to shut down coal-fired power plants and implement policies to fight global warming.

President Obama’s 2016 budget proposal includes $4 billion in payments to “support states exceeding the minimum requirements” mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency “for the pace and extent of carbon pollution reductions from the power sector.” States that implement EPA rules to cut emissions from power plants will be rewarded with federal funds. But states that don’t go along could get punished, argue critics.

Some highlight the Obama administration’s intent to coerce states into shuttering coal plants and cutting emissions by taking away their highway funding.

“President Obama’s EPA is executing a massive power play, attempting to coerce states into adopting draconian policies that would steeply increase the price of energy,” said Phil Kerpen, president of the conservative American Commitment. “States that don’t cooperate are being told they’ll have their federal highway funding cut off. That’s unconstitutional.”

The EPA is allowed to use highway funding to force states to comply with its mandates. Failing that, the agency can even implement its own plans in the states.
What does coal have to do with John Miller and John Baron or the bizarre and weird behaviour being exposed concerning Donald Trump?
Trump cult followers are desperate to keep this a low profile story. Even with lame attempts to kill discussions on a message board by burying the discussion with non-related noise and distractions. Lame and sad.
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