WHO is now PRAISING Sweden's refusal to lock down!!!

If this wasn't so tragic for the world, it would be funny. We need to go back to common sense and stop listening to these "experts" who keep changing their minds. Fuck them. I'm not wearing a mask, I'm not getting the vaccine, and I've gone out every god damn day and will continue to do so. These morons have TOTALLY screwed us. We should have done what Sweden did, which is exactly what the WHO is saying now.

SWEDEN HAS THE 9TH highest number of deaths per capita from coronavirus on the planet! Sweden is the perfect example of what not to do!
I would guess the actual rank for Sweden is no worse than 10th, since communist china is obviously lying about their number of deaths
If this wasn't so tragic for the world, it would be funny. We need to go back to common sense and stop listening to these "experts" who keep changing their minds. Fuck them. I'm not wearing a mask, I'm not getting the vaccine, and I've gone out every god damn day and will continue to do so. These morons have TOTALLY screwed us. We should have done what Sweden did, which is exactly what the WHO is saying now.

Dear MarathonMike: That works for Sweden that has CLOSED BORDERS
and a homogeneous population that is PRO SWEDEN and doesn't have minority populations
trying to undercut the country's sovereignty by overburdening the govt and bringing it down.

Internally of the 100 hospitals, 85 are regional govt (including 7 university/research hospitals that are specialized)
and the rest are private.

The equivalent of Sweden (pop. 10M) cannot be compared with
330M across 50 sovereign states in the US.
If you want to compare Texas at 29M, that still would mean separate cities or counties controlling their own borders
and monitoring their own hospital capacities, so our MEDICAL systems would have to be
INDEPENDENT and self-sufficient first, and THEN you can decide per LOCALE how to manage
your own population WITHOUT affecting the health care systems of other places outside that jursidiction.

SET IT UP FIRST, and then you CAN stop overreaching govt from outside dictating whether to shut down.

If you want to be able to have your own policy locally, then your county or district
would need to organize your medical, school, businesses and law enforcement
to operate as an independent township. Maybe 4-5 million would be the ideal max.

Go for it. I think we are heading toward independent self-governing districts
in order to stop the overreliance and overreach of federal govt that should be
reserved for only the functions that CAN'T be localized and managed better that way.

The pandemic measures SHOULD belong to federal govt, as part of national catastrophic emergencies
affecting national security, but not all the other ongoing social services better managed by state and local programs to meet population demands
WITHOUT relying on federal govt.
If this wasn't so tragic for the world, it would be funny. We need to go back to common sense and stop listening to these "experts" who keep changing their minds. Fuck them. I'm not wearing a mask, I'm not getting the vaccine, and I've gone out every god damn day and will continue to do so. These morons have TOTALLY screwed us. We should have done what Sweden did, which is exactly what the WHO is saying now.

Well no he didn't say anything of the sort:

Dr. Michael Ryan: (41:16)
Thank you. I think two things here. I think there’s a perception out there that Sweden has not put in place control measures and has just allowed the disease to spread. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sweden has put in place a very strong public health policy around physical distancing, around caring and protecting for people in long-term facilities and many of the things. What it has done differently is that it’s very much relied on its relationship with its citizenry, and the ability and willingness of citizens to implement physical distancing and to self regulate, if you want to use that word. In that sense, they’ve implemented public policy through that partnership with the population.
Dr. Michael Ryan: (44:52)
But again, I wanted just to emphasize, Sweden has not avoided controlling COVID-19. It’s taken a very strong, strategic approach to controlling COVID-19 across all of the elements of society. What it has done differently is it really, really has trusted its own communities to implement that physical distancing. That is something that remains to be seen whether that will be fully successful or not.
If this wasn't so tragic for the world, it would be funny. We need to go back to common sense and stop listening to these "experts" who keep changing their minds. Fuck them. I'm not wearing a mask, I'm not getting the vaccine, and I've gone out every god damn day and will continue to do so. These morons have TOTALLY screwed us. We should have done what Sweden did, which is exactly what the WHO is saying now.

SWEDEN HAS THE 9TH highest number of deaths per capita from coronavirus on the planet! Sweden is the perfect example of what not to do!
I would guess the actual rank for Sweden is no worse than 10th, since communist china is obviously lying about their number of deaths

Unfortunately for you, you don't get to just take data for one country and make up your own for another, do you. If you were a reporter that would have to be called "stupidity".
Dr. Michael Ryan: (41:16)
Thank you. I think two things here. I think there’s a perception out there that Sweden has not put in place control measures and has just allowed the disease to spread. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sweden has put in place a very strong public health policy around physical distancing, around caring and protecting for people in long-term facilities and many of the things. What it has done differently is that it’s very much relied on its relationship with its citizenry, and the ability and willingness of citizens to implement physical distancing and to self regulate, if you want to use that word. In that sense, they’ve implemented public policy through that partnership with the population.
Dr. Michael Ryan: (44:52)
But again, I wanted just to emphasize, Sweden has not avoided controlling COVID-19. It’s taken a very strong, strategic approach to controlling COVID-19 across all of the elements of society. What it has done differently is it really, really has trusted its own communities to implement that physical distancing. That is something that remains to be seen whether that will be fully successful or not.
And it is my impression that this is what the first phase of reopening our economy is like.
Let businesses open with social distancing policies self emplimented, and churches also.
Let people come out that are healthy and not in a vulnerable category.
Let commerce resume with voluntary compliance. There is no need to mandate all businesses remain closed and the jobs lost.
If this wasn't so tragic for the world, it would be funny. We need to go back to common sense and stop listening to these "experts" who keep changing their minds. Fuck them. I'm not wearing a mask, I'm not getting the vaccine, and I've gone out every god damn day and will continue to do so. These morons have TOTALLY screwed us. We should have done what Sweden did, which is exactly what the WHO is saying now.

