Who is Ray Eps?

It's also pretty hard to believe that a devout member of the Oath Keepers would be willing to go along with the supposed instructions from the DoJ to instigate a riot.

Proving incitement to riot is not easy. For starters, I haven't seen any video of Epps actually promoting violence. There are videos of him saying we need to get into the capitol but no statements from him that actually states anything about violence.
Hardly the issue. MANY people encouraged others to break the law and did not do so themselves. To my knowledge none have been charged.

I have seen no evidence that Epps was working for the FBI. I HAVE seen evidence that he is an Oath Keeper
It's also pretty hard to believe that a devout member of the Oath Keepers would be willing to go along with the supposed instructions from the DoJ to instigate a riot.

Proving incitement to riot is not easy. For starters, I haven't seen any video of Epps actually promoting violence. There are videos of him saying we need to get into the capitol but no statements from him that actually states anything about violence.
I should be amazed that you’re so dishonest as to have vilified Trump for doing the same, but defending this guy because his actions are being questioned by conservatives, but I’m not. Just more examples of how disingenuous leftists are.
Yes, Trump got scared and hid in the basement. And the fucking coward did not even take his wife and kid with him.

Nobody got close to the White House. Not a single person breached the fences even, let alone got close to the building.
You dont actually think Presidents get to make those decisions do you? If there's a credible threat they are taken away by the SS and it's not up for debate. He likely wasnt even really briefed until he was secured. Presidents get to call lots of shots but that aint one of them.
You dont actually think Presidents get to make those decisions do you? If there's a credible threat they are taken away by the SS and it's not up for debate. He likely wasnt even really briefed until he was secured. Presidents get to call lots of shots but that aint one of them.

I do agree the POTUS could not stop it from happening, but I also think he could make it happen at his request.
So you meant it as a compliment then?
Just a random comment and reference. Not a compliment or insult.

When I'm tired of talking to some people I tend to say "night John boy" cause I'm done. No insult, just a comment.
Hardly the issue. MANY people encouraged others to break the law and did not do so themselves. To my knowledge none have been charged.

I have seen no evidence that Epps was working for the FBI. I HAVE seen evidence that he is an Oath Keeper
Part of the accusation centers around why hasn't Epps been charged.

I don't see how they could sustain charges against him based solely on what we know.
I should be amazed that you’re so dishonest as to have vilified Trump for doing the same, but defending this guy because his actions are being questioned by conservatives, but I’m not. Just more examples of how disingenuous leftists are.
Trump hasn't been charged either and I've stated in the past that Trump does not violate the statute for incitement.

Thing is, I hold Trump to a higher standard than the mere letter of the law. I think we all should.
Trump hasn't been charged either and I've stated in the past that Trump does not violate the statute for incitement.

Thing is, I hold Trump to a higher standard than the mere letter of the law. I think we all should.
would that you held the left to a higher standard also.
Well, for starters we don’t elect people like Trump who peddle a massive lie like the stolen election.
isn't that what RUSSIA was all about for 4 years? hell, hillary still says she won.

now - this will be fun to watch you squirm and come up with a shitload of yEa BUts!

so i'll reiterate - would that you held YOUR SIDE to the same standards you hold others to. but no, you're just a useless excuse machine.
Part of the accusation centers around why hasn't Epps been charged.

I don't see how they could sustain charges against him based solely on what we know.
he was #16 on the most wanted list for like 6 months. Did the feds really not know for 6 months that the #16 most wanted on their 1/6 list didnt commit a crime and wasnt a person of interest? According to the Revolver article (no idea how accurate that is) was ID'd inside a few weeks of being put on the most wanted list with his name address all his social media accounts etc. The guy is probably a fed and it looks like (if what they say in the article is true) he probably stepped over the line.

FWIW if the Fed's didnt realize that the #16 on their most wanted list didnt commit a crime for 6 months that's another problem that probably should addressed.

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