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Who is MOST responsible for the 2016 crash of the Democratic Party?

Out of these choices, who is MOST responsible for the 2016 crash of the Democratic Party?

  • Hillary

  • Barry

  • Nancy

  • Harry

  • Fox News

  • Donald

  • Biased MSM

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So it looks like we all agree Barry is full of shit when he blames Fox News for anything that isn't perfect in his admin.

Odd that he is POTUS, yet his personal boogeyman is Fox News.
Who presided over the demolition of the Democratic party...Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. Losses so historic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beating that epic. And that's with the entire MSM lying and spinning and flying cover for these idiots. Imagine the destruction if we actually had unbiased reporting.

While moderate Democrats are on record accepting responsibility the left wing of the Democratic party are in full on denial mode blaming everything and everyone other than themselves.

Moderate Democrats who supported free trade are the ones who cost the Democrats the election.

There are no moderate Democrats, they are all far left drones like you!
My take is that the Democrats/ liberals pushed their agenda way too hard; all of them.

Telling people they will be fined for not buying something the federal government insists on, telling parents of children their school is going to be forced to have weirdos in dresses using their daughters showers and bathrooms, the gay marriage ruling denying states rights, all this talk about getting rid of guns and more regulations, the ever expanding government dependency, supporting the criminals and bashing our police officers are starting to wear us down.

The Democrat party is destroying itself. They were fooled into believing America was beginning to accept their sick agendas, when the reality is, America just liked DumBama.
I like the O.P. and have quickly answered without reading any other answers.

I think Human Nature fucked up the Democratic Party.

Sometimes Human Nature decides it wants to behave like a Lemming. And run en-masse off a clift.

That is what the Democratic Party has done, under the spell of Brack Obama, the spellbinding speaker in the empty Marx suit...assholes like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi...and the most famous coat-tail rider in history...Bill Clinton's craven wife, who refused to marry him because he lived in a Flyover State....until she flunked the D. C. Bar Exam....and realized she needed some coat-tails to ride.

"No sophism is too gross to delude minds distempered by party spirit."
Out of the choices below, who is most responsible for the Dems having the least power in Washington since the 1920s?

Soros should be on the list. He seems to be running the Dem party. He has organized all the violent riots, which has turned many people off. The fact that Obama and Hillary have refused to say anything against the rioters makes it worse. I think Soros has called the shots for quite a few years so I credit him for the problems. He got too confident and thought it was a good idea to go full speed ahead with the radical agenda. It woke people up and made people angry.

You can't blame Comey. I know some Dems think it's his fault that people don't trust Hillary but it's actually her own actions that are to blame. Comey dropped the ball when he basically laid out a good case for conviction while saying they wouldn't indict based on some "intention" rule that would only be applied to Hillary and no one else. Dems were mad because he gave a recap on the investigation but praised him when he showed favoritism.

Some people don't appreciate Hillary and Obama's lies about Benghazi. Yea, the left says that is old news. But Hillary didn't have the victim's backs and she lied. People hold that against her because it shows her true character.

There are many reasons why the Dems were largely rejected. Lack of trust from too many scandals and their willingness to take a sharp left turn against the will of most people.

I think many who voted for Hillary only cared about more government freebies and illegals want amnesty for themselves and their relatives. There are millions here who want to be able to access our welfare system. They are voting to get other people's money coming their way.
Biased msm....by far
Nah! Can't blame them. They did an excellent job. Look at the dinosaurs they had to work with!

Hillary was an AWFUL candidate. Then there's Biden, Reid and Pelosi.

It's a dying Party, but the MSM gave it their best shot!
Who is MOST responsible for the 2016 crash of the Democratic Party?

The party didn't crash. Clinton lost the EC and the Dems picked up seats in both houses.

Clinton +2.5 million votes.

In case you haven't heard, the popular vote doesn't matter, and we have no way of knowing what the results would have been if it did.