SWEDEN HAS THE 9TH highest number of deaths per capita from coronavirus on the planet! Sweden is the perfect example of what not to do!
Ok so now you agree with President Trump who just yesterday criticized Sweden's approach to the virus, I think that is why the WHO praised Sweden
If this wasn't so tragic for the world, it would be funny. We need to go back to common sense and stop listening to these "experts" who keep changing their minds. Fuck them. I'm not wearing a mask, I'm not getting the vaccine, and I've gone out every god damn day and will continue to do so. These morons have TOTALLY screwed us. We should have done what Sweden did, which is exactly what the WHO is saying now.

SWEDEN HAS THE 9TH highest number of deaths per capita from coronavirus on the planet! Sweden is the perfect example of what not to do!
I would guess the actual rank for Sweden is no worse than 10th, since communist china is obviously lying about their number of deaths

Unfortunately for you, you don't get to just take data for one country and make up your own for another, do you. If you were a reporter that would have to be called "stupidity".
China is claiming laughably low numbers that only a liberal would believe
If this wasn't so tragic for the world, it would be funny. We need to go back to common sense and stop listening to these "experts" who keep changing their minds. Fuck them. I'm not wearing a mask, I'm not getting the vaccine, and I've gone out every god damn day and will continue to do so. These morons have TOTALLY screwed us. We should have done what Sweden did, which is exactly what the WHO is saying now.

SWEDEN HAS THE 9TH highest number of deaths per capita from coronavirus on the planet! Sweden is the perfect example of what not to do!
I would guess the actual rank for Sweden is no worse than 10th, since communist china is obviously lying about their number of deaths

Unfortunately for you, you don't get to just take data for one country and make up your own for another, do you. If you were a reporter that would have to be called "stupidity".
China is claiming laughably low numbers that only a liberal would believe

Holding that governmental power derives from the consent of the governed rather than an authoritarian hierarchy of clergy and aristocracy has nothing to do with "numbers". Again --- SHOW YOUR SOURCE if you have one. Big IF there.
Again --- SHOW YOUR SOURCE if you have one. Big IF there.
China is a communist dictatorship

so accurate information about deaths from the virus is impossible to obtain

maybe you believe that only 4,600 chinese have died but hardly anyone except the WHO believes them
Again --- SHOW YOUR SOURCE if you have one. Big IF there.
China is a communist dictatorship

so accurate information about deaths from the virus is impossible to obtain

maybe you believe that only 4,600 chinese have died but hardly anyone except the WHO believes them

I don't know the figures, and neither do you. The difference between us is that I don't claim to know what I don't. There are known unknowns, things we know we don't know. This is one of them.

Meanwhile national economic systems have nothing to do with the credulity of said numbers. This country isn't communist, nor were France, Germany or the UK a century ago, yet ALL of them lied about that pandemic.
Meanwhile national economic systems have nothing to do with the credulity of said numbers.
China is a communist dictatorship

thats one of the most vile political systems ever conjured up by man

they lie because everything they do is political
Who gives a fuck about sweden?
They don't have a US constitution and that document got thrown in the fucking garbage. As always. And YOU statist faggots supported it.
Yonews? How legitimate is this source?

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
Faeroe Islands18718433,8276,963142,500

What's your point???


"Point" indeed. A point of comparison, with its neighbours.
You mean that Sweden values freedom?
Dear MarathonMike: That works for Sweden that has CLOSED BORDERS

Dear emilynghiem

Sweden did not close it's borders.
Dear MeBelle
To clarify what i was referring to combining other sources (1) Sweden had restrictions that specified countries and work purposes and (2) Sweden is already situated where it doesn't need the same border secuirity measures the US does. Thanks for letting me clarify this, about the reference to having closed borders "in comparison with US borders" Thanks!
Who gives a fuck about sweden?
They don't have a US constitution and that document got thrown in the fucking garbage. As always. And YOU statist faggots supported it.

"Statist faggots supported the Constitution".... ?

:dunno: Not at all sure what to make of that one. Are you referring to their apparel?

Last edited:
Meanwhile national economic systems have nothing to do with the credulity of said numbers.
China is a communist dictatorship

thats one of the most vile political systems ever conjured up by man

they lie because everything they do is political

Unfortunately for your ill logic, it's actually an economic system, but neither economic systems nor political ones have jack friggety shit to do with a national government lying about a pandemic.

Again --- see France, Germany, the UK and the US, 1918. They were even fighting each other yet were all on the same page as far as lying about the pandemic. That fact is not going away.
Unfortunately for your ill logic, it's actually an economic system, but neither economic systems nor political ones have jack friggety shit to do with a national government lying about a pandemic.
You could not be more wrong

china is a nationalist dictatorship dedicated to becoming the worlds dominant superpower

it began as a communist system but has since evolved into fascism

china lied to the world in part to save face, and I suspect in a calculated move to make the rest of the world suffer as much as china

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