Who Is John Miller?

Trump says it's 'so low' to talk about what he did in the 1990s

Oh my God after all this Bully Bastard said about others he is breaking like a little gal ....I love it


^ More of that liberal war on women, what a misogynist.

Yes she did those were her EXACT words.

She declared that she was going to destroy the coal industry? Just like that? Please provide the link. Thanks.

No stupid she said she was going to put a lot of coal companies and a lot of coal workers out of work" do you REALLY deny that she said those words?

Come on man, OBVIOUSLY she said that. The video is all over TV and the internet. Oh of course she later tried to spin it, as she often does, but the fact remains she said these exact words

"we're going to put a lot of coal companies and a lot of coal miners out of work"

And THAT kind of shit is going to cost her. Already has in fact.

Speaking in Ohio about her plans to revitalize coal country, Clinton said,

"We're going to put a lot of coal companies and coal miners out of business."

That comment was immediately preceded by a promise to

"invest in the clean-energy economy in those places",

and immediately followed by a pledge to

"make it clear that we don't want to forget those people."

there I broke it ALL down for you .. try not to get confused now.

Does ANY of that dispute the fact that she said "we're going to put a lot of coal companies out of business?"

Yes , or no?

You are cherry picking her words out of context. It's a common tactic that dishonest people use. Have you read the transcript of the entirety of her comments?

I'm not cherry picking anything. I"m asking a straight up question. Did she or did she not say "we're going to put a lot of coal workers out of business" answer that question then we can move on to what she meant by it, but no honest discussion can take place when you dishonestly claim that she didn't even say it.
No honest discussion can be had if you are insisting on using an edited partial quote. Without the entire quote used so that your cherry picked edit can be viewed in context, your point is a distortion.

Yes she did those were her EXACT words.

She declared that she was going to destroy the coal industry? Just like that? Please provide the link. Thanks.

No stupid she said she was going to put a lot of coal companies and a lot of coal workers out of work" do you REALLY deny that she said those words?

Come on man, OBVIOUSLY she said that. The video is all over TV and the internet. Oh of course she later tried to spin it, as she often does, but the fact remains she said these exact words

"we're going to put a lot of coal companies and a lot of coal miners out of work"

And THAT kind of shit is going to cost her. Already has in fact.

Speaking in Ohio about her plans to revitalize coal country, Clinton said,

"We're going to put a lot of coal companies and coal miners out of business."

That comment was immediately preceded by a promise to

"invest in the clean-energy economy in those places",

and immediately followed by a pledge to

"make it clear that we don't want to forget those people."

there I broke it ALL down for you .. try not to get confused now.

Does ANY of that dispute the fact that she said "we're going to put a lot of coal companies out of business?"

Yes , or no?

You are cherry picking her words out of context. It's a common tactic that dishonest people use. Have you read the transcript of the entirety of her comments?

I'm not cherry picking anything. I"m asking a straight up question. Did she or did she not say "we're going to put a lot of coal workers out of business" answer that question then we can move on to what she meant by it, but no honest discussion can take place when you dishonestly claim that she didn't even say it.

Actually....those are not her exact words. You left out a couple. She said....among other things....that "we're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business".

That's not in dispute, liar. What is in dispute is that it is her desire to make people unemployed. It isn't a plan of hers to harm the people who work in the coal industry. It is a reality that those businesses are going away. She is speaking to that reality

Now....eat shit, loser.
no, and I didn't hear one damn Policy from your old Fogies running for President. don't you care about that? or just nitpicking, spreading nonsense is your only care?

ps mr trump is OLDER THAN ms hillary. :lol:

here you go, steph... enjoy!

Learn more about Hillary’s vision for America, and key policies she will fight for as president. As Hillary campaigns across the country, she'll be talking about more issues—stay tuned.

Hillary Clinton on the issues
But his CURRENT wife is much Younger. Much much younger. Humongously younger.
You'll get over it.
But you won't
Yes she did those were her EXACT words.

No stupid she said she was going to put a lot of coal companies and a lot of coal workers out of work" do you REALLY deny that she said those words?

Come on man, OBVIOUSLY she said that. The video is all over TV and the internet. Oh of course she later tried to spin it, as she often does, but the fact remains she said these exact words

"we're going to put a lot of coal companies and a lot of coal miners out of work"

And THAT kind of shit is going to cost her. Already has in fact.

