Who is Ray Eps?

You can have any background and work for the FBI. Al Sharpton did.
It would make no sense for this far right person to work to harm the movement he's a part of. Sharpton's work with the FBI was to take down a mafia family (I was not aware of this, thanks for bringing it up).
It would make no sense for this far right person to work to harm the movement he's a part of. Sharpton's work with the FBI was to take down a mafia family (I was not aware of this, thanks for bringing it up).
one word...Undercover....
Not inside but at the door waving the people in...acting as a rebel rouser.....many began shouting fed at him....watch the video....
I looked through the Revolver piece, there's nothing about him at the door waving the people in.
It would make no sense for this far right person to work to harm the movement he's a part of. Sharpton's work with the FBI was to take down a mafia family (I was not aware of this, thanks for bringing it up).
He could have been with the FBI back then too. They are not offering any information on him, are they?
He could have been with the FBI back then too. They are not offering any information on him, are they?
That's going back like 10 years. That's some really deep cover.

What do you mean offering information? He well could still be under investigation but not able to file charges at this time. We won't know for some time because the DoJ does not talk about ongoing investigations and it generally doesn't (or shouldn't) talk about private citizens who are not being charged with crimes. That's not unusual, that's how the DoJ should operate.
Some news about this I heard on the radio this morning...I'm not claiming any of it to be true but it is all over the internet today....
It is, because the right wing media is all over the internet and they love a good conspiracy theory that can absolve them of their sins.

The worst thing I've seen is that Epps is seen on Jan 5th saying we need to get into the Capitol. However, that's probably not enough to get him on incitement given that the statement itself does not call for violence.
As were dozens of others who were removed when no evidence surfaced to indict
Why are you working so hard to make it so this guy wasnt involved in any way? From the videos he's clearly trying to get people to go into the capitol you know the worst thing to happen since the civil war. At a minimum the FBI and DOJ should want to question this guy and his connection to the planning and coordination of the capitol insurrection no? Assuming he's not a Fed.
That's going back like 10 years. That's some really deep cover.

What do you mean offering information? He well could still be under investigation but not able to file charges at this time. We won't know for some time because the DoJ does not talk about ongoing investigations and it generally doesn't (or shouldn't) talk about private citizens who are not being charged with crimes. That's not unusual, that's how the DoJ should operate.
Considering the fact that the FBI has scrubbed every reference to him should tell you something. Admittedly, not much gets through to you.
Considering the fact that the FBI has scrubbed every reference to him should tell you something. Admittedly, not much gets through to you.
How many references did they scrub? Is it more than two photos on a website that currently lists 1500?
Meet Ray Epps:
The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears To Have Led The Very First 1/6 Attack On The U.S. Capitol
25 Oct 2021
In a House hearing on Thursday, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) questioned AG Merrick Garland about a mysterious man, Ray Epps, instructing protesters to enter the US Capitol building on January 5, and who later shepherded crowds towards the Capitol on January 6.



For your edification, we matched FBI Suspect Photo #16 to the timestamp 0:48 of the full barricade breach source video:
You’ll be shocked, then, to learn that the Oath Keepers sport an eye-poppingly long history of FBI infiltration.
And lo and below, Ray Epps and Oath Keepers kingpin Stewart Rhodes are old pals in the organization. In fact, Stewart Rhodes was Ray Epps’s old boss. Back in 2011-2012, Epps was the Arizona state chapter leader of the Oath Keepers — the biggest Oath Keepers chapter in the country — while Rhodes was and remains the national leader. (See, e.g., archived proof of Epps as Arizona Oath Keeper President here, here and here.) Reason Magazine’s Radley Balko even interviewed Ray Epps while Epps was running the Arizona Oath Keepers a decade ago:
This week I also spoke with Ray Epps, a retired Marine sergeant from Mesa, Arizona and president of the Arizona chapter of Oath Keepers, the controversial organization of police and military personnel who have vowed not to enforce laws they believe are unconstitutional. After hearing about Guerena’s death, Epps drove to Tucson to investigate.​
Oddly, Stewart Rhodes’s website OathKeepers.org deleted several historical blog posts featuring events run by Ray Epps, where Epps was listed as both President and Press Contact.

The case of “mere” Federal foreknowledge of the so-called “siege on the Capitol” is bad enough, and amounts to a national scandal in its own right. Indeed, if elements of the federal government knew in advance of conspiracies to “siege the Capitol” or otherwise disrupt the Senate proceeding on 1/6, the natural question arises as to why they did nothing to stop it. Given that the government and their allies in the Regime media have framed 1/6 as a 9/11-caliber domestic terror event, the possibility that elements of the federal government knew about it in advance, and yet sat back and let it happen for political purposes, is incredibly damning. This would amount to nothing less than the government conspiring, for the most malicious of political reasons, to falsely cast tens of millions of law-abiding patriotic Americans as domestic terrorists.
Given the magnitude of its implications, it is well worth repeating that federal foreknowledge is a virtual certainty. Just weeks ago the New York Times itself begrudgingly acknowledged the presence of a Proud Boys militia member and informant who was texting his FBI handler thought the entire day on 1/6, as well as several days in advance. The Times notes that the presence of this informant, and likely many more, suggests that “federal law enforcement had a far greater visibility into the assault on the Capitol, even as it was taking place, than was previously known.”

There is an overabundance of compelling evidence that FBI was a key provocateur in the direct and immediate degree of federal involvement in the breach of the Capitol itself.
We don’t expect a straight answer from AG Garland or Director Wray on this matter just yet, and neither should we. Such answers only come with sufficient pressure, and such pressure only arises from repeated exposure and objective reporting of the truth.





Considering the Feds approached Jeremy Brown and others before the rally to work for them, why would it be a surprise if they approached Epps too?
Imagine working for the FBI to destroy your country. Your LEO and Military buddies will end up being killed as other countries gain more power.

Lol, you quoted gateway pundit as if it was a source!
Why are you working so hard to make it so this guy wasnt involved in any way? From the videos he's clearly trying to get people to go into the capitol you know the worst thing to happen since the civil war. At a minimum the FBI and DOJ should want to question this guy and his connection to the planning and coordination of the capitol insurrection no? Assuming he's not a Fed.
LOTS of Trumpers urged Magarats to do that. Hundreds. Thousands. TRUMP DID THAT

Why am I pushing back? Because you are trying to put the responsibility for what happened on the FBI and not where it belongs.

On Trump… his people… and his minions
Depends on just where you sit..Buffy. Acting as Agents Provocateur is sleazy---stopping bad acts before they happen...is good stuff. How the FBI got the Mafia was as sleazy an operation as you can imagine..but it did break their backs.
If you're planning treason..or just a bank robbery..the guy next to you MIGHT just be your ticket to a cell. If the guy who is selling you a 'clean' weapon is a snitch--maybe he's saving lives?
This is called deterrence Skippy..and is good policing, from where I sit.
Where are you sitting? In a cesspool?

Ray Epps is the living smoking gun and proof that the feds were inciting a riot at the Capitol.

Suck on the truth, asshole! See how it tastes to you.

You think you can justify this by comparing Trump patriots to the Mafia? You can't.

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