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Who is MOST responsible for the 2016 crash of the Democratic Party?

Out of these choices, who is MOST responsible for the 2016 crash of the Democratic Party?

  • Hillary

  • Barry

  • Nancy

  • Harry

  • Fox News

  • Donald

  • Biased MSM

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People are just simply sick and tired of dimocrap scum policies.

It's not complicated at all.

Trump said last night what I've been saying for years.... dimocraps through the EPA are KILLING Businesses.

I said in here just the other day that businesses aren't leaving this Country because of Labor Wages. Whoever says that is repeating a lie by dimocrap scum.

Companies are leaving because of the RIDICULOUS Regulations of the EPA and the Feds.

I was Up North for the first time in years this past Summer. Been in Florida for 39 years and I honestly didn't realize how bad it is up there. (getting a little tired of Florida weather)

It's terrible. What dimocrap scum have done to the once-proud people of the Great Lakes area is criminal. Long Story.

But I can tell you this -- It's a good thing Trump won. Otherwise, I believe there may have been more trouble than dimocraps could ever handle.

Thankfully, our Forefathers set up a system where we really don't need violent Revolutions.

We have a peaceful Revolution every four years.

And dimocrap scum are kicking and screaming about losing this peaceful one when they should be on their knees thanking our Founders for allowing this change to be that way.

Because change was coming. One way or the other, it was coming

Democrats don't give a shit about America other than fleecing it for money and power.

Taking a look at inner city Chicago is absolute evidence of this. Rahm and Obama could stop the violence at any time, but they didn't want to derail the gravy train.

Dems are more racist than anyone...and now they have the least power they have had since the 1920s.

Well done, Dems!
Democrats picked up seats in both the House and the Senate, and won the popular vote by 3 million votes.

George W. Bush had better margins in both the House and the Senate in 2005, so your nonsense about "1920" is bullshit, too.

You idiot leftists who still bring up the PV are just unreal. No one ran for that, give up the butt hurt. You lost. NO ONE RAN FOR THE POPULAR VOTE. Can you hear me now? In the big blue States, the Democrats are a machine and there are tens of millions of Republicans with no Presidential election reason to show up. It's like a midterm to them. And BTW, she won by 2 million, not 3. Democrats didn't leave anything on the table, Republicans could have dwarfed that if they had a reason to show up.

Clinton's lead in the popular vote surpasses 2 million

As for the Senate, that was an amazing Republican victory. Obviously you didn't really dig into the election. Look at the details of seats being defended by both parties.

You do have a point on the House specifically in the 2016 election, though Democrats bled seats for the last two elections and are way, way behind where they were after the 2008 election
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Lets see.........

Hillary Clinton got more votes.......but Trump is President
Democratic Senators got more votes than Republican Senators.....but Republicans control the Senate
Democratic Congressmen got more votes than Republicans ....but Republicans rule the House

It all comes down to Minority Rule
Lets see.........

Hillary Clinton got more votes.......but Trump is President
Democratic Senators got more votes than Republican Senators.....but Republicans control the Senate
Democratic Congressmen got more votes than Republicans ....but Republicans rule the House

It all comes down to Minority Rule
Hillary Clinton got more votes.......but Trump is President
Popular vote determines the presidency?

Republican Senators.....but Republicans control the Senate

Democratic Congressmen got more votes than Republicans ....but Republicans rule the House
Zero votes for FOX NEWS.

Why does the liberal hero, Obama, mention FOX NEWS as his personal boogeyman and the reason everything isn't perfect in America?

Is Obama lying?

I'd have voted for it, I haven't voted. I didn't like the connotation. I'd have said alternative news. The MSM has lost it's death grip on the news cycle, people hear other news and it's killing the Democrats both in terms of their butt hurt obsession with having an all liberal media and in terms of it's working.

The problem with phrasing the choice as "FoxNews" though is it sounds like the liberal butt hurt specifically against Fox, which isn't what I would have meant by voting that
Democrats don't give a shit about America other than fleecing it for money and power.