In case you haven't noticed, the premise of the thread is that the democratic party has collapsed.
Getting more votes than your opponent in the general and gaining seats in both houses of Congress is hardly a collapse.

Oh no, I heard. And getting more votes still doesn't matter. The reason many people see it as a collapse is because the Demys thought they would take back the senate because the republicans had so many more seats to defend (24-10), but the Libs couldn't do it. You seem a bit touchy about it being labeled a COLLAPSE. Prep H that ass boi, maybe the swelling will go down in a month or 2. Bwahahahahaha.

The Democrats gained seats in both the Senate and the House. In a collapse you go down, not up.
Who is MOST responsible for the 2016 crash of the Democratic Party?

The party didn't crash. Clinton lost the EC and the Dems picked up seats in both houses.

Clinton +2.5 million votes.

In case you haven't heard, the popular vote doesn't matter, and we have no way of knowing what the results would have been if it did.

In case you haven't noticed, the premise of the thread is that the democratic party has collapsed.
Getting more votes than your opponent in the general and gaining seats in both houses of Congress is hardly a collapse.

Oh no, I heard. And getting more votes still doesn't matter. The reason many people see it as a collapse is because the Demys thought they would take back the senate because the republicans had so many more seats to defend (24-10), but the Libs couldn't do it. You seem a bit touchy about it being labeled a COLLAPSE. Prep H that ass boi, maybe the swelling will go down in a month or 2. Bwahahahahaha.

The Democrats gained seats in both the Senate and the House. In a collapse you go down, not up.

They didn't go up very much. The entire Congress is Republican majority.
Who is MOST responsible for the 2016 crash of the Democratic Party?

The party didn't crash. Clinton lost the EC and the Dems picked up seats in both houses.

Clinton +2.5 million votes.
The left living in a fantasy bubble world is also a reason Democrats are insignificant now.

The fantasy is seeing a collapse. Trump barely squeaked by.

And the Supreme Court gets another conservative and the liberals will continue to riot and all the liberal salivating after Scalia's death is for not.
Who is MOST responsible for the 2016 crash of the Democratic Party?

The party didn't crash. Clinton lost the EC and the Dems picked up seats in both houses.

Clinton +2.5 million votes.

Whatever you have to tell yourself to keep from rolling up in a fetal ball, huh?

Democrats have lost from the WH to Congress to SCOTUS to state governorships to state legislatures. The DNC isn't even a regional party, it has become coastal with small pockets here and there within the nation's interior. Your bench was made up of old, rich white people in their late 60's and 70's. You have an extremely small bench as there are so few Democrats in any seat of power to draw on for future national elections. Yes, the DNC has crashed.

Democrats have won the popular vote in 6 of the last 7 general elections and Trump won with a fairly small margin. I would say the Republican are in a much bigger hole than the Dems.

Well, you're entitled to your own fantasy opinion, but not your own reality. Dems have lost power across the board national and in the states except for a number of high population urban areas. Dems do not control the majority of states or their legislatures or the US government. If you want to say the Republicans are in a bigger hole than the Dems, you're free to say it......and look like a delusional moron. Your choice.
Zero votes for FOX NEWS.

Why does the liberal hero, Obama, mention FOX NEWS as his personal boogeyman and the reason everything isn't perfect in America?

Is Obama lying?
Democrats picked up seats in both the House and the Senate, and won the popular vote by 3 million votes.

George W. Bush had better margins in both the House and the Senate in 2005, so your nonsense about "1920" is bullshit, too.

Republican Party the Strongest It's Been in 80 Years | RealClearPolitics

Let’s walk the through the sub-scores, one by one. In the state legislatures, Republicans modestly improved their positioning from the already strong position they had achieved in 2014. Their sub-score is 63.2 (again, on a scale of zero to 100). If we exclude the Reconstruction period, the Republican Party has achieved a higher score in the state legislatures in three elections: 1894 (64.7), 1904 (64.6), and 1920 (66.5).