Speaking in Ohio about her plans to revitalize coal country, Clinton said,

"We're going to put a lot of coal companies and coal miners out of business."

That comment was immediately preceded by a promise to

"invest in the clean-energy economy in those places",

and immediately followed by a pledge to

"make it clear that we don't want to forget those people."

there I broke it ALL down for you .. try not to get confused now.

Does ANY of that dispute the fact that she said "we're going to put a lot of coal companies out of business?"

Yes , or no?

If she didn't say it and mean it then why did she apologize for it? I mean besides she wanted votes in W Va.

Hillary Clinton Apologizes to Coal Country Over 'Out of Business' Comments

She had to "apologize" because her words wee take out of context in a shitload of media outlets. It's bullshit....but it is the way it is.

Stop being a damn apologist, you and I both know the dems hate coal and have waged war on it. You look like a damn fool

Silly nutter. We are past coal. It's so..........yesterday.
Well cereal_killer , ya don't have to go home or vote for the Democrat....but you may want to put on those flip flops and recognize how wrong you have been about your guy. Don't thank me.....thank John Miller.

It doesn't bring me joy to say this. Believe me.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

And I care about this why? I've done a lot of stupid shit in my life so I'm not one to judge. 25 years ago? :lol: :lol: Don't care.

When they dig something up that matters give me a holler. In the mean time, have fun with this ;)

Do you care about his not being honest about it this morning? Did the way he can just lie like that cause you a moment of pause?

John Miller. That's going to be an awesome interview for whoever can land him.
Not at all. I probably would have said the same thing :lol: Once I process it, I owe up to it. It's a stall tactic. You see it when prominent men get caught cheating (or regular men for that matter) They deny it at first, then cop to it.

Nope don't care. This happened 25 years ago and it was stupid of him to do it back then, but hey we've all done stupid shit (at least I have). I'm not going to stand in judgement when I've done far worse things ;)
Yes she did those were her EXACT words.

No stupid she said she was going to put a lot of coal companies and a lot of coal workers out of work" do you REALLY deny that she said those words?

Come on man, OBVIOUSLY she said that. The video is all over TV and the internet. Oh of course she later tried to spin it, as she often does, but the fact remains she said these exact words

"we're going to put a lot of coal companies and a lot of coal miners out of work"

And THAT kind of shit is going to cost her. Already has in fact.

Speaking in Ohio about her plans to revitalize coal country, Clinton said,

"We're going to put a lot of coal companies and coal miners out of business."

That comment was immediately preceded by a promise to

"invest in the clean-energy economy in those places",

and immediately followed by a pledge to

"make it clear that we don't want to forget those people."

there I broke it ALL down for you .. try not to get confused now.

Does ANY of that dispute the fact that she said "we're going to put a lot of coal companies out of business?"

Yes , or no?

If she didn't say it and mean it then why did she apologize for it? I mean besides she wanted votes in W Va.

Hillary Clinton Apologizes to Coal Country Over 'Out of Business' Comments

She had to "apologize" because her words wee take out of context in a shitload of media outlets. It's bullshit....but it is the way it is.

Stop being a damn apologist, you and I both know the dems hate coal and have waged war on it. You look like a damn fool
People dislike coal because of the impact it has on air quality, which has a huge effect on health. Pragmatically, coal has a negative impact on society economically.
And I care about this why? I've done a lot of stupid shit in my life so I'm not one to judge. 25 years ago? :lol: :lol: Don't care.

When they dig something up that matters give me a holler. In the mean time, have fun with this ;)

I would like to point out he is presently, currently, meaning today 05/13/2016 lying to you to me to the public about what he did ...Donald Trump is a shameless liar..today not 25 years ago

Trump repeatedly denied having posed as publicist John Miller. That’s moderate chutzpah, considering we can all listen to the recording and hear for ourselves that it’s Trump talking, but here’s the real deal:

"When was this, 25 years ago? Wow, you mean you’re going so low as to talk about something that took place 25 years ago about whether or not I made a phone call I guess you’d say under a presumed name … let’s get on to more current subjects."

