Who is Ray Eps?

feel free to find the answers and link them back to us.
Well I know for damn sure that if it was Trump or any other republican that allowed them in or gave the order to allow them in, the D’s and their media would have blasted that evidence all over the place, yet we’ve seen nothing. You don’t think that’s odd?
You have no clue...

Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night. Sorry I do not have the details etched into my mind, the marathon was far more important. I can give you vivid details about it if you would like.
Well I know for damn sure that if it was Trump or any other republican that allowed them in or gave the order to allow them in, the D’s and their media would have blasted that evidence all over the place, yet we’ve seen nothing. You don’t think that’s odd?
geez dude, the entire fucking world is "odd" these days. but getting emotional and raging around on either side isn't going to help get us past this.
Well I know for damn sure that if it was Trump or any other republican that allowed them in or gave the order to allow them in, the D’s and their media would have blasted that evidence all over the place, yet we’ve seen nothing. You don’t think that’s odd?

There is no evidence either way as to who let them in, it is all just speculations. Yet each side is convinced they have it right....once again...two sides of the same coin.
geez dude, the entire fucking world is "odd" these days. but getting emotional and raging around on either side isn't going to help get us past this.

I think it is a mistake to assume people want to get past this. A lot of people thrive on the hate and the division.
in all fairness, did he think they *were* going to do anything? i agree the optics are not exactly clean when he says PROTECT MY PEEPS, but given the climate and attacks that happen from whatever violent groups are out there, that alone isn't a condemnation.

odd, yes. but i need the whole story and not bits and pieces from a self-serving media. reuters is usually pretty good so i am digging there. others get emotional in their stories and those are editorials, not news.

The latest "story" to come out of this is that the organizers and members of Congress met and coordinated the event prior to Jan 6th. Right now it is just hearsay, but will be interesting to see if anything comes of it
The FBI has always done this, from the Civil Rights movement, the Anti-war movement, The John Birch Society, The KKK, the Mafia and on and on. They consider it good policing.

I found a Moonbat for ya:

View attachment 556373
The Deep State, aka FBI, does not go after lefties

And no, they dont have a right to incite a riot so that they can arrest the rioters
geez dude, the entire fucking world is "odd" these days. but getting emotional and raging around on either side isn't going to help get us past this.
So that’s your response, the whole world is odd? Lol. Where have I ‘raged’ about anything?

Talk about diversionary tactics, why don’t you address what I said instead?
There is no evidence either way as to who let them in, it is all just speculations. Yet each side is convinced they have it right....once again...two sides of the same coin.
There are cameras everywhere, you seriously think that if Pelosi in any way could connect that to Trump or other R’s, she wouldn’t have done so long ago?? 😂 She wouldn’t have released the evidence?
The latest "story" to come out of this is that the organizers and members of Congress met and coordinated the event prior to Jan 6th. Right now it is just hearsay, but will be interesting to see if anything comes of it
yea, i would love the WHOLE story that both sides are not telling. i agree things got way out of hand but if we have feds in there egging 'em on and antifa photographers doing what they traditionally do, who knows who really fired the first shot, so to speak.

something tells me it was encouraged to give us this big event to be all upset about. did trump get "set up" - well, only if he was dumb enough to walk into it. but given no one has been charged with insurrection at this point, i believe they're simply making examples of this because that's what they do.
There are cameras everywhere, you seriously think that if Pelosi in any way could connect that to Trump or other R’s, she wouldn’t have done so long ago?? 😂 She wouldn’t have released the evidence?

I think if either side and any solid evidence they would be blasting it 24/7...there is no difference in the two sides.
Now you want to get past it? Lol interesting...
um...he clearly was talking to me about thinking people want to get past it. the fact you attack him cause you're pretty much used to it really proves his point and discredits my notion that people *do* want to stop being angry all the time.
So that’s your response, the whole world is odd? Lol. Where have I ‘raged’ about anything?

Talk about diversionary tactics, why don’t you address what I said instead?
yes. where have you raged at all. gonna be hard to find this item on the scavenger hunts.

(x) blind rage

maybe not.
I think if either side and any solid evidence they would be blasting it 24/7...there is no difference in the two sides.
I agree with you on the last comment, but you’ve never addressed how those people were going to stop the certification or take over the government?

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