Likewise, in the governorships, the GOP emerged from 2016 stronger than it was after 2014. This is unsurprising, since Democrats were reduced to just 16 governorships. The GOP’s sub-score of 67.3 was surpassed only in 1920 (70.8) and during the late Civil War and early Reconstruction period (1864, 1866, and 1868).
Who is MOST responsible for the 2016 crash of the Democratic Party?

The party didn't crash. Clinton lost the EC and the Dems picked up seats in both houses.

Clinton +2.5 million votes.

In case you haven't heard, the popular vote doesn't matter, and we have no way of knowing what the results would have been if it did.

In case you haven't noticed, the premise of the thread is that the democratic party has collapsed.
Getting more votes than your opponent in the general and gaining seats in both houses of Congress is hardly a collapse.

Oh no, I heard. And getting more votes still doesn't matter. The reason many people see it as a collapse is because the Demys thought they would take back the senate because the republicans had so many more seats to defend (24-10), but the Libs couldn't do it. You seem a bit touchy about it being labeled a COLLAPSE. Prep H that ass boi, maybe the swelling will go down in a month or 2. Bwahahahahaha.

The Democrats gained seats in both the Senate and the House. In a collapse you go down, not up.

You turn in a personal best in a 100 meter race, but you lost to someone else by 2 seconds. Congrats on the personal best. Sorry about losing the contest and going home empty handed. A loss is a loss. Grown ups don't do participation trophies.
Democrats picked up seats in both the House and the Senate, and won the popular vote by 3 million votes.

George W. Bush had better margins in both the House and the Senate in 2005, so your nonsense about "1920" is bullshit, too.

Republican Party the Strongest It's Been in 80 Years | RealClearPolitics

Let’s walk the through the sub-scores, one by one. In the state legislatures, Republicans modestly improved their positioning from the already strong position they had achieved in 2014. Their sub-score is 63.2 (again, on a scale of zero to 100). If we exclude the Reconstruction period, the Republican Party has achieved a higher score in the state legislatures in three elections: 1894 (64.7), 1904 (64.6), and 1920 (66.5).

Likewise, in the governorships, the GOP emerged from 2016 stronger than it was after 2014. This is unsurprising, since Democrats were reduced to just 16 governorships. The GOP’s sub-score of 67.3 was surpassed only in 1920 (70.8) and during the late Civil War and early Reconstruction period (1864, 1866, and 1868).

...and the reasons are:

Lying MSM that most intelligent people see right through.

Obama's divisive policies and rhetoric.

Hillarys awful track record of accomplishments and lies

Harry Reid's divisive rhetoric and actions

Nancy Pelosi's bubble headed ramblings

Social justice in lieu of economic prosperity

Out of the choices below, who is most responsible for the Dems having the least power in Washington since the 1920s?
It was Boooooooooooosh.

(And The Russians)

People are just simply sick and tired of dimocrap scum policies.

It's not complicated at all.

Trump said last night what I've been saying for years.... dimocraps through the EPA are KILLING Businesses.

I said in here just the other day that businesses aren't leaving this Country because of Labor Wages. Whoever says that is repeating a lie by dimocrap scum.

Companies are leaving because of the RIDICULOUS Regulations of the EPA and the Feds.

I was Up North for the first time in years this past Summer. Been in Florida for 39 years and I honestly didn't realize how bad it is up there. (getting a little tired of Florida weather)

It's terrible. What dimocrap scum have done to the once-proud people of the Great Lakes area is criminal. Long Story.

But I can tell you this -- It's a good thing Trump won. Otherwise, I believe there may have been more trouble than dimocraps could ever handle.

Thankfully, our Forefathers set up a system where we really don't need violent Revolutions.

We have a peaceful Revolution every four years.

And dimocrap scum are kicking and screaming about losing this peaceful one when they should be on their knees thanking our Founders for allowing this change to be that way.

Because change was coming. One way or the other, it was coming

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