He is saying : "forget I just lied to you..do not prove I lied using technology of voice recognition"
Well cereal_killer , ya don't have to go home or vote for the Democrat....but you may want to put on those flip flops and recognize how wrong you have been about your guy. Don't thank me.....thank John Miller.

It doesn't bring me joy to say this. Believe me.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

And I care about this why? I've done a lot of stupid shit in my life so I'm not one to judge. 25 years ago? :lol: :lol: Don't care.

When they dig something up that matters give me a holler. In the mean time, have fun with this ;)

Do you care about his not being honest about it this morning? Did the way he can just lie like that cause you a moment of pause?

John Miller. That's going to be an awesome interview for whoever can land him.
Not at all. I probably would have said the same thing :lol: Once I process it, I owe up to it. It's a stall tactic. You see it when prominent men get caught cheating (or regular men for that matter) They deny it at first, then cop to it.

Nope don't care. This happened 25 years ago and it was stupid of him to do it back then, but hey we've all done stupid shit (at least I have). I'm not going to stand in judgement when I've done far worse things ;)

I gotta tell ya....I really misjudged you. I thought you'd have snapped out of it by now.
Nope don't care. This happened 25 years ago and it was stupid of him to do it back then, but hey we've all done stupid shit (at least I have). I'm not going to stand in judgement when I've done far worse things ;)
are you a candidate for the Presidency? ..
do we want just anybody of do we want "to hire the best"for POTUS..as Trump "narcissistic serial philanderer"* says
*Ted Cruz
Speaking in Ohio about her plans to revitalize coal country, Clinton said,

"We're going to put a lot of coal companies and coal miners out of business."

That comment was immediately preceded by a promise to

"invest in the clean-energy economy in those places",

and immediately followed by a pledge to

"make it clear that we don't want to forget those people."

there I broke it ALL down for you .. try not to get confused now.

Does ANY of that dispute the fact that she said "we're going to put a lot of coal companies out of business?"

Yes , or no?

If she didn't say it and mean it then why did she apologize for it? I mean besides she wanted votes in W Va.

Hillary Clinton Apologizes to Coal Country Over 'Out of Business' Comments

She had to "apologize" because her words wee take out of context in a shitload of media outlets. It's bullshit....but it is the way it is.

Stop being a damn apologist, you and I both know the dems hate coal and have waged war on it. You look like a damn fool

Silly nutter. We are past coal. It's so..........yesterday.

You're proving my point, dumbass.
How is anyone seeking to kill an industry? It's dying on it's own.

You ignorant fuck, Hillary herself declared that she was going to destroy the coal industry.


Yes she did those were her EXACT words.

Yes she did those were her EXACT words.

She declared that she was going to destroy the coal industry? Just like that? Please provide the link. Thanks.

No stupid she said she was going to put a lot of coal companies and a lot of coal workers out of work" do you REALLY deny that she said those words?

Come on man, OBVIOUSLY she said that. The video is all over TV and the internet. Oh of course she later tried to spin it, as she often does, but the fact remains she said these exact words

"we're going to put a lot of coal companies and a lot of coal miners out of work"

And THAT kind of shit is going to cost her. Already has in fact.

Speaking in Ohio about her plans to revitalize coal country, Clinton said,

"We're going to put a lot of coal companies and coal miners out of business."

That comment was immediately preceded by a promise to

"invest in the clean-energy economy in those places",

and immediately followed by a pledge to

"make it clear that we don't want to forget those people."

there I broke it ALL down for you .. try not to get confused now.

Does ANY of that dispute the fact that she said "we're going to put a lot of coal companies out of business?"

Yes , or no?

certainly not ... but it does point out new jobs will be there to replace them. Cleaner, better jobs.

show me one miner that would rather work where cave in's exist and lung cancer is almost certain and I'll show you a man with a death wish.
And I care about this why? I've done a lot of stupid shit in my life so I'm not one to judge. 25 years ago? :lol: :lol: Don't care.

When they dig something up that matters give me a holler. In the mean time, have fun with this ;)

I would like to point out he is presently, currently, meaning today 05/13/2016 lying to you to me to the public about what he did ...Donald Trump is a shameless liar..today not 25 years ago

Trump repeatedly denied having posed as publicist John Miller. That’s moderate chutzpah, considering we can all listen to the recording and hear for ourselves that it’s Trump talking, but here’s the real deal:

"When was this, 25 years ago? Wow, you mean you’re going so low as to talk about something that took place 25 years ago about whether or not I made a phone call I guess you’d say under a presumed name … let’s get on to more current subjects."