Taking a look at inner city Chicago is absolute evidence of this. Rahm and Obama could stop the violence at any time, but they didn't want to derail the gravy train.

Dems are more racist than anyone...and now they have the least power they have had since the 1920s.

Well done, Dems!

dimocraps have always been racist scum. For their first 150 years, they favored Whites over Blacks.

In 1964, LBJ and MLK came to an agreement when dimocrap scum discovered that there are more Blacks than there are racist Whites.

They cast aside the KKK (Robert Byrd, Hugo Black, Harry Truman, Algore Sr, etc, etc) which seriously pissed the KKK off, and embraced Blacks.

They knew that the South would eventually change from the 'Solid South' to Republican because of their treachery but they also knew it would take many years.

So dimocrap scum started moving Rural Blacks to the North so they could immediately vote (Voting Rights Act) and our Cities are showing the results of that to this day.

So dimocrap scum simply moved Blacks from the Southern Plantations to the Northern Plantations of the Inner City. And they're really not much better off today than they were 50 years ago. A few are. Maybe more than a few. But that speaks more to the individuals than it does to anything dimocrap FILTH did for them

dimocraps are racist scum. Always have been. Always will be.

the dimocrap party should be erased from Planet's surface.

Lets see.........

Hillary Clinton got more votes.......but Trump is President
Democratic Senators got more votes than Republican Senators.....but Republicans control the Senate
Democratic Congressmen got more votes than Republicans ....but Republicans rule the House

It all comes down to Minority Rule
Hillary Clinton got more votes.......but Trump is President
Popular vote determines the presidency?

Republican Senators.....but Republicans control the Senate

Democratic Congressmen got more votes than Republicans ....but Republicans rule the House

PV only determines the Presidency when Democrats win the PV and lose the EV.

It's like Gerrymandering. Democrats did it everywhere as they controlled most State legislatures and just ignored any criticism. Now that Republicans control most State legislatures, they scream like a stuck pig about it as if it's a standard to them. They had decades of my life to change it and did zero
Who is MOST responsible for the 2016 crash of the Democratic Party?


Who is MOST responsible for the 2016 Presidential Election LOSS?

Who is MOST responsible for the 2016 crash of the Democratic Party?

The party didn't crash. Clinton lost the EC and the Dems picked up seats in both houses.

Clinton +2.5 million votes.

In case you haven't heard, the popular vote doesn't matter, and we have no way of knowing what the results would have been if it did.

In case you haven't noticed, the premise of the thread is that the democratic party has collapsed.
Getting more votes than your opponent in the general and gaining seats in both houses of Congress is hardly a collapse.

Oh no, I heard. And getting more votes still doesn't matter. The reason many people see it as a collapse is because the Demys thought they would take back the senate because the republicans had so many more seats to defend (24-10), but the Libs couldn't do it. You seem a bit touchy about it being labeled a COLLAPSE. Prep H that ass boi, maybe the swelling will go down in a month or 2. Bwahahahahaha.

The Democrats gained seats in both the Senate and the House. In a collapse you go down, not up.

You turn in a personal best in a 100 meter race, but you lost to someone else by 2 seconds. Congrats on the personal best. Sorry about losing the contest and going home empty handed. A loss is a loss. Grown ups don't do participation trophies.

A collapse? You're an idiot.
Lets see.........

Hillary Clinton got more votes.......but Trump is President
Democratic Senators got more votes than Republican Senators.....but Republicans control the Senate
Democratic Congressmen got more votes than Republicans ....but Republicans rule the House

It all comes down to Minority Rule

Of course dimocrap SCUM are going to get the Popular Vote when they allow Illegals and the dead to vote for them.

In Kalifornation, (and other dimocrap SCUM States) Illegals are allowed/encouraged to have Driver Licenses. Because of Bill The Rapist Clinton's "Motor Voter" law they are immediately registered to vote by simply checking a box.... Which, in Kalifornication is often checked for them.

the dimocrap SCUM party is criminal organization.