He is saying : "forget I just lied to you..do not prove I lied using technology of voice recognition"
Ahh so what. He did something stupid and was probably embarrassed. He's human and responded like most of us would. He was caught by surprise.
Clinton lying to the American people on national TV, calling the intern a liar, only admitting the truth when DNA evidence proved he was lying, well that's water under the bridge to liberals. But Trump bragging about himself 25 years ago is a major gotcha story....riiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Hillary Clinton said no such thing ..you are just being EVIL...

If you Hillary people want to fight this out in the gutter Trump has said he's fine with that, bring it! Rush is already having a field day recycling all the Clinton's trash. :laugh:

That's the hilarious part, liberals are pissed b/c Trump is not only willing to play their game, he's like "bring it bitch"

He won't just meekly go away and be the "nice " GOP candidate they usually go after.

Hillary and her liberal pals are playing with fire. Trump has enough money to hire an army of investigators to dig up dirt on her and Bill and his many bimbo's and no inhibitions about using it.

I think they're still on assignment in Hawaii.
Does ANY of that dispute the fact that she said "we're going to put a lot of coal companies out of business?"

Yes , or no?

If she didn't say it and mean it then why did she apologize for it? I mean besides she wanted votes in W Va.

Hillary Clinton Apologizes to Coal Country Over 'Out of Business' Comments

She had to "apologize" because her words wee take out of context in a shitload of media outlets. It's bullshit....but it is the way it is.

Stop being a damn apologist, you and I both know the dems hate coal and have waged war on it. You look like a damn fool

Silly nutter. We are past coal. It's so..........yesterday.

You're proving my point, dumbass.

Well.....you'd better hope so. You don't do a good job of it yourself.

The country is passing you by. Coal is heading for the dustbin of history.
And I care about this why? I've done a lot of stupid shit in my life so I'm not one to judge. 25 years ago? :lol: :lol: Don't care.

When they dig something up that matters give me a holler. In the mean time, have fun with this ;)

I would like to point out he is presently, currently, meaning today 05/13/2016 lying to you to me to the public about what he did ...Donald Trump is a shameless liar..today not 25 years ago

Trump repeatedly denied having posed as publicist John Miller. That’s moderate chutzpah, considering we can all listen to the recording and hear for ourselves that it’s Trump talking, but here’s the real deal:

"When was this, 25 years ago? Wow, you mean you’re going so low as to talk about something that took place 25 years ago about whether or not I made a phone call I guess you’d say under a presumed name … let’s get on to more current subjects."

He is saying : "forget I just lied to you..do not prove I lied using technology of voice recognition"
Ahh so what. He did something stupid and was probably embarrassed. He's human and responded like most of us would. He was caught by surprise.

Yeah. He didn't have time to get his story straight. He'll have a better answer tomorrow. That's totally reasonable.
Well cereal_killer , ya don't have to go home or vote for the Democrat....but you may want to put on those flip flops and recognize how wrong you have been about your guy. Don't thank me.....thank John Miller.

It doesn't bring me joy to say this. Believe me.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

And I care about this why? I've done a lot of stupid shit in my life so I'm not one to judge. 25 years ago? :lol: :lol: Don't care.

When they dig something up that matters give me a holler. In the mean time, have fun with this ;)

Do you care about his not being honest about it this morning? Did the way he can just lie like that cause you a moment of pause?

John Miller. That's going to be an awesome interview for whoever can land him.
Not at all. I probably would have said the same thing :lol: Once I process it, I owe up to it. It's a stall tactic. You see it when prominent men get caught cheating (or regular men for that matter) They deny it at first, then cop to it.

Nope don't care. This happened 25 years ago and it was stupid of him to do it back then, but hey we've all done stupid shit (at least I have). I'm not going to stand in judgement when I've done far worse things ;)

I gotta tell ya....I really misjudged you. I thought you'd have snapped out of it by now.
Takes more than him pretending to be a publicist 25 years ago to make me "snap out of it" Who do you support by the way? Clinton?

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