Blog: Could California’s illegal voter registration drive torpedo Hillary’s carefully laid plans for victory?

In February 2016, the California governor and legislature did something rather outlandish. They made a law (2015 Motor Voter Law) that allows all California illegals to apply for a driver’s license. This law combined with 2013 Assembly Bill 60 (automatic voter registration when getting a driver's license) effectively results in allowing illegals to vote, because having a license now automatically registers "eligible" voters to vote in California.

Well, perhaps. Therein lies the rub.
Lets see.........

Hillary Clinton got more votes.......but Trump is President
Democratic Senators got more votes than Republican Senators.....but Republicans control the Senate
Democratic Congressmen got more votes than Republicans ....but Republicans rule the House

It all comes down to Minority Rule

No, it doesn't. The Democrats are the minority, and trust me, they aren't going to rule anything for quite a while.
Lets see.........

Hillary Clinton got more votes.......but Trump is President
Democratic Senators got more votes than Republican Senators.....but Republicans control the Senate
Democratic Congressmen got more votes than Republicans ....but Republicans rule the House

It all comes down to Minority Rule

Of course dimocrap SCUM are going to get the Popular Vote when they allow Illegals and the dead to vote for them.

In Kalifornation, (and other dimocrap SCUM States) Illegals are allowed/encouraged to have Driver Licenses. Because of Bill The Rapist Clinton's "Motor Voter" law they are immediately registered to vote by simply checking a box.... Which, in Kalifornication is often checked for them.

the dimocrap SCUM party is criminal organization.


Blog: Could California’s illegal voter registration drive torpedo Hillary’s carefully laid plans for victory?

In February 2016, the California governor and legislature did something rather outlandish. They made a law (2015 Motor Voter Law) that allows all California illegals to apply for a driver’s license. This law combined with 2013 Assembly Bill 60 (automatic voter registration when getting a driver's license) effectively results in allowing illegals to vote, because having a license now automatically registers "eligible" voters to vote in California.

Well, perhaps. Therein lies the rub.

Yet you can't point to a single case of Illegals voting in the last election

Comrade Oompa Loompa could not have won without Putin pulling strings
Yet you can't point to a single case of Illegals voting in the last election

Comrade Oompa Loompa could not have won without Putin pulling strings

You dirtbags crack me up.

You scream bloody murder that, "The Russians Hacked The Vote!!" and in the same breath stomp your feet and hold your breath because Ubercunt won the Popular Vote.

dimocraps are scum

It's just that simple

In case you're too stupid to know -- Our Elections are through a Secret Ballot

In case you haven't heard, the popular vote doesn't matter, and we have no way of knowing what the results would have been if it did.

In case you haven't noticed, the premise of the thread is that the democratic party has collapsed.
Getting more votes than your opponent in the general and gaining seats in both houses of Congress is hardly a collapse.

Oh no, I heard. And getting more votes still doesn't matter. The reason many people see it as a collapse is because the Demys thought they would take back the senate because the republicans had so many more seats to defend (24-10), but the Libs couldn't do it. You seem a bit touchy about it being labeled a COLLAPSE. Prep H that ass boi, maybe the swelling will go down in a month or 2. Bwahahahahaha.

The Democrats gained seats in both the Senate and the House. In a collapse you go down, not up.

You turn in a personal best in a 100 meter race, but you lost to someone else by 2 seconds. Congrats on the personal best. Sorry about losing the contest and going home empty handed. A loss is a loss. Grown ups don't do participation trophies.

A collapse? You're an idiot.

Parse it any way you want to help yourself sleep at night. The bottom line is that Obama, Pelosi and Reid decimated the DNC's power for years to come. You've gone from being a national party to a coastal party. You have a small handful of governors and state legislators to draw from for national elections. You overreached by convincing yourselves that you understood America best when in reality you were just telling America what you believed was best for them. They finally had enough and rebelled. You don't have to believe the truth if you don't want to, but you'll keep getting the same results if you keep trying the same thing